From New York Times Bestselling Author Caridad Piñeiro comes a story about rival quinceañeras, glorious Cuban cooking, friendship, family ties – and romance
Emma Reynolds returns to Oliver's Well to celebrate Christmas for the last time with her siblings in the home they grew up in. After their parents recently passed, the siblings reluctantly agree to sell the family home on Honeysuckle Lane after the New Year, leaving Emma in charge of its belongings. While antiques expert Morgan Shelby appraises Emma's mother's collection, they find a hidden surprise in an antique desk that takes them on a journey to discover the power of love and family during the holidays.
Rodney is a former boxing champ who, after a deathbed visit to his trainer and mentor, is propelled into reclaiming victory for his now simple life as a nightclub bouncer. He partners with a no-nonsense, lesbian photographer and an aspiring starlet to make a compromising tape with Isaac—a married, devout, Orthodox Jewish real estate mogul—that sets off a chain of events that brings down an empire.
In 1983 a group of young, would be filmmakers set out to make a science-fiction/detective film in southern New Jersey called, HELLFIRE. It was finished and released as PRIMAL SCREAM. Then completely forgotten. Until now. Three of the filmmakers, director William Murray, editor Keith Reamer and DP Dan Karlok take to the road to reconnect with surviving members of the cast and crew of this quirky, DIY film. To document their experiences, and try to get to the heart of meaning that lives in the shadows of a shared creative endeavor.
In 1983 a group of young, would be filmmakers set out to make a science-fiction/detective film in southern New Jersey called, HELLFIRE. It was finished and released as PRIMAL SCREAM. Then completely forgotten. Until now. Three of the filmmakers, director William Murray, editor Keith Reamer and DP Dan Karlok take to the road to reconnect with surviving members of the cast and crew of this quirky, DIY film. To document their experiences, and try to get to the heart of meaning that lives in the shadows of a shared creative endeavor.
In 1983 a group of young, would be filmmakers set out to make a science-fiction/detective film in southern New Jersey called, HELLFIRE. It was finished and released as PRIMAL SCREAM. Then completely forgotten. Until now. Three of the filmmakers, director William Murray, editor Keith Reamer and DP Dan Karlok take to the road to reconnect with surviving members of the cast and crew of this quirky, DIY film. To document their experiences, and try to get to the heart of meaning that lives in the shadows of a shared creative endeavor.
An unsettling and eye-opening Wall Street horror story about Chinese companies, the American stock market, and the opportunistic greed behind the biggest heist you've never heard of.
In a small Southern town in the autumn of 1941, Sophie’s lonely life is transformed when an Asian man arrives under mysterious circumstances. Their love affair becomes the lightning rod for long-buried conflicts that erupt in bigotry and violence with the outbreak of World War ll.
뉴욕에 사는 우아하고 지적인 문학평론가 ‘웬디’(패트리시아 클락슨)는 7년마다 외도를 반복하던 남편이 마침내 이혼을 요구하면서 21년차 결혼생활이 위기에 놓인다. 답답한 마음에 멀리 시골에 있는 딸을 만나고 싶어도, 운전은 늘 남편의 몫이었기에 남편 없이는 떠날 엄두도 내지 못한다. 남편만 의지한 채 살아온 자신을 자책하던 중, 인도 이민자 택시운전수 ‘다르완’(벤 킹슬리)에게 운전교습을 받기로 결심한다. “운전은 자유를 선사하죠, 사람들의 돌발행동에 침착하고 여유롭게 대처하는 법을 배워야 해요, 운전할 때도 실생활에서도!” 웬디는 다르완의 가이드에 따라 운전대를 잡고 도로에 나서면서, 흔들림과 불확신 속에 진정한 홀로서기를 시작하는데…
This romantic fantasy movie is about two people who are the last survivors of an ancient line of goddess worshipers, who sell art at a shop. When their teenage daughter Rhea falls in love with a poetically inclined boy , she begins to develop magical powers of her own throwing everything into chaos.
어느 날 집으로 걸려온 전화, 가출한지 20년이 된 아들을 찾았다는 소식이었다. 아들을 만난 기쁨도 잠시, 오랜 노숙자 생활을 했던 아들은 뇌종양 수술로 기억이 15년 전에서 멈춰져 있다. 부모들에겐 대화조차 불가능해진 아들과의 만남은 기쁨보다는 가슴 아픈 슬픔으로 다가온다. 아들의 간병 중, 뇌기능 손상 환자에게 음악이 좋은 치료가 된다는 기사를 읽고 아버지는 어린 시절 아들과 함께 들었던 추억 가득한 음악을 들려준다. 하지만 아들은 아버지가 들려주는 음악에는 관심이 없고 우연히 라디오에서 흘러나온 비틀즈의 노래에 관심을 보이며 대화를 하기 시작하는데… 이제, 기억이 멈춘 아들을 위한 아버지의 눈물겨운 락앤롤 정복기가 시작된다.
Fiona Wagner, a journalism student, tracks a cold-blooded killer with the help of her detective father and a therapist.
A jealous woman plots revenge after her former beau returns to their hometown with a pretty new girlfriend.
Eager to provide a better future for her son, Fadi, divorcée Muna Farah leaves her Palestinian homeland and takes up residence in rural Illinois -- just in time to encounter the domestic repercussions of America's disastrous war in Iraq. Now, the duo must reinvent their lives with some help from Muna's sister, Raghda, and brother-in-law, Nabeel.
