O.E. Hasse

O.E. Hasse

출생 : 1903-07-11, Obersitzko, Prussia, Germany [now Obrzycko, Wielkopolskie, Poland]

사망 : 1978-09-11


O.E. Hasse (Otto Eduard Hasse) was a German stage, screen, and television actor. He is recognized by international audiences for his portrayal of the character Otto Keller in Alfred Hitchcock's 1953 film I Confess.

프로필 사진

O.E. Hasse

참여 작품

Sanfter Schrecken
Lord Sherwood
Die Geisel
alter Mann
Based on a very successful play of the same name by Tankred Dorst, this film tells a story about Norwegian author Knut Hamsun (here played by O.E. Hasse), a Nobel prizewinner for literature who was notorious for having collaborated with the Nazi regime. After the war, rather than hand him over for prosecution, he was sent to a retirement home. A young man, bitter about the war, tracks him down and begins to harass him in various ways. The author handles everything that comes to him with remarkable dignity, which eventually removes some of the taint from his actions.
Carlos Ducas
우루과이의 몬테 비데오. 독재정권이 이에 항거하는 젊은이들과 지식인들을 체포, 투옥시키고, 자백을 강용하는 고문이 자행된다. 미국인 필립 산토레는 A.I.D. 직원으로 파견된 인물. 운동권 조직인 투파마로 단에 브라질 영사와 함께 그가 납치되면서 그에 대한 언론과 여론의 관심이 집중된다. 그의 실제 정체는 무엇이었을까. 투파마로 단의 심문으로 그의 정체가 파헤쳐진다. 필립 산토레는 표면적으로는 평범한 미국 시민에 A.I.D. 직원으로 위장하고 있지만, 실제로는 미국 경찰서장이었던 것으로 드러난다. 이러한 사실들은 투파마로 단이 언론사에 보내는 성명서로 낱낱이 공개된다.의회는 비로소 나라의 진정한 독립에 대해 생각하게 되고, 각 정당 대표들로 구성된 의회의 조사위원회는 경찰 내부의 고질적인 고문의 실상을 파헤친다. 투파마로 단이 산토레와 브라질 대사를 납치한 목적은 투옥된 정치범들의 석방을 위해 교환하려 했던 것. 그들이 그러한 교환조건을 내걸자 교환조건을 받아들일 것을 요구하는 국내외 여론의 압력에 대통령은 사임할 수밖에 없는 입장에 몰린다. 그러나 마침 그때 경찰은 미겔을 포함한 투파마로 단의 수뇌부 몇사람을 체포하기에 이른다. 그것으로 한 풀 꺾인 투파마로 단은 정부에, 자신들의 요구가 받아들여지지 않을 경우, 산토레를 처형하겠다고 최후통첩을 한다. 그러나 수뇌부의 검거로 이미 기선을 잡은 정부의 입장은 강경하다. 미국 역시 산토레를 희생 시킴으로써 실익이 많다고 판단, 개입하지 않는다. 투파마로 단의 이미지를 폭력적으로 여론에 심어줄 기회기 때문에 투파마로 단은 두 갈래 길에 놓인다.
Three Rooms in Manhattan
When his wife leaves him, a young French actor, François Combe, moves to New York to work for a television company. One evening, he meets an attractive young woman, Kay Larsi, in a bar.
The Death Ray of Dr. Mabuse
Prof. Larsen
The evil Dr. Mabuse develops a death ray with which he threatens the world.
Vice and Virtue
General von Bamberg
1944 : Occupied France. Juliette (Vice) is Wehrmacht General Bamberg's mistress and enjoys a privileged life. Her younger sister Justine (Virtue) is about to marry Jean who is in the Resistance and come to Juliette for help. Both sisters end up at "la Commanderie", where Juliette becomes SS Colonel Schonberg's mistress and Justine is detained with other pretty girls who must satisfy the sexual needs of high-ranking nazi officials. Inspired by "Justine ou les infortunes de la vertu" by the marquis de Sade
Dr. Schön
A 14-year-old girl is caught while trying to pick a doctor's pocket. The doctor ends up taking her in and turning her into a sophisticated lady, whom he marries off to a wealthy man.
탈주한 하사
2차 대전 중 독일의 포로수용소에 수감된 프랑스 군인의 탈출을 다룬 영화. 전쟁포로의 탈출이라는 소재가 "위대한 환상"과 비슷하지만 영화의 주제는 억압에 대한 저항에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 르누아르는 영화의 배경보다 인물을 중요하게 생각했기 때문에 수용소에 갇힌 각 인물들의 개성과 내면의 표현에 세심하게 신경을 썼다. 뉴스릴 필름이 포함된 흑백 촬영은 ‘탈출기’라는 맥락을 강조하며 영화에 사실성을 더한다. 브레송의 조감독 출신인 기 르프랑이 각색과 감독에 공동 참여하였다.
Das Leben beginnt um acht
Die Ehe des Herrn Mississippi
Florestan Mississippi
The Nabob Affair
Napoleon / Ludwig XVIII.
Frau Warrens Gewerbe
Sir George Crofts
Der Kaiser von Amerika
König Magnus
As Long as the Heart Still Beats
Dr. Hans Römer
Der Maulkorb
Herbert von Treskow, Staatsanwalt
The Doctor of Stalingrad
Dr. Fritz Böhler, Stabsarzt
