Ana Wagener

Ana Wagener

출생 : 1962-01-01, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain


Ana Álvarez Wagener (born 1962) is a Spanish actress. She is known for Biutiful, The Invisible Guest and The Sleeping Voice.

프로필 사진

Ana Wagener

참여 작품

Te estoy amando locamente
Seville, 1977. At a time when homosexuality is a crime, Reme, a traditional mother moved by the love of her son, an adolescent aspiring artist, will become involved in the Andalusian LGTBI movement, paradoxically born in the bosom of the Church.
댄싱 온 글래스
주연을 맡게 된 부담감에 짓눌린 발레리나와 그녀와 친구가 된 새로운 단원. 두 사람은 현실 세계에서 점점 멀어져 둘만의 고립된 우정 속으로 빠져든다.
인비저블 가디언: 그들을 데려가는 자
Fina Hidalgo
잠자던 젖먹이 아기가 돌연 사망한 사건을 수사하는 살라사르 형사. 아기 아버지는 숨진 딸아이의 시신을 몰래 훔쳐 달아나려 하고, 사건에 대한 의문은 꼬리에 꼬리를 문다. 《인비저블 가디언》 3부작의 마지막 이야기.
In a desperate attempt to reach Europe and crouched before an airstrip in Cameroon, a six-year-old boy and his older sister wait to sneak into the holds of an airplane. Not too far away, an environmental activist contemplates the terrible image of an elephant, dead and fangless. Not only do you have to fight against poaching, but you will also have to meet the problems of your newly arrived daughter from Spain. Thousands of kilometers to the north, in Melilla, a group of civil guards prepare to face the furious crowd of sub-Saharan people who have begun the assault on the fence. Three stories linked by a central theme, in which none of its protagonists know that their destinies are doomed to cross and that their lives will no longer be the same.
인비저블 가디언: 뼈의 유산
Fina Hidalgo
1년 후, 살라사르는 살인범을 법정에 세우기 무섭게 새로운 소용돌이에 휘말린다. 범인이 그녀에게 남긴 쪽지엔 의문의 한 단어뿐―타르탈로. 신성 모독 사건까지 일어나자 경위는 다시 부름을 받는다. 그녀를 바스탄으로 이끄는 자 누구인가.
폭풍의 시간
Inspector Dimas
폭풍우가 치던 밤, 25년 전의 과거와 연결된 베라. 그녀는 죽을 운명이던 소년을 살리지만 그 대가로 딸을 잃고 만다. 주어진 시간은 하루. 모든 것을 되돌릴 수 있을까...
당신의 아들
잔인한 폭행으로 사경을 헤매는 아들, 대체 무슨 일이 있었던 걸까? 의사 하이메가 무능한 경찰을 대신해, 복수의 칼을 빼 든다. 반드시 응징하리라 아버지의 이름으로
더 게이트
La Ceballos
전 국민에게 촉망받던 유능한 정치가 마누엘. 그의 카리스마와 호화로운 삶 이면에는 부정부패한 권력이 숨어있었다. 결국, 마누엘과 그가 속한 정당의 비리가 폭로되고, 최악의 정치 스캔들이 터진다. 그러나 함께하던 당원들이 그에게 등을 돌리기 시작하고, 마누엘은 어느덧 모든 비리를 덮어쓸 희생양이 될 위기에 처하는데… 그들의 왕국이 무너지기 시작했다!
La princesa Paca
Emilia Pardo Bazán
The story of Francisca Sánchez del Pozo, " Paca ", and the Prince of letters, the Nicaraguan Rubén Darío. In 1956, Francisca Sánchez, married to José Villacastín, and already in the twilight of her life, receives in Navalsaúz two writers, Antonio Oliver and Carmen Conde.
인비저블 게스트
의문의 습격으로 살해 당한 ‘로라’ ‘아드리안’은 연인의 죽음에 절망하고, 범인은 흔적도 없이 사라졌다. 유력한 용의자로 누명을 쓴 ‘아드리안’은 승률 100%의 변호사 ‘버지니아’를 선임한다. 그리고 자신의 무죄를 입증하기 위해 고군분투하던 중 과거 그와 ‘로라’가 은폐한 교통사고와 숨겨진 연관성을 찾게 되는데… 남은 시간은 단 3시간, 사건을 재구성해 무죄를 입증해야 한다!
La española inglesa
Mistress of the Robes
In 1596, a Spanish girl, Isabel, is kidnapped by the English during the Capture of Cádiz and sent to England, where, already an adult woman, she falls in love with her kidnapper's son.
Hidden Away
At the age of 14 the world around you changes at a dizzying speed. But what if actually it's you that changing? What if these changes take you away from what up until now, has been your world? Ibrahim and Rafa are going to suffer these changes for themselves, experiencing first love in a way they never could have imagined. And having to keep it Hidden away.
