Joseph Palmer
American actor and producer from El Paso, Texas based out of Galway, Ireland.
Aisha, a young Nigerian woman seeking asylum in Ireland, is floundering in a maze of social services and bureaucracy. As her situation becomes increasingly dire, Aisha struggles to maintain hope and dignity against the looming threat of deportation.
Detective Joe Walsh
A lone man cutting turf faces an existential crisis after becoming trapped in a bog hole.
A man's envy of his colleague's working shower pushes him to the edge of sanity.
An American couple become the center of attention in a rural pub in 1950s Ireland when wagers are made on the wife's psychic abilities.
An American couple become the center of attention in a rural pub in 1950s Ireland when wagers are made on the wife's psychic abilities.
An ancient spirit haunts an old church, disrupting the daily routines of two priests and ultimately threatening their lives.
Fr. Constantini
An ancient spirit haunts an old church, disrupting the daily routines of two priests and ultimately threatening their lives.
A man is lifted out of despair and mourning after he makes a discovery.
Two women on a hike meet a man who tells them there is something stalking them in the woods.
Tommy's Father
Two women on a hike meet a man who tells them there is something stalking them in the woods.
Lost Soul
우즈 가족이 새 집으로 이사한지 약 일주일 후 갑작스러운 정전 사고가 나고 딸 엘리가 실종된다. 어떤 단서도 없이 실종된 딸의 행방에 당황한 엄마 케이라는 조사를 하던 중 벽에 이상한 표식이 새겨져 있는 것을 발견하게 된다. 그 이후 계속되는 미스터리한 초자연적인 일을 겪은 후 그녀는 이 집 자체가 딸 엘리를 데려 갔을 거라는 결론을 내리고, 실종 직전 마지막 통화 때 딸이 향하던 지하실로 향하게 되는데...
At the hands of an Irish blacksmith, a forge, three centuries old, gives birth to a memorial for a legendary Celtic figure still remembered after three millennia.
Melrose Shipmate
The Queen -v- Patrick O'Donnell reveals on screen for the first time the true story behind one of the most compelling murder plots in Irish history, a thrilling tale of violence, courtroom drama, romance and political intrigue. Containing evidence from British Home Office files kept secret for 100 years, it reveals shocking new information about the fate of the quiet-spoken Donegal man who killed the infamous informer James Carey on board a ship off the coast of South Africa in 1883. What possessed the illiterate labourer from the Donegal Gaeltacht to shoot the leader of The Invincibles? Who was the mystery woman posing as his wife? And why did both the US President and the French luminary Victor Hugo plead that Patrick O'Donnell not be hanged for his crime?
A man in pajamas desperately attempts to avoid execution as his would-be assassins debate dinner plans on his death march through an abandoned quarry.
The decades of struggle in Northern Ireland left deep wounds that have not yet healed. Criminal psychologist Cathrin Blake is faced with the delicate task of mediating in a perpetrator-victim conversation.
The psychologist Cathrin Blake actually wants to withdraw from her work for the police. After a mysterious murder during the ghost parade of the "Samhain" harvest festival, however, Superintendent Kelly asks for her support. It's not just about the bloody act, but also about the disappearance of Holly Reid, the victim's friend.
Irish Slave
Adventurers, explorers and conquerors: the Vikings are considered the greatest heroes of the Middle Ages. Is this interpretation justified? In fact, they left a far darker and lesser-known mark on history: they were ruthless slavers, human traffickers and hostage-takers. „Victims of the Vikings“ is the first TV documentary to investigate this infamous and often horrifying aspect of the Nordic warriors.
First Class Passenger
아일랜드의 한 마을에서 농장을 꾸리고 있는 '로즈메리' 와 '안토니'
'로즈메리'는 어린 시절부터 일편담심 '안토니'를 바라봤지만,
연애에는 쑥맥인 '안토니'는 아는 듯 모르는 듯 덤덤하기만 하다. 어느 날, '안토니'의 아버지는 사촌 '잭'에게 농장을 물러주겠다 선언하고,
뉴욕의 은행가인 '잭'은 농장을 둘러보기 위해 마을을 찾는다.
어느새 '잭'과 '로즈메리' 사이에서는 미묘한 기류가 흐르기 시작하고,
세 사람의 관계는 점점 꼬이기 시작하는데... 운명은 우리가 정하는 거야. 한 번 부딪쳐보자
Two American brothers, struggling with the mysterious loss of their father and the revelation of his brutal ancestral line of landowners in Ireland, fatefully encounter the terrifying cause of his disappearance.
Meabh, a spirited fifteen-year-old, shields her two younger sisters, Lucy and Aine, from the ongoing neglect and abuse they are experiencing in their catholic children’s home by telling them transcendent Irish Fairy Tales. Desperate to protect them, Meabh takes the blame for her sisters’ rule breaking, resulting in severe punishment from the head nun, Sister Joan. Fearful her sisters will be adopted by another family without her, Meabh plots an escape.
Through a series of increasingly violent acts, a man attempts to stop a gang from tracking him down.
As a police psychologist, Désirée Nosbusch rediscovers the fantasies of one of her patients in the murder of a woman.
On the site of a former children's home, the remains of ten babies and one adult are found. At the dead man's ring, a former psychologist recognizes her missing husband. But the police do not believe her and so she goes on her own tracks.
Just when he thought there was only a darkness left in his life, Ray encounters a persistent electrical anomaly at his old lighting shop.
Hospital Security
A young musician with a tragic past is crippled in a car accident and given a chance at redemption when he is recruited by a violent, avant-garde circus.
Bruce Willis' Photo Double
미국과 멕시코의 국경에 위치한 작은 마을 제리코는 멕시코로부터 불법적으로 들어오는 주류가 거쳐가는 교두보다. 이 마을에 흘러든 쌍권총의 살인 청부업자 존 스미스(John Smith : 브루스 윌리스 분)는 불법 주류의 독점권을 놓고 싸우는 스트로찌(Strozzi : 네드 에이센버그 분)파에 의해 고용돼 도일(Doyle : 데이비드 패트릭 켈리 분)파를 제거하기 시작한다. 알 수 없는 미소와 오직 돈만을 믿는 냉혈한인 그에게 더 많은 액수로 스트로찌파의 제거를 부탁하는 도일, 그러나 누구에게도 연민을 품지 않을 것 같은 존이 도일의 편집증적인 사랑에 감금된 여인 펠리나(Felina : 크리나 롬바로 분)에게 사랑을 느끼면서, 그는 두 갱조직의 표적이 돼버린다. 돈에 의해 조직을 배신하고 정보를 위해 여인을 안던 존 스미스가 거대한 두 조직에 맞서 혼자 힘으로 승부한다.
Man in Sedan
A middle-aged man receives a letter that sends him on a journey to reconnect with his roots.
The Man
A small interruption in a man's perfect morning reveals that his entire life is a lie.
In a post-apocalyptic world, the isle provides a safe haven from a pandemic that has decimated earth. Anna wake up pregnant and unable to remember who her husband is. Nor does Anna recognize Helen and Peter who are supposedly helping her get her health back. Disbelief in what she is being told leads to a horrible revelation and Anna having to contend with existential issues brought on by man’s destruction of the planet.