Stephanie collapses in a pool of blood while on a school skiing trip. A doctor discovers that the blood is the after-effects of giving birth. Soon afterward, the body of a newborn baby is found in a toilet, its mouth blocked with toilet paper. Despite Stephanie's insistence that her child was stillborn and that she had no idea that she was pregnant, she is arrested for the murder of the child.
Set in present day Brooklyn, this film is a remake of the 1953 classic, "Little Fugitive." With his father in jail and his mother working long hours at a nursing home, Lenny, age 11, is burdened with the responsibility of looking after his younger brother, Joey, age 7. Lenny plays a practical joke on his little brother. When the joke goes too far, Joey runs away to Coney Island.
Twenty-four hours before she is set to exchange vows with the man of her dreams, a flustered bride-to-be wakes up next to a complete stranger who claims to be her husband in this south-of-the-border romantic comedy.
The story of the 10-year rocky relationship between Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis.
A wealthy student with too much fashion sense, her equally rich friends, and her rival/superior from the school paper work together to solve the case when their teacher goes missing.
After being denied a promotion at the university where she teaches, Doctor Lily Penleric, a brilliant musicologist, impulsively visits her sister, who runs a struggling rural school in Appalachia. There she stumbles upon the discovery of her life - a treasure trove of ancient Scots-Irish ballads, songs that have been handed down from generation to generation, preserved intact by the seclusion of the mountains. With the goal of securing her promotion, Lily ventures into the most isolated areas of the mountains to collect the songs and finds herself increasingly enchanted.
격변의 도시 사이공. 젊은 아가씨 키엔은 은둔 생활을 하는 다오선생 집에 고용되어 하얀 연꽃 따는 일을 하게 된다. 한편 시클로 운전사 하이는 쫓아오는 손님을 피해 달아나는 아름다운 창녀 렌을 도와줬다가 사랑에 빠진다. 가난이 지긋지긋한 렌은 새로 건축된 웅장한 호텔들을 드나들며 탈출을 꿈꾼다. 하이는 그녀의 주변을 멤돌며 운전기사를 자처한다. 렌은 마지못해 그가 하는 대로 내버려 두지만 그녀에게 그는 초라한 시클로일 뿐이다. 한편 어린 소년 우디는 목에다 만물상자를 걸고 비오는 거리를 누비며 시계, 라이터 등 잡동사니를 팔고 다닌다. 그러던 중 빠에서 미국인 제임스 해거를 만난다. 그는 월남전 때 베트남에 남겨 두고 떠난 딸을 찾고 있었다. 맥주 몇모금과 제임스의 신상 얘기에 깜빡 졸다가 깨어난 우디는 만물상자가 없어진 걸 깨닫는다. 우디는 해거가 훔쳤다고 확신하고 그를 찾아 나선다. 어느날 연꽃을 따던 키엔은 아름다운 노래를 불러 시인의 마음을 사로잡는다. 한때 촉망 받는 청년 시인이었던 다오선생은 나병으로 얼굴과 손가락을 잃자 어두운 사원에 숨어 살게 된 것. 시인은 그녀를 사원으로 불러들여 노래를 청하고 키엔은 시인의 손가락이 되어 시를 다시 쓸 수 있도록 도와준다.
A few young waiters at a popular New Jersey restaurant are dreaming of becoming actors or otherwise getting into the artistic community.
메리(폴리 워커 분)에게 프로포즈를 준비하던 로빈슨 크루소(피어스 브로스넌 분)는 어려서부터 형제처럼 자란 친구 패트릭으로부터 자신이 메리와 결혼하겠다는 전갈과 함께 결투 신청을 받게 된다. 그녀를 선택해야 한다면 죽음도 두렵지 않던 크루소는 패트릭의 손에서 칼이 떨어지던 순간 메리와 자신이 결혼할 것임을 알리고 돌아선다. 이 때 쓰러져있던 패트릭이 크루소의 등을 향해 칼을 날렸고 패트릭의 칼을 피하기 위해 몸을 낮추며 휘두른 크루소의 칼날이 패트릭의 가슴에 꽂히고 만다. 살인자의 누명을 쓰고 쫓기는 신세가 된 크루소는 메리에게 1년 후에 반드시 돌아와 결혼할 것을 약속하며 무역선을 타게 된다. 그러나 배는 남태평양에서 난파되고 그는 외딴 섬에 쓸려가게 된다. 배고픔보다 더한 외로움이라는 고난앞에 놓이게 된 크루소. 하지만 곧 그는 섬에 있던 원주민들을 알게 되고 그들과 따뜻한 교류를 하기 시작하는데...
Based on the true story of Valerie Solanas who was a 1960s radical preaching hatred toward men in her "Scum" manifesto. She wrote a screenplay for a film that she wanted Andy Warhol to produce, but he continued to ignore her. So she shot him. This is Valerie's story.
Based on a true story, this is the tale of Josephine Monaghan, a young woman of the mid-19th century who is thrown out of her parents' home after being seduced by the family's portrait photographer and giving birth to an illegitimate child. Josephine quickly learns that young, female, pretty, and alone are a bad combination for life in the wild west. In her desperation to survive, Josephine disguises herself as "Jo", a young man, and struggles to make a life for herself in a dingy frontier mining town. Can "Little Jo" live and love without revealing his/her secret?
Employees of a software company discover a conspiracy to use the games made by the company to control the thoughts of its customers.
In the future, a private detective tries to stop a large corporation from mining an element whose side effects include igniting human flesh and destroying internal body parts.
In 1970, with the Kent State protests as a backdrop, sixteen-year-old Bobbie and her professor parents Kate and Rob, are torn between their high ideals and the old- fashioned comforts of the nuclear family.