Numan Acar

Numan Acar

출생 : 1974-10-07, Kozoglu, Turkey

프로필 사진

Numan Acar

참여 작품

Together, We Shall Die
After completing his specialty in Canada, Mazhar returned to Istanbul. As he mourns his mother, he falls in love with Ece, who is also the lover of Erman, Mazhar’s best friend. Mazhar and Ece will live a passionate and devastating love in the midst of the vicissitudes of the city.
In the Shadows
It is near future story in Anatolia. There is no indication of time and place, an post-apocalyptic world that ruled over by primitive technology. Zait, a loyal mine worker who works for a mine factory which is managed by unknowns, declares war against the factory.
스파이더맨: 파 프롬 홈
어벤져스 멤버들과 타노스와의 대접전을 마친 뒤, 지난 5년 동안 사라졌던 사람들이 동시에 돌아왔다. 아이언맨이 떠난 채 한동안 지구를 구할 히어로가 공석인 상황을 수습할 히어로는 현재 스파이더맨 피터 파커뿐이다. 친구들과의 유럽 현장학습 도중 닉 퓨리의 부름을 받게 된 피터는 미스테리오라는 정체 모를 히어로와 힘을 합쳐 엘리멘탈이라는 괴생명체를 무찔러야 하는 상황에 처한다. 그런데 피터는 지구를 구하는 일보다 MJ에게 멋지게 고백할 계획이 우선인데...
알라딘은 전광석화 같은 손놀림과 타고난 삼십육계 줄행랑을 고루 갖춘 아그라바 왕국의 좀도둑이다. 원숭이 친구 아부를 대동한 채 굶주림에 고통받는 아이들을 못 본 척하지 않는 게 그의 인간적인 매력. 어느 날 아그라바 왕국을 다스리는 술탄이 애지중지하는 딸 자스민 공주가 백성들을 살피기 위해 성 밖으로 나왔다가 빵을 훔쳤다는 누명을 쓰게 된다. 마침 그 광경을 목격한 알라딘은 자스민 공주를 위기에서 구해준다. 자스민 공주가 왕궁에서 일하는 시녀인 줄 알고 그녀를 보러 성 안에 들어간 알라딘은 재상 자파에게 붙잡히고 마는데...
Nuri Sekerci
의문의 폭발 테러로 하루아침에 남편과 아들을 잃은 카티아. 견딜 수 없는 고통에도 사건의 진실을 밝히고자 법정에 증인으로 나선다. 하지만 끝이 보이지 않는 법정 싸움은 결국, 그녀에게 마지막 선택을 하게 만드는데…
그레이트 월
세상에서 가장 강력한 무기를 찾아 미지의 땅으로 떠난 최고의 전사 윌리엄과 페로는 60년마다 존재를 드러내는 적에게 공격을 당해 동료들을 잃게 되고, 이 정체불명의 적으로부터 인류를 보호하는 최정예 특수 부대 ‘네임리스 오더’와 마주하게 된다. 한편, 세상을 지키는 유일한 장벽, ‘그레이트 월’까지 놈들로부터 공격을 입게 되자, 윌리엄과 페로는 인류의 운명을 지키기 위해 네임리스 오더에 합류하고, 피할 수 없는 거대한 전쟁에 휘말리게 되는데…
더 프로미스
오스만제국 말기, 의대생 마이클(오스카 아이작)과 유명 보도사진 작가 크리스(크리스천 베일)는 각각 학업과 작업을 위해 이스탄불에 온다. 매력적인 아르메니아인 아티스트 안나(샬롯 르 본)를 알게 된 둘은 모두 안나에게 빠져든다. 한편 독일과 동맹을 맺은 오스만제국이 소수민족이었던 아르메니아인들을 집단 학살의 타깃으로 삼으면서 이들 모두 극한의 상황에 처한다.
알리 앤 니노
Seyid Mustafa
재정 러시아 치하의 아제르바이잔 청년 알리와 그루지아(조지아) 처녀 니노의 인종과 종교를 초월한 러브 스토리. 아제르바이잔은 1차대전 이후 독립 국가 건설을 시도하나 소비에트 공화국은 이를 용인하지 않으려 하는데....
In 2009, Iranian Canadian journalist Maziar Bahari was covering Iran's volatile elections for Newsweek. One of the few reporters living in the country with access to US media, he made an appearance on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, in a taped interview with comedian Jason Jones. The interview was intended as satire, but if the Tehran authorities got the joke they didn't like it - and it would quickly came back to haunt Bahari when he was rousted from his family home and thrown into prison.
The Cut
In 1915 a man survives the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire, but loses his family, speech and faith. One night he learns that his twin daughters may be alive, and goes on a quest to find them.
플라잉 홈
뉴욕의 잘나가는 펀드매니저 ‘콜린’(제이미 도넌)은 중동의 부호 ‘셰이크’가 경쟁회사에 투자를 결정하려고 하자, 비둘기가 알라신을 도왔다고 믿는 그의 맘을 돌리기 위해 바르셀로나 세계 비둘기 경주대회에서 우승이 유력한 비둘기 ‘위테콥’을 가져오겠다고 약속한다. ‘위테콥’의 주인인 ‘조’가 있는 벨기에로 간 콜린은 1차 대전 때 그곳에서 전사한 것으로 되어 있는 증조부의 흔적을 찾는다는 핑계로 ‘조’의 손녀 ‘이자벨’(샤를로트 드 브륀)에게 의도적으로 접근하고 결국 그녀의 마음을 얻는데 성공한다. 하지만 처음 의도와는 다르게 ‘이자벨’에게 끌리는 자신을 깨닫게 된 ‘콜린’은 일과 사랑 사이에서 갈등하게 되는데…
Vergrabene Stimmen
Vergrabene Stimmen
Achtung Polizei! - Alarm um 11 Uhr 11
베를린에 상주하는 국정원 요원 정진수는 불법무기거래장소를 감찰하던 중 국적불명, 지문마저 감지되지 않는 비밀요원 표종성의 존재를 알게 된다. 그의 정체를 밝혀내기 위해 뒤를 쫓던 정진수는 배후에 숨겨진 국제적 음모를 알게 된다. 한편 표종성을 제거하고 베를린을 장악하기 위해 파견된 동명수는 그의 아내 연정희를 반역자로 몰아가며 이를 빌미로 숨통을 조이고, 표종성의 모든 것에 위협을 가한다. 표종성은 동명수의 협박 속에서 연정희의 무죄를 증명하기 위해서 그녀를 미행하게 되지만, 예상치 못한 아내의 비밀을 알게 되면서 혼란에 휩싸이게 되는데...
A cruel serial killer keeps the Hamburg police in suspense. Two women have already fallen victim to him. Both were killed after a Viking ritual, the so-called blood eagle. Although the perpetrator, Chief Inspector Fabel sends mysterious e-mails, the investigator pats in the dark. Only little by little it turns out that you are dealing not only with a psychopathic killer, but with a mafia gang, in whose machinations even senior police officers are entangled.
Berlin Kaplanı
A boxer from berlin gets involved in several schemes. When trouble mounts, he relocates to Turkey.
