Axel Stein
출생 : 1982-02-28, Wuppertal, Germany
Axel Stein is a German actor and comedian. He was born in Wuppertal and works as an actor in German television and cinema productions.
갑자기 솟아나는 전에 없던 욕구 때문에 곤란하디 곤란한 두 절친. 게다가 서로를 향한 불편한(?) 감정까지 더해졌다. 부디 무탈하게 고등학교 생활을 헤쳐나갈 수 있기를.
When a former racer faces the prospect of his car repair shop and go-kart track being foreclosed, he comes up with a daring plan: to win the prize for the big race on the Bilster Berg. He has one month to turn his old Opel into a rocket from the old days, but his ex-wife suddenly enters his life with a request to take care of their son.
Lea, Steffi, Toni & Maja have vowed to celebrate each others weddings together — 26 years ago, things you do at twelve. Now Maja spontaneously invites the others to Italy. A promise is a promise! The trip begins moderately and gets worse and worse. It confronts them with missed opportunities, loss and their long lasting friendship.
Four neighbors, one boss, and a fateful party. The harmony between the friendly couples Bianca/Oliver and Dila/Simon is put in danger when Oliver's boss Lars invites himself to a barbecue party. With dangerous charm and amusing intrepidity, Lars pushes the situation to such an extent that the two couples begin to question the foundations of their lives and fall into actionism. Until the pressure turns into counter-pressure and Lars himself becomes a target.
Tony Brenner
Berlin in the near future: A secret meeting takes place between a board member of the dominant internet company "Freemee" and members of the government. Camera drones film it unauthorized and document the events live on the Internet. The anonymous net activist group "Zero" is publicly committed to the media attack. Online journalist Cynthia Bonsant, widow and single mother, has been asked to do background research on "Zero" by the head of the online magazine "Daily". The group is classified as a terrorist organization, but according to their own statements they fight the excessive influence on the population through the so-called "Act App", which contoles the lives of users. When a friend of Cynthia's 17-year-old daughter Viola is shot dead in a hunt for a criminal, "Zero" contacts her and tries to recruit her for their own purposes. In the meantime, Cynthia has bad suspicions during her research, because soon a new version of the app will be released that will change everything.
Peter Vorndran
Melanie is a new pupil at the Otto Leonhard High School, and Felix takes a real shine to this newbie, much to the annoyance of Ella and Felix’s gang. They believe that Melanie is responsible for a number of small thefts that have been happening at the school since she arrived. Events take a drastic turn when the class goes on a school trip. When Felix’s friends almost mess up his date with Melanie, he shrinks them spontaneously to a tenth of their size. Just for a short time, he thinks to himself. But once Melanie has left, the magic ball to restoring his friends to their proper size has also disappeared. Is Melanie behind the thefts after all? In the process, Felix not only has to shrink himself, he also must confess his love to Melanie and admit his mistakes to his friends.
2010년 스페인 마드리드. 도시 전체가 대표팀의 성공적인 월드컵 참가에 열광하는 가운데, 한 무리의 대담한 도둑들이 지구상에서 가장 보안이 철저하고 경비가 삼엄한 곳에 침입할 방법을 모색합니다.
Vlad has just moved and joined one of the most famous magical schools in the world, where he meets fairies, witches, trolls and dwarfs. Him and his father are the first vampires in town, but he soon meets other special kids.
Olav Hintz, a retired teacher who loves only himself, needs care as he sits in a wheelchair. The nurse, the single parent Trixi has several jobs to complete and gives the care to her 3 children. Chaos is on.
Rainer „Rainman“ Schnellinge
Oliver is a banker and portfolio manager and leads a life in the fast lane, which one day comes to an abrupt end, as he builds a self-inflicted accident on highway with 230 km / h and raced through a guardrail. When he wakes up in the hospital again, he faces a devastating diagnosis: paraplegia. Actually, a rehabilitation stay of several months is planned in the hospital, but Oliver soon falls on his head and ends up in a disabled shared flat with the name "Die Goldfische"
Five old friends have to prove themselves one last time. 30 years after the hopeful young band Bochums Steine have separated after a disastrous live performance, fatally ill Rainer tries to re-activate his old cronies
Lehrer Seidel
릴리트는 악마의 딸이자 십대 소녀이다. 지옥에서의 삶이 지겨워지자 그녀의 아버지는 릴리트를 일주일 정도 지상으로 보내어 사람들을 악마로 바꾸어 놓으라고 한다. 만약 아무도 악마로 바꾸어 놓지 못하면 다시 집으로 돌아와 서재 관리를 해야만 한다. 릴리트는 열정을 품고 미션을 수행하러 떠해고 그레타라는 소녀와 친구가 된다. 하지만 릴리트의 임무는 생각했던 것보다 복잡해진다. 지옥에서 온 이 소녀가 사랑에 빠지고, 자신의 임무가 꼬이기 시작한다.
