Edouard Le Tellier, producer
The father
Today is a big day for Sylvain Sabourdin: he has to meet his future father-in-law, go through a job interview and make big decisions. But while he is getting ready, a power outage prevents him from shaving completely and leaves him with a moustache: Hitler's moustache.
Maître Francis Szpiner
Ever since she served on the jury during his trial, Nora has been convinced that Jacques Viguier is innocent, despite him being accused of murdering his wife. Following an appeal by the public prosecutor’s office, and fearing a miscarriage of justice, she convinces a leading lawyer to defend him during his second trial, on appeal. Together, they will put up a tenacious fight against injustice.
While on vacation with Meï at her grandfather's place, Lili decides to build a plane to go and visit the person she misses.
Le boucher
After getting dumped on Christmas Eve, Angela must rebuild her life surrounded by her rebellious teenager, her tyrannical mother, her hysterical best friend, and a weird psychologist.
Michel Tourande
Just a few weeks before elections, the outgoing President of Republic, Jean François Vanier (Patrick Braoudé), is at the lowest in the polls, leader of the most powerful right wing party he is trying to find a mainstay.
The writer Louis Gardel remembers his youth in Algeria. In 1955, Louis is 15 years old and lives with his grandmother Zoé. Zoé is friend with president Steiger, leader of the French settlers but also with the old Arab Bouarab. One night looking at the Bay of Algiers, Louis is convinced that the world in which he has grown will disappear. The first events of the War of Independence have begun. The young boys and young girls have a good time at the seaside: swimming, dancing, flirting. But, little by little, the war becomes part of their daily life.
Joseph Sercia
February 25, 1994, Yann Piat is executed at point blank range by two gunmen on a motorcycle. Its first victories for the FN in 1986 to his ambition in 1994 to take the town hall of Hyères under the banner of the UDF, Yann Piat methods and a speech that upset both policies, businessmen, and middle.
Le commandant
Victor Costa (voice)
고양이 '디노'는 이중생활을 한다. 낮에는 실어증에 걸린 소녀 ‘조이’의 집에서 느긋하게 지내고, 밤에는 의로운 도둑 ‘니코’와 함께 밤일을 한다. 조이는 아버지가 ‘코스타’라는 갱단의 두목으로부터 살해 당한 이후로 말을 잃어버린 어린 여자 아이다. 그녀의 어머니 ‘잔느’는 경찰이다. 코스타 일행을 소탕하기 위해 슬퍼할 겨를도 없다. 한편 니코는 신출귀몰한 능력으로 부자들의 보물을 훔친다. 어느 날 밤 조이는 고양이 디노가 밤마다 어딜 가는지 알아보기 위해 뒤를 쫓는다. 디노가 니코의 집까지 가서 그와 함께 지붕을 타고 사라진 후에야 다시 집으로 돌아오는데, 도중에 코스타 일당의 범죄 계획을 몰래 엿듣게 된다. 그런데 일당 중에 익숙한 목소리가 들리자 조이는 깜짝 놀라고, 그만 악당들한테 발각되고 만다. 바로 조이의 보모가 갱단의 일행이었던 것이다. 이제 조이와 갱들의 추격전이 펼쳐지고 조이가 위기에 처했을 때 니코가 나타나 도와준다. 조이와 니코, 그리고 디노는 코스타 일당의 추격을 물리치고자 필사적으로 도망치며 파리의 밤, 지붕을 타고 스펙터클한 추격전이 펼쳐진다.
Tony Tarba
Fatal... a diminutive for Fatal Bazooka, a bling-bling and hardcore rapper. A huge music star. Millions of fans, tens of hits, 4 « Artist of the year » Music Awards of Music, a range of fashion, a magazine, and soon his own amusement park : Fataland. He is the undisputed number one, until...
Coco is a French comedy released in 2009 and produced by Gad Elmaleh. This is the first embodiment of the actor, adapted from a sketch in the show La Vie Normale. Coco talks about organizing a Bar Mitzvah.