A massive explosion rips though a busy street in Istanbul, Turkey. 95 people are dead; 30 Americans and 5 British. The massacre sends shock waves from Turkey to London and Washington, DC. A new terrorist organization is behind the attack. The explosion is just the beginning. Labyrinth' is the code name of the operation conducted by Turkish intelligence to stop a second, more devastating attack that will plunge Turkey, the only democratic Muslim country in the region, into chaos and destroy the fragile balance of the Middle East. After the initial attack, Turkey becomes a battlefront for terrorists and Turkish, British and American intelligence officers. Everyone has his own agenda in the fight that stretches from Istanbul to Eastern Turkey and from Frankfurt to Northern Iraq.
Nina sieht es ...!!!
Mother 007
Nina Wenzel used to be an undercover agent. After her sister's death five years ago Nina gets child custody of the three orphans and quits her dangerous job. In her new family-life she manages to retain some of her skills. When Wolf Geiger, the last person Nina imprisoned, escapes, Nina's old skills are needed again.
Henry is a playboy who has no idea that he is the father of a beautiful, cute girl out of a One-night-Stand. Her mother left the daughter in front of Henry door after her husband realized after 8 years of marriage that he is not the father so their relationship now is breaking up... By the way: Kokowääh, is how a German (in this case an 8 Year old child) that has never heard the dish before - would pronounce "Coq Au Vin" (chicken in a wine sauce).
The Coming Days
Saudischer Diplomat
Welcome to 2020: The European Union has collapsed following the fourth Gulf War and massive barricades keep illegal immigrants out of cities that are barely functioning. In the middle of this highly volatile environment is the family of Walter Kuper, an energy conglomerate executive. Walter’s daughter, Cecilia, has joined the Black Storm terrorist group. Her sister Laura must choose between motherhood and the man she loves; their brother Philip has been called into fight for Germany in a hopeless war to secure the last remaining oil fields. Starring leading actors Daniel Brühl, Johanna Wokalek and Jürgen Vogel, "The Days to Come" asks provocative questions about the current state of things as it depicts personal and political realities in a scarily believable near–future.
Times Change You
The life story of German gangsta rapper, Bushido.
파이어: 테러와의 전쟁
평범한 신혼부부가 대출을 위해 은행을 방문한다. 남편이 일 때문에 잠시 은행을 나오게 된 사이, 은행에 납치 소동이 일어난다. 그리고 테러범들에 의해, 인질로 잡힌 아내를 구하기 위해 남편은 어쩔 수 없이 범인들을 돕게 되면서 그들이 단순한 은행강도가 아닌 베를린을 테러할 엄청난 계획이 있다는 것을 알게 된다. 그리고 인질로 잡힌 아내와 테러조직의 배후를 쫓던 중 충격적인 사실을 접하게 되는데…
Bible Code
Johanna Bachmann is a young police received an emergency call from his father he believed dead, but to meet him, kill him. Nevertheless, the man gets to give her daughter a bag with various personal items. These will put you on the track of a manuscript that will reveal the secret to interpret the Bible. Vatican Party disagrees with the search performs young as they believe in a God who must punish humanity
Sivan, at around the age of 20, is a native of the Southeastern region of Anatolia. His father Saho is the leader of the Givdanli tribe who stays distant both to the state and to the insurgents who are influent in the region, in order to secure its existence. One day, Sivan meets with the girl he loves, Berfin in a field around the village. The same day the field is burnt by saboteurs and the whole harvest of the village is wasted. The investigation initiated after the incident, changes Sivan's life drastically. Taken in for an interrogation, Sivan is caught between the police and the insurgents. Thinking his son's life is in peril, Saho assures Sivan's fleeing out of the country. Taken to Germany by the help of a illegal network, Sivan is located in a refugee camp. However, in this new land whose language is alien to him, Sivan will go through an ordeal which will add a new dimension to the residue of his experiences in Turkey.
