Stanley Myers

Stanley Myers

출생 : 1933-10-06, Birmingham, England, UK

사망 : 1993-11-09

프로필 사진

Stanley Myers

참여 작품

Heart of Darkness
Original Music Composer
A trading company manager travels up an African river to find a missing outpost head and discovers the depth of evil in humanity's soul.
Original Music Composer
Sharon Curley is a 20-year-old living with her parents and many brothers and sisters in Dublin. When she gets pregnant and refuses to name the father, she becomes the talk of the town.
1976년의 반(反)아파르트 헤이트 봉기의 장소로 유명한 흑인 거주 지역 소웨토에 사는 소녀 사라피나(Sarafina: 레레티 쿠마로 분)는 넬슨 만델라를 존경하고, 또 한편으로는 스타가 되기를 꿈꾸는 여학생이다. 반(反) 백인 투쟁을 하는 남학생 크로커다일이 데이트를 신청해오지만 사라피나는 투쟁하가 돌아가신 아버지에 대한 쓰라린 기억이 있기 때문에 그를 선뜻 따라나서지 못한다. 학생들의 존경을 받는 역사 선생님 메리 마솜부카(Mary Masembuko: 우피 골드버그 분)가 경찰에 의해 연행되는 사건이 발생하자, 분노한 학생들이 교정으로 뛰쳐나오고, 그중 많은 수가 군인들의 총격에 쓰러지는데 그때 크로커다일이 총에 맞아 죽는 광경을 목격하고 충격을 받은 사라피나는, 동족을 배신한 흑인 경관 사벨라(Sabela: 몽게니 네마 분)를 화형시키는 현장에 적극 참여한다. 경찰서에 끌려가 모진 고문을 당하고 나온 사라피나는 백인 하녀로 일하는 엄마를 찾아가, 묵묵히 일하며 가정을 지켜온 엄마가 진정한 영웅이라고 말하며 그동안 엄마를 업신여겼던 자기 언행에 대해 용서를 빈다. 마솜부카 선생님도 경찰들 손에 죽고, 착하기만 했던 소녀 기타아도 밀고자가 되라는 강요에 저항하다 죽어간 지금, 사라피나에게 남은 건 언젠가 만델라가 돌아오리라는 희망 뿐이다. 집에 돌아온 그녀는 마솜부카 선생님, 기타아, 크로커다일 등과 함께 계획했던 학예회 연극을 공연하는 꿈을 꾼다. 꿈 속에서 그녀는 만델라가 되어 자유의 날이 오리라는 연설을 갖는데...
Cold Heaven
Original Music Composer
An adulterous woman's faith in God is tested when her husband dies and miraculously comes back to life.
Iron Maze
In Corinth, a dying town 15 miles from Pittsburgh: One evening, a Japanese businessman, who wanted to tear down the closed iron mills to build an amusement park, is found half dead in his mill. Bellboy Barry admits to have done it - in self defense. Chief Ruhle interrogates him and Sugito's young wife and business partners, but it takes a while, until he gets through the maze of apparently contradictory statements.
A Murder of Quality
At the request of his old war time colleague Ailsa Brimley, George Smiley agrees to look into the murder of Stella Rode. Brimley had only just received a letter from her saying she feared for her life at her husband's hand. The husband, Stanley Rode teaches at Carne School, but Smiley is doubtful that he had anything to do with his wife's death. As Smiley investigates, he learns that Stella was a nosy busybody who loved to learn other's little secrets and then gossip about them - or possibly blackmail them. When a student is killed and Smiley unearths a secret, he has the evidence to name the killer.Based on John Le Carré's 1962 thriller (his first) in which George Smiley is brought out of spy retirement to solve a murder in a British public school. The setting is based on Le Carre"s own schooldays in Sherborne and his brief experience teaching at Eton.
사랑과 슬픔의 여로
Original Music Composer
자신의 인생까지도 조절이 가능하다고 믿는 부족한 것 없는 중년의 월터 화버는 비행기의 엔진고장으로 멕세코 사막에 불시착, 우연히 대학시절 사랑했던 한나의 소식을 듣게 된다. 당시 임신했던 한나는 원한다면 결혼하겠다는 화버의 말에 민감한 반응을 보이며 다른 사람과 결혼해버렸다. 유태인 한나는 공산주의에 빠져 독일에 항거했고 남편과 이혼한 후로는 그 소식을 을 알 수 없다는 것. 복잡한 생각으로 뉴욕에 온 화버는 다시 여행을 떠나는데 여행 도중 사베트라는 아름다운 아가씨를 만나는데...
