Roy Gordon

Roy Gordon

출생 : 1894-10-18, Beaver Village, Pike County, Ohio, USA

사망 : 1972-07-23

프로필 사진

Roy Gordon

참여 작품

루이자의 선택
Minister (uncredited)
루이자(셜리 맥클레인 분)는 2억 달러의 재산을 가진 미망인이다. 그녀는 결혼하는 남자들마다 바로 죽어 버려 점점 부자가 되어 버린 신기한 운명의 여자. 자신이 저주받았다고 생각하고 자신의 전재산을 정부에 기부하려고 하는 루이자는 자신의 이야기를 정신과 의사인 스티븐슨(로버트 커밍스 분)에게 털어놓는다. 루이자의 이야기는 젊었을 때로 돌아간다. 당시 루이자는 돈 많은 바람둥이 레너드 크롤리(딘 마틴 분)와 가난하지만 점잖은 에드가 호퍼(딕 반 다이크 분) 중 한 남자를 택해야 하는 상황에 있었다. 그녀는 에드가를 택했고 에드가는 루이자에게 좋은 집과 풍족한 삶을 제공하기 위해 열심히 일해 부자가 된다. 하지만 그런 과정에서 그는 과로로 숨지게 되고 낙담한 루이자는 파리로 떠난다. 파리에서 고국을 떠나 살고 있는 미국인 화가 래리 플린트(폴 뉴먼 분)와 사랑을 하게된다. 래리는 소리를 이용해 그림을 그리는 기계를 만들어 엄청난 부자가 되는데 그 역시 유명세를 탄 후 곧 죽는다. 루이자는 다시 미국으로 돌아와 로드(로버트 미첨 분)와 결혼해서 자신의 불운을 깨 보려고 한다. 로드는 사업계의 거물로 이미 많은 돈을 가지고 있다. 루이자와 결혼한 로드는 좀더 편안한 생활을 위해 농부가 되기로 결심하지만 황소와 부딪쳐 목숨을 잃게 된다. 루이자는 절망에 빠져 어느 날 밤 허름한 술집에서 2류 배우인 제리(진 켈리 분)를 만난다. 그들은 결혼하고 루이자 덕에 부자가 된 제리는 스타가 되는데...
Hand of Death
Dr. Frederick Ramsey
A scientist spills a new serum in his lab, accidentally inhales its fumes, and turns into a murderous monster who kills anyone he touches.
All in a Night's Work
After the sudden death of magazine publisher Colonel Ryder, his nephew, Tony inherits the magazine and has big plans to expand it. While negotiating a loan from the bank, Tony gets a call from a detective surrounding his uncle's death. It turns out Colonel Ryder died in his hotel room with a smile on his face and a young woman was seen fleeing his room wearing only a towel. Suspicious of this woman and afraid the magazine's wholesome image may be tarnished and their loan denied, Tony asks the detective to stick around and find her.
까다로운 여자
Paul Thompson
The head of a major cosmetics company experiments on herself with a youth formula made from royal jelly extracted from wasps, but the formula's side effects have deadly consequences.
더 피어메이커스
Sen. Walder
A Korean War veteran returns to Washington D.C. only to discover his business partner had died and their public-research business sold, so he works there undercover to find out the truth.
워 오브 더 콜로살 비스트
Mayor of Los Angeles
Glenn Manning, "The Amazing Colossal Man," believed dead after falling from the Hoover Dam, reemerges in rural Mexico, brain damaged, disfigured, and very angry.
50피트 우먼
Dr. Isaac Cushing
When an abused wife grows to giant size because of an alien encounter and an aborted murder attempt, she goes after her cheating husband with revenge on her mind.
War of the Satellites
The President
An "unknown force" declares war against planet Earth when the United Nations disobeys warnings to cease and desist in its attempts at assembling the first satellite in the atmosphere.
Zero Hour!
Frank Graham
In 1950s Canada, during a commercial flight, the pilots and some passengers suffer food poisoning, thus forcing an ex-WW2 fighter pilot to try to land the airliner in heavy fog.
The Unearthly
Dr. Loren Wright
Mad doctor uses patients at his isolated psychiatric institute as subjects in his attempts to create longevity by surgically installing an artificial gland in their skulls, with disastrous results.
