Associate Producer
평범한 웨이트리스였던 서니 데이비스(골디 혼 분)은 어느날 퇴근 길에 미국을 방문 중인 중동 아랍 소국의 황태자 일행은 구경하다가, 우연히 근처의 암살범이 황태자를 살해하려는 것을 몸으로 막는다. 다행히 둔부에 경미한 총상을 입은 그녀는 일거에 미국의 영웅으로 변한다. 워싱턴의 백악관 관계자는 그녀를 의전 관계 담당으로 채용, 중동 담당을 시키지만 첫날부터 터지는 사고의 연속. 그러나 미국과 아랍소국의 관계가 갑자기 불편해지고, 중동에서의 미국의 전략적 위치가 흔들거리자 그녀는 비밀특사로 아랍소국에 파견된다.
아버지의 가출로 렌은 어머니와 함께 시카고를 떠나 백부가 사는 유타주 버몬트로 이사를 간다. 그곳은 자유스러운 도시 생활과 달리 폐쇠적인 인습에 사로잡힌 시골 마을이었다. 렌은 백부와 교회에 갔다가 목사의 설교 가운데서 "범람하는 포르노, 야비하고 외설적인 록음악, 땅에 떨어진 성도덕이 신의 시련"이라는 데서 반발을 느끼며 이 마을 청소년들이 정신적인 거세를 당했다는 결론을 내린다.
During the First World War a Hunter and trader in Africa joins forces with a couple looking for a source of platinum try to survive while fleeing British soldiers, dealing with German slavers and troops, natives and cannibals.
Detective Inspector Jacques Clouseau is borrowed from the Surete on special assignment for Scotland Yard in hopes that a fresh outlook will help the government recover the loot from the Great Train Robbery, which is being used to underwrite a new crime wave. What they don't count on, however, is having more than one Clouseau on the job.
Associate Producer
Abner Hale, a rigid and humorless New England missionary, marries the beautiful Jerusha Bromley and takes her to the exotic island kingdom of Hawaii, intent on converting the natives. But the clash between the two cultures is too great and instead of understanding there comes tragedy.
Executive Producer
A Jewish woman, Dr. Michele Wolf, interred in a Nazi concentration camp during WWII returns to her Paris home after the war's end. She's unaware that her husband, the handsome gigolo and chess master Stanislaw Pilgrin, has been having an affair with her stepdaughter Fabi in her absence.
Grace Caldwell, a young Pennsylvania newspaper heiress living with her widowed mother, has trouble restraining herself when it comes to the amorous attentions of young men. As word starts to spread about her behavior, Grace becomes a major source of heartache for her mother and a big source of concern to her brother.
아주 오랜 옛날 평화로운 마얀족에게 새로운 기술로 철제무기로 무장한 후나켈이 자기 종족을 이끌고 침략을 한다. 젊은 마얀의 왕은 목제 무기로 대항하다가 어쩔수 없이 피신을 하게 된다. 피신길에 자신의 영토에 있던 부족들을 이끌고 같이 새로운 영토로 가기를 바랬으나 그 부족의 부족장은 자신으 딸을 왕비로 삼으면 따르겠단 제안을 한다. 여자와 인력이 부족한 발람왕은 할 수 없이 그 제안에 수락을 하고 천신 만고의 고생 끝에 신천지를 발견하게 되지만 이곳엔 이미 검은 독수리가 이끄는 원주민족이 살고 있었고 원주민 족장인 검은 독수리(율부린너)는 마얀족의 왕을 급습하다가 오히려 포로로 잡히게 되고 격투 중에 심한 부상을 입는다. 마얀족의 전래 행사인 태양신의 숭배는 산사람을 제물로 바치는 것이 관례였고, 마얀왕 발람은 검은 독수리를 치료 후 완쾌가 되면 제물로 바치려 한다. 검은 독수리의 상처를 치료하던 부족장의 딸이면서 장차 마얀의 왕비가 될 이첼에게 반해 버린 검은 독수리가 자신이 죽을 것을 모르고 사랑을 고백하지만 결국 그는 제물로 제단에 서게 된다.