Run for Your Life!
He lived the junkie's life as a heroin addict. Triathlon transformed him. Biopic of the record breaking Ironman Andreas Niedrig.
Story of a man who is suffering because of a crime and trying to escape of his suffering.
Production Manager
New Turkish horror picture Musallat looks the technical end looks stronger than most. Musallat the story of a young couple haunted by mysterious forces and there looks to be a heavy possession element as well. The calm life of Suat and Nurcan is broken when they begin to be scared by terroríficas supernatural creatures. The official website is now live and includes a lengthy teaser. It does include a childbirth sequence that could leave you squirming.
Eve Giden Yol 1914
Vartolu Settar
Waiting for Heaven
Dilsiz Mustafa
Eflatun is a master miniature artist who's living in 17th century Istanbul. One day, he's taken to the vizier's mansion by force. There he learns that Danyal, one of the Ottoman princes who has ignited an insurrection, is arrested in a far off state and to be executed soon. Eflatun is ordered to make a portrait of the rebel prince who's been condemned to death in a Western manner to help the authorities be certain on the identity of him. Upon the order, Eflatun sets off for an arduous journey to Anatolia. He picks up a girl named Leyla en route. Together, they find themselves in a great venture fraught with sensations.
Fliegende Ratten
Waffen Dealer
Chris, a petty thief, plans an armed robbery doomed to failure. His girlfriend Elena tries everything to keep him from ruining both their lives. As the hot August Sunday passes, Chris gets drunker and drunker. The newly aquired gun in his pocket gives him a feeling of power as he drifts through the neighborhood park looking for trouble. Elena sees the tragedy unfold, but seems unable to get through to him.
Max and Moritz Reloaded
Bülent, Fighter
Max and Moritz are two young brothers living an adventurous life of petty crime in Hamburg, Germany. After the two boys steal a car and get into an accident, with the adolescent daughter of a Hamburg Senator sitting in the passenger seat, the two scoundrels are packed up and sent to a boot camp. This military-style camp is run by Axel and Henry, two former East German soldiers who still strongly believe in Communism but are secretly gay lovers. Max and Moritz steal another car...a red Ferrari owned by small-town pimp Murder-Hanne. The nationalistic sadist teaches the boys a painful lesson, but Max and Moritz wouldn’t be Max and Moritz if they let this weekend-fascist get them down... and when they acquire the key to their military school’s ordinance depot, things start to change.
Kebab Connection
In Hamburg, Ibrahim "Ibo" Secmez, of Turkish descent, wants to direct the first German kung-fu movie. For now, he makes commercials for his uncle's kebab restaurant. Titzie, an aspiring actress and Ibo's German girlfriend, finds she's pregnant. Ibo is uncertain about fatherhood - compounded by his father's disowning him for getting a German girl pregnant - so Titzie sends him packing. He makes attempts at getting it right, but as the birth approaches, he's still not ready. In the background are three thugs in search of good tripe soup and a Capulet-Montegue feud between the kebab joint and a Greek taverna across the street. Can Ibo be the glove upon that hand?
Mit einem Rutsch ins Glück
Fast perfekt verlobt
Best prospects for young Nika Kreschinski: She is an assistant in the PR department of the renowned Seckbach Bank and is engaged to Fritz , the son of the house. But shortly before the planned wedding , the orderly life of the career woman is thoroughly shaken up: her father Herby,an old hippie, appears on the scene because the Seckbach Bank wants to turn his Greek dropout island into an amusement park ...
더 웨이 오브 더 윈드
A dramatization of several episodes in the life of Christ.