로젠크란츠와 길덴스턴은 죽었다
셰익스피어의 햄릿을 햄릿과 그의 의붓아버지 간의 권력 싸움에 말려들어 희생된 햄릿의 학교 친구 로젠크란츠와 길덴스턴의 관점에서 재해석한다.
마녀와 루크
Original Music Composer
루크는 갑작스런 사고로 부모님이 돌아가신 후 할머니와 단 둘이 살게 되는데, 어느 날 할머니로부터 마녀 이야기를 듣고 난 후부터 여기저기서 마녀가 보이기 시작한다. 여행 도중 투숙한 호텔에서도 우연히 마녀들의 집회를 엿보다 들키게 된 루크는 화가 난 마녀들이 사용한 마법에 의해 쥐로 변해버린다. 루크는 마녀들이 사람들을 모두 쥐로 만들려 한다는 것을 알아차렸지만, 자신은 이미 쥐가 되어버려 어쩔 줄을 모르게 된다. ( 원작 : 로알드 달의 '마녀를 잡아라' )
Ladder of Swords
An escaped convict, pursued by an obsessive policeman, hides out in a travelling circus
A Small Mourning
When Marjorie's husband of 20 years dies of a brain tumour, she's hit financially as well as emotionally. The money she makes packing tights in a factory isn't enough to cover her rent, and her TV is repossessed. Soon after the funeral she meets Arnold, a wealthy pub landlord, who squires her to the local Conservative Club ball in an effort to cheer her up. Life with Arnold promises not only companionship but undreamt-of luxury, but Marjorie's friends and family do not necessarily approve.
Scenes from the Class Struggle in Beverly Hills
Original Music Composer
The widow's houseboy and the divorcee's chauffeur bet on which will bed the other's employer first.
This "Play on One" story depicts Jack and his farming family in West Wales. They have built up their dairy herd with vast loans and are then told they must cut back on milk production and slaughter some of the herd. The community launches a campaign against the quotas, but Jack takes the law into his own hands.
The Boost
Original Music Composer
Lenny Brown moves to California to find his fortune in tax shelter investments. When the federal government changes the tax laws, poor Lenny finds himself $700,000 in hock with nowhere to turn. His friend, Joel, introduces him to cocaine to give Lenny that needed "boost". What ensues next is a descent into drug addiction and insanity as Lenny tries to regain control of his life, all the while needing that extra "boost".
Original Music Composer
11살 생일을 맞은 소녀 안나는 공책에 상상 속의 집을 그린 뒤부터 그 집을 방문하는 꿈을 연속적으로 꾸게 됩니다. 안나는 그녀가 그려넣은 그림 속의 불구 소년 마크와 꿈 속에서 친구가 되는데, 꿈이 반복될 수록 이야기는 점점 위험해지며 드디어는 안나의 현실까지 잡아먹기 시작하죠. 꿈 자체를 거부하려 하던 안나는 마크가 정말로 존재하는 소년이고 자기가 그린 그림과 꿈이 마크에게 영향력을 끼친다는 것을 알게 되고...
Tidy Endings
Original Music Composer
Based on the play by actor/playwright Harvey Fierstein, this drama is about a man whose companion dies of AIDS. He then confronts his lover's ex-wife and the two end up building a friendship while coping with the emotional aftermath of the death.
Nightmare at Noon
Scientists poison the water supply of a small town, turning the residents into homicidal maniacs who kill each other and anybody who passes through.
Trading Hearts
Original Music Composer
A baseball-loving small girl decides to hook up her favorite down-on-his-luck baseball player and her mom, a down-on-her-luck lounge singer. Then her controlling rich granddad tries to force her mother to send the girl to live with him.
트랙 29
Original Music Composer
린다(Linda Henry: 테레사 러셀 분)는 학생때 아이를 낳고 빼앗기자 아이에 대한 죄의식에 사로잡혀 온통 방안에 어린 인형들을 쌓아놓고 중년의 남편인 헨리(Henry Henry: 크리스토퍼 로이드 분)에게서 위안을 얻으려 하나 헨리는 기차에 대해 관심이 쓸려있을 뿐 린다에게 무관심하다. 어느날 영국에서 온 마틴(Martin: 게리 올드만 분)에게서 모성애를 느끼고 어머니에게서 버려진체 자란 마틴은 젊고 아름다운 린다에게서 어머니의 모습을 발견한다. 이들은 자신들을 괴롭히던 망상에서 서로를 위로하게 되고 과거로부터 탈출할 수 있는 용기를 갖게 된다. 린다는 자신을 몰아부치던 남편을 마음속에서 죽어버리고 헨리의 곁을떠나 새로운 인생을 시작하게 되는데...