Due to an accident while swimming in the sea, Francis meets the surfer Moondoggie. She's fascinated with his sport and starts to hang out with his clique. Although they make fun of her at first, they teach her to surf and soon she's accepted and given the nickname "Gidget". But it's hard work to become more than a friend to Moondoggie.
Eddie Rico, the erstwhile bookkeeper for a big Mafia boss, is now making a living as an honest merchant in Florida with his family. Things go sour when the police start a search for his syndicate-linked brothers who are on the lam after a big hit, forcing Eddie to get involved with the Mafia again.
Executive Producer
Five individuals from five nations, including the USA, USSR, and China, suddenly find themselves on an alien saucer, where an alien gives each a container holding three capsules. The alien explains that no power on earth can open a given container except a mental command from the person to whom it is given, then anyone may take a capsule and, by speaking a latitude and longitude at it, cause instant death to all within a given radius: thus each of the five has been provided with the power of life and death. Then, they are given 27 days to decide whether to use the capsules, and returned to the places from which each one came...
This titillating bit of pulp sensationalism was the last in a string of "B" films that Cleo Moore starred in at Columbia. Moore plays Lila Crane, an ambitious clip-joint floozie turned photographer with flexible morals and a penchant for fast money.
This titillating bit of pulp sensationalism was the last in a string of "B" films that Cleo Moore starred in at Columbia. Moore plays Lila Crane, an ambitious clip-joint floozie turned photographer with flexible morals and a penchant for fast money.
갱단 두목, 코스테인의 위법 행위에 대해 증언을 하기로 했던 피트가 살해되자 로이드 할렛 검사(Lloyd Hallett: 에드워드 G. 로빈슨 분)는 코스테인(Benjamin Costain: 론 그린 분)의 위법 행위 때 현장에 같이 있었고, 그 당시 감옥에 수감돼 있던 피트의 정부 셰리 콘리(Sherry Conley: 긴저 로저스 분)를 증언대에 세우기로 하고 호텔로 데려와 보호한다. 하지만 셰리는 증언하기를 꺼리고 코스테인은 한시 바삐 셰리를 처치하려고 혈안이 돼 있다. 셰리를 보호, 감시하는 경찰관 빈스(Vince Striker: 브라이언 키스 분)와 셰리는 서로에게 사랑을 느끼게 되고 달콤한 시간을 보내던 중 코스테인의 부하가 침입해 총을 난사하고, 여경찰 윌로비 부인이 총에 맞고도 끝까지 셰리를 피신시켜 주고 죽는 사고가 발생한다. 자신을 구하고 죽은 윌로비 부인에 대한 죄스러움과 고마움, 그리고 슬픔 때문에 셰리는 더욱 빈스에게 의지하게 되는데, 피가 묻은 옷을 갈아입으러 외출했던 빈스는 코스테인 일당에게 납치돼 셰리를 처치하는 일에 동조하지 않으면 목숨을 빼았겠다는 협박을 받는다. 갈등을 겪던 빈스는 결국 콘스테인의 말대로 킬러가 들어올 수 있도록 욕실 창문을 열어놓지만 마지막 순간 셰리의 방에 뛰쳐 들어가 셰리를 지키고 죽는다. 그리고 슬픔과 분노에 가득찬 셰리는 콘스테인을 벌하기 위한 증언대에 선다.
퇴역한 북군 장교 패리시는 서부 생활을 청산하고 그의 약혼녀와 동부로 이주할 계획을 세운다. 하지만 무법자 윌키슨 일당이 그가 처분하려는 목장의 대가를 지나치게 낮게 제시하면서 그는 다시 고민에 빠지게 된다. 그러던 차에 그의 부하 중 한 명이 살해되면서 그는 전쟁 경험을 활용해 그들과 싸우기로 결심한다. (채널 더 무비)
Dr. Allen Seward is assigned to a western cavalry post where his predecessors had been drunks and slackers. The post doesn't take kindly to him either, especially after he disregards regulations and tends to sick Indians on the malaria-infested reservation. The Indians break away from the reservation to move to a healthier higher ground, and when they join with the Comanches to besiege the fort, Seward is branded as a "woodhawk", the bird that turns against its own. Donna Reed is present as the niece of the post commander; Phil Carey is a cavalry captain that believes the only good Indian is a dead Indian, and May Wynn is the white girl raised by the Indians and married to the chief's son.
