Karl Stepanek

Karl Stepanek

출생 : 1899-10-29, Brünn, Moravia, Austria-Hungary [now Brno, Czech Republic]

사망 : 1980-12-25


Though born in Czechoslovakia, actor Karel Stepanek was generally regarded as a German actor due to his extensive film work in Germany (as Karl Stepanek) in the years before World War II. Stepanek fled to England in 1940, where, like many European refugee actors, he specialized in portraying Teutonic villains. He tried to stay away from out-and-out Nazi roles, but his predilection for wearing black uniforms and barking out guttural commands left little doubt as to the political preferences of Stepanek's screen characters. One of his most typical characterizations could be found in the 1946 POW drama, The Captive Heart; Stepanek also registered well as a friendlier foreigner in The Fallen Idol (1949). Commuting between London and Hollywood, Karel Stepanek continued to fight World War II, usually on the wrong side, into such '60s films as Sink the Bismarck! (1960), I Aim at the Stars (1960) and Operation Crossbow (1965).

프로필 사진

Karl Stepanek
Karl Stepanek

참여 작품

The Heroes of Telemark: Location report from Norway
Over one hour of black-and-white location footage and interviews with the stars and director, all staged outdoors in manifestly frigid conditions. Mann talks about his filmmaking philosophy and the challenges of shooting in such rugged locations, and shares his insights on the Douglas-Harris feud:Harris projects a refreshing honesty and cheeky charm in his interview segment, even asking himself a question at one point! Douglas is equally charismatic, if a little more calculated in his awareness of the camera.
The Games
From Great Britain, the United States, France, Italy, Australia and behind the Iron Curtain. They are the most superbly conditioned animals in the world. They are also the pawns of powerful nations, the victims of dangerous drugs and the object of many men's ambitions. Once every four years they come together... for the Olympic Games.
더 파일 오브 더 골든 구즈
U.S. Secret Service agent Peter Novak goes undercover with Scotland Yard officer Thompson to halt a murderous gang of counterfeiters known as the Golden Goose. Although Peter is unsure about John's loyalties, the two infiltrate the gang and win the trust of thug Nick "The Owl" Harrison before enduring a series of double-crosses.
Before Winter Comes
Count Kerassy
Comedy set in a refugee camp in occupied Austria after World War II. A shrewd multi-lingual interpreter who mediates between Russian and British military brass enters into a friendly rivalry with British Major Giles Burnside, who is in charge of assigning the displaced persons into either the American or Russian zones.
Jerry Cotton: Murderclub Of Brooklyn
Fifth Jerry Cotton Movie. A rich capitalist is blackmailed and threatened with the murder of his daughter.
The Frozen Dead
General Lubeck
A crazed scientist keeps the heads of Nazi war criminals alive until he can find appropriate bodies on which to attach them so he can revive the Third Reich.
Inspector Wagner
텔레마크의 영웅들
1942년 2차 대전이 한창 진행되던 무렵 독일은 원자탄 제조계획을 세우고 원자폭탄의 필수 재료인 중수를 생산했던 노르웨이가 독일군에 점령당하게 된다. 원자탄 제조에 필요한 중수공장을 노르웨이의 산간지역에 세우게 되고 이에 연합군은 큰 위기를 맞게 된다. 독일군의 원자폭탄 제조를 막고자 연합군은 노르웨이 중수 공장을 폭격기로 계획을 세우지만 험난한 지형 때문에 공습이 쉽지 않다. 영국 정보부는 공장의 파괴공작을 세우고 우선 특수요원을 침투시켜가 공장 폭파에 필요한 정보를 수집하게 한다. 결국 오슬로 대학 교수 롤프와 저항 조직원 크누트를 비롯한 노르웨이 출신 특공대원을 급파하여 레지스탕스와 접촉하고, 이들의 도움으로 공장으로 침투하여 공장 내를 살피고 영국군 특공대가 도착하길 기다린다. 이윽고 영국군 특공대가 도착하고, 이들은 폭탄을 장치 중 독일군에게 발각되어 치열한 총격전을 벌인다. 결국 공장은 폭파되고 독일군의 중수생산은 무위로 돌아간다. 그러나 기쁨도 잠시 독일군은 베를린 연구소에서 중수를 다시 가져오고 경계를 더욱 더 철저히 하는데...