Dr. Fritz Böhler is a prisoner of war doctor in the Soviet POW camp 5110/47 near Stalingrad. Despite the harshest conditions, he tries to help his fellow prisoners with the simplest means. But when his assistant Dr. Schultheiss falls in love with the Russian doctor Alexandra Kasalinskaja, Schultheiss not only endangers his own life - because Alexandra is the lover of First Lieutenant Markow.
The Glass Tower
Robert Fleming
Katja Fleming has given up her job as an actress and married the business man Robert Fleming. But the cold that surrounds her in her modern, luxurious high-rise makes her lonely. Then she meets the author John Lawrence, who wants to convince her to perform in his new play.
더 스파이스
Hugo Vogel
체코 작가 에곤 호스트후스키 원작 「심야의 환자」에서 소재를 얻은 국제 스파이전을 둘러싼 현대의 일면을 그린 작품.
The Last Ones Shall Be First
Ludwig Darrandt
The brother of a high ranking lawyer has killed the husband of a Polish woman, with whom he is having an affair. Can the counsel help his brother without getting himself involved in scandal?
No Sun in Venice
Eric von Bergen
Cute Sophie is an amoral French girl living in a sumptuous Venetian palazzo. She is the kept woman of a very rich but undesirable fellow named Eric von Bergen, an ex-nazi turned forger.
The Adventures of Arsène Lupin
Kaiser Wilhelm II
Arsène Lupin is extremely popular among the population, because he allows the needy to share in his acquired wealth. Before entering the service of the German Emperor Wilhelm II, he removes his vault in Alsace, steals two paintings of old masters, steals valuable gems and calls out to the police prefect to avoid his arrest. But this time he risks being seriously recognized. Lupin must once again use his fine intellect to deftly escape the situation.
Kitty and the Great Big World
Sir William Ashlin
Peter Hansen
An industrialist's wife was killed and now her lover is accused of murder.
08/15 at Home
Generalmajor v. Plönies
The third part of Paul May′s "08/15" trilogy based on the novel by Hans Hellmut Kirst takes place shortly before the end of World War II: In the spring of 1945, the German troops are practically defeated, and the battalion of Kowalski, major general von Plönnies and Asch who had risen to the rank of lieutenant in the meantime is left to its own devices to a large extent. They hope to be able to wait for the end of the war without having to encounter any combat operations. At the same time, Asch tries to prevent high-level Nazi officers from disappearing unnoticed and from cashing in on the chaotic circumstances.
08/15 Part 2
Oberstleutnant von Plönnies
Winter 1942: Like thousands of other German soldiers, Asch and Vierbein have ended up at the Eastern front. Although Vierbein finds a new friend in Kowalski, the squadron commander captain Witterer, a true army veteran, gives them a really hard time. Witterer’s pointless orders reflect the bad habits of many former superiors. And again, Vierbein has to bear the brunt.
Above Us the Waves
Captain of the Tirpitz
In World War II, the greatest threat to the British navy is the German battleship Tirpitz. While anchored in a Norwegian fjord, it is impossible to attack by conventional means, so a plan is hatched for a special commando unit to attack it, using midget submarines to plant underwater explosives.
Admiral Canaris
Admiral Canaris is chief of the intelligence service of Nazi Germany. His department is quite successful and Hitler grants him all the money he wants for new developments. Still he's a thorn in the side of the Nazi chiefs, since he's not as unscrupulous as they want him and is known to criticize their ideology.
Col. Helmuth Dietrich