Le père d'Alain
Famille : Groupe de personnes réunies par des liens de parenté et un fort sentiment de solidarité morale et matérielle. Quand Alain a épousé Nathalie, il ne savait pas qu'il épouserait aussi sa famille. Ce samedi, comme toutes les semaines, ils sont invités à dîner chez son beau-frère, Jean-Pierre à Créteil. C'est vrai, Alain en a marre de ces dîners familiaux, mais il ne sait pas encore ce qui l'attend véritablement ce soir-là... Ni les jours qui suivent
Simon Gash
French film icons Gérard Depardieu and Fanny Ardant star in this romantic comedy about a Parisian couple in their fifties who share a comfortable life, a beautiful home, a posh country club and a midlife crisis. Following a dream vacation to Israel where Alain (Depardieu) explores his Jewish roots, Gisèle (Ardant) insists they change their life and move to Tel Aviv. While Gisèle, a Jewish convert, finds her new life inspiring; Alain fights to embrace Hebrew, Jewish tradition and a new circumcision. Will Alain and Gisèle learn whether Shalom represents Hello or Goodbye?
The story of Ali Baba, who takes on forty thieves to save the Caliph of Baghdad and prevent a war between the Orient and the Occident.
Two crooked lawmen (Stomy Bugsy, Titoff) search for a precious stone to collect an inheritance.
Set in 1992, a manager Vincent has to run a children's holiday camp for three weeks and to face the unexpected concerning the place, his colleagues, various problems linked to children about the rooms, trips, their belongings...
Jean Benguigui
A documentary crew follow a minor TV star with a giant ego in is everyday life.
M. Arnaud
Two young parents are desperate to regain more defined roles when they realize that their son does not know his father from his mother.
On vacation in the Luberon, a high ranking civil servant, in love with the good old fashioned thinking, has to put up with a bunch of troublemakers in his haven of tranquillity and prevent them from watering in circles. Wife, child and mother-in-law in the front row, brother-in-law and sister-in-law as bonus gifts. Add to that a terrible heat wave and a mother left alone in her apartment in Paris... The cocktail is boiling, even explosive... with this heat it will be hard to keep it cool.
A Pepe Carvalho story.
Long ago, the architect Stuart Pedrell told his family that he was going to the South Seas. However, his daughter Yes has recently received a postcard from her father that comes from a far less exotic place: L'Hospitalet. Carvalho goes to Bellvitge in order to find Yes' father and to discover why he lied to his family. Pedrell never went indeed to the South Seas. He took refuge in Bellvitge where he was murdered.
When the corpse of Encarna Abellan appears destroyed on a beach in Barcelona, the detective Pepe Carvalho begins the research and travels to A Coruña. She was married to a wealthy owner belonging to a well-known A Coruña family and had traveled to Barcelona to undergo a fertility treatment, but had previously had relations with Ginés Larios, a merchant navy officer and ex-boyfriend, whom he had left to marry the rich heir The suicide of the latter seems to be the case by closed, however Carvalho decides to try to clarify everything.
Isaac Shushan
The year is 1968. To a small town in the south of Israel, mostly inhabited by Moroccan immigrants, a few families from India arrive, searching for a better life in the west. The instinct driven Moroccans patronize the "black" Indians, while the quiet Indians see the Moroccans as Ignorant and coarse. In this cultural war two girls, Moroccan and Indian, discover the sexual revolution of the 60's.
Maurice Abecassis
A woman seeks the blessing of her wealthy father when she becomes engaged.
Carvalho is investigating the murder of a prison officer. The police suspect a young delinquent who had threatened to kill the officer. But Carvalho and Biscuter are on the trail of a friend and ex-cell partner of the defendant called "el Navajas" ("the penknife"). He is a pusher in the discotheque Up & Down. Things get worse when "el Navajas" turns out to be the main suspect of the murder in cold blood of a boy from a good family in the discotheque. Carvalho must find the pusher before the police in order to avoid that his client is sentenced to life imprisonment.