Licensed to Kill
Henrik Jacobsen
An English spy (Tom Adams) guards a Scandinavian scientist (Karl Stepanek) who has sold an anti-gravity device to each side.
V2 3인의 첩보전
Prof. Hoffer
2차 대전 도중 영국은 독일이 장거리 로켓을 개발하고 있다는 정보를 입수하게 된다. 이 소식을 보고받은 수상 처칠은 국방부장관 덩컨에게 이 정보의 사실 여부를 확인할 것과 그 대응책을 마련하라고 긴급지시한다. 가장 우수한 정보원으로 활약해 온 로버트(Robert Henshaw: 톰 코테니 분)와 커티스(Lt. John Curtis: 죠지 페퍼드 분)는 덩컨에 의해 차출되어 독일에 들어가 비밀지하공장을 파괴하라는 특수임무를 받게 되는데...
Devil Doll
Dr. Heller
An evil hyponotist/ventriloquist plots to gain an heiress' millions.
Aufstand der Gehorsamen
Jawor Stranski
비스마르크호를 격침하라
Admiral Lutjens - 'Bismarck'
1941년, 영국 해군은 독일의 유보트와 레이더가 수송로를 장악하는 바람에 군수품을 전달받지 못해 어려움을 겪는다. 그해 5월, 영국 정보국은 독일 비스마르크호가 북대서양으로 출항하려고 한다는 정보를 입수하고 조나단 셰퍼드 함장(케네스 무어 분)에게 비스마르크호를 격침시키라는 임무를 내린다. 아내와 함정을 잃은 상실감으로 괴로워하던 셰퍼드 함장은 새로운 임무를 맡고 최선을 다하기로 결심한다. 또한 대적할 인물이 예전에 자신의 함정을 파괴한 독일 해독이라는 사실을 알고는 이번엔 반드시 이길 거라 각오를 다진다. 영국은 대서양의 해군력을 총동원하여 비스마르크호의 출항을 저지하려 온힘을 쏟아 붓는다. 전함과 순양함 등 가용 가능한 전력을 집결시키고 철통같은 레이다망을 동원하여 비스마르크호의 항로를 추적한다. 몇 번의 교전으로 영국군 거함 후드호를 격침하고 순양함들에 막대한 피해를 입힌 비스마르크호는 영국군을 더욱 긴장시키고 이들은 어떻게 해서든지 비스마르크호를 막기 위해 안간힘을 쓰는데...
하바나의 사나이
Dr. Braun
짐은 진공청소기 판매상으로 쿠바의 아바나에 살고 있다. 그의 17살 난 딸 밀리는 돈을 흥청망청 써대서 짐을 고민스럽게 만든다, 급기야 짐은 좀 더 돈을 벌기 위해 비밀 기관의 스파이 노릇을 하기로 하는데...
West of Suez
In this suspense movie, a Yankee mercenary is hired to blow up an Arab dignitary.
더 트레이터
Friederich Suderman
One time members of a resistance group come together every year to remember their dead leader, betrayed to and executed by the Nazis. When it seems that they might finally know the name of the traitor - and that he or she comes from within their own unit - their annual gathering becomes a deadly trial...