Screen superstars Clark Gable ("Gone With The Wind," "It Happened One Night") and sultry bombshell Lana Turner ("Peyton Place," "The Postman Always Rings Twice") team-up in this intriguing WWII drama. Suspected of being a Nazi spy, Dutch-resistance member Turner is given a last chance mission to redeem herself. Gable is an American colonel who falls in love with her. Co-starring Victor Mature ("My Darling Clementine") and Oscar-nominee Louis Calhern ("The Asphalt Jungle").
Wenn am Sonntagabend die Dorfmusik spielt
Der letzte Walzer
Prinz Paul
나는 고백한다
Otto Keller
사제관에서 일하는 켈러(Otto Keller: O.E. 헷세 분)는 돈을 훔치기 위해 변호사 빌렛의 집에 들어갔다가 우발적으로 빌렛을 죽이고 만다. 켈러가 살인을 저질렀다는 것을 고백 성사를 통해 알게 된 로건 신부(Father Michael Logan: 몽고메리 클리프트 분)는 고백 성사의 비밀을 지키려다가 오히려 빌렛의 살인범으로 의심을 받게 된다. 빌렛 살인 사건의 담당 형사인 라우루 경감(Inspector Larrue: 칼 몰든 분)은 로건 신부를 범인으로 단정짓고 로건 신부에 대한 수사를 진행한다. 로건 신부의 옛 애인인 루스(Ruth Grandfort: 앤 박스터 분)는 로건이 살인 용의자로 의심을 받고 있다는 것을 알고, 사건 당일날 밤, 자신과 로건이 함께 있었다는 사실을 밝힌다. 루스는 경찰의 조사에서, 자신과 로건 신부가 예전에 애인 사이였고, 전쟁 때문에 헤어지게 되어 지금의 남편과 결혼하게 되었으며, 죽은 빌렛은 자신과 로건의 관계를 폭로하겠다고 협박했다는 사실까지 고백하게 된다. 이에 따라 로건의 혐의는 점점 짙어지고, 진범인 켈러는 오히려 로건을 범인으로 몰기 위해 계락을 꾸미게 된다. 결국 로건 신부는 살인죄로 법정에서 재판을 받게 되지만, 증거 불충분으로 무죄를 언도받는다. 남편이 범인이라는 것을 알면서도 사실을 밝히지 못한 채 죄책감에 시달리던 켈러의 아내 알마(Alma Keller: 돌리 하스 분)는 법정에서 나오면서 자신의 남편이 진범임을 밝히려 하다가 켈러가 쏜 총에 맞아 죽는다. 켈러는 경찰과 끝까지 대치하다가 결국 경찰이 쏜 총에 목숨을 거두고 로건 신부의 결백은 밝혀지게 된다.
Der große Zapfenstreich
Rittmeister Graf Ledenburg
Col. Oberst von Ecker
제2차세계대전 중인 1944년 말. 독일군의 라인강 방어선을 뚫고 독일 본토로 진격하기 직전인 미군은 독일군의 정보를 수집하기 위해 독일군 포로 2명을 스파이로 침투시키기로 결정하는데...
Chefredakteur Dr. Mannheim
The reporter Peter Zabel stumbles upon the sinking of the luxury yacht Orplid in Hamburg on August 14, 1949. The ship went down with a wedding party run by artists on a pleasure trip from Hamburg to Scotland . In spite of good weather and no technical problems. Out of personal curiosity, Zabel starts researching. Could the sinking of Orplid have political reasons? A German political thriller and film noir inspired by Carol Reed's "The Third Man".
The Big Lift
The Berlin Air Lift from the point of view of two NCOs.
Anonyme Briefe
Alexander Petershagen
The Berliner
Der Reaktionär
Long before he played the corpulent Goldfinger, German actor Gert Froebe was a scarecrow-skinny comedian. In Berliner Ballade, Froebe makes his screen debut as Otto, a feckless Everyman who tries to adjust to the postwar travails of his defeated nation. Stymied by black-market profiteers and government bureaucrats, Otto begins fantasizing about a happier life at the end of that ever-elusive rainbow. Director R. A. Stemmle doesn't have to strive for pathos: he merely places his gangly star amidst the ruins of a bombed-out Berlin, and the point is made for him. Filmed in 1948, Berliner Ballade was later released in the U.S. as The Berliner.
Konzertagent Urdoi
Aufruhr der Herzen
Thomas Volderauer
Komm zu mir zurück
a movie by Heinz Paul
Der Täter ist unter uns
Dr. Kauper
Der große Preis
Kommissar Wegener
The moral is simple: keep your mouth shut, especially when you're working during the wartime in a factory, which produces racing cars only, or someone can (or even must) get murdered. Not a good movie, not a bad either. The ending is abrupt and artificial, which seems to be a common plague of Third Reich's crime movies. Gustav Fröhlich could never get rid of his silent era mannerisms and overacting. But on the other side, this film is not boring and has to offer some decent plot turns and acting.
Geliebter Schatz
1943 German film.
Der ewige Klang
Impressario Grundmann
Gefährtin meines Sommers
Gerhard Morton, Angelikas Verlobter
Doctor Crippen
Prof. Morrison
The Dismissal
Otto Heyden