Cesar is a young schoolboy living in Paris with his family. Their life is ordinary, but Cesar wants more excitement (which he creates, in one instance, by claiming to his teachers that his father has been arrested). During the school holidays, Cesar and his friend Sarah decide to help their mutual friend, Morgan, find his father who supposedly lives in London. Each one tells their parents that they're staying with the other two, and together they sneak out to begin their search.
'몰테츠'는 6주 후면 출감하는 죄수이다. 악당 '투르크'의 동생을 살해한 혐의로 수감되었지만 지금은 복권을 즐기며 간수의 고민도 들어주는 모범수이다. '몰테츠'는 직접 복권을 사지 못하기 때문에 번호를 불러주면 간수 '레지오'가 대신 사주곤 한다. 그러던 어느 날 '몰테츠'의 복권이 1등에 당첨되어 '1500만 유로(한화 200억 원)' 라는 거금을 받게 된다. 그러나 복권 영수증은 아프리카 자동차 경주에 자원봉사를 하기 위해 떠난 '레지오'의 아내 '폴린'이 지니고 있다. '레지오'는 '몰테츠'에게 당할 것이 두려워 교도소에 출근하지 못하고, '몰테츠'는 당첨 후 출근하지 않은 '레지오'가 복권을 갖고 도망갔을 것이라고 생각해 탈옥을 한 후 ‘레지오’를 찾아간다. 상황을 알게 된 '몰테츠'는 '레지오'를 데리고 복권을 찾기 위해 아프리카로 떠나기로 한다. 하지만 이미 '몰테츠'의 탈옥 사실은 언론을 통해 알려지고, 마침 동생의 복수를 하려는 '투르크'도 '몰테츠'를 쫓게 된다. 경찰들의 추적에 몰린 '몰테츠'와 '레지오'는 이들을 따돌리기 위해 흑인 변장을 하고 아프리카로 떠난다. 길도 모르고 더운 사막의 날씨에서 헤매던 그들은 우여곡절 끝에 '폴린'과 통화가 되고 복권이 '레지오' 가방에 있다는 사실을 알게 되지만 이미 가방은 사막의 도적 떼에게 뺏기고 난 뒤였다. 게다가 '폴린'은 '투르크'에게 인질로 잡혀있다. 이제 가방을 갖고 있는 사막의 도적을 찾아 복권을 찾아야 되고 '투르크'에게서 '폴린'도 구출해야 한다. 사막의 도적 떼는 어디 있는가? '투르크'는 '몰테츠'를 용서하고 순순히 '폴린'을 풀어줄 것인가? '몰테츠'는 복권을 찾아 '투르크'에게 갈 것인가? '몰테츠'를 쫓는 경찰들은 '몰테츠'를 잡을 수 있을까? '몰테츠'와 '레지오'는 어떻게 될까?
모든 지역이 로마에 지배받았던 이 시기에, 막강 로마군도 손댈 수 없는 한지역이 있었다. 그곳은 아스테릭스(크리스티앙 클라비에)와 오벨릭스(제라르 드 파르디유)가 살고 있는 골족 마을.힘이 세지는 마법이 물약 제조자 파노라믹스(클로드 리치)와 알고 지내던 누메로비스는 마법의 물약을 청하러 눈내리는 골족 마을로 온다. 마법의 물약을 노동자들에게 먹여 한사람이 열사람의 힘을 내게끔 하려는 계획. 여기에 골족의 영웅 아스테릭스와 오벨릭스, 이데픽스, 파노라믹스가 그들을 도와 이집트의 기적을 만들기 위해 이집트의 뜨거운 햇볕 아래로 여행을 시작한다. 적은 항상 가까운 곳에 있다! 누메로비스를 향한 질투에 사로잡힌 클레오파트라의 공식 건축가 사악한 아몬보피스(제자르 다르몽)와 3개월 안에 정말로 초호화 궁전이 지어질 경우 이집트 민족이 가장 위대한 민족임을 공개적으로 인정해야하는 시저.두 사람의 자존심을 해치는 이 불행한 사건이 일어나지 못하도록 아스테릭스 일행을 피라미드에 가두고, 석포를 이용하여 지어놓은 궁전을 부시는 등 교활할 계책과 강력한 군대로 점점 그들을 궁지로 몰아넣어 가는데….