한국전에서 돌아온 기관사 제프 워렌은 칼 버클리가 아내 비키의 연인 오웬을 죽이는 현장을 우연히 목격한다. 비키의 유혹에 넘어간 제프는 살인을 눈감아주고, 알콜 중독으로 아내를 상습 폭행하는 칼을 죽이라는 제안까지 받는다.
자연주의 대문호 에밀 졸라의 소설이 원작으로, 이미 장 르누아르가 장 가뱅 주연의 로 영화화한 바 있다.
Producer's Assistant
금발의 아름다운 새디(리타 헤이워드)가 미군기지가 있는 남태평양의 작은 섬에 도착한다. 그녀의 등장으로 해군들 사이 소동이 벌어지자 이 섬에 크나큰 영향력을 미치고 있는 선교사(호세 페러)는 그녀를 못마땅하게 생각하기 시작한다. 그녀가 하와이의 바에서 몸을 팔았던 여인임을 알게 된 그는 새디를 섬에서 몰아내는 계략을 세운다. (2014 한국영상자료원 - 40주년 기념 영화제_ 발굴, 복원 그리고 재창조전) 서머셋 모옴의 단편을 수정하여 커티스 번하트 감독이 입체영화로 만들었다. 1950년대 초반 호러, 스릴러 장르의 3D영화와는 달리 대스타였던 리타 헤이워드를 주인공으로 신중하게 준비된 이 영화는 하와이 카우아이 섬을 무대로 테크니컬러, 와이드 스크린, 다채널 음향으로 촬영되었다. 영화는 물체가 화면 밖으로 튀어나오는 일반적인 3D 효과보다 분위기와 리타 헤이워드라는 배우의 몸과 얼굴을 세심하게 이용하고 있다. 핀업 걸(pin-up girl)로 화려한 미인이었던 리타 헤이워드의 약간은 나이든 얼굴의 클로즈업과 ‘The heat is on'을 노래하며 춤추는 장면은 이 영화의 절정의 순간이라 할 수 있겠다. 개봉 당시 이 댄스 장면으로 인해 미국의 몇 개 주에서는 검열로 인해 상영이 금지되기도 했다. (2014 한국영상자료원 - 40주년 기념 영화제_ 발굴, 복원 그리고 재창조전)
캘리포니아에 가서 결혼 생활을 하려던 제니와 워런은 결혼식을 하려고 마차를 타고 가다 슬레이튼이란 무법자에게 강도를 당해 워런은 총에 맞아 쓰러지고 제니는 납치를 당한다. 여자를 끌고 가는 걸 못마땅하게 여기던 동료 제스는 슬레이튼에게 반항하다 사막에 묶이게 된다. 그러나 죽은 줄 알았던 워런은 죽지 않고 슬레이튼을 쫓고 이 와중에 제스와 슬레이튼에게 원한을 가지고 있는 인디언을 만나 함께 가게 된다. 결국 슬레이튼은은 여자와 제스를 맞바꾸자고 제안을 하고 워런은 그의 말에 따르지만 슬레이튼은 제스를 죽이고 이에 격분한 워런은 그를 끝까지 쫓아가 죽인다.
Second Unit Director
An idealistic United Nations official learns the harrowing truth about war when she falls in love with an American officer charged with the evacuation of civilians. As hostilities escalate, the officer and his small detachment are left to hold the line until allied forces can be brought into action.
A small-town reporter investigates a mysterious group holed up in a country lodge.
An insurance agent's greedy girlfriend with a taste for mink leads him to a life of crime.
A lawyer uncovers secrets behind a 12-year-old murder case.
Police sergeants Johnson and McManus take on Los Angeles confidence tricksters. Con man Tony Wells, lining up rich widow Jessica Royce as his latest mark, sets up a false paranormal society with other charlatans to convince the credulous Jessica that her late son is speaking to her through their sham seances. When the plan leads to murder, Johnson and McManus must bring the group down before they kill again.
