Siegfried Rauch
출생 : 1932-04-02, Landsberg am Lech, Germany
사망 : 2018-03-11
Born in 1932, Siegfried Rauch originally wanted to be an architect. He started his career as an actor in the 1950s.
Hamilton (archive footage)
A feature-length documentary about the life and career of Italian director Luigi Cozzi and his obsession with Science Fiction and Fantasy.
`빠삐용`에 출연하기 몇 해 전, 1960년대를 대표하던 할리우드 스타 배우 `스티브 맥퀸`은 평생의 소원이었던 레이싱 영화를 촬영하기 위해 프랑스 `르망`으로 떠난다. 질주하는 도로 위에서 느끼는 자유로움을 스크린으로 전달하고 싶던 그는 영화 제작사를 설립해 직접 감독을 섭외하고 레이싱 카에 개조한 카메라를 설치하며 열의를 보이지만, 늘어나는 촬영 회차와 투자사와의 불화로 영화는 점점 그가 원하는 방향에서 멀어져 간다. 여기에 뜻하지 않던 불의의 사고가 더해져 꿈을 향해 질주하던 그에게 브레이크를 걸고 마는데…
Paul Shaw
Beate Uhse was a German pilot and entrepreneur. The only female stunt pilot in Germany in the 1930s, after World War II she started the first sex shop in the world. The company she started, Beate Uhse AG, is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, and is the world leader in sales of sexual aids. The company also started a television channel on the Premiere network of television channels.
Dr. Johann Wedel
Marie, together with her mother Carla and grandma Ruth, runs a family-owned hotel on the Staffelsee. However, as Ruth fears that her granddaughter, who prefers to change her car tires rather than make herself beautiful in front of the mirror, gets drowsy at some point, she secretly makes a personal announcement in Marie's name. Without a photo of her beautiful granddaughter, nobody can even get married even in times of the internet. Ruth hires the professional photographer Niklas, who succeeds in the miracle: Marie is kissing awake. In the role of a modern Cinderella Mira Bartuschek discovers her femininity and Kai Schumann as her photographer the motif of his life.
Narrator (voice)
A window into Russia, unknown to Western man, and even to many Russians. "Russia - the largest country in the world. In many of its parts, it remains unknown world full of wonders. Let the world and will continue for the generations that come after us".
Franz Lindner
Rudolf Berger
The adult siblings Juliane and Sarah are inseparable - especially the sensible Juliane still sees herself as the protector of her younger sister, who was seriously ill as a child. But the close relationship between the two women is put to the test when the charming Philipp shows up to spruce up the bookshop where Sarah works. From the first moment, the vivacious Sarah is hooked on her new boss. What she doesn't know: Juliane has also fallen in love with Philipp.
Stefan Suttner
Dr. Rafael Hansen
Herbert Grabmaier
Armin Lechner
Lord Samuel Ravenhurst
Lord Ravenhurst, a former British fencing champion, runs his seaside country estate with his devoted junior son, Taylor, who recruits a youth friend, landscape architect Vivian, daughter of loyal steward Desmond, to help with some modernization. She's disappointed to learn to invitation didn't come from his lordship's firstborn, Samuel, her former flame whom she expected to be in charge. In fact he became a London banker and got engaged to tycoon Archie 's daughter Annabel to pay for his gambling debts. The lord's wife Margaret dies unexpectedly, too short after telling Taylor Samuel was adopted but ignores so to change her will, as the estate is her father's heritage. Samuel returns only to claim 'his inheritance' and Vivian, who is starting to fall for Taylor's honest charm.
When her partner Erik has to cancel the holiday, lawyer Claudia Schmitt decides to travel alone to Lusatia. There she meets Mark Berner, who rents holiday cottages in the area. At first, the two are not sympathetic. But as Claudia run towards two little lynxes, they gradually come closer and fall in love. But then Claudia thinks he can find out a dark secret in Mark's past, which later turns out to be a misunderstanding. But it is already too late - Claudia is on her way back to Salzburg. But Mark decides to fight Claudia.
Stefan Suttner
A re-working, re-editing, and restructuring of Sam Fuller's The Big Red One bringing it closer as originally envisioned by the late filmmaker. It includes forty-seven additional minutes which was not utilized in the film's original release. Supervised by Richard Schickel, Peter Bogdanovich, and editor Bryan McKenzie.
Franz Flender
Byron Blair
Paul receives a letter from one who claims to be his real father, proposing a last meeting before dying. He will travel to Australia and there he meets a woman that will be attracted.
Prof. Georg Baumgart
Otto Kilian
With a pounding heart, the horse madman Martina Kilian awaits the wedding with the glamorous jumping rider Arndt Graf Solm-Weltingen. When the Count hangs up the cavalry just before the marriage to enter the catering business of his future parents-in-law, Martina painfully notes that Arndt is not the man of their dreams. While the wedding preparations are in full swing, Martina falls in love with sympathetic veterinarian Erik.
