Roland Amstutz

출생 : 1942-01-12,

사망 : 1997-05-20

참여 작품

La merveilleuse odyssée de l'idiot Toboggan
This program of short films by Vincent Ravalec (Never twice, Le Masseur and Les Mots de l'amour) deals with themes such as desire and death through the journey of a group of characters.
Alors voilà,
A trucker, an accountant, a former plumber hospitalised after a suicide attempt... Presided over by the accountant, the three families decide to buy a truck, a trucker's dream. The father, practical joker, and larger-than-life lover, keeps a watchful eye. The children are his accomplices. One is his heroine. His daughter is his other heroine. A puzzle of life's desires in which all veers into the imaginary, into dreams of far-off lands.
Oncle Joe
일명 '도베르만'이라 불리는 얀 르판 트렉(Dobermann: 빈센트 카셀 분)은 여자 친구 나트(Nat: 모니카 벨루치 분)를 비롯하여 모기(Moustique: 안토이네 바슬러 분), 신부, 불독, 마누(Manu: 로메인 두리스 분), 레오(Leo: 프랑시스 라반탈 분) 일당을 이끌고 은행, 우체국, 현금 수송차량 등을 상대로 강도짓을 일삼으며 다니는 것이 최고의 쾌락이며 흥분이다. 이들을 잡으려 혈안이 된 경찰 당국은 최고의 엘리트로 조직된 경찰들을 투입하여 도베르만을 잡으려 하지만 계속 실패만 거듭하고. 과격한 행동을 일삼아 정직당한 형사 크리스티니(Inspector Christini: 체키 카리오 분)가 도베르만을 잡아 복직을 하려한다. 크리스티니는 피냄새를 맡은 하이에나처럼 그저 동물적 본능로 도베르만을 쫓고 급기야 이들의 쉴새없는 팽팽한 추격전이 펼쳐진다. 지략가 도베르만, 폭약 전문가 나트, 도끼 전문가 불독, 미사일 전문가 쏘냐, 수류탄 전문가 신부, 명사수 모기 등 각 부문의 베테랑들로 구성되어 민간인과 경찰을 가리지 않고 온갖 기상천외한 방법으로 강도와 살인 등의 죄를 저지르고 다니는 도베르만 일당. 경찰 뱃지를 달았다는 점만 다를 뿐 목적을 위해서는 수단과 방법을 가리지 않는다는 점에 있어서는 도베르만 일당과 다를 바 없는 형사 크리스티니의 치열한 두뇌 싸움. 크리스티니는 도베르만을 쫓는 사냥꾼이 되고 관객들은 이제부터 그의 사냥개가 되어 사냥에 동참하게 된다.
루시 오브락
A love story or a tale of the resistance, this poignant movie tells both the haunting story of a French resistance cell in Lyon but also the love of Lucie Aubrac for her husband...
Jeunesse sans Dieu
This French-Belgian drama, based on a novel by Odon von Horvath, is set in 1938 in a German city along the banks of the Rhine and Ruhr rivers. It attempts to provide insight as to why certain German youths were so easily lead into becoming Nazis by using two narrators, one a teacher who challenged the movement and another by a student who embraced it. Pabst teaches a group of teenage boys, all of whom seem to be young Nazis. The trouble begins when Pabst and a WW I vet are assigned to take the class to a military camp and a nature outing for urban kids. While there a boy is brutally murdered and they blame one local girl. During her trial, Pabst speaks out against Hitler and becomes pariah. Still he continues investigating the death, at great personal expense until at last he brings the real killer to justice.
나의 성생활: 나는 어떻게 싸웠는가
대학강사 폴 데달루스는 인생의 갈림길에 서 있다. 박사과정을 끝내지도 않았고, 교직에는 흥미가 없지만 그만두는 것은 무섭다. 게다가 10년 동안 만난 에스테르와의 관계를 끝낼 때라고 확신한다. 그의 결정은 반성과 로맨스 그리고 변화의 소용돌이를 가져온다.
The Last Days of Immanuel Kant
A brief, fictionalized time period in the life of Professor Kant. The story is set in Kant's hometown, Konigsberg; it chronicles his last few years prior to his death in 1804 at the age of 80.