Stars & Bars
A British art expert leaves New York to buy a long-lost Renoir from a Georgia eccentric.
Original Music Composer
When a small Irish town is terrorized by a corrupt business syndicate, a lone hero wages an all out war.
Baja Oklahoma
Original Music Composer
Juanita Hutchins works at Texas bar, but she aspires to be a country songwriter. When she's not looking after her impulsive daughter, Candy, or vouching for her promiscuous friend, Doris Steadman, she's trying to maintain some semblance of a romantic life. As Juanita prepares to make the leap to Nashville, her former boyfriend, Slick Henderson, returns to town, further complicating her situation.
The Nature of the Beast
Original Music Composer
A boy reads about the attacks of a unknown animal on livestock in the town. He plans to run his own investigation. The so called beast however is also used as a metaphor for every day problems the townsfolk face.
Wish You Were Here
Original Music Composer
In a staid English seaside town after the Second World War, young Lynda grows up with her widowed father and younger sister. Rebellious Lynda has been swearing constantly from an early age. At sixteen, she becomes more exhibitionist and seeks out sexual encounters challenging the prevailing lower-middle class attitudes to sex. She eventually becomes pregnant by an acquaintance of her father.
새빨간 거짓말
영국의 역 스파이에 대한 스토리. 그는 런던의 한 가정부가 그녀의 집을 은신처로 이용할 수 있도록 하지만 그의 진짜 목표는 그녀가 전혀 상상조차 못했던 것으로 밝혀지는데...
귀를 기울여
Original Music Composer
Stephen Frears directs this biographical drama focusing on controversial British playwright Joe Orton, revealed in flashback after his murder by lover Kenneth Halliwell. Born in 1933 in Leicester, in the English Midlands, John 'Joe' Orton moves to London in 1951, to study at RADA, and enjoys an openly gay relationship with Halliwell in their famous Islington flat in the 1960s. However, when Orton achieves spectacular success with such plays as 'What the Butler Saw' and 'Loot', Halliwell begins to feel alienated and the pair's future looks increasingly uncertain.
The Wind
Mystery writer Sian Anderson leaves her boyfriend John for three weeks of intense writing in the isolated Greek town of Monemvassia. Upon her arrival in the ancient, deserted, walled-in fortress, she is met by Elias Appleby, the round eccentric landlord who guides her through mysterious underground passageways to the house where she will work. He warns her to stay inside at night because of the killer winds that arrive after dark.
Separate Vacations
A young architect finds himself in a situation that he never had to deal with before--now that he is successful (and married), sexy young women are throwing themselves at him!
Middle-aged Gerald Kingsland advertises in a London paper for a female companion to spend a year with him on a desert island. The young Lucy Irving takes a chance on contacting him and after a couple of meetings they decide to go ahead. Once on the island things prove a lot less idyllic than in the movies, and gradually it becomes clear that it is Lucy who has the desire and the strength to try and see the year through.
The Zero Boys
Original Music Composer
A group of friends travel to a wilderness area to play a survival game. Soon they unexpectedly find themselves in a real-life survival situation.
The Lightship
A trio of robbers, two brothers and their twisted genius leader, invade a lightship, but don't reckon on the crew fighting back.
Original Music Composer
Exploring the somewhat darker and more mysterious side of the Lewis Carroll's classic book, the movie follows Alice Liddell (the book's inspiration) as an old woman who is haunted by the characters she was once so amused by. As she thinks back on it, she starts to see her relationship with the shy author/professor in a new way and realizes the vast change between the young Alice and the old.
사랑의 상대성
Four 1950s cultural icons who conceivably could have met but probably didn't, fictionally do so in this modern fable of post-WWII America. Visually intriguing, the film has a fluid progression of flashbacks and flashforwards centering on the fictional Einstein's current observations, childhood memories, and apprehensions for the future.