(2019년 제14회 부산국제어린이청소년영화제)
Peter Vorndran
펠릭스는 신비로운 일들이 가득한 ‘레온하트 학교’에서 4명의 단짝 친구들과의 생활이 마냥 즐겁고 행복하다. 하지만 몇일 전부터 학교의 설립자 ‘오토 레인하트’를 기리는 박물관에서 이상한 기운을 느낀 펠릭스는 학교가 위험해질 것 같아 마음이 좋지 않다. 한편, 설상가상으로 두바이로 이사가겠다고 갑작스런 소식을 전하는 아빠의 말에 화가 난 펠릭스는 “부모님이 내 말대로 할 수 있게, 입장이 바꼈으면 좋겠다”며 친구에게 푸념한다. 그런데! 정말로! 부모님이 작아졌다! 소원을 이룬 기쁨도 잠시, 힘들어 하는 모습에 미안한 마음이 든 펠릭스는 엄마 아빠를 원래대로 되돌리기 위해 의도하지 않은 모험에 빠지게 되는데..
Ben and Barnabas are unseparatable since they are small. The two of them, however, are no ordinary pair of brothers, for Barnabas, with his twenty-two years, remained mentally at the age of three.
Toni and Marc want to divorce, because the great passion seems to be extinguished after 15 years of marriage. It should be a consensual separation, but the new beginning is not so easy: Both have just the chance of a job abroad.
The relationship of Alex and Teresa has hit hard times. After 15 years of marriage, the passionate football coach and the sensitive psychoanalyst do not respect each other's needs anymore, and thus they are arguing constantly. Even a divorce seems possible, but then something unbelievable happens: After another ugly fight during a big thunderstorm, they switch bodies. Trapped, they have to play each other's roles, and chaos is bound to follow.
It's Men's Day, Men's Day, Father's Day, Ascension Day - many terms, one date, but always a reason to celebrate. Having just finished school, five Bavarian friends start a common tradition: Every year they want to get together on Men's Day and douse their friendship properly. But every good resolution eventually dies, and so after 20 years most of them lost contact.
Peter Vorndran
위기에 빠진 학교를 구하라! 꿈많은 소년 11세 펠릭스는 새로운 직장때문에 미국으로 떠난 엄마를 그리워하며 아빠와 단둘이 살고 있다. 전에 다니던 학교에서 시험 중에 휴대폰 게임을 하다 걸려 퇴학을 당한 펠릭스는 새로 '오토 레온하트' 학교에 전학을 가게된다.
전학 첫날부터 지각을 하게된 펠릭스는 원리원칙을 고집하는 슈미트 교장선생님에게 입학시험을 통과하지 못하면 입학시켜줄 수 없다며 성취도 평가를 받는다.
한편, 새로운 학교생활에 얼른 적응하고 싶어하는 펠릭스는 반 친구인 '마리오'와 그 무리들이 자신들과 친구가 되고 싶다면 유령이 나온다는 구 교무실에 들어갔다가 나오는 담력 시험에 통과해야 한다는 제안에 밤 늦은시간에 홀로 아무도 없는 학교로 몰래 들어간다. 하지만, 학교를 순찰 중이던 슈미트 교장선생님에게 들키게 되고 그녀에게서 도망치려고 소원을 빈 순간, 슈미트 선생은 손바닥만하게 작아져 버린다. 갑자기 작아져버린 슈미트 선생님을 데리고 집에 돌아온 펠릭스는 그녀를 원래 크기로 되돌려 보려 하지만, 뜻대로 되지 않는다.
설상가상으로 학교가 폐교될 위기에 처하자 펠릭스는 그녀와 함께 '오토 레온하트' 학교를 구하기 위한 작전을 세우기 시작하는데...
A German man fells in love with a Turkish woman and changes his lifestyle for her family.
Piet Grambauer
젤리 유령 휴고와 모험을 떠나자! 겁쟁이 소년 톰과 사랑스러운 젤리 유령 휴고의 얼음 몬스터 퇴치 대작전! 겁쟁이 소년 톰은 어느 날 ‘적당히 무섭고, 한없이 귀여운’ 젤리 유령 휴고를 만나게 되고, 친구가 없던 그들은 둘도 없이 친한 사이가 된다. 그러나 잠자고 있던 사악한 얼음 몬스터가 부활하면서, 휴고는 사라질 위험에 처하고, 도시는 점점 꽁꽁 얼어가는데… 겁쟁이 소년 톰과 젤리 유령 휴고는 얼음 몬스터를 물리치고, 도시를 구할 수 있을까?
Esra leads two parallel lives. In her daily life the vivacious and spirited Esra adores her family but feels caged in her relationships. In her dream life, she yearns to discover the identity of the man who visits her dreams. While in waking life she struggles in vain, in her dream life she evolves in secret. But what if waking and dreaming were never separate and the real secret is shored by all?
집안의 웨딩숍을 운영하면서 더 나은 삶을 꿈꾸는 삼 형제의 일상은 형제 중 한 명이 헤어진 애인의 아기를 맡으면서 엉망진창이 된다.
Young lovers Ann and Gero are travelling through Europe when their car breaks down in the Eifel mountains. Vinzent and Franz invite them to spend a carefree weekend partying in a remote holiday cabin. But after a playful ‘séance’ their initial bright mood soon becomes uneasy as strange occurrences start to take place with alarming regularity...