Fènix 11-23
In the fall of 2004, Eric Bertrand, a 14 years , created a website inspired by "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" to defend the Catalan language. One night, thirty civil guards of anti-terrorist squad Madrid, burst into his home and accused of terrorist computer. His crime: send a mail asking about supermarkets labeling in Catalan.
What the Eye Doesn't See
All families have secrets and lies, and at some point everyone has thought of confessing everything. But when? How? One by one? Suddenly at a family reunion? Today, on Christmas Eve, it doesn't seem to be the best moment. On Christmas Eve you must enjoy yourself, because Santa Claus is coming, because children are there. Tonight, the secrets are whispered and lies are floating in the air. But who cares about another small lie, it will be the last one. Tomorrow, yes, tomorrow we will tell her everything. So, grandma, Merry Christmas.
The Perfect Stranger
The mysterious arrival of a foreigner to a small village in a Mediterranean island, awake the sudden interest from a diverse group of residents, who will appear unexpectedly in the stranger's life, believing that he's going to reopen an old shop. In contrast, the real intentions of the stranger are hidden behind an old Polaroid photo, which has led him to that place in search of answers.
더 슬리핑 보이스
Finished the Spanish Civil War in April 1939, in November 1940, while Spain is being crushed by the ruthless boot of dictator Franco, Pepita travels from rural Huelva to Madrid to be near her sister Hortensia, who is seven months pregnant and imprisoned, haunted by the shadow of a death sentence.
나는 마약을 사고 팔고 밀입국자들을 짝퉁가방 공장에 알선하는 인력브로커다. 고질병 때문에 찾아간 병원에서 암이란다. 남은 시간 3개월… 엄마의 우울증 때문에 못난 아빠와 함께 사는 나의 착한 두 아이는, 아직 어리다. 죽은 자와 대화할 수 있는 나의 특별한 능력은… 불행히도 나의 죽음을 보게 한다. 너무나 많은 이들에게 끔찍한 죄를 저질렀다. 마지막 순간, 실패한 인생이라 불릴 것이다. 하지만 내가 태어나기도 전에 죽은 얼굴도 모르는 아버지를 여전히 그리워하는 것처럼, 험한 세상에 남겨질 나의 아이들에게는 좋은 기억을, ‘아름다운’ 세상을 선물하고 싶다. 3개월 한달 하루 한 시간 일분… 나의 아이들아, 미안하다… 그럼에도 불구하고.. 살아야 한다.
키드넵: 한밤의 침입자
어느 날 들이닥친 한 가족의 불행! 왜 우리일까? 왜 우리죠? 아빠 제이미(페르난도 카요 분), 엄마 마르타(안나 와게너 분)그리고 딸 아이사(마누엘라 벨레즈 분), 세 명은 이제 막 이사를 온 단란한 가족이다. 제이미는 이사를 하는 동안 일꾼들에게 차 열쇠를 맡기는데 그날 밤에 일꾼들은 강도로 무장해 아이사의 집으로 침입을 한다. 돈을 원하는 강도들은 신용카드와 현금을 빼앗고, 은행에 있는 돈까지 요구한다. 강도들은 마르타와 아이사를 인질로 잡고 제이미를 끌고 현금을 인출하러 나간다. 강도들이 절대 자신들을 순순히 놓아주지 않을 거라는 걸 깨달은 제이미는 일부러 차 사고를 내 강도를 기절시키고 집으로 돌아간다. 마르타와 아이사를 감시하던 강도들은 순찰을 온 경관까지 살해하고 아이사를 겁탈하지만 결국 아이사에게 죽임을 당한다. 남아있던 강도는 금품을 챙겨 도망가고 무사히 집으로 돌아온 제이미는 가족들이 무사하다는 것을 알고 안도한다. 하지만 안도의 순간 또 다른 공포의 순간이 이들 가족을 덮치려 하는데…
My Prison Yard
In Madrid, a petty thief who cannot adjust to life outside of jail puts together a theater troupe her friends -- a prostitute, a gypsy, and a Colombian immigrant -- in an attempt to make a go at a relatively straight life.
Rated R
Female House Cleaner
Madrid, Spain, 1975. Sandra, Lina and Eva are three beautiful women who work as actresses in erotic movies. After meeting during a shoot, they become friends and begin to share experiences, concerns and successes in an era of increasing openness, although true freedom is still far away and demands a price hard to pay.
8 Dates
Four women are waiting for the blue circle and a possible change of their lives.
다크 블루