Florence Nightingale
Original Music Composer
This is the fact-based story of an aristocratic woman who defies Victorian society to reform hospital sanitation and to define the nursing profession as it is known today. After volunteering to travel to Scutari to care for the wounded soldiers, who are victims of the Crimean war, she finds herself very unwelcome and faces great opposition for her new way of thinking. However through her selfless acts of caring, she quickly becomes known as 'The Lady with the Lamp', the caring nurse whose shadow soldiers kiss.
The Next One
An astronaut's widow and her young son meet a stranger from the future on a Greek island.
스토리 오브 오 2: 르네의 사생활
Original Music Composer
펜브록은 가정적으로는 훌륭한 남편과 좋은 아버지로, 사회적으로 높은 명성을 가지고 있는 성공한 사람이다. 그러나 그가 펜트하우스 회사 주식을 전부 사들일 계획이라는 사실을 안 펜트하우스는 그를 사회에서 파멸시킬 음모로 ○양을 고용해 그와 그의 가족들에게 접근시킨다. ○양은 펜브록의 아내와 아들, 딸을 자신의 영역으로 끌어들여 가정적으로는 불화와 사회적 파탄을 초래한다. 이에 두 사람의 권력게임이 흥미롭게 전개된다.
죽음의 매혹
Original Music Composer
죤은 자기 회사의 모델들이 밀회를 즐기려하는 것을 목격하다 들켜 도망가게 된다. 숲속으로 도망가던 죤은 나뭇가지에 찔려 실명하게 되고, 초음파 감지 수술을 받는다. 한편 도시에 혼자사는 여자들이 연이어 원인 모를 죽음을 당하게 되는데...
Success Is the Best Revenge
Alex Rodak (Michael York) is a Polish director in exile in London with his family, which includes an older teenage son Adam (Michael Lyndon) who is struggling with an identity crisis, his wife (Joanna Szerzerbic), and another son. Rodak is in the throes of putting together a major show about Poland and the politics of exile at a West End theater. His single-minded determination to succeed causes him to take advantage of others, and because of his need for backing, he turns to a low-life businessman (John Hurt) to bail him out. His wife is anything but happy about his behavior and dislikes this last decision even more. This is an interesting study of how a father and son become alienated in a conflict between cultural identity and its exploitation.
Rainy Day Women
Original Music Composer
In 1940, during World War II, an officer is sent to investigate rumours of German spies in a sleepy village where various people are the victims of war hysteria.
The Chain
Comedy featuring interweaving stories of seven households caught up in a property chain on moving day, each one dependent on the other.
A Pattern of Roses
While his parents are renovating a cottage in an English village, teenager Tim and his friend Rebecca uncover information about the mysterious death of a 15-year-old boy who lived in the house decades prior, and as they dig deeper, Tim begins to find events from the past being mirrored in his own life.
데드 라인
Set in a small politically unstable Latin American country, the story follows the half English and half Latino Dr. Eduardo Plarr, who left his home to find a better life. Along the way he meets an array of people, including British Consul Charley Fortnum, a representative in Latin America who is trying to keep Revolution from occurring. He is also a remorseful alcoholic. Another person the doctor meets is Clara, whom he immediately falls in love with, but there is a problem: Clara is Charley's wife.
An Alaskan gold prospector lives in luxury with his family on an island which gangsters want.
달빛 아래서
돈을 벌기 위해 런던에 온 폴란드 노동자가 결국 한 푼도 벌지 못하고 쓸쓸히 떠나기까지의 이야기를 그린 인상적인 사회 드라마. 1960년대 중반부터 1980년대 중반까지 국제적인 명망을 얻고 있었던 폴란드 출신의 영화감독 예지 스콜리모프스키가 영국에서 만든 영화로, 그가 만든 영화 가운데 비평적으로 가장 찬사를 받았고, 상업적으로도 가장 큰 성공을 거두었다. 아이러니와 씁쓸한 유머를 통해 고독과 절망, 그리고 억압의 의미에 대해 탐구하는 일종의 우화와 같은 이 영화는 계엄령 선포로 인해 고국으로 돌아가지 못한 신세가 된 감독 자신의 처지를 투영한 작품이기도 하다. 1982년 칸느영화제 각본상을 수상했다. 레너드 말틴 별4개 만점 영화. 공산주의 사회였던 동구권 국가에서 온 노동자들이 서구 자본주의의 중심지에서 생활하면서 경험하게 되는 차이와 충격을 유머러스하게 그러나 섬뜩할 정도로 현실적으로 묘사하고 있다. 어둡고 풍자적이며 잔인할 정도로 현실적인, 그러나 페이소스가 있는 유머가 일품이다.