Young lovers Ann and Gero are travelling through Europe when their car breaks down in the Eifel mountains. Vinzent and Franz invite them to spend a carefree weekend partying in a remote holiday cabin. But after a playful ‘séance’ their initial bright mood soon becomes uneasy as strange occurrences start to take place with alarming regularity...
Young lovers Ann and Gero are travelling through Europe when their car breaks down in the Eifel mountains. Vinzent and Franz invite them to spend a carefree weekend partying in a remote holiday cabin. But after a playful ‘séance’ their initial bright mood soon becomes uneasy as strange occurrences start to take place with alarming regularity...
Till Reiners
15년 간 은행에서 성실하게 근무하고 있는 30대 중반의 틸. 우연히 은행 강도 나포의 인질이 되면서 그의 인생이 180도 꼬이고 만다. 아내와의 관계는 틀어지고, 경찰은 그가 은행강도와 한 패라 의심하며 그의 뒤를 쫓기 시작하는데…
Piet Gambauer
Kai 'Turbo' Schröder
Turbo & Tacho
Confirmed bachelor Paul falls for Iris, who’s unfortunately as good as married. Although his friends have women problems of their own, and all end up moving into Paul’s apartment, they concoct a daring plan to help Paul save Iris from marrying the wrong man.
친구가 총에 맞아 죽어가는 범죄 현장을 목격하게 된 15살 어린 목격자 ‘니나’. 가해자인 정치적기업가 토마스 배커는 자신의 죄를 은폐하고 정당방위를 주장하기 위해 어린 목격자를 처리하려 한다. 이 사건을 맡은 변호사는 어린 목격자를 보호하기 위해 은퇴한 군인 ‘막스’를 고용하고, ‘막스’는 ‘니나’를 지키기 위해 위험한 동행을 함께 하게 되는데 …
Rookie is a German spoof on several movies, e.g, Forrest Gump, Rocky, Rambo, Indiana Jones, Predator, Star Trek, Spider Man and The Wizard of Oz. Story: After a failed career as a boxer, Rookie is going to search for Sam in the Vietnamese jungle.
“The Crocodiles” are back and they are in for quite an adventure! Frank is seriously hurt and needs a liver donation. In order to save him, the gang needs to get Frank’s brother out of prison. Their plan is risky and the stakes are high.
Rainer Zielinski
Ten-year-old Hannes, growing up with his young, poor and single mother wants to join the coolest gang in the area, the Vorstadtkrokodile. When the ‘entry test’ goes wrong, Hannes’s life is saved by Kai, who is desperate to join too but is wheelchair bound and unable to even run away when things get hot. Hannes would accept Kai but the other gang members don’t seem happy to accept a handicapped member...
A hit man whose mission is to prevent the printing of a tell-all book written by a former Mafioso, falls in love with the employee who may lose her job if the book doesn't get published.
He lived the junkie's life as a heroin addict. Triathlon transformed him. Biopic of the record breaking Ironman Andreas Niedrig.
Lehrer Mattuschek
The adolescent Melli moves from the monastery to a big city. Since she is not very popular and is considered a gray mouse, she wants to be part of the popular girls' clique of the school. In the new environment she falls in love with Roque.
When the driver manages to crash the car on the road in the middle of nowhere, three guys and a girl seem to have no other choice than to walk through the dark woods to find the nearest hostel...
The movie deals with a guy who gets to join the German Bundeswehr involuntarily because a colleague loses his denial papers in order to get the chance to get down on his girlfriend. When entering the Bundeswehr he acts like a giant idiot and of course gets in one room with some of the biggest losers around. The loser turns out to be a hero and leads his loser-colleagues to win a contest with the local US army squad.
Rumpelstilzchen als Würstchenverkäufer
The Seven Dwarfs are back, this time, they go to the city.
Dieter Huhn
A hedonistic bachelor - he is his rich family's black sheep - falls for a suicidal mental patient.
A romantic comedy set around a group of Dutch youngsters in Tirol.
Red Bull
In the sequel of "Ants in the Pants" we again meet Flo and his friends.
Two friends who are doing civil service flee to the Austrian Alps to escape being forced into the army. While there, one of them rediscovers his past and they realise that it's going to be more fun than they thought.
The last three weeks of school life have begun: After the Abitur, Germany's leaving certificate, the friends and schoolmates of Gymnasium Kerkheim (Kerkheim High) will not see each other again so soon. It is a hard time for Markus and his girl Sandra from a lower grade, as he wants to hang out with his old friends, whereas she wants him to be there for her. It's an even harder time for Dirk, who is to be expelled from school if he fails the math exam that is coming up around midday, and it is the hardest time for Michael, who is a perfect pupil, but has no fun in life at all - and doesn't even know it yet. When Steven calls out a party to celebrate his letter of exemption from the army, they all get together for one of the last real cool events ever.
Red Bull
Flo is not quite a normal teenager: While all his friends only think about sex he can't even pronounce the word "S - E - X". But everything changes completely when one morning Flo wakes up from a strange call. His penis, excited for the first time, begins to talk to him. He claims that Flo severely neglected him for 15 years and it's time to release him.