Mikhail Vlados
배경은 1920년대 후반의 프랑스 파리. 제정 러시아 시대의 장군 부닌(율 브리너)은 러시아 혁명 후 국외 추방된 신세. 어느날 그는 자살을 시도하는 여인(잉그리드 버그만)을 구출하는데, 그녀가 공주 아나스타샤를 꼭 닮았다는 사실에 깜짝 놀란다. 공주 아나스타샤는 러시아 로마노프 왕조의 마지막 짜르 니콜라스의 딸이다. 혁명 후에 공주의 행방이 묘연했기에 그는 그녀가 공주일지도 모른다고 생각하지만, 그녀 자신은 기억상실증에 빠졌는지 자신의 신상에 대해 아무것도 기억하지 못한다. 그러자 부닌 장군은 그녀가 가짜라고 해도 아나타스탸 공주로 완벽하게 위장시켜 러시아 왕족이 유럽으로 빼돌린 재산을 가로챌 사기를 계획한다. 즉 아나스타샤의 신용으로 영국 은행에 예치돼 있는 천만 파운드의 돈을 인출할 수 있다는 계산이다. 부닌 장군의 이 계획에서 가장 큰 걸림돌은 실제 아나스타샤를 잘 아는 왕후 도웨이저(헬렌 헤이스)가 생존해 있다는 것. 왕후의 의심의 눈초리를 피하기 위해 부닌 장군은 기억상실증에 걸린 그 여자를 아나스타샤보다 더 아나스타샤답게 보이도록 교육시킨다. 그런데 이상하게도 그녀는 곧잘 러시아 왕실의 세세한 법도나 디테일한 사항을 기억해내 율 브리너를 당황에 빠뜨린다. 그녀가 진짜 아나스타샤일지도 모른다는 암시가 깔리고, 이들은 서서히 사랑하는 사이가 된다. 마침내 이들은 그녀의 정체를 확인하기 위해 친할머니를 찾아가게 된다. 이 영화의 가장 큰 매력은 세기의 미녀배우 잉그리드 버그만이 할리우드에 복귀해서 찍은 작품이라는 것. 그 몇년 동안 잉그리드 버그만은 이태리 네오리얼리즘의 거장 로베르토 로셀리니와 스캔들에 가까운 사랑에 빠져 큰 지탄을 받고 유럽으로 쫓겨갔던 처지였다. 찍는 영화마다 족족 흥행실패했던 그녀지만 이 영화의 성공으로 원래의 인기를 회복하며, 1957년 아카데미 여우주연상과 골든글로브 여우주연상을 수상했다.
The Man in the Road
Dmitri Balinkev
A brilliant scientist who has lost his memory is hunted by Communist agents out to obtain a secret formula.
The Cockleshell Heroes
Assistant Gestapo Officer
During WW2, German ships are "safely" docked upriver at Bordeaux, but the British send a team of kayakers to attack them.
Secret Venture
An American is visiting Britain and finds himself in possession of a briefcase full of secret documents that the spies of many different countries seem determined to get.
A Prize of Gold
Dr. Zachmann
A U.S. sergeant, a British sergeant and a British pilot hijack gold for a German refugee's war orphans.
Man of the Moment
Norman is a file clerk who accidentally becomes a British delegate to a diplomatic conference, befriends the queen of a remote island, and winds up a knight. Norman leaves rooms in shambles, tailors in shreds, and diplomats in bandages. Chased by gunmen and assassins of foreign powers, Norman finds himself running through active TV studio sets and interrupts various programs and performances in progress
Dangerous Cargo
Inspired by the real events of the attempted heist at Heathrow Airport in 1952, a criminal tricks an old friend into giving away the location of a shipment of gold bullion so he and his gang can steal it.
Tale of Three Women
Alfred Dykemann (segment "Final Twist' story)
A compilation of 3 stories, "The Wedding Gift", "The Thief of London" and "The Final Twist". Originally part of the Danziger Brothers series "Calling Scotland Yard"
City Beneath the Sea
Dwight Trevor
Two adventures dive for treasure off the coast of Jamaica.
Rough Shoot
An American military officer and his wife move to a cottage in what they think is the peaceful English countryside, only to discover the area is a hotbed of spies and secret agents.
네버 렛 미 고
An American reporter falls in love with a Russian ballet dancer.
트리니다드 사건
A nightclub singer enlists her brother-in-law to track down her husband's killer.
Walk East on Beacon!
Alexi Laschenkov / Gregory Anders
An FBI agent works with a refugee scientist and the Coast Guard to crack a Soviet spy ring in Boston.