Happiness Is No Joke
What there is of a plot in this drama serves mainly as a vehicle for the exploration of character. In the story, Michel (Bernard-Pierre Donnadieu) is a recent widower. As the story opens, he and his friend Andre (Philippe Nahon) are sharing a drink on Christmas Eve. He takes a yellow scarf from a woman he knows (Laura Morante) and teasingly refuses to return it. Throughout the remainder of the film, the scarf reappears, as does the woman, until they wind up in bed together at the end of the film. Before that happens, Michel wanders around Paris, viewing the festivities with a jaundiced eye which serves to heighten the unattractiveness of those he observes. Later he has dinner with a group at Andre's house, and his poor opinion of human nature is amply supported by the events that occur then.
Never Twice
C'était la guerre
Le colonel
Directed by Maurice Failevic and Ahmed Rachedi
Poulets à l'amende
Arnaud Gensac, unlucky inspector, loses his police card, which falls into the hands of a graphic designer who witnesses the murder of a kingpin. And serious trouble begins for Arnaud.
Dirty Like an Angel
Georges Deblache, a despondent middle-aged cop, falls for his partner's wife.
누벨 바그
Jules, le jardinier
히치하이킹을 하던 루이는 부유한 사업가인 엘르의 차를 얻어 탄다. 루이는 엘르의 공장과 그녀의 집 등을 방문하며 사람들의 다양한 이야기를 듣는다. 대사의 많은 부분은 레이몬드 챈들러나 윌리엄 포크너 등 문학을 인용했으며 여기에 고다르 특유의 나레이션도 더해진다.
Les deux Fragonard
The name of painter Jean-Honore Fragonard (1732-1806) is synonymous for a kind of painting style which celebrates carefree romantic life, indoors and out. He was a painter during the final decades of the French monarchy. In this story, he and his brother Cyprien (Robin Renucci), who is an early pioneer in medical anatomy (he dissected corpses and made drawings of what he found in them), have fallen in love with the same woman, Marianne (Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu), a laundress. This attraction has not escaped the notice of Salmon d'Anglas (Sami Frey), a conniving nobleman, who has his heart set on getting revenge on Jean-Honore (Joachim de Almeida) for refusing his patronage and becoming the darling of the French court.
The Seventh Dimension
A poor french guy, in love with a 50's actresse, meet her husband who send him in an other dimension to fight for her love.
L'imprésario de Smyrne
The Venetian performance world is on the alert: an impresario is looking for talent to stage what he defines as the most beautiful opera of his time. Everyone goes there from their pushy little merry-go-round to attract the favors of the character and extricate themselves from misery. But the main interested party hardly seems to be sensitive to these effects.
Hôtel de France
Gerard Petitjean
A French family is shown as they go through the daily routines of life. Arguing, feasting, crying, and yearning for love are just some of the human emotions encountered. The mood wavers between excessive noise to silence while those not participating in the conversations eavesdrop.
Dr. Paul Calmet is dead. His son Jean again feels the familiar feeling of anguish caused by his father; victim of this torture, he is carrying the virus of misfortune.
The Eyes of the Birds
Dr. Norberto Palacios
A Red Cross inspection team visits a prison and holds interviews with a range of inmates.
Car Cemetery
The plot is set in a post apocalyptic Junkyard where people take refuge from authority and are able to practice their fantasies and fetishes without being stopped by the police. These people are led by Emanou who is a sort of Messiah, who promises music rather than salvation.
Tir groupé
Parti sans laisser d'adresse
A young Swiss drug addict (Jacques Zanetti) has been imprisoned for robbery, and must wait and wait for his upcoming trial, all the while isolated and without hope of parole - the police are convinced he is a dealer and not just a user. He hears from his son that his girlfriend has a new man, and begins to despair of ever coming to trial, or of having another relationship like the one he lost. This fiction film is said to be based on a true story.
Peer Gynt
Aslak, le forgeron
French television adaptation of Henrik Ibsen's five-act play in verse.