Commandent Etcheverry
Sophie Beaulieu, examining magistrate, cannot manage to find the limits between her work and her family life. The boundaries are further blurred when, following the violent death of her son, the judge finds herself involved in the investigation. Beaulieu thinks he knows who the murderer is, but he manages to escape justice.
'Place Vendôme'
Jean-Pierre (Jacques Villeret), un attaché humanitaire qui travaille au ministère des Affaires Etrangères, accepte de reconduire un jeune clandestin (Lorant Deutsch) dans son pays d'origine. Celui-ci appartient à la tribu des Hommes Gris d'Irghiz, réfugiés depuis la préhistoire dans une cité interdite du Haut Atlas.
Henri de Villard
Author Jean Dorset has suffered from a bad case of writer's block since his first novel became a bestseller. He lives in a small apartment in Paris with his wife Michelle and, in spite of their ostensible success, the couple are having trouble making ends meet. One day they receive the utterly unexpected news that they are the sole inheritors of a wealthy neighbor, M. Guillemet, whom they have never met. Guillemet has left them his old townhouse along with all of his belongings, but with two conditions -- the first is that the dead man's papers be left untouched, and the second is that his live-in maid Clemence Richbourg remain employed at the estate. The Dorsets soon learn why they were the recipients of such strange generosity. Guillemet had set up a camera with a massive zoom lens pointing to their bedroom window. The couple is shocked and disgusted, but not enough to give up their new tony digs.
Carvalho is hired to investigate the alleged threats to the daughter of the civil governor of Barcelona. Step by step, Carvalho realizes that there is something hidden in core of the mystery that goes back to something that happened in the past and that is related to the governor himself.
Carvalho becomes involved in the search for a missing young dancer, daughter of a famous artist. The search for the dancer's last steps in Barcelona leads him to Italy, where she is supposed to have taken a cruise on the Mediterranean.
Carvalho is investigating the murder of a man by a prostitute, according to the job the man's wife has given him. But he cannot imagine that the issue goes far beyond and is at a much bigger scale than anyone may think. There is a large multinational behind all the deaths that happen while the investigation is taking place, and economic interests will put Carvalho and his friends in danger.
Mister Joaquim Pelletier and his wife request the services of the private detective Pepe Carvalho to find the murderer of their only son, Mariano. As the investigations progress, Pepe finds out that Mariano was not such a model son as his father thought. He had a double life: a banker at daytime, a thug at night; he was cooperating with Jesús Arquimedes, the boss of the underworld, by doing illegal works for him. But Mariano had decided to betray Arquímedes, embezzling $500 000 of the money he was laundering in Bank Pelletier, to start a new life in the USA. Arquímedes puts pressure on Carvalho to find his money. Surprisingly enough for the detective, the guilty one is not Arquímedes, but the father of Mariano. Mister Jaoquim had a passionate relationship with his son since childhood, he wanted to mold his son as he had always dreamed, and never admitted that Mariano was someone different and a rebel who wanted to run away from Barcelona for ever.
Leo Minués, who used to be a classmate of Carvalho, is found dead the same day he had to testify in a case of corruption and someone asks Carvalho to investigate it. He accepts the case and finds out that Leo was collecting illegal funds for his political party. From that moment, a number of signs appear. This allows Carvalho to discover that Mínguez had made a list of the people involved in the case of corruption. Some videotapes appear, which makes things even more complicated, and Carvalho finds himself walking on shifting land, surrounded by celebrities in the highest spheres. Why did Mínguez die? Who has got the list?