The Iron Sheriff
Frontier peacekeeper Sheriff Galt faces a crisis of conscience in The Iron Sheriff. In the aftermath of a robbery-murder, Galt follows the trail of evidence directly to his own son, Benjie. Sworn to uphold the law at all costs, Galt is grimly determined to see that Benjie will receive a fair trial without any coercion on his part. But the townsfolk have already decided that the sheriff will try to spring the boy, and a lynch-mob mentality slows festers its way through the community. As the trial proceeds, it becomes obvious that Benjie is going to hang for his alleged crime, but there's still one or two surprises in store.
Former Coastguardsmen Jim Benson is about to lose his boat when a couple approaches him for a fishing charter. Jim departs just ahead of the Sherrif with drunken Shanks, and his companion Sally (Gates). Shanks takes off into a small Mexican village after a fight with Jim, stranding both Sally and him with no money. Two local men hear of Jim's plight, and offer him money to smuggle a batch of illegal aliens, called Wetbacks, into the U.S. He agrees but is blackmailed into continuing to run the smuggling operation. Afraid, Jim decides to make a run for it, but someone close to him reveals themselves as a US Immigration agent and asks him to assist them in shutting down the smugglers for good.
The Gun That Won the West
Colonel Carrington
In the late 1880s, Colonel Carrington and his command are assigned the job of constructing a chain of forts in the Sious Indian territory of Wyoming. Carrington recruits former cavalry scouts Jim Bridger and "Dakota Jack" Gaines to lead the project. Bridger and Gaines are friendly with Sioux chief Red Cloud, and they feel a peace treaty with the Indians can be made. If an Indian-war breaks out, the cavalry is depending on getting a new type of Springfield rifle. Bridger, Gaines and Gaines wife, Maxine, arrive at the fort for the conference. Gaines, in a drunken fit, tries to intimidate the Indians unto signing a treaty. Chied Red Fox threatens war if his territory is invaded by any troops building forts.
Murder Is My Beat
Mr. Dean's body is found face down in the fireplace, burned beyond recognition. Nightclub-singer Eden Lane is convicted of the crime. She is escorted to prison by one of the arresting detectives when she convinces him that she just spotted the murderer outside their train.
빅 콤보
다이아몬드 형사는 암흑가 조직의 두목 브라운을 감옥에 보내기 위해 끈질기게 브라운을 조사하고 있다. 그는 이를 위해 브라운의 애인 수잔에게 접근하는 한편, 현재 생사가 불분명한 브라운의 전 애인 알리샤의 행적을 쫓는다. (2017년 한국시네마테크협의회 - 다크 시티: 필름 누아르 특별전)
Silver Lode
Dr. Elmwood
Dan Ballard, a respected citizen in the western town of Silver Lode, has his wedding interrupted by four men led by Ned McCarty, an old acquaintance who, as a US Marshal, arrests Ballard for the murder of his brother and the theft of $20,000. Ballard seeks to stall McCarty while tracking down evidence that will prove his innocence.
Paris Playboys
Senior UN Official
Sach is the exact double of a famous French scientist who has invented a powerful rocket fuel. Enemy agents, mistaking Sach for the scientist, attempt to kidnap him and get the formula for the fuel.
So This Is Love
Otto Kahn
Film biography of opera star Grace Moore, released in 1953.
The Vanquished
Doctor Colfax
A man returns to his home -- a post Civil-War village -- and finds the law is in the hands of a few scrupulous people.
Dr. Tyrus
Lamas plays an indentured servant who rises to power in Georgia shortly after the Revolutionary War.
Fangs of the Arctic
Mountie Chief
Canadian Mounties Corporal Rod Webb and Constable Mike Kelly, along with Rod's dog Chinook, are sent to the Blackfoot Crossing country to find a killer.
Army Bound
Race car driver Frank Cermak is in love with Jane Harris. Jane and her parents watch Frank win a tight race from Bill Peters, an army lieutenant on leave. Peters tries to foul Frank, and Frank beats him in a fist fight after the race. Frank is drafted into the army and (against staggering and overwhelming odds) finds Lt. Peters to be his commanding officer.
Yukon Gold
In this Yukon adventure, a gold mining community is rocked by a murder. A Mountie investigates and encounters a female gambler. Action ensues, but justice prevails.
Insurance Investigator
George Sullivan
When a businessman who has had a double indemnity policy taken out on him dies mysteriously, his insurance company sends an undercover investigator to town to determine exactly what happened.
Two Flags West
A group of confedarate prisoners is sent to a unionist fort in the west to help the local garrison to fight the indians.