No Highway
James Stewart plays aeronautical engineer Theodore Honey, the quintessential absent-minded professor: eccentric, forgetful, but brilliant. His studies show that the aircraft being manufactured by his employer has a subtle but deadly design flaw that manifests itself only after the aircraft has flown a certain number of hours. En route to a crash site to prove his theory, Honey discovers that he is aboard a plane rapidly approaching his predicted deadline.
State Secret
Dr. Revo
Visiting in England, an American surgeon Doctor John Marlowe is decoyed to a middle European country, and discovers the operation he is to perform is on the Vosnian dictator. When the latter dies, he is replaced by a look-alike, but Marlowe then becomes the object of a shoot-to-kill, vicious pursuit by the secret police of Vosnia since it is vital to Vosnia that the dictator's death does not become known. Fleeing, he seeks help from an actress, Lisa Robinson, and the two are harried across the countryside.
Cairo Road
Edouardo Pavlis
A police chief stationed in Egypt sets out to crack down on drug traffickers along the frontiers. With his assistant, he attempts to block the smugglers' passage along the notorious Cairo Road route into the country.
The Third Visitor
Richard Carling
Suave supercilious Carling (Karel Stepanek) receives several callers to his isolated house, all of whom hold a grudge against him. Next morning a corpse is found, and later identified as his by one of the visitors.
Golden Arrow
On a journey from Paris to London, a Briton, a Frenchman and an American bond with each other and indulge in a romantic fantasy about a girl they see.
Give Us This Day
Exiled from Hollywood due to the blacklist, director Edward Dmytryk briefly operated in England in the late 1940s. Though filmed in its entirety in London, Dmytryk's Give Us This Day is set in New York during the depression. Fellow blacklistee Sam Wanamaker is starred as the head of an Italian immigrant family struggling to survive the economic crisis.
제3의 사나이
Actor at Josefstadt Theater (uncredited)
2차 대전 직후 미국의 소설가 홀리 마틴스는 친구 해리의 연락을 받고 빈에 도착한다. 그를 반긴 것은 해리가 교통사고로 죽었다는 소식. 홀리는 친구의 애인 안나를 만나고 해리가 가짜 페니실린을 밀매했다는 혐의로 연합군의 추적을 받아왔음을 알게 된다. 친구의 죽음을 의심하던 홀리 앞에 홀연히 나타나는 해리. 홀리는 가짜 페니실린으로 고통받는 사람들을 접하고 해리를 체포하려는 칼로웨이 소령에게 협조하기로 결심한다. 그레이엄 그린의 원작 소설을 영화로 만든 작품.
A newlywed suspects her husband of being a Communist spy.
몰락한 우상
First Secretary
주런던 프랑스 대사관, 대사의 어린 아들 필립은 관저 살림을 책임지는 베인스를 잘 따른다. 날카로운 베인스의 아내와 달리 그는 필립과 잘 놀아 준다. 대사가 관저를 비운 주말, 혼자 놀던 필립은 관저를 떠나는 베인스를 보고 그를 뒤따라가는데, 찻집에서 내연 관계인 줄리와 만나고 있던 베인스는 필립을 보고 깜짝 놀란다. 한편, 남편의 외도를 눈치챈 베인스 부인과 베인스가 다투고, 예상치 못한 사고로 부인이 죽고 만다. 그런데 하필 사고 장면을 목격한 필립은 베인스가 부인을 죽였다고 생각한다. 비극적 사고는 아이의 순수한 눈을 거치며 더욱 끔찍한 사건으로 비화해 간다. 이 작품으로 캐롤 리드는 1950년 아카데미 감독상 후보에 오른다
Broken Journey
Swiss Officer (uncredited)
Passengers and crew struggle to survive after their plane crashes in the Alps.
Professor Inman
An escaped World War 2 Nazi doctor impersonates a murdered English doctor so he can work on a vaccination to protect the Germans in their planned germ warfare.