Executive In Charge Of Production
A surveyor for the Canadian Pacific Railroad must fight fur trappers who oppose the building of the railroad by stirring up Indian rebellion.
Production Manager
Insurance investigator Sam Donovan is looking into the apparent suicide of a man in a small Midwestern town. All clues leads him into suspecting murder. Unfortunately, no one wants to assist him with the case, including Sheriff Larry Best.
Production Manager
Vincent Doane is in the precarious position of trying to close an advertising account with his rich ex-fiancée. Unfortunately she is more interested in him than in business. Vincent's wife Paula gets suspicious and finally decides to do some flirting of her own to make him jealous. Unknown to her, she chooses cigarette tychoon Claude Kimball. In fact, Kimball hits it off well with both of the Doanes. The question is whether or not their marriage can survive all the shenanigans.
Hoppy and his pals arrive in a remote town to investigate the counterfeiting of both U.S. and Mexican money; his only clues are the name "Mordigan" and a drawing of a comet. He quickly finds out that Mordigan is the town "boss"; but what or who is "the comet", and why are Mordigan and his henchmen intent on persecuting a young woman, her drunken brother, and her deathly ill sister-in-law who've also just arrived in town?
Associate Producer
A small-town girl who's made it big in New York as a fashion model returns home, only to find that her somewhat dotty uncle has mortgaged his boarding house to the hilt. In her efforts to help him keep his boarding house, she becomes involved with a handsome young minister and his superior, an older bishop.
A banker is trying to cheat people out of their silver-rich land. Hoppy learns that the banker is in league with an outlaw gang.
Production Manager
Psychiatrists move in with bickering stage spouses and start bickering too.
Finishing a trail drive, Hoppy and the boys head to town and immediately get caught up in the conflict between school teacher Miss Abott and next door saloon owner Mawson. When Miss Abott disappears, Hoppy gets a clue to her location and rescues her from Mawson's cabin. It looks like Mawson is the man he wants, but Hoppy finds an item that indicates otherwise.
Associate Producer
Eddie Tayloe's grandfather leaves him six thousand dollars and the money belt it came in, freeing Tayloe to leave his dull newspaper job in Texas and move to New York to become a playwright. Along the way, his car breaks down and a girl walking along the highway asks for a lift. It turns out she's a nice girl, named Perry, running away from a job at a gasoline station. Soon they're off to New York together, but part ways once they arrive. Time passes and Eddie is failing to sell his play; Perry is failing to find a job. Odd circumstances, involving an old pickpocket named Mandy, bring them together again.
Lee Garvin has eloped with the daughter of a railroad man who didn't approve of the marriage. Hoppy steps in when the young man is framed for murder.
Production Manager
A framed reporter and the crooks on his trail scramble to locate a book containing the names of American war profiteers and traitors who collaborated with the Nazis during the war.
Hoppy, California and Lucky arrive at a remote inn, where Lucky expects to be married - but finds the bride-to-be in distress over her uncle, who has suddenly disappeared from the inn. Then Hoppy finds the uncle's body in the shaft of his nearby mine...
One of Hoppy's Bar 20 ranch hands is tricked into participating in nefarious activities after being subjected to hypnosis.
Production Manager
The brother of a nuclear scientist dies but is reincarnated as a dog so he can return to Earth to protect his brother.
Executive In Charge Of Production
Eight fighter pilots hold off constant Japanese attacks during the construction of an airstrip in New Guinea.
Hoppy, California, and Lucky travel to Mesa City for a short vacation. California buys new clothes and carrying his old ones in a suitcase, bumps into escaping bank robbers in the dark. His suitcase gets switched with that of the robbers and he is seen with the money. Hoppy must find the money that has mysteriously disappeared and also the robbers so that he can clear California who is now in jail.
Hoppy, California and Lucky take refuge from a storm inside a supposedly abandoned church outside a ghost town, only to meet a young woman and her mother there, then find themselves surrounded by a gang of "workmen" intent on tearing down the church if they have to kill the five to do it.
Sue Morgan gets Hoppy and his friends to join their expedition looking for Indian artifacts. Expedition leader Atwood makes a deal with nearby cattle rustler Morgan to loot the Indian treasures instead and sell them. Hoppy is on to their plan and pretending to leave follows them. Not only is he outnumbered by Morgan's men, but California has himself about to be sacrificed in an Indian ritual.