Indian Territory
Major Farrell
Columbia's final release for 1950 was the Gene Autry western Indian Territory. Set during the Reconstruction Era, the story finds Autry working as an undercover agent for the U.S. cavalry. His mission: to neutralize a former Austrian army officer named Curt Raidler (Phil Van Zandt), who is leading a group of renegade Indians on a series of destructive raids.
Beyond the Purple Hills
Judge Beaumont
In a typical western (movie) town (possibly described as 'hick' by someone who possibly hasn't seen the film) Gene Autry and his friend Jack Beaumont are present when the bank is robbed and Sheriff Whiteside is killed. Judge Beaumont, Jack's father, appoints Gene the new sheriff. When Jack learns that his father is making a new will in his disfavor, they quarrel and Jack leaves under suspicious circumstances. Rocky Morgan who has been swindling the judge murders him and Gene has to jail his friend, who thinks Gene is double crossing him. But Gene has a plan to clear Jack.
The Invisible Monster
Mr. Moore
Man-woman team of investigators uncover a gang whose mad scientist leader has developed an invisibility chemical and plans to build a mercenary army of invisible men.
The Blonde Bandit
Otto Thorndyke
A duped bride joins a bookie in love and crime.
Apache Chief
Colonel Martin
When his tribesmen begin killing off white settlers, Young Eagle is opposed to the carnage. In order to assure a lasting peace, however, the chief must deal with renegade Apache Black Wolf.
Vice-President (uncredited)
천재 건축가 하워드 로크는 당대 건축계와 타협하지 않고 자신의 이상만을 추구한다. 로크는 건축 자금을 마련할 때까지 건설현장 노동자로 일하기로 하는데, 그의 건축에 관심이 있던 매혹적인 도미니크와 예상치 못하게 얽히면서 로크에게 새로운 기회가 찾아온다. 하지만 로크는 자신의 건축적 이상을 절대 굽히지 않는다. (시네마테크부산 2010 - 오래된 극장 III) 아인 랜드가 쓴 동명의 베스트셀러 소설을 영화화한 작품으로 그녀 자신이 시나리오로 각색하였다. 건축을 주제로 한 영화로는 지금까지도 가장 많이 언급되며, 미국식 이상주의와 자본주의를 대변하는 인물들의 이야기가 매우 드라마틱하게 이어진다. (시네마테크부산 2010 - 오래된 극장 III)
Flamingo Road
Senator Flagstedt (uncredited)
A stranded carnival dancer takes on a corrupt political boss when she marries into small-town society.
Riders of the Whistling Pines
Supt. John Hoaglund (uncredited)
While trailing Forest Ranger Charles Carter, who is suspected of permitting lumber man Henry Mitchell to cut restricted timber, Gene fires at a dangerous mountain lion and apparently kills Carter. Actually, Bill Wright, Mitchell's associate, killed Carter because the ranger had discovered tussock moth infestation in the forest, and if the infestation was not reported, the trees would die and have to be cut, thereby profiting Mitchell and Wright. In order to compensate the best he can, Gene sells his sportsman's camp and gives the money to Carter's daughter Helen . En route to Texas, Gene discovers the infestation and is assigned by the Forest Department to supervise the program of spraying the area with DDT from the air. After the first day of spraying, the DDT is blamed by furious stock men for the many animals found dead of poisoning.
Jackland Ainsworth
A beautician and her crooked boyfriend attempt to rob the bookie operation located in the back room, but when the plan goes wrong, they frame an innocent man.
Danger Street
John Matthews
Magazine owners sell a revealing photo, then play detective when the deal leads to murder.
Never Say Goodbye
Detective (uncredited)
Phil and Ellen Gayley have been divorced for a year, and their 7-year old daughter, Flip, is very unhappy that her parents are not together. Flip starts a correspondence with a Marine, sending a picture of her beautiful mother as the author of Flip's flirtatious letters. When the Marine shows up to meet his pen pal, Ellen takes the opportunity to make her ex-husband jealous.
Big Town
Editor Post
A newspaper editor goes on an anti-crime crusade, but gets carried away.
Night Editor
Benjamin Merrill (Uncredited)
A daily news editor recalls a married detective and the deadly woman behind his downfall.
The Shanghai Cobra
Walter Fletcher
Someone is attempting to steal radium stored in a bank. Death by cobra venom connects a number of murders. Charlie Chan investigates.
The Caribbean Mystery
Gov. Gerald McCracken Sr.