German chancellor Otto von Bismarck promises the dying emperor Wilhelm I. to be loyal to his grandson. But the gap between young Kaiser Wilhelm II. and old Bismarck is rapidly widening. It soon appears that an era is coming to an end.
Already a famous painter, Rembrandt van Rijn is commissioned to paint the Amsterdam Archers' Guild. But upon completion of the picture, the men of the guild feel duped, because they don't consider themselves flatteringly depicted in the painting. They therefore decline to pay for the work. During this dispute, the painter finds out his wife is close to death. He finds himself terribly lonely after her passing and suffers from depression until he decides once more to marry.
Peter Walbrecht
Melodrama about an actress falling in love with a man who wants her to give up her job.
Alles für Gloria
Dr. Heinz
Oberarzt Dr. Gregorius
This Nazi propaganda film details the exploits of a group of German Luftwaffe pilots flying Stukas--fighter-bombers--in the Battle of France in the early days of World War II.
Drei wunderschöne Tage
This is essentially a "Kraft durch Freude" propaganda film though the organization is never mentioned. A company's three day outing might very well be the last because bankruptcy is just around the corner. The people on the trip have all their individual problems and wishes, too. This episodic film might sound quite promising considering the basic idea but its script is determinedly optimistic and leads everything and anything to a happy end. The dramatic parts are finished in a rather implausible way, the comedic are terribly predictable. There's a badly misjudged singing scene in the bus, some bavarian shtick, the Regensburger Domspatzen are singing in Augsburg and so on...
So weit geht die Liebe nicht
Friseur Hübner
Diener lassen bitten
Der schüchterne Casanova
Schnellhase, Reklamechef
The Unsuspecting Angel
Jozi's aunt runs an inn near the border and has a little side-job: she smuggles. Poor, naive Jozi doesn't know anything about it. Jozi falls in love with the young border patrol officer Hans and her feelings are amply returned. But Hans' supervisor suspects Jozi of smuggling and tries again and again to lead her into illegal temptation. Finally, Hans sees Jozi in a dance bar together with smugglers and believes, too, that she's one of their accomplices.
Ein ganzer Kerl
Manfred Bolle
Film by Boese.
Knockout – Ein junges Mädchen, ein junger Mann
Mariannes Verlobter
Der verhexte Scheinwerfer
German short comedy.
Die vertauschte Braut
Muß man sich gleich scheiden lassen
Ein Friseur
Fräulein Hoffmanns Erzählungen
Kreuzer Emden
Englischer“ Offizier
Peter Voss, Thief of Millions
2. Makler
Peter Voss, Thief of Millions (German:Peter Voss, der Millionendieb) is a 1932 German comedy crime film directed by Ewald André Dupont and starring Willi Forst, Alice Treff and Paul Hörbiger. It was based on the 1913 novel of the same title by Ewald Gerhard Seeliger which has been adapted into a number of films including previously in 1921 and later in 1946. It was the second to last film made by Dupont in Germany before he was forced to flee to the United States following the rise of the Nazi Party.
마지막 웃음
Small Role (uncredited)
은발의 멋진 구렛나루 수염을 쓰다듬으며 금빛 단추의 제복을 뽐내는 한 호텔 도어맨이 있다. 그는 출퇴근을 할 때에도 항상 호텔 제복을 입고 다니며, 나이는 들었지만 자신이 아직도 상당히 매력적이고 힘도 센 괜찮은 남자라는 생각 한다. 그리고 도어맨으로서의 직업적 자긍심도 대단하다. 그러던 어느날 도어맨이 손님의 무거운 가방을 나르고 숨이 차 잠시 로비에서 쉬고 있는데, 이를 호텔 매니저가 목격한다. 이 일이 빌미가 되어 도어맨은 나이가 많다는 이유로 세면장에서 수건 수발을 드는 자리로 좌천당하게 된다. 그런데 그날이 하필이면 질녀의 결혼식 날이였다. 제복을 벗은 초라한 자신의 모습을 친척들에게 보여줄 수 없다고 생각한 도어맨은 제복을 몰래 훔쳐내 입고 결혼식에 참석한다. 결혼식을 마친 다음 날 이런 사실을 모르는 친척 아주머니가 도어맨에게 줄 도시락을 들고 호텔로 찾아가는데...