Max Meindl
Martin Schwaiger
Anton Fenzl
Dr. Martin Felden
Walter Renwick
Dr. Niering
Ever since the death of his wife, the famous and once highly-respected general Michael Strogoff has fallen steadily into a state of decrepitude.
A movie with three episodes starring Johannes Heesters.
Action-comedy about a wealthy man who fakes suicide for the amusement of watching his family and creditors compete for his wealth. Many cameo appearances!
A comedy directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb.
Kumar Cunningham loses his fiancee in Sri Lanka during a festival, only to discover her dead from a drugs overdose. Mad with grief, he kills the two dealers and is arrested for murder. He manages to escape and is bent on revenge.
Hans von Wielligk
Alfons Kübler
A former astronaut helps a government agent and a police detective track the source of mysterious alien pod spores, filled with lethal flesh-dissolving acid, to a South American coffee plantation controlled by alien pod clones.
1942년에서 1945년에 걸쳐 아프리카-유럽 전선의 최전방 부대인 보병 제1사단 소속 파섬은 소총 분대를 이끌며 저격수 그리프, 작가 잽, 빈치, 존슨 일병과 함께 머나먼 여정을 떠난다. 누구를 위한 전쟁인지, 무엇을 위한 전쟁인지도 깨닫지 못한 상태에서 이들은 아프리카, 시칠리아, 이탈리아, 오마하 해변을 돌아다니며 오로지 자신의 목숨을 부지하기 위해 적군을 죽이지만, 유태인 수용소에서 독일군에 학살된 수많은 유대인들을 보며 그동안 자신들의 목숨을 부지하기 위해 싸운 전쟁이 이 유대인들을 구하기 위한 더 원대한 목표를 위한 것이었음을 깨닫는다. 수용소에서 만난 한 소년의 죽음을 목격한 파섬은 상심한 상태에서 손을 들고 항복하는 독일군을 칼로 찌르는데...
A black revolutionary group kidnaps a couple of young white women in a southern African state in the 1970s. They ask for a specific female reporter to interview them. She arrives and decides to stay with them until the girls are released.
2차 대전당시 독일 포로 수용소의 포로들이 탈출하고 레지스탕스와 같이 독일군의 최신 미사일을 파기하는 전쟁영화.
Der Baron
This feature was shot in the midst of some of Europe's most stunning scenery. The story focuses on the efforts of an espionage agent, played by Italian heartthrob Fabio Testi, to secure a uranium shipment that has been targeted by an enemy power.
During the final days of the First World War, Officer Menis does his duty in defending the battle flag of the defeated Austro-Hungarian empire, while his fellow troops, a motley gang recruited from several different countries not loyal to the royal family, simply try to survive by any means possible.
Sgt. Brandt
제2차 세계대전, 영국의 처칠 수상 암살을 꾀했던 독일군 남자들의 모습을 그린 존 스터저스의 마지막 작품.
2차대전 말기 독일군 특수부대의 리들 대령(Colonel Max Radl: 로버트 듀발 분)은 처칠 영국 수상을 암살하라는 히틀러의 명령을 받는다. 리들은 전쟁 영웅인 폴란드 출신 공수부대장 스타이너(Colonel Kurt Steiner: 마이클 케인 분)를 대장으로 특공대를 조직 영국으로 파견한다. 또한 베를린에서 교수생활을 하던 아일랜드 독립주의자 데블린(Liam Devlin: 도날드 서덜랜드 분)도 이 작전에 참여한다.
Jungpfarrer Franz Gruber
The forester Auer is found killed on Sunday in the forest, and the police begins a feverish search for the culprit. Only pastor Gruber already knows who it is. It is Hannes Reyer, son of the richest farmer in the region, who has confessed the act of murder to him. Gruber, however, is bound to his obligation to secrecy. But when the young Ernst Nortinger is arrested under suspicion for murder, he knows what he has to do and relinquishes his priestship in order to report Hannes to the police. But things don’t get so far, as Hannes dies in an accident during an altercation with the priest. Nonetheless, Gruber does not return to his office. In quiescence, he wants to find out whether he still can handle the burden of the priesthood. Senior pastor Bachmayer however is convinced that he will return.
Colonel Pinares
Marina Pinares, the wife of the president of a South American country, insists on being his vice-presidential running mate in the next election. She's no stranger to assassination to get what she wants, so some suspect she'll kill her own husband after the election to become president. In a series of flashbacks we see her rise to power: a party girl willing to sacrifice a friend's virtue to gain favor; the lover of a soldier she later tortures; the mistress of the military man she soon marries.