At the reading of his late cousin's will, California learns the estate will be divied among whoever remains of the seven relatives. With one already dead, another immediately murdered, and the Lawyer telling them the ranch is almost worthless, Hoppy investigates.
Hoppy finds a wounded girl and later finds Judge Morton who claims the girl is his daughter and he is looking for her. But Hoppy soon learns the girl is looking for stolen gold she wants to return and the Judge in not her father but only wants the gold. Hoppy and the girl find the gold but the Judge and his men find Hoppy and the boys and trap them in a cabin.
The son of an Army friend is about the join an outlaw gang. Hoppy prevents this and brings the gang to justice.
Associate Producer
Bat Masterson, who after failing to secure a job as a newspaper reporter becomes marshal of Dodge City. Preferring socializing to peacekeeping, Masterson falls in love with Dora Hand, the obligatory golden-hearted chorus girl whose concern for the welfare of her fellow citizens at time reaches Madonna-like dimensions. When Dora is shot down cattle baron King Kennedy, Masterson begins taking his job seriously. After taking care of Kennedy, Masterson determines to enshrine the memory of Dora, whose efforts to clean up Dodge City were largely ignored by the "decent" townsfolk.
Associate Producer
Before he was killed by Mark Foster's men, Bud Lawton willed part ownership in his ranch to Hoppy and his two pals. When the three arrive they find a fake posing as Lawton. When they expose the imposter, Foster gets the Sheriff to jail them for Lawton's murder.
Associate Producer
Wounded while stopping the James gang from robbing the local bank, a cowboy wakes up in the hospital to find that he's been elected town marshal. He soon comes into conflict with the town banker, who controls everything in town and is squeezing the townspeople for every penny he can get out of them.
A railroad man and the owner of a freight line battle for control of a crucial mountain pass.
Richard Dix as Dan Taylor and Preston S. Foster as Paxton Bryce are two longtime friends seeking their fortune in Texas after the war. The two men decide, not without problems, to establish a cattle empire. Paxton becoming too ambitious, distances himself from Dan and Abby, Paxton's wife. It will only be after a personal tragedy that he will come back to his senses.
Associate Producer
Uneven version of Wyatt Earp vs. the Clanton Gang with a little romance thrown in haphazardly.
Art Direction
Hoppy, Lucky and California search for a mine owned by Trudy Pendleton after it was taken from her by thw swindling gambler Ace Gibson. They find the mine and Hoppy fights Gibson over it.
Art Direction
A town bedeviled with outlaws sends for Hoppy, Lucky and California after their own vigilante committee fails to solve the towns problems. Hoppy discovers that the bad guys are led by the town boss, and so are the vigilantes.
Production Design
Joe Weller has instigated a conflict over water rights between two ranchers. The idea is to have the ranchers do each other in then move in and take over. Hoppy and the good guys won't let this happen.
Production Design
Stephen Westcott and Ed Martin scheme to put Jane Travers' wagon line out of business. They want to use it take over all the wagon- train traffic going west. Hoppy, California and Lucky must make sure that doesn't happen.
Production Design
Hoppy and new sidekick California Carlson head to California to help out Lucky Jenkins.
Art Direction
Victorian melodrama gets a big send-up in this spoof production of the old play "The Drunkard; or, The Fallen Saved." The play within the movie is the old one where evil villain Cribbs schemes to get his lusty clutches on the heroine by driving her naive husband to alcoholic ruin. Luckily, a temperance lecturer is on hand to set things straight, as is the great Buster Keaton as the drunkard's friend.
Art Direction
Hoppy is busy chasing stagecoach bandits who sing as they rob.
Art Direction
Hoppy and Lucky have been called in to investigate a series of stage holdups. The robbers are taking gold from Colby's mine and Hoppy suspects it may be ex-outlaw Colby himself. When Speedy strikes gold, Hoppy borrows it and announces a gold shipment hoping to catch the gang and their leader.
Art Direction
Change comes slowly to a small New Hampshire town in the early 20th century. We see birth, life and death in this small community.