To revive its sagging fortunes, Barcelona FC has bought the services of Jack Mortimer, European Footballer of the Year. No sooner has Mortimer taken possession of his company Porsche than death threats start arriving. Are they a hoax, the work of a loner or are they connected to the awesome real estate speculation that is tearing Barcelona apart? While Catalan pimps and racketeers are being hustled off the streets by crime syndicates from the Middle East, Pepe Carvalho is thinking of retirement, but the need to save the soul of his beloved Barcelona forces him to take on a case that can only end in disaster.
This is a light comedy about Amir, a young Pakistani who has been working for Jo for six years. Jo has a ready-to-wear clothes shop in the Sentier area and his business is prospering. He promised Amir that he would help him get his legal papers, but he has never kept his promise. Now he is sending Amir to his colleague Ralph in exchange for an unpaid debt from a card game. He thinks that this is a good opportunity to get rid of the illegal worker. Ralph is a fifty-year-old baby who keeps forgetting his appointments, his bank balance, and everything else that he should remember to run his life smoothly. His business is a complete disaster. A year later, Ralph's business has picked up, but Joe's is going down the drain. Thanks to whom? It is easy to answer this question if one follows Amir during his daily chores in the shop. But neither Jo nor Ralph's bother to take the time off to notice the hard work of this poor employee.
Vincent, a great connoisseur of racing and poker, and therefore in debt, lives in a hotel, as does André who is writing his first novel. Vincent's lenders are getting more and more urgent. To repay he must participate in a big game.
Guadeloupe Gangster
30대의 매력적인 여성 베티는 프랑스 한 지방도시 호텔 카지노에서 세미나 참석차 들른 기업체 간부 샤티용을 유혹한다. 음료수에 몰래 수면제를 타서 샤티용을 잠들게 한 베티는 자기 아버지뻘 되는 동료 빅토르와 함께 그의 지갑을 털어 달아난다. 캠핑카를 타고 프랑스와 인접국들을 누비며 각종 학회 및 세미나장을 방문해 참석자를 대상으로 사기·절도를 일삼는 베티와 빅토르의 다음 무대는 치의학 세미나가 열리는 스위스의 휴양지 실스 마리아. 그러나 베티는 빅토르에게 예고도 없이 범죄조직 자금운송책인 모리스와 함께 그곳에 나타난다. 스위스 은행에서 거액을 인출해 카리브해 서인도제도로 운반하는 중책을 맡은 모리스는 그 과정에 베티를 방패로 활용할 작정인 반면 베티는 그런 모리스의 환심을 산 후 돈 가방을 빼돌릴 작정이다. 당초 계획에 차질이 빚어져 당혹스러운 빅토르는 평소의 활동 반경을 넘어서는 일에 연루되는 것에 겁을 먹지만 결국엔 베티의 뜻을 따르기로 한다. 모리스와 베티는 예정대로 돈 가방을 들고 서인도제도 과들루프 행 비행기를 타고, 빅토르는 신문지로 채운 가방을 들고 기내 화장실에 숨는다. 베티는 실은 자신과 빅토르가 돈 가방을 바꿔치기하여 훔쳐갈 계획을 세웠다고 모리스에게 미리 실토하듯 언질을 준다. 그러나 실제로 화장실에서 접선한 베티와 빅토르는 가방을 바꾸는 시늉만 한다. 베티의 말을 곧이곧대로 믿은 모리스는 착륙 후 빅토르를 만나자 자신의 가방(돈 가방)과 그가 들고 있던 가방(신문지 가방)을 바꿔 들고 떠난다.
An apartment building caretaker with cannibalistic tendencies indulges in his passionate love for Lisa, one of the tenants.