The Captive Heart
A series of stories about the lives and loves of nine men in a Prisoner of War Camp over five years. Location shooting in the British occupied part of Germany adds believability. The main story is of Hasek (Redgrave) a Czech soldier who needs to keep his identity a secret from the Nazis, to do this he poses as a dead English Officer and corresponds with the man's wife. Upon liberation they meet and decide to continue their lives together. The other inmates' stories are revealed episodically.
Escape to Danger
Franz von Brinkman
During the Second World War a British schoolteacher working in Denmark is caught up when the Germans invade.
They Met in the Dark
A Royal navy Commander is tricked by a pretty girl who is working for the Nazis. She tricks him into revealing some military secrets and he is court martial. He vows to track her and her accomplices down.
Tomorrow We Live
British World War II film set in occupied France, portraying the activities of members of the French Resistance and the Nazi tactic of taking and shooting innocent hostages in reprisal for acts of sabotage. The opening credits acknowledge "the official co-operation of General de Gaulle and the French National Committee". It was released as "At Dawn We Die" in the US.
Secret Mission
Major Lang
World War II drama in which a member of the French Resistance and three British agents undertake a hazardous mission to infiltrate a German HQ in search of vital information that could lead to the overthrow of the Nazis.
Our Film
Soviet Visitor
A British factory is inefficient because of pre-war rules and red tape. A Soviet trades union representative shows workers and management the value of unity.
The Leghorn Hat
Felix, Diener bei Farina
Der Florentiner Hut (The Leghorn Hat), a 1939 German film directed by Wolfgang Liebeneiner
Hotel Sacher
Vienna is celebrating New Year’s Eve 1913/14. It is the year, which will see the outbreak of the First World War. In Hotel Sacher, the mood is excellent; and although the political atmosphere is charged, there’s an undercurrent of hate and intolerance in the air. It is with this background that Nadja, a Russian spy, meets the Austrian civil servant Stefan. He loves her, but comes under suspicion of being an agent because of this love.
War es der im 3. Stock?
Georg Kilby
Narren im Schnee
Rolf Pinkenkötter
Klatovští dragouni
Die Fledermaus
Attaché Baranoff / Orlovsky
The delightful Johann Strauss comic opera Die Fledermaus was mercilessly lampooned in this truly bizarre production. For starters, a framing device has been added: After appearing in 300 consecutive appearances of Fledermaus (which translates as The Bat) the lead tenor (Georg Alexander) imagines that he's seeing bats everywhere. Driven a bit over the edge by all this, he falls asleep and has a nightmare about the opera, with a group of non-singers cast in the leading roles. The original libretto about romantic assignations, political imprisonments and mistaken identity is burlesqued to the hilt: at one point, the hero finds out that his prison cell is surrounded by rubber tubes!
The Unknown
Manager at Regina's
The body of an unknown beautiful woman is fished out of the river and leaves the policemen wondering what drove the girl to such a grisly fate. The film then flashes back to months before, showing the torrid love affair between a young cabaret singer and a rich playboy that ultimately results in tragedy for the girl.
Der Außenseiter
Otto Burian
Pozdní láska
Na růžích ustláno
Hermine und die sieben Aufrechten
Waltz War
Kellner Leopold
A Song for You
Theo Bruckner
During a concert tour, famous tenor Riccardo Gatti meets Lixie at an Aida rehearsal and takes her for a ballet dancer. She is in fact trying to get a position for her boyfriend, so she accepts Gatti's date for supper. When she runs away he publishes a newspaper ad offering to give a concert anywhere she chooses if she shows up. She chooses a swimming pool hoping to discourage him, but he accepts.
Spione im Savoy-Hotel
Five from the Jazzband
By pure chance, Jessie and his four jazz musicians are hired to play at the cabaret theatre “Trocadero”. Unfortunately, she knows nothing about music and it doesn’t help that all four musicians are in love with her. Jessie doesn’t reciprocate their feelings, because she has a thing for Martin. Unfortunately, Martin believes that Jessie stole his car … and so, right before the premiere at the cabaret, she ends up in jail.
Here's Berlin
Story of a rendezvous in Paris which is prepared through telephone calls between a Berlin telephonist and his female colleague in Paris.