The Incubus
In the small New England town of Galen, a young teenage boy claims he has dreams of young women being brutally raped and murdered. A doctor and the local sheriff discover that the boy's dreams are real and that a sinister occult might be behind the brutal murders. They must track down the vicious killer, who may be the indestructible incarnation of a demon spawned from hell.
차타레 부인의 사랑
Original Music Composer
1차 세계대전에 출전했던 남편 크리포드 백작의 부상으로 코니의 행복은 사라진다. 성불구가 된 크리포드 백작은 부인에 대한 죄책감에 고민하던 중, 코니가 하인 밀레즈와 몰래 정을 통하는 것을 알게 된다. 백작은 두 남녀를 각기 먼 곳으로 추방한다. 귀향한 코니는 도덕과 불륜 사이에서 고민한다. 이미 밀레즈의 아이를 잉태한 코니는 결국 부귀영화를 뒤로하고 평범한 사랑을 찾아 밀레즈에게로 간다. 사랑을 재확인한 남녀는, 행복을 찾아 생의 긴 여로에 오른다.
The Gentleman Bandit
Based on the real-life ordeal of Baltimore priest Bernard Pagano, who was accused of several armed robberies in the late Seventies.
숲속의 눈동자
미국인 작곡가 폴의 가족은 여름 휴가를 맞아 영국의 한 고 저택을 찾아온다. 집주인인 에일우드 부인은 30년전 실종된 딸을 기다리며 홀로 사는 이상한 여자였으나, 유독 폴의 큰 딸 쟌에게는 호의를 보인다. 그러나 이사온 첫날부터 쟌은 계속 누군가 자신을 지켜보는 느낌을 받는다. 또한 그녀에게는 이상한 일이 일어나기 시작한다. 결국 쟌은 자신에게 일어나는 이 이상한 사건의 진상을 스스로 조사하기로 한다.
A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square
An American ex-con who is trying to go straight is persuaded to be the inside man for an audacious bank job in central London.
Yesterday's Hero
Music Director
Successful soccer player Rod Turner spirals into drunken self-pity until he develops a friendship with an inspirational orphan and a beautiful singer. Learning from them what truly matters in life, Rod regroups and returns to form.
The Class Of Miss MacMichael
Original Music Composer
A dedicated teacher tries to reach out to juvenile delinquent students at a London alternative school.
Original Music Composer
At a Catholic boys' school, domineering disciplinarian Father Goddard rules over his pupils with an iron hand. When one of his teenage charges confesses to murder, the dogmatic but deeply repressed Goddard finds his faith challenged and his life spiralling dangerously out of control.
그리스의 대부
자수성가한 그리스의 선박왕 데오 토마시스(Theo Tomasis: 안소니 퀸 분)는 아내 시미(Simi Tomasis: 카밀라 스파브 분)와의 사이에 장성한 아들 니코(Nico Tamasis: 에드워드 알버트 분)를 두고있지만 사업틈틈이 호화로운 요트위에서 인생을 즐기며 수많은 여성 편력을 한다. 상원의원으로 그리스를 방문한 케시디 의원(President James Cassidy: 제임스 프란시스커스 분)과 리즈(Liz Cassidy: 재클린 비셋 분) 부부는 데오 토마시즈에게 강한 인상을 받고 귀국하는데 케시디 의원은 곧 대통령에 당선 되어 리즈는 미국 대통령의 영부인이 된다. 곧이어 아들을 유산한 리즈는 휴식 차 혼자 그리스를 방문해 토마시스와 우정을 다지게 되고 귀국 즉시 남편의 죽음으로 미망인이 된다. 시동생인 존 케시디(John Cassidy: 로빈 클락 분)가 대통령에 출마하자 선거 열풍에 휘말리기 꺼려한 리즈는 또 다시 그리스로 휴가를 떠나 토마시즈와 만나게 된다. 이때 토마시즈는 리즈에게 청혼을 해, 두 사람은 돈과 명예를 바꾸는 계약 결혼에 들어간다. 그러나 첫날밤부터 여배우에게 전화가 걸려와 자유분방한 토마시즈의 생활이 드러나자 리즈는 몹시 절망한다. 게다가 토마시즈는 미국에서 전 대통령의 영부인을 아내로 맞아들인 점을 사업상 이용하는등 비열한 짓을 일삼고 리즈의 인격을 모독하는 등 마각을 들어 낸다. 사랑하던 아내가 자기에게 버림 받은후 충격으로 자살을 하고 아들 니코는 비행기 추락 사고로 죽자, 승승장구하던 토마시즈도 인생의 비애를 절감하게 된다. 한때 그리스의 대통령이 될 야망까지 품었던 토마시즈는 이제 젊은 아내 리즈의 후원자로 남아 인생을 보내게 된다.
