Nadia Farès

Nadia Farès

출생 : 1968-12-20, Marrakech, Morocco

프로필 사진

Nadia Farès
Nadia Farès

참여 작품

온 더 라인
Sam Dubois
심야 라디오 '온 더 라인'의 진행자 엘리스가 생방송 중 의문의 전화를 받게 되고, 쇼맨은 그의 온 가족을 죽이겠다고 협박을 한다. 모든 것이 실시간으로 진행되는 라디오에서 사랑하는 사람을 구하기 위한 엘리스의 고군분투 생존게임이 시작되는데...
Internet humor star Thomas the Lama gets out of hand in a video. He becomes the target of all haters and his life falls apart. To win back his girlfriend and his audience, he decides to go meet his 10 biggest detractors to see if they can say, face to face, what they write on his page - Each meeting promises to be epic.
On a Saturday night during lock down, a group of very good friends go online to share a virtual aperitif. Suddenly, one of them is attacked and kidnapped live by an unknown man in front of his friends who watch helplessly from behind their screens. They soon discover that this mysterious stranger knows all their worst secrets, which he intends to bring to light one after the other.
럭키 데이
감옥에서 출소한 금고털이 도둑 레드(루크 브레이시)는 부인(니나 도브레브),딸과 재회한다. 그러나 미친 프랑스 히트맨 룩(크리스핀 글로버)이 형을 죽인 레드의 복수를 위해 마을로 돌아오고 아주 불운한 만남이 예상된다.
샤캉 사 비
Before being judges, attorneys, or jury members, they are first of all men and women at a crossroads in their lives, with their dreams and their secrets, their hopes and their limitations, all beneath the same sun, each with their own dark side. In a lovely provincial town, during a jazz festival, life will juggle with their destinies.
스톰 워닝
젊은 여피족 부부가 한적한 바다에서 항해를 하다 태풍을 만나 길을 헤매던 중 황량한 섬에서 괴한들을 만나게 된다는 내용의 호러물
L'empire du tigre
In the summer of 1938, in the heart of Indochina, a French colony, Pierre Balsan hear the latest news about conquering Czechoslovakia after Hitler invaded Austria. World War II will bring even more problems for Pierre Balsan, nicknamed Tiger, who will be charged with the murder of his wife.
L'ex-femme de ma vie
Six years after their split, a woman attempts to get her ex-husband back by unusual means.
Pour le plaisir
Julie, la femme de François
Dans une petite ville du Nord, François, le garagiste, va consulter Vincent, le psy. À la question posée : "Ma femme me dit qu'elle ne peut prendre du plaisir qu'avec les assassins. Pas de crime. Pas d'orgasme. Que dois-je faire, Docteur ?. La réponse du praticien est simple : "Entrez dans son fantasme. Inventez-vous un crime !"
Helene Laborie
휘파람 불며 거리를 질주하는 나세르와 상티노 외 3명의 친구들은 교외의 물류창고를 털어 인생역전을 노리는 무장강도 일당. 때마침 프랑스 혁명 기념일을 맞아 군인, 경찰을 비롯 거리는 온통 축제에 빠져 있다. 경비원만 해치우고 콘테이너 하나 가득 쌓인 노트북을 싣고 나오기만 하면 '불행 끝 행복시작'. 첨단 장비와 컴퓨터 프로그래머까지 동원한 나세르 일당은 창고에 잠입, 노트북 탈취에 성공하는데... 라보리를 위시한 특수부대 요원들은 국제 매춘조직을 운영, 여성들을 납치, 감금해 인두로 번호를 매겨 세계 각국으로 팔아 넘기는 알바니아 마피아 대부 아베딘을 호송하는 임무를 부여 받는다. 특별 호송차량에 특공대원들이 몇 겹의 호위를 한 그들 일행. 그러나 마피아들이 보스 구출을 위해 쳐놓은 덫에 걸려 몰살당하기 직전, 라보리와 몇 명만이 아베딘과 함께 외곽의 창고로 피신한다. 노트북을 털고 있던 나세르 일당과 죄수 호송 중 창고로 피신 온 특수부대요원들은 서로 총을 겨누고 마주하게 되고... 서로가 아군인지 적인지 확인할 틈도 없이 빨간 불빛을 뿜어대는 마스크를 뒤집어 쓴 얼굴없는 적의 엄청난 공격을 받는다. 믿을 수 없을 정도의 화력으로 무장하고 장갑차, 불도저로 밀고 들어오는 얼굴없는 적, 이제 돈도 임무도 소용없다! 살아남기 위한 전쟁만이 있을 뿐...
L'enfant de la nuit.
A mother struggles so that her young autistic son can have a life like any child of his age.
크림슨 리버
Fanny Ferreira