The comedy in this lively film barely conceals its darker, more serious undertones as it chronicles a young Algerian's eye-opening introduction to the joys and travails of being an immigrant in Paris. Alilo has left his home to pick up an important suitcase for his employer. Unfortunately, he has lost the Parisian address. Fortunately, his cousin Mok, emigrated there several years before with his middle-class family before and is able to act as a guide. Mok, an aspiring rap singer, comes from a middle-class family, but chooses to live on his own in the dilapidated deteriorating 18th district, known as 'Moskova.' Mok characterizes the place as a haven for artists and intellectuals, but it is plainly just a Third World slum filled with tightly knit and colorful neighbors. Mok and Alilo have many interesting, some tragedy-tinged adventures over the five days it takes them to find the suitcase.
Monsieur Salmain
Despite his lifelong efforts, Jean is one of those unfortunate men who can never understand women. This arty, metaphorical French film presents three examples of Jean's difficulties over the course of his long life. Each of the three episodes takes place beside the same river. He is first seen as a small boy playing on the river banks with the teenage girl he secretly loves. She mischievously promises to tell him her darkest secret if only he will perform a certain task for her. The story then takes a more surreal turn as a now-grown Jean, once again beside the river, toys with a beautiful woman at a picnic. She wants a commitment from him, but wily Jean is unwilling to satisfy her. In the final segment, Jean has become an old man and is once again deeply in love.
You're a provincial kid in Paris and suddenly you're the center of attention: Movie stars, famous directors and sexy women are doting on you because they all think you're the son of their long-dead legendary friend. You never knew your dad, but the facts of this famous guy's life suggest that he might have fathered you. Your mom tells you nothing. All the fuss makes you uncomfortable at first but soon you find it's rather fun to be the son of the famous Gascogne. And in the midst of it all you fall in love. It is, after all, springtime in Paris.
Vincent, a stunt pilot, is acquitted of murdering his wife and her lover. However, a few years later, L'Elegant, the Judge in the case, comes to blackmail him. The Judge's nephew, Paul, is having trouble with his wife and they demand that Vincent kill her. The Judge, a confirmed bachelor, takes Paul and Vincent on the road to search for Paul's wife Marie. The three men get on well together, and spend their time discussing their relationship with women.
Albert Zecri
The mobster Raymond Bettoun gets out of prison and joins his son Maurice in Miami, a drug trafficker who is about to launch a huge operation. But he falls into a trap and a war begins in which Raymond will fight a last battle to try to save his son and what remains of his family.
Commissioner Bloc
A little suburban troublemaker, Loulou Graffiti tries to bring together a man and a woman who aren't cut out for each other at all. She discovers, he steals.
A film with emphasis on visuals and music, the plot concerns characters who meet in present time, mainly the male gypsy Jesus, and the female thief and con-artist Odona, who share parallel experiences from lives 2000 years in the past. These stories are juxtaposed.
Monsieur Chpil
The naive and self-conscious Leah mistakenly signs a pact with the devil Abargadon. But she's on Heaven's hit list, so the Archangel Gabriel intervenes to bring about the demon's demise. But Leah begins to find Abargadon attractive and not so bad. She decides to save his soul.
Bertille is an old woman who lives in the countryside. Her relatives reunite there with her as she is about selling the property. They don't take long to out their true intentions which are merely material on her estate. Also, Bertille is afflicted by her youngest son who has been in prison for a decade. Decades of fighting over Einstein's stick of truth has made Bertille very frail and easy to come down on.
1957, the town of Mostaganem, Algeria: the country is still under French occupation, and repression of the National Liberation Front is at its height. The authorities indulge in torture, intimidation and public executions.