작은 철강소에 다니는 ‘마이클’, ‘닉’, ‘스티븐’. 베트남전에 자원한 세 사람은 참전한 지 얼마 안 되어 포로로 붙잡힌다. 비인간적인 행위가 난무하는 전쟁터, 극도의 공포감에 휩싸인 포로들을 상대로 목숨을 건 러시안 룰렛 게임이 시작되고 죽음의 위협에 놓인 세 사람은 필사의 탈출을 시도하는데…
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Bosco Hogan plays Joyce's alter-ego, Stephen Daedelus, growing up in Ireland in the early part of the 20th century, and at odds with the strictures of his Catholic home and family. The film charts his search for knowledge and understanding, during a decline in his family's circumstances, that leads him to revelations on the nature of art, beauty and politics. However his personal renaissance makes him feel unwelcome in his own country, and forces him to make a choice between exile as artist or staying and facing personal defeat.
Original Music Composer
A recently-married woman who has been labeled as mentally unstable, begins to suspect that someone close to her is the culprit in a sudden string of murders.
Coup de Grâce
A countess loves her brother's Prussian-officer friend in the 1919 Baltic area.
House of Mortal Sin
Original Music Composer
Also known as 'The Confessional', another of Pete Walkers's critiques of institutional hypocrisy, in which a troubled young girl goes to confession at the local church. Unfortunately, the sexually frustrated priest she confesses to becomes obsessed with her. At first, the priest stalks the girl, but later it is revealed that he will stop at nothing, including blackmail and murder, just to get close to her.
A Passage to England
Anand, his pretty cousin and their sick uncle are stranded in Amsterdam where they receive an offer to take them to England.
검은 다이아몬드
Original Music Composer
남아프리카 공화국의 정치운동가인 쉑 투왈라(Shack Twala: 시드니 포이티어 분)는 재판에서 자유를 얻고 나오자마자, 경찰과 시비가 붙어 때려눕히고 쫓기는 신세기 된다. 재판을 맡았던 변호사 리나(Rina Van Niekirk: 프루넬라 기 분)의 애인인 짐(Jim Keogh: 마이클 케인 분). 킬과 함께 쉑은 요하네스버그까지 차를 타고 들판횡단을 한다. 그곳에서 쉑은 다이아몬드의 소재를 알고 있는 치과의사동료를 찾아가는데 그 다이아몬드는 인종차별 문제의 해결을 위해 흑인 대표를 국회로 보내는데 쓰일 자금이었다. 남아공의 백인정부는 이 사실을 알고 흑인들의 정치 참여를 막으려고 요원을 보내어 쉑을 방해하다. 흑인들의 도움을 받아 쉑과 킬은 다이아몬드를 찾아낸다.
캡틴 클럽
Original Music Composer
A company of British soldiers in colonial India is shaken when the widow of their most honored hero is assaulted. A young officer must defend a fellow lieutenant from the charges in an unusual court-martial, while investigating the deepening mystery behind the attack.
Original Music Composer
In 1957, Dorothy and Edmund Yates were committed to an institution for the criminally insane, she for acts of murder and cannibalism and he for covering up her crimes. Fifteen years later, they are pronounced fit for society and released. However, in Dorothy's case the doctors may have jumped the gun a bit. Edmund and eldest daughter, Jackie, try to discover just how far Mother's bloodlust has taken her. Meanwhile, youngest daughter Debbie begins to explore the crazy roots of her family tree as fully as possible.
Übernachtung in Tirol
Television film.
Caravan to Vaccarès
American Neil Bowman is traveling through France when he meets British photographer Lila. They are hired by French land owner Duc de Croyter to escort a Hungarian scientist to New York. But they soon realize that the job is not a cushy number, and have to deal with a gang of kidnappers who will stop at nothing to get their hands on the scientist
Little Malcolm and His Struggle Against the Eunuchs
Original Music Composer
An art student is thrown out of college. Depressed, he comes up with the Party of Dynamic Erection, a near fascist "party" that promotes male sexual dominance and which attracts a couple of other unsavoury confused characters.