Heat of Desire
Jeannot Lainé - le frère de Serge
In France in the near future, revolt and chaos erupt. A right-wing politician, Philippe Muphand, is set to take control when his lady friend Caroline walks out, announcing she will take up with the first fool she sees. The fool is Serge Laine, a professor and author of the prize-winning "Le voyage qui ne finit pas," headed to the train station for tickets to Barcelona where he and his wife will enjoy a second honeymoon and he will lecture at the university. Caroline seduces Serge, and he soon abandons wife, family, job, and honesty to embrace Caroline, the romanticism of Jack London, and murder.
La Découverte
The neighbor
할 수 있는 자가 구하라 - 인생
Customer in Room 522
고다르가 정치적 비디오 작업에 열을 올렸던 70년대를 마치고 극영화로 되돌아와 만든 첫 번째 작품으로 영화 감독과 애인, 창녀라는 세 인물을 통해 사랑과 성, 삶, 그리고 영화란 무엇인지에 대해 묻고 있다. 제작자인 폴 고다르는 편집일을 하는 드니즈 랭보와 연인 사이이다. 한편 폴은 창녀 이자벨의 단골 손님이기도 하다. 폴이 드니즈와 함께 시골 별장에 간 어느날, 때마침 이자벨 또한 그곳을 찾는다. ‘상상’, ‘상업’, ‘삶’, ‘음악’ 이라는 네 개의 파트로 이루어진 옴니버스 영화로 고다르 특유의 슬로우모션과 실험적인 기법, 매혹적인 이미지와 사운드들이 묘하게 어울린다.
Everybody takes advantage of Fernand who has just come out of prison.
이카루스의 비밀
이번에 새로 선출된 대통령이 취임과 함께 시가 행진 행사를 개최한다. 인파에 둘러싸여 시민들의 환호를 받던 대통령은 갑작스러운 총성과 함께 쓰러지고 만다. 현장은 아수라장이 되고, 사람들은 비명을 지르며 흩어진다. 잠시 후, 인근 건물의 엘리베이터에서 권총으로 스스로 목숨을 끊은 듯한 청년의 시체가 발견된다. 얼마 후, 이 전대미문의 사건에 대한 조사가 마무리되어 결과 발표를 앞둔다. 그런데 지방검사 앙리가 조사위원회의 결과에 동의하지 않고, 결국 사건 조사는 원점으로 되돌아간다. 재조사를 맡게 된 앙리는 저격수의 단독범행 가설에 의문을 제기한다. 미국 대통령 존 F. 케네디 암살과 그 사건의 조사 과정을 모티브로 한 대담한 작품으로, 가상의 도시에서 벌어진 대통령 암살사건을 둘러싼 의혹과 음모, 사건의 진실을 파헤치려는 한 검사의 끈질긴 노력을 그린다. 진실에 다가가려는 검사 앙리 역에 이브 몽탕이 열연했다.
The man from Antwerp
After a bout of intense jealousy, Félicité finds herself alone. For one night, as her family dissipates, she relives her torments.
Such a Lovely Town...
Stephane (Victor Lanoux) is the mayor of a small village. He is also the manager of the tannery which provides the inhabitants with work. In a fit of anger, he kills his wife (Edith Scob). A judge (Jean Carmet) tries to prove his culpability, but it's not an easy task, because there is a political and social pressure.
A policeman at the police station
In 1945, as World War Two comes to a close, five small time crooks unite to form a gang. After several bold robberies they become notorious as "the front-wheel drive gang". The police attempt to stop their crime spree with little success, but how long will their luck last?
The Story of Paul
Un infirmier
A young man is checked into a mental hospital for unexplained reasons.
The Middle of the World
Paul is married, a successful engineer, and a conservative candidate in an upcoming local election. He falls in love with Adriana, a café waitress from Italy. Paul's party is very critical of foreign labour and wants to keep Switzerland to the Swiss. Where Paul falls deeper and deeper into the relationship and is ready to leave his wife, Adriana feels the social pressure growing and has to make her own decision.
Recording of the play 1789, a collective creation by Théâtre du Soleil at La Cartoucherie de Vincennes in 1970, edited from several shows.
The Wonderful Crook
A manufacturer of furniture sees his business go down and decides to rob banks to pay his staff. Het gets romantically involved with one of his victims.
The Arrest
Le second individu