Art Direction
Easterner Madeline Hammond buys a ranch not knowing Hayworth is using it to smuggle ammunition across the border. When trouble starts, she brings back Gene Stewart ex-foreman who left the country after fighting with the Sheriff.
Art Direction
European bad guy Baron Bendor leads some local townsmen in a plot to obtain horses through theft. Hoppy and his sidekicks Lucky and Speedy must find and expose the horse thieves.
Unit Manager
Russell Hayden, taking a break from playing Hopalong Cassidy pictures, stars as Renn Frayne, a college-educated youth heading westward who finds more than he bargained for. Following a terrifying run-in with an outlaw gang, Frayne aligns himself with the heroine Holly Ripple (Jean Parker), whose father's cattle ranch is in danger of falling into the hands of the villains. Victor Jory as Malcolm Lascallie, the wily gambler,
Production Design
U.S. Marshal Hopalong Cassidy is called when a town becomes overun with bad guys. Disguised as a member of a medicine show, Hoppy discovers that the ringleader is none other than sweet li'l ol' Ma Burton.
Art Direction
Hoppy and Lucky are headed to South America to deliver a heard of cattle. Bay guy Ralph Merritt gets in their way. For a while.
Art Direction
Buck Colins heads a group of local ranchers who are trying to prevent the railroad from completing its line through their property. Till now they have been able to charge tolls on herds passing through. Hoppy goes undercover to expose them.
Art Direction
Hoppy goes to town to help Marshal Windy with some rustlers and winds up helping the widow Joyce when confidence men try to take her herd. King's Men songs include: "Hi Thar Stranger" and "Lazy Rolls the Rio Grande."
Art Direction
John Abbott returns to the desert land he owns, and after being wounded by hired gunman Chick Chance, he is befriended by rancher Andrew Naab and his son, Marvin. Naab's daughter, Marian, falls in love with John but is about to marry Snap Thornton to keep a promise made by her father. She runs away on her wedding day but is captured and held hostage by outlaw Henry Holderness. John, the Naabs and fellow ranchers rush to her rescue.
Art Direction
Hoppy goes undercover as a gambler from the East when Bar 20 cattle are stolen by unknown rustlers. Brennan/Talbot are twin brothers (one a casino owner, the other a rancher) and Hoppy believes they provide alibis for each other while one is out committing crimes. Hoppy gets a job in the casino to learn more but is exposed when a gambling gunslinger notices him.
Art Direction
Disguising himself as a milquetoast Easterner who writes Western novels, Hoppy enrolls in a dude ranch in order to unmask the murderer of the owner's husband.
Art Direction
The local school is causing Hoppy problems. First Bar 20 cattle are stolen when Hoppy investigates a problem there. Then the new teacher arrives and disrupts the routine of the Bar 20 hands. Later with the Bar 20 hands at graduation, the rustlers are poised to strike again. But there is dissension among them and this will lead to the break that Hoppy needs.
Art Direction
Ben Wade and his partner Frosty return to Bellounds' ranch where twenty years earlier Wade was wanted for murder. Unrecognized, he gets a job on the ranch and soon becomes involved in Folsom's cattle rustling and a chance to settle an old score.
Art Direction
Escaped criminal "The Fox" hates Hoppy and a Rurales colonel for imprisoning him and lures Cassidy to Mexico in order to exact his vengeance.
Art Direction
Caldwell and Nixon have their men rob the stage and then critcize the Sheriff for not catching the robbers. With her father the Sheriff under pressure, Mary sends for Hoppy who finds the stolen money and sets a trap to bring in the entire gang.
Art Direction
Hoppy's friend Dennis owns a rich gold mine. Frazier who owns the adjoining mine and wants the Dennis mine, has Dennis killed. Hoppy steps in to take over running the Dennis mine and learns Frazier's men sneak into and work the Dennis mine at night. Hoppy captures one of Frazier's men only to be captured in return by Frazier and left to die in a burning building.