House of Whipcord
Original Music Composer
Somewhere in the middle of the English countryside a former judge and a group of former prison warders, including his lover, run their own prison for young women who have not been held properly to account for their crimes. Here they mete out their own form of justice and ensure that the girls never return to their old ways.
The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz
The younger son of a working-class Jewish family in Montreal, Duddy Kravitz yearns to make a name for himself in society. This film chronicles his short and dubious rise to power, as well as his changing relationships with family and friends. Along the way the film explores the themes of anti-semitism and the responsibilities which come with adulthood.
Road Movie
Original Music Composer
Gil and Hank are two independent truckers who run into problems when they are forced to pay off traffic managers to get loads. They also have to pay off highway cops when their rigs are overweight and bank loans but consider themselves lucky just to be able to keep up the interest payments. Add to that a small, frizzy-wigged highway hooker named Janice, who tempts them with her lurid charms.
지하벙커: 블록하우스
A group of Slave workers, drafted by the Nazis to help construct their coastal defences in 1944, are trapped in an underground bunker when the Allies land at Normandy on D-Day. They find huge stores of food, but not enough candles. The slow dying of the light parallels their increasing boredom, illness, and jealousy during their entrapment. Based on the Novel 'Le Blockhaus' by Jean Paul Clebert
A Free Woman
Original Music Composer
A divorced woman in her thirties fights a losing battle in Munich to attain belated self-fulfillment. The die is cast in a briskly impersonal society geared to male dominance and early training for career women.
Sitting Target
Original Music Composer
Imprisoned Harry Lomart is a vicious, brute of a man and yet he is prepared to do his long jail term as he is confident that on his release his beautiful wife Pat will be waiting for him, but a visit from Pat brings him his worst nightmare.
화려한 사랑
Original Music Composer
The venomous and amoral wife of a wealthy architect tries, any way she can, to break up the blossoming romance between her husband and his new mistress; a good-natured young widow who holds a dark past.
사랑의 시련
Antonia Lynch-Gibbon, wife of upper-crust wine dealer Martin, falls in love with her husband's best friend, noted psychiatrist Palmer Anderson. While both Palmer and Antonia would like to remain in Martin's life, he has some secrets of his own — namely, a mistress called Georgie, whom his womanizing brother also desires. All the while, Palmer's sister Honor seems to know everyone's business.
사랑의 시련
Original Music Composer
Antonia Lynch-Gibbon, wife of upper-crust wine dealer Martin, falls in love with her husband's best friend, noted psychiatrist Palmer Anderson. While both Palmer and Antonia would like to remain in Martin's life, he has some secrets of his own — namely, a mistress called Georgie, whom his womanizing brother also desires. All the while, Palmer's sister Honor seems to know everyone's business.
The Raging Moon
Original Music Composer
Bruce Pritchard is paralysed in a soccer game and is confined to a wheelchair in a convalescence home. But this doesn't slow his lust for life. Then he meets Jill and has to think about the effects of disability.
Take a Girl Like You
Original Music Composer
Young Jenny heads to the South of England to start a new career as a school teacher. Even before she has had a chance to settle in she meets Patrick, one of the local "lads". Within a short time she has her hands full when a number of the local boys take a liking to her. But who will be the lucky one who wins her affections?
The Ballad of Tam Lin
Original Music Composer
Based upon the Celtic legend Tam Lin, a young man is bewitched by a beautiful, heartless, aging sorceress to become her lover. When his attention wanders to a lovely girl, he is doomed to ritual sacrifice by the sorceress.
An American intelligence agent attempts to kidnap a top Nazi general.
The Walking Stick
Original Music Composer
A young woman's highly ordered and structured life is turned upside-down when she meets a handsome stranger at a party. Friendship soon develops into romance and for the first time in her life she is truly happy. This happiness is short lived, however, as little by little she discovers her partner has been lying to her about his past. It is soon revealed that he and his friends have been planning to rob the auction house that she works for and they require her inside knowledge in order to pull off the crime.
Tropic of Cancer
Expat American writer Henry Miller hustles his way through Paris in a series of amorous encounters while trying to find his literary voice.
Two Gentlemen Sharing
Original Music Composer
An insecure Briton and a Briton of Jamaican descent share a London apartment together.