Dom Castro
르네와 프랑수아는 정직한 형사들. 어느날 그들은 순찰 도중 도둑을 추적하게 되는데 그 도둑은 다름아닌 그들의 정보원이었다. 그 도둑은 어느 여인의 핸드백을 날치기하여 도망가는 중이었다. 르네와 프랑수아는 주인에게 핸드백을 찾아주고 경찰서로 돌아와보니 핸드백 안에 있던 돈이 없어졌다고 신고를 하고 있었다. 그 여인은 다름 아닌 레스뷔슈 형사와 부와용 형사의 끄나불이었다. 르네와 프랑수아는 레스뷔슈와 부와용 형사의 치밀한 계략에 당하고 있었다. 경찰의 징계위원회에서는 그들에게 판결이 내려질때까지 파리를 떠나 있을 것을 권유한다. 죄명은 장물취득과 장물은닉혐의였다. 르네와 프랑수아는 파리를 떠나 조용한 시골로 내려가 경마를 즐기며 휴식을 취하고 있었다. 어느날 파리에서 경마 시합이 열리는데 르네와 프랑수아는 그 경마시합을 관람하기 위해 파리로 상경한다. 레스뷔슈와 부와용 형사가 르네를 발견하고, 경찰징계위가 열려지기 전에는 파리로 돌아오지 말라고 하였는데, 돌아왔다고 르네를 사정없이 두들겨 팬다. 멀리서 그 광경을 지켜보던 프랑수아는 레스뷔슈와 부아용 형사의 음모를 파헤칠 것을 결심하고 르네를 데리고 프랑수아가 가깝게 지내던 여인의 집으로가 도피생활을 하면서 레스뷔슈와 부와용형사의 일거 일동을 감시하며 그들의 부정과 부패를 파헤치기 시작한다. 어느날 레스뷔슈와 부와용형사의 끄나불인 어느 중년 부인을 미행하는데 그 중년 부인은 레스뷔슈형사와 부와용형사의 엄청난 비밀을 가지고 있는데.
At house of Agathon get together many intellectuals and philosophers, including Socrates, to discuss the theme of love and sex: each of them intervenes to support its argument dialogical rules, within the context symposial.
The leader of a nudist colony enlists the help of left-wing militant when he mistakenly believes he should receive the Legion of Honor.
At Théobald, it’s not Louise who wears the pants. And for good reason: she just lost hers in public! The court official already feels shamed and does not hesitate to blame his half. However, this little female neglect will bring him much more than he thinks.
Max Bloch
An experiment of psychological effects under stressful conditions in a shelter. When fifteen strangers are put into a nuclear shelter to see how long they can survive without interaction with the outside, things work out fine.
Di Giorgi
The story of a woman whose past comes back to haunt her after a former lover re-enters her life.
Labib, bar boss
은행강도계에서 알아주던 루카는 5년형을 마치고 나오면서 이제야 말로 새로운 마음으로 살 것을 다짐한다. 그리고 시민으로서 단순히 통장을 만들기 위해 은행에 간다. 그런데 갑자기 서툰 은행강도짓을 해보려는 삐뇽이 은행에 뛰어들어온다. 경찰이 은행을 포위하자 당황한 삐뇽은 떨리는 총구를 루카에게 들이대며 밖으로 나간다. 루카가 인질임을 믿지 않는 경찰은 그가 다시 은행털이를 시작한 줄로만 알고 총격을 가한다. 간신히 도망친 루카는 삐뇽의 친구에게서 치료를 받는다. 삐뇽이 엄마를 잃고 실어증에 걸린 딸 잔느 때문에 은행강도를 시도했다는 것을 알고 어쩔 수 없이 두 사람과 도망자가 된 루까. 단순범이고 초범인 삐농은 사고 연발이고 할 수 없이 루까는 두 부녀를 돌봐주게 된다.
Staubli is happy. He has just concluded a considerable deal with El Farik, one of his biggest successes as an arms dealer. To sign his final contract, Staubli takes the plane with Loussif, Serge Tournier and his wife Laura. During a stopover, a mechanical incident immobilizes the group for a few days in the Moroccan desert. Then Tom arrives, a pilot who trades with his old plane, the Sphinx. A small business that works well. But among these particular customers, Laura strangely reminds him of the one who left him and because of whom he left everything before...