Jorge is a young man whose plans for the future are put on hold when his father has a stroke. For seven years, he diligently nurses his father and works as a janitor while studying part time to get a business degree.When Natalia, his childhood crush, returns from a stint studying abroad, Jorge begins to yearn for something better. He is desperate to find a new and better job, but finds that no one will hire him because he has experience only as a janitor. Antonio, Jorge’s older brother, soon to be released from jail, is an opportunist who has never gotten along with their father. In prison, at a theater workshop, Antonio meets Paula, a beautiful young woman in jail on drug charges. Paula has a problem because she flirted with another inmate's boyfriend.
Vida y color
The director of an institute tries to persuade a new pupil to remove her hijab. The young woman resists.
Sleeping luck
Begoña Castilla
Amparo, a lawyer working as an advisor in an insurance company in Madrid is grieving over a traumatic event in her past. She will have to react, however, to the world surrounding her when a young man of her acquaintance dies mysteriously while working in a mine. Amparo will take over his case and discover in the process a world of corruption and illegal measures taken by the company that the young man worked for.
Las voces de la noche
Spain, fifties. In a town grew around a living factory Jorge (Tristan Ulloa), the youngest son of the founder, and Elisa (Laia Marull), daughter of accounting. The two live with their families and are able to endure the monotony of their lives because they spend the afternoon on Wednesdays and Saturdays at a hotel in the city. This secret life together is essential for both. The small room in the city where encounters occur has become the only place where they can be themselves. That little space, a little sinister, find it more cozy, warm and near the home of Elisa gorgeous, spoiled by the mother, or the great house of George, full of family memories. Both are aware of the type of relationship they have created, and not demand more. Until Elisa decides to break the rules.
A woman, sick of self-destructive character from her junkie daughter, decides to change their situation when she stays at the kitchen.
Torremolinos 73
Set in 1973 Spain, a struggling encyclopedia salesman and his wife take advantage of an offer to make adult films. The act turns him into an aspring legit filmmaker and her into an international sex symbol.
Kisses for Everyone
Three students are sent by their families to Cadiz in 1965, his last chance to pass and become what is expected of them. The appearance of some dancers disrupts their commitments: boys lose the course and girls, their work. But together they learn to decide their future.
엘 볼라
폭력적인 아버지, 어려운 가정 환경 속에서도 꿋꿋이 살아가는 12살 소년 파블로. 어느날 파블로의 학교에 알프레도가 전학을 온 뒤 파블로는 알프레도와 친해진다. 하지만 파블로가 알프레도의 가족과도 가까워지자 파블로의 아버지는 아들에게 가혹한 폭력을 행사한다. 2001년 고야상 작품상, 신인감독상, 각본상, 신인배우상(후안 호세 발레스타) 수상.
Romance and murder walk side by side in this psychological drama from Spain. A serial killer has been plying his grisly trade in a small town in Spain, murdering young girls and leaving their bodies in a nearby forest.
Los invitados
A murder is committed in a small village of Andalusia.