태아처럼 웅크린 자세의 시체가 알프스 산 정상에서 발견된다. 시체의 주인공은 게르농 대학의 교수 겸 사서. 사건 해결을 위해 연쇄 살인사건의 베테랑 니먼 형사(장 레노)가 파견된다. 게르농 대학 학장과 교수들이 중세 영주처럼 권력을 누리며 살아왔고 근친상간을 통해 우성인재만 양성하고 있었다는 것을 알게 되는 니먼. 시체를 처음 발견한 파니와 그 장소를 찾은 니먼은 같은 방식으로 죽은 또다른 시체를 발견한다. 한편 다른 곳에서 초보경찰 막스(뱅상 카셀)가 소녀의 묘지 훼손사건을 조사하고 있다. 사건이 풀리지 않자 막스는 소녀의 고향인 알프스까지 찾아가고 니먼을 만난다. 결국 묘지 훼손사건이 게르농 대학과 관련됐다는 것을 알아내고 이들은 사건을 원점으로 돌리지만 세 번째 시체가 발견되면서 사건은 다시 미궁에 빠지는데...
A Monkey's Tale
Gina (Voice)
Kom is from a tribe of monkeys who live in a canopy. He rejects elders' authority as well as the superstition that the lower world would be inhabited by demons. But he accidentally falls from the trees…
Les grandes bouches
This is a suspense drama about Esther, Lamar, and Zed, three friends who live together. Tired of having financial problems, they decide to hit it big somehow. They visit Armand, a former 'Godfather' who has now retired. They soon realize that, in contrast to their world of easy living with few responsibilities, Armand's world belongs to the underground with its own code of behavior. Their involvement in that world brings them face to face with events they had never imagined before.
Les Démons de Jésus
Set in the late 1960s, a family of Gypsies live in a dilapidated pavilion in the western suburbs of Paris.
Flairs ennemis
By becoming attached to animals, one can learn to love humans. This is what Mathias Lefort, a thirty-five year old photographer, will discover. Mathias has a feeling of disgust towards dogs, all dogs, coupled with an irrepressible terror. This very special phobia will change Mathias' life the day he witnesses an attempted murder.
Men, Women: A User's Manual
la nouvelle secrétaire de Blanc
Benoit Blanc loves living, he loves women, he loves daring. He is a famous businessman who suffers from stomach-ache. Fabiolini, a would-be actor, is a policeman and he too suffers from the same sickness. The two man face suffering in opposite ways: Benoit Blanc is optimistic while Fabiolini, always unsure of himself, is persuaded he is seriously ill. The two men meet by chance while doing a gastroscopy and become friends. After having known their real different conditions, they will change and will understand better their lives. Around them, other people, women and men, will see their lives changed, by chance, by love or solely by the life stream.
Le cavalier des nuages
Luc Farraud, a journalist and former hostage in Lebanon, lives alone in the wilderness. But his tranquility is disrupted by the arrival of Joss, a young cop, and Melka, a beautiful gypsy car thief.
Dis-moi oui...
Handsome pediatric doctor feels unfulfilled, until his affection for a 12-year-old opens him to a romantic view of the world. When she falls ill, he must get closer to her, and a conflict of interests and ethics arise. His medical reputation is at stake.
When young cop Andrea is assigned to keep watch over dangerous Godfather Sante, who's in hospital after a fake suicide attempt, the stage is set for disaster.
Love in the Strangest Way
Successful Julien sees his family off on holiday and at once becomes drawn into a risky relationship with Angela, whom he spies outside the cafe opposite his office. When he later finds she is to become his son's new nanny he rightly starts to worry there is more to the relationship than he bargained for.
My Wife's Girlfriends
Béatrice de Mennoux
A man discovers the qualities of his wife's friends, whom he had always hated.
Les dents longues
Madame Duchâtelet