Art Direction
Hopalong Cassidy, boss of the Bar 20 ranch in Texas, rides down the Camino Real in the New Mexico cattle country near Alamogordo, in response to an urgent message from his lifelong sweetheart, Nora Blake, who is in serious trouble. Before he and his saddlemates, "Lucky" Jenkins and "Pappy", can reach her ranch, they are stopped by Clay Allison, a cattle-rustler who is in almost complete control of the district, and wants to extend his holdings by seizing Nora's cattle and driving her out. Seeing Cassidy as a menace to his plans, he has him arrested on a trumped-up charge. Cassidy and his pals shoot their way out of the trouble and reach Nora;s ranch where they learn that Allison's henchmen have murdered her foreman, Tom Dillon, and Allison has sent for a crew of outlaws on the Texas border.
Art Direction
Lorna Drake has inherited a ranch. Hoppy teaches her a bit about ranching and handles Scar Lewis, the bad guy, in the process.
Art Direction
Eleanor and her parents are hunting big game, acompanied by her wimpish fiance.
Art Direction
The U.S. Army needs more horses for the Spanish-American War. Hoppy must turn his Bar 20 cowhands into Rough Riders to gather up the horses, and of course bad guys try to sabotage the operation.
Art Direction
On a cattle drive Hoppy, camp cook Windy, companion Lucky, and young Artie Peters encounter an eccentric professor. The professor professes to be searching for the evolutionary missing link, but in reality he is a cattle rustler who uses his dynamite to scatter the cattle in order capture some of them. Hoppy and Bar 20 guys ultimately capture the professor.
Art Direction
Hoppy clears Lucky on a charge of bank robbery and foils the plot of a crooked lawyer to rustle a herd of pedigree cattle and take over the valley.
Art Direction
Hoppy's brother has been murdered and he is on the trail of the murderers. To get them he makes himself seem to be a wanted man.
Art Direction
An evil deputy is using Indian half-breeds to rustle cattle. This causes trouble between the cattlemen and Indians. Hoppy, Windy and Lucky see that justice is served. Songs abound.
Art Direction
Hoppy goes undercover as an outlaw (which permits him, for once, to drink and be mean to children) to track down a bunch of outlaws operating along the border. Loco, the head bad guy, deflects suspicion from himself by pretending to be a moron.
Technical Supervisor
A secretary finds herself being romanced by a "ladies man". What she doesn't know is that it's her boss who really loves her.
Art Direction
A crusading newspaper editor recruits his old friend Hoppy to take the job of Marshall in a town rife with vice and murder directed at helpless miners.
Art Direction
When a border patrolman catches their spoiled daughter smoking in a no-smoking area, parents hire him to watch over her. She then runs over to Mexico and gets involved with jewel thieves and he has to go save her.
Art Direction
O'Malley pretends to be an outlaw in order to join a gang terrorizing towns along the American border.
Art Direction
Hoppy returns to find Johnny in trouble. Buck Peters has been shot by Porter who made it look like Johnny did it. When Johnny flees he runs into Linda. He takes a liking to her only to learn her father Shanghai is one of Porter's gang. Going after Shanghai, he gets captured by the gang and Porter now plans to kill him. But Hoppy is near by and Johnny will get unexpected help from Shanghai.
Set Designer
Wildcat riggers risk their lives in the pursuit of oil. Their jobs get even more dangerous when ruthless oil baron J.C. Anderson sets his sights on their territory. When longtime driller Dan O'Reilly falls to his death from a well tower sabotaged by Anderson's strong-arm thugs, his teenage son 'Fishtail' inherits the property and the troubles that come with it. With the help of his geologist pal, Hank Langford, the boy fights to bring in a gusher before the deed to the well-site expires.
Set Designer
Three men escape from prison, go back to their hometown to try to find out who framed them.
Set Decoration
A Canadian Mountie tracks and captures the murderers of a fur trapper, but is later overpowered, tied to a tree, and left in the woods to die. The Mountie's brother finds him just before he dies, and sets out to recapture the killers.
Production Manager
An agent tracking down a man who disappeared in the mysterious "Ghost Mountain" area discovers discovers the hideout of a gang of murderous outlaws.
Set Decoration
A Mountie sets out to infiltrate and break up a gang of counterfeiters.
Assistant Director
A dedicated and compassionate policewoman risks her job by offering refuge to a young mother with mob associations. Crime drama.