The Caribbean Mystery is a remake of Mr. Moto on Danger Island (1939)-which in turn was a remake of Murder in Trinidad. James Dunn stars as Mr. Smith, a Columbo-like Brooklyn detective who pops up on a tropical island to track down some missing geologists.
Take It or Leave It
Dr. Edward Preston
A young husband becomes a game-show participant in the hopes of winning the cash to pay his pregnant wife's doctor.
So Proudly We Hail
Ship's Captain (Uncredited)
During the start of the Pacific campaign in World War II, Lieutenant Janet Davidson is the head of a group of U.S. military nurses who are trapped behind enemy lines in the Philippines. Davidson tries to keep up the spirits of her staff, which includes Lieutenants Joan O'Doul and Olivia D'Arcy. They all seek to maintain a sense of normal life, including dating, while under constant danger as they tend to wounded soldiers.
Lucky Jordan
Lucky Jordan is a gangster living in New York City and when he's drafted into the army, he tries to escape duty by using an old con woman named Annie to convince the draft board he's needed at home. When that fails, Jordan is sent to boot camp, but he doesn't stay there long. He takes a beautiful USO worker hostage and flees back to New York. There, he learns that a rival gangster is plotting against America.
My Favorite Spy
Major Updyke
The Army takes a bandleader (Kay Kyser) away from his bride (Ellen Drew) and sends him on a spy mission with a woman (Jane Wyman).
Powder Town
Dr. Wayne
Director Rowland V. Lee's wacky 1942 comedy, about an absent-minded scientist working on a secret formula at an explosives plant, stars Edmond O'Brien, Victor McLaglen, Dorothy Lovett, June Havoc, Eddie Foy Jr., Marion Martin and Mary Gordon.
The Night of January 16th
Roger Wakefield
Accused of killing her employer, financier Bjorn Faulkner (Nils Asther), Kit is championed by wisecracking sailor-on-leave Steve Van Ruyle (Robert Preston), who has a vested interest in the outcome of the trial.
Married Bachelor
A man's marriage suffers when he pretends to be a bachelor while promoting "his" best-selling book about married life (actually written by an eccentric professor) in order to pay off a debt to a gangster.
Love Crazy
Sanity Hearing Doctor (uncredited)
Circumstance, an old flame and a mother-in-law drive a happily married couple to the verge of divorce and insanity.
Sky Raiders
Maj. Gen. Fletcher [Chs. 1-2, 4, 11-12]
Captain Bob Dayton and Lieutenant Ed Carey are partners in a company called "Sky Raiders" which seeks US government contracts for its inventions. Enemy spies attempt to steal, sabotage and discredit the inventions and founders of the company.
버지니아의 하워드
Col. Jefferson
Beautiful young Virginian Jane steps down from her proper aristocratic upbringing when she marries down-to-earth surveyor Matt Howard. Matt joins the Colonial forces in their fight for freedom against England. Matt will meet Jane's father in the battlefield.
Men Against the Sky
Judge J. Doran Fox
A draftswoman, the sister of an aging, alcoholic pilot, secretly uses her brother's ideas to solve design problems for an experimental military plane in an attempt to save the company and salvage her brother's reputation.
붐 타운
McMasters and Sand come to oil towns to get rich. Betsy comes West intending to marry Sand but marries McMasters instead. Getting rich and losing it all teaches McMasters and Sand the value of personal ties.
해외 특파원
Mr. Brood
주인공 맥클란은 기자들과 함께 스파이 조직에 연루되면서 복잡한 암살을 비롯한 사건들이 벌어진다. 기자의 카메라에 숨겨진 총으로 벌어지는 암살 장면이나, 네덜란드의 풍물인 풍차가 등장하는 스펙타클한 장관, 그리고 전쟁이 시작되는 날 런던에서 출발하는 대서양 횡단 비행기 씬 등이 유명한 이 영화의 장면들이다. 초창기 영화에서 보여준 스토리 스텔링이라는 단순한 이야기 나열에 그치지 않고, 영화 본래의 기술인 볼거리 중심의 미장센 연출을, 완벽한 카메라와 편집, 계산된 연기 지도 등으로 보여준다. 이 영화가 헐리웃에서 대성공을 거두자 제작자들이 히치콕에게 찾아와 최고의 대우를 해 주겠다는 계약서가 줄을 이었다고 한다.
Queen of the Mob
Mr. Milliken
Ma Webster (Blanche Yurka) and her boys rob a bank on Christmas Eve; G-men stop them with Tommy guns.
