Adrian Nicolae

참여 작품

지구 종말이 오더라도 너무 큰 기대는 말라
안젤라는 다국적 기업이 제작하는 산업 안전 홍보 영상에 출연할 인물을 물색하느라 부쿠레슈티 시내를 밤낮 누빈다. 과로에 시달린 안젤라가 현실의 벽에 부딪힐 때마다 틱톡에 등장하는 ‘부캐’ 보비타는 위악적인 조롱과 혐오 발언을 퍼부으며 스트레스 해소 창구가 되어준다. 전작 〈배드 럭 뱅잉〉(2021)을 통해 증명한 바와 같이, 풍자의 대가 라두 주데는 어지러운 과잉의 이미지와 필터링 없이 쏟아지는 대사의 향연을 통해 우리 사회의 부조리를 냉철하게 통찰하고 강력하게 비판한다. 우여곡절 끝에 적임자가 캐스팅되고 홍보 영상 촬영이 본격적으로 시작되는 후반부, 휠체어에 앉은 노동자의 목소리가 클라이언트의 다양한 요구에 따라 점점 힘을 잃어가고 진실은 마침내 몇 줄의 자막 속으로 사라지는 과정을 목도한다. 이처럼 지구의 종말은 갑자기 찾아오는 재앙이 아니라 우리 안에 자리잡아 자전할 동력을 서서히 앗아가는 것임을, 그리고 이미 진행 중임을 깨닫게 된다.
A night. Dozens of stories. A city. Lică, a taxi driver, is an all knowing guy, while Liviu, his friend, also a taxi driver keeps a lot to himself. They are completely different and their ideas about life and people only meet when they are eating and drinking at the bar. They are frustrated with their jobs. For Lică money is the most important thing, while Liviu thinks that a happy and fulfilling life represents more. They are trying to rediscover who they are and what they can do with their life, all while being on an on going adventure on the streets of Bucharest where they cross paths with all kinds of clients who end up having an impact on their lives, for better and also for worse.
A night. Dozens of stories. A city. Lică, a taxi driver, is an all knowing guy, while Liviu, his friend, also a taxi driver keeps a lot to himself. They are completely different and their ideas about life and people only meet when they are eating and drinking at the bar. They are frustrated with their jobs. For Lică money is the most important thing, while Liviu thinks that a happy and fulfilling life represents more. They are trying to rediscover who they are and what they can do with their life, all while being on an on going adventure on the streets of Bucharest where they cross paths with all kinds of clients who end up having an impact on their lives, for better and also for worse.
A frothy comedy about life in the corporation, about the challenges of building a career and those of consolidating and motivating a team. The film, a satire of corporate life, reveals the events of a team building in which the robotic corporativism unleash themselves and unleash themselves by showing their human side.
Mia Misses Her Revenge
Mia, a young actress, is slapped by her boyfriend. That does it. She moves back home and starts planning her revenge. She decides to make a sex video to send to her ex. She just needs to find a man to make it with. And that’s when it turns out things are not that simple.