Bill Cracker
Erich Stahler
마이클 딜레이니는 걸프-포르쉐 팀 소속의 르망 24시 레이스 드라이버다. 전년도 대회에서 발생한 사고로 동료이자 상대팀 드라이버인 벨게티가 사망한 뒤, 마이클은 1년 만에 사고가 났던 자리를 배회한다. 숙적인 페라리와 치열한 경쟁이 예상되는 가운데 24시간 동안 쉬지 않고 달려야 하는 지옥의 레이스가 시작된다. 페라리의 에리히 슈탈러는 이미 2주 전 독일 뉘르부르크링 레이스에서 마이클을 이긴 전적이 있다. 레이스 도중 많은 차량들이 사고나 고장으로 탈락하는 가운데 마이클의 차량도 앞서가던 차를 피하는 과정에서 추돌사고를 일으켜 차량을 잃고 팀 대기실로 복귀하는데...
1. Commissioner
Munich at night: Robert Susmeit, a 16-year-old teenager who is jealously obsessed with his mother Hilde, traces her and her latest lover at a mundane apartment building where he kills the man in the heat of the moment at a swimming pool. His fatal outburst is secretly witnessed by Moni Dingeldey, a girl of the same age as his. Fascinated by the shaken and devastated strange boy who she hopes to be a soul-mate, she hides Robert in her mother's apartment. Meanwhile, a crowd of policemen and reporters frantically comb through the building in search a murderer whose identity is known only to Robert's parents who are searching as well...
Zbynek Brynych's forgotten masterpiece "Oh Happy Day" is best described as coming-of-age-psychedelia.
Captain Oskar Steiger
1943년 아프리카 카세린 요충지 튜니지아(Kasserine Pass Tunisia). 롬멜 장군이 이끄는 최강의 독일군과 격렬한 공방전을 전개 중인 미국 제2기갑병단에 패튼 장군(Gen. George S. Patton Jr. : 조지 C. 스캇 분)이 부임해온다. 화력의 열세로 독일군에게 연패를 하고 있던 이 기갑병단을 재건해야 할 병단장으로서 유능한 부관 브래들리 소장과 함께 온다. 패튼은 기갑병단을 엄격한 훈련으로 강화하여 롬멜 군단을 분쇄한다. 그는 영국의 몽고메리 장군(Field Marshal Sir Bernard Law Montgomery : 마이클 베이츠 분)을 지원하기 위해 시칠리아섬 침공의 제2병단 사령관으로 영전되어 이탈리아로 재배치된다. 패튼은 자신의 공만을 세우려는 몽고메리 장군을 지원하지 않고 독단적인 결정으로 팔레보에 진격하여 가볍게 탈환한다. 몽고메리 측에서는 패튼의 이러한 결정을 탐탁해 하지 않으며, 패튼이 난공불락으로 여겨지던 메시나 탈환에 실패할 것이라고 기대한다. 메시나로 진격한 패튼은 무리한 강행군을 통해 부하들을 이끌며 몽고메리 장군보다 먼저 고지를 탈환하고 다시 한번 그의 위용을 과시한다. 그러나 어느 날 전쟁 노이로제에 걸린 병사들을 구타한 사건으로 사령관직에서 해임된다. 영국으로 전속을 명령받지만 그곳에서도 폭언을 하여 상부로부터 문책을 당한다.
Sanitätsgefreiter Neumann
Dr. Petter, Klassenlehrer
Dr. Brand
A serial killer who calls himself "The Laughing Corpse" dresses up in a skeleton costume and kills his victims with a poison-filled scorpion-shaped ring.
In the opening moments of Kill, Panther, Kill! we see the daring escape, during a prison transfer, of master criminal Arthur Tracy. Tracy has been in stir for four years after thieving a fortune in jewels worth three million dollars. Now his loyal henchmen, Anthony and Smokey, lie in wait beside a desolate hillside road that’s apparently intended to be overlooking Malibu — but is actually some anonymous European location — as the LAPD van baring Arthur approaches. After dispensing with Arthur’s guards in a hail of machinegun fire, the three pile into a getaway car, at which point Anthony says he knows of an ideal place for them to hold up. “They’re holding a rodeo this week in Calgary”, he says. “Nobody will look for us there.” And truer words were never spoken. The only thing that I’d be looking for at a rodeo in Calgary would be a thorough ass-kicking.
Millionaire Baretti pays a gang to rob an atomic bomb from an American silo, and then blackmails the American Government for a huge amount of money. German secret service (BND) agent 'Dynamite' will use his fists, guns and more to try to stop them.
Frank Keeney
Police try to track down a hooded serial killer who murders his victims with a combination of acid and poison gas
Michael Klinckhardt
Johnny K.W. Mest (uncredited)
Oscar Chartier plays a dangerous double game by selling secret plans to the German and American secret services, to ensure a comfortable future for his daughter, Sophie. But the plans are fake and Chartier decides to get help from his good friend Simon Templar.
Johnny K.W. Mest (uncredited)
Two Yanks are hired to protect a rich lady from a sinister underworld group. Lots of jungle thrills, martial arts, ancient temples, huge explosions, & even sci-fi elements. Watch for Harris' great karate fight inside a crumbling temple, surrounded by masked members of an ancient sect.
Werner Kuhn