Virginia City
Maj. Gen. Taylor (uncredited)
Union officer Kerry Bradford escapes from a Confederate prison and races to intercept $5 million in gold destined for Confederate coffers. A Confederate sympathizer and a Mexican bandit, each with their own stake in the loot, stand in his way.
The Lone Wolf Strikes
Phillip Jordan
Delia Jordan's father is murdered and some very valuable jewelry stolen. She hires The Lone Wolf.
Wolf of New York
Governor of New York
A New York attorney defends a young man with a criminal past who has been accused of murdering a police inspector.
Rulers of the Sea
New York City Mayor (Uncredited)
The struggle of a man to build a steam ship to take him across the Atlantic in spite of all setbacks, and his win against a crack sailing boat in the early 19th century.
Blondie Brings Up Baby
Mr. Mason
Baby Dumpling, the six-year-old son of Blondie and Dagwood Bumstead disappears from sight during his first day at school. While Dagwood frantically combs the city in search of the boy, Baby Dumpling spents a nice, safe afternoon with poor little rich girl Melinda Mason, who with her new playmate's help arises from her sickbed to walk across the room for the first time in months.
Sued for Libel
Col. Jasper White
A New York City newspaper is sued for libel after reporting the wrong verdict in a murder trial.
첩보원 X 44
The night before his grandson, Tommy Grayson, a mechanic at the Midland Aircraft Corporation, is to marry Gail, a former showgirl, Major Matt Grayson, a war veteran and watchman at the plant, catches two men breaking into the machine shop. The men run, but the major shoots one of them.....
리얼 글로리
Col. Hatch
In the wake of the Spanish-American war, military doctor Bill Canavan (Cooper) arrives at a war-torn Filipino outpost. Infested with cholera and under attack from a vicious local Moro chieftain, the troops are terrified and their commanding officer has all but given up hope. Outnumbered and out of supplies, Canavan decides to trade his scalpel for a rifle and rally the few remaining troops into one last stand before the outpost and everyone inside becomes just another footnote in history.
5th Ave Girl
Board Member (uncredited)
A wealthy man hires a poor girl to play his mistress in order to get more attention from his neglectful family.
The Spellbinder
Third Trial Judge
Jed Marlowe is a brilliant, scheming, unscrupulous criminal lawyer whose specialty is defending criminal he knows is guilty but gets them off through loop-holes or bribery. Then his daughter, misled by her father’s courtroom performance, but unaware of his back-room tactics, marries the killer her father has just unjustly save from the electric chair. What’s a poor father to do?
Million Dollar Legs
Dean Wixby
At Middleton College, controlled by rich donor Melton, only paying sports are allowed. But Freddie Frye, conniving student body president, has to get a letter in some sport to win back his girl Susie; he schemes to revive crew boat racing. Sinking boats, no money, and his own waistline stand in his way. Can they win the big race with State University?
The Flying Irishman
Dr. Howard
This is the story of the historic 1938 flight of Douglas 'Wrong Way' Corrigan. Mr. Corrigan starred in this film, which chronicled his infamous flight. On July 17, 1938, Mr. Corrigan loaded 320 gallons of gasoline (40 hours worth) into the tiny, single engine plane. While expressing his intent to fly west to Long Beach, CA, Mr. Corrigan flew out of Floyd Bennett Field heading east over the Atlantic. Instrumentation in the plane included two compasses (both malfunctioned) and a turn-and-bank indicator. The cabin door was held shut with baling wire. Nearly 29 hours later, he landed in Baldonnel near Dublin. He forever claimed to be surprised at arriving in Ireland rather than California. He returned to the US as a hero, with a ticker tape parade in New York and received numerous medals and awards.
Almost a Gentleman
The Judge
Saving a dog from the pound gets a man mixed up in murder.
Boy Slaves
Social drama of Depression-era homeless children who turn to crime and are sentenced by a judge to a rehabilitation "labor camp".
The Great Man Votes
In 1923, Gregory Vance, a widower with two children, is a former scholar who has turned from book to bottle. He works, slightly, as a night-watchman, and his children, who know him for what he is and what he isn't, are his only admirers. Then, it is discovered that he is the only registered voter in a key precinct and the politicians, from both parties, arrive in droves bearing inducements. What he does about this situation, and the relatives who want to take his children away from him make up the story.
Cocoanut Grove
Robert Grayson
Band tries to get an audition for a job at a prestigious nightclub.