A former singer, who was drafted and fought in the Algeria war, is demobilized and wants to make a come back, which is not easy when you've been gone for twenty-seven months; meanwhile, his kid brother falls in love with his music teacher and is involved in very bad things .Arrested, he is released thanks to the teacher's evidence who provides him with an alibi before leaving him for good.
A policeman on night patrol picks up a young girl and rapes her. The following day she complains and he is given six years. On coming out of prison he gets work as a private detective, and is hired to watch a fashion seller - who turns out to be the girl he raped, who has never forgotten him.
Maître Donati
A courageous judge tries to dismantle a drug traffickers ring.
Benjamin Fitoussi
The story follows Americans in Algeria at the time of the Allied invasion of North Africa in 1942.
Aristote Poulakis
Charlotte (Catherine Deneuve) flies to East-Africa in order to build a touristic center near the Lake Williams where the pygmys live. Here she meets her husband Victor (Philippe Noiret), a devoted conservationist who left her three years ago to live in the jungle. Can you imagine his enthusiasm when she arrives at the conclusion that the ideal place to built this holiday resort is his kitchen garden?
Billy falls in love with another woman after his wedding party.
Several guests who are lesbian or gay go to a home for Christmas.
Albert Zecri
The Bettoun clan: Raymond (the patriarch), Maurice (the son), Jacky (the nephew), Roland (the nephew), Albert (Raymond's cousin), Pépé (Raymond's friend), Samy (the bodyguard) are a family clan of Jewish Blackfoot kingpins of French organized crime. Their activities include running casinos, organizing underground boxing matches, illegal gambling, pimping, racketeering and bloody settlements of scores against other Arab and French clans. But in the shadows, Pascal Villars has sworn the loss of the Bettoun. He will succeed in setting the Arab clan against the Jewish clan, for the great benefit of the police commissioner Duché, who has been trying in vain for ten years to bring down the Bettouns.
Le tueur à gages
An absurd black comedy that cunningly reverses the conventions of the crime thriller to comment on the alienating and dehumanizing effects of contemporary urban life. Alphonse Tram is unwittingly involved in several murders despite having no memory of committing the crimes. His confusion lead him to confess to his neighbour, Inspector Morvandieu. Alphonse and Morvandieu become the axis around which murders occur.
Marie is nineteen and bored in her little suburban life with no future. In a café, she meets the charismatic and beautiful Gerard. Blinded by adoration, Mary decides to leave her parents and her clerk job to live with the man she considers as the love of her life. But Gerard is a pimp, who soon forces her into prostitution. From within homes to out on the streets, the young woman gradually discovers a world of decay and violence.
Charlie, le journaliste
A film version of author Gilles Perrault's best-selling book about the 1976 trial and execution of Christian Ranucci, the youth who was convicted with extremely inconclusive evidence of murdering an eight-year-old girl in Southern France. The publicity the book and film helped abolish capital punishment in France in 1981.
Three men with a penchant for gambling on the horses soon find themselves in trouble because of their addiction. Pierre (Michel Piccoli) is the math whiz who uses his talent for picking the winners. Charles (Michel Galabru) is the wealthy scrap-iron magnate who has embarrassing evidence on many prominent political figures. Loic (Jacques Dutronc) is the aspiring politico who seeks to further his career by any means possible. Charles approaches Loic and asks his political party for a loan in hopes of fixing an upcoming race....
1957. For several months, Henri Charlègue, the ex-director of the newspaper "Alger democratic", banned, has been living in hiding. Suspected of belonging to the FLN, he is actively sought by paratroopers.
A homeless young man, living in his delivery truck, is simultaneously adopted by a pranksome group of youngsters and made into a police informer. Believing that he is doing something good both for the other kids and for himself, he has no qualms.
A young man is checked into a mental hospital for unexplained reasons.