에이지 오브 컨센트
Original Music Composer
슬럼프에 빠진 미술가가 친구의 권유로 재기를 위해 한 섬에 도착하고, 그곳에서 자신의 뮤즈인 젊고 아름다운 여성을 만나게 되는데... (바다공원님 제공)
Michael Kohlhaas - The Rebel
It's medieval times. Kohlhaas merchants with horses. When going to the local fair to sell his horses, is forced by a noble to leave him part of the merchandise as payment for traveling through his land, promising to give it back when the fair is over. When he returns, the horses are almost dead, and the man refuse to respond, so Kohlhass begins to fight unsuccesfuly against the injustice.
Original Music Composer
A petty crook finds himself mistaken for a murderer and a secret agent.
더 나이트 오브 더 폴로윙 데이
A gang of four professional criminals kidnaps a wealthy teenage girl from an airport in Paris in a meticulous plan to extort money from the girl's wealthy father. Holding her prisoner in an isolated beach house, the gang's scheme runs perfectly until their personal demons surface and lead to a series of betrayals.
더 나이트 오브 더 폴로윙 데이
Original Music Composer
A gang of four professional criminals kidnaps a wealthy teenage girl from an airport in Paris in a meticulous plan to extort money from the girl's wealthy father. Holding her prisoner in an isolated beach house, the gang's scheme runs perfectly until their personal demons surface and lead to a series of betrayals.
노 웨이 투 트리트 어 레이디
Original Music Composer
Christopher Gill is a psychotic killer who uses various disguises to trick and strangle his victims. Moe Brummel is a single and harassed New York City police detective who starts to get phone calls from the strangler and builds a strange alliance as a result. Kate Palmer is a swinging, hip tour guide who witnesses the strangler leaving her dead neighbor's apartment and sets her sights on the detective. Moe's live-in mother wishes her son would be a successful Jewish doctor like his big brother.
Original Music Composer
Dublin; June 16, 1904. Stephen Dedalus, who fancies himself as a poet, embarks on a day of wandering about the city during which he finds friendship and a father figure in Leopold Bloom, a middle-aged Jew. Meanwhile, Bloom's day, illuminated by a funeral and an evening of drinking and revelry that stirs paternal feelings toward Stephen, ends with a rapprochement with Molly, his earthy wife.
Exit 19
A frank dialogue on sexual likes and dislikes that place between a man and his mistress in bed together.
Barney Lincoln is a rambling gambling man who scores sensational wins at poker and chemin de fer because he has succeeded in marking the original plates for the backs of all the playing cards manufactured in a plant in Geneva and used in all the gambling joints in Europe. In his gambling depredation, Barney is spotted by Angel McGinnis, the daughter of a Scotland Yard Inspector 'Manny' McGinnis on the lookout for a man to do a job. The inspector enlists Barney's help in playing poker with a shady London character whom Scotland Yard wants to force to financial ruin.
Original Music Composer
Barney Lincoln is a rambling gambling man who scores sensational wins at poker and chemin de fer because he has succeeded in marking the original plates for the backs of all the playing cards manufactured in a plant in Geneva and used in all the gambling joints in Europe. In his gambling depredation, Barney is spotted by Angel McGinnis, the daughter of a Scotland Yard Inspector 'Manny' McGinnis on the lookout for a man to do a job. The inspector enlists Barney's help in playing poker with a shady London character whom Scotland Yard wants to force to financial ruin.
Road to St. Tropez
A woman has a brief amorous liaison while on a trip along the South of France to Saint Tropez, but returns disillusioned.
The Coming Out Party
Original Music Composer
Ken Loach production for The Wednesday Play
The End of Arthur's Marriage
Original Music Composer
In this off-beat musical – a satire that combines fantasy, social observation and songs – a working class man goes to put a deposit on a new house only to find he prefers spending to saving and is happy to spend his money on a few hours of happiness rather than a lifetime's conventionality.
A Tap on the Shoulder
Original Music Composer
Ken's Loach's first production for The Wednesday Play is a story of a group of criminals planning a robbery, with the unwitting aid of a wealthy, well-connected society acquaintance. But who is the greater villain?
Doctor Who: The Reign of Terror
The TARDIS materialises not far from Paris in 1794 — one of the bloodiest years following the French Revolution of 1789. The travellers become involved with an escape chain rescuing prisoners from the guillotine and get caught up in the machinations of an English undercover spy, James Stirling — alias Lemaitre, governor of the Conciergerie prison.