Clément Sibony

Clément Sibony

출생 : 1976-11-30, Paris, France

프로필 사진

Clément Sibony

참여 작품

Finding Altamira
The story of nine-year old Maria and her father Marcelino who, in 1879, found the first pre-historic cave paintings at the now world famous Altamira cave.
하늘을 걷는 남자
어려서부터 하늘을 걷는 도전을 꿈꿔온 무명 아티스트 ‘필립’(조셉 고든 레빗). 그에게 꿈을 이룰 수 있는 단 한 번의 기회가 찾아온다. 바로 전세계 최고 높이를 자랑하는 412미터 높이의 월드 트레이드 센터가 정식 오픈하기 전에 두 빌딩 사이를 밧줄로 연결해서 걷겠다는 것. 이 세상 누구도 생각지 못한 도전을 실행하기 위해 ‘필립’은 그를 도와줄 조력자들과 함께 고군분투하지만, 디데이가 다가올수록 예상 밖의 위기를 맞이하게 되는데….
Summer Nights
Suzy Corridor
Michele and Helene seem to be the perfect couple. However, on weekends, Michele steps into a secret life, as a transvestite, Mylene, in a hidden French forest. There, Mylene meets with a lover, Flavia, another transvestite who once fought alongside Michele in war. Michele works to balance his double life, but soon, Helene becomes concerned with her husband's mysterious trips.
로맨틱 레시피
재능 있는 인도인 요리사 하산. 복잡한 집안 사정으로 인도를 탈출한 그는 프랑스 남부 작은 마을에 도착해 레스토랑을 열게 된다. 하산의 레스토랑에서 백 발자국쯤이면 또 다른 레스토랑이 있는데 이 식당의 정통 프랑스 요리를 전문으로 하는 식당이다. 평소 하산은 프랑스 요리를 책을 보며 익힌 천재 요리사이지만 정식으로 프랑스 요리를 배운 적은 없다. 마을 사람 모두가 인도에서 온 하산의 레스토랑을 궁금해 하던 중 프랑스 식당의 요리사 마거리트를 우연히 알게 된 하산은 애틋한 감정이 싹트지만 두 레스토랑이 경쟁을 하면서 좌충우돌 소동이 벌어지게 되는데...
For a Woman
After the death of her mother, Anne makes a shocking discovery: an old photograph casts doubt on her origins and leads her to discover a mysterious uncle who lived with her parents after the war. As she lifts the lid on a long forgotten family secret, the young woman learns that her mother once succumbed to an amorous passion that was as intense as it was short-lived...
Shanghaï Blues, nouveau monde
Thomas, in his thirties, returns to his childhood home to a strange face to face.
The Bird
Let My People Go!
Everyone knows that Ruben is Jewish, gay, half-French, half-Finnish, an ungrateful son and disappointing lover, a thief who can’t help himself, and possibly a murderer to boot. The only person who doesn't know who Ruben is is Ruben himself. When he comes to a major turning point in his life, Ruben cannot make up his mind which way to go. Should he follow his people or his heart?
Voir la Mer
Two brothers live in Montbard, Burgundy. For their summer vacation, they decide to visit their mother in Saint-Jean-de-Luz, because it’s been a long time, because it would make her happy… There’s no shortage of reasons. They buy a second-hand motor home and plan to stay open to whatever the road brings them, embarking on a brothers’ journey across France. Just the two of them. But then an endearing young woman crosses their path...
Journal d'un frigo
Thirty years of the everyday life of a family by the fridge’s point of view.
Brigadier Rousseau
연인과 헤어진 상처를 달래기 위해 이탈리아행 기차에 오른 프랭크는 기차 안에서 우연히 마주앉게 된 매혹적인 여인 엘리제에게 반해버린다. 프랭크는 도도하면서도 베일에 가려진 그녀의 같이 가자는 제안을 흔쾌히 받아들이는데… 급속도로 친해진 그녀와의 아찔한 키스도 잠시, 두 사람은 정체를 알 수 없는 감시와 추적을 받으며 급기야는 목숨마저 위태로운 처지가 된다. 프랭크는 이 어리둥절한 음모의 중심에 엘리제가 연루되어 있고, 자신 또한 국제적인 범죄자로 쫓기고 있다는 사실을 알게 된다. 과연 엘리제의 정체는? 끝없이 조여오는 추격과 위험한 여정의 끝은 어디인가?
La Double Inconstance
Villa Jasmin
Serge fils
A compelling double love story about a French-Tunisian Jewish family. Henry returns to La Goulette, port of Tunisia, with his wife, in search of his family roots. The film explores his parent's history from the 1920s, and the impact of the Vichy Government under German Occupation in the 1940s.
Les Enfants d'Orion
The Age of Man
Samuel is 30. Formerly a confirmed bachelor, he has been living with Tina – a photographer – for the past year but he gets scared when it’s time to commit. So he gives himself 24 hours to decide whether or not to break up with the woman he loves, convinced she will leave him sooner or later. By his side, Samuel can count on Jorge and Mounir, his usual confidants.
Franco kills a tango singer, and the weight of his guilt pushes him to search for information about his victim. His quest leads him into an unknown and fascinating world, a true and deep place where the tango is still alive, habitat of the last real and authentic bohemian artists in Buenos Aires.
Sophie left her homeland, the United States, after a secret tragedy. In Paris, she divides her time between an opera house, where she is the dresser for a great Swedish singer, and amateur theater. David, her director, pushes her to her limits: she cannot refuse, so stubbornly, to live and love again. Little by little, Sophie lets herself be disturbed by her speech, and moved by the amorous games and the sensual atmosphere of the opera on which she is working, "Le Chevalier a la rose" by Richard Strauss. After each performance, Sophie sees a silent young man, Valentin. She is convinced that he is coming for the beautiful singer. But one day, he speaks to her, and Sophie finally becomes an actress of her own story.
April in Love
Avril is a novice in a convent of "Baptistine" sisters, a monastic order which was officially dissolved by the end of the nineteenth century but that is kept alive by Mère Marie Joseph, the sadistic superior. While Avril is on retreat, locked in for a fortnight in a chapel prior to taking her vows, Soeur Bernadette, a sympathetic sister, discloses a secret to her: she has a twin brother...
Qui de nous deux
Written and performed by a 17 year old girl, the film is a diary, that of a high school student who enters the first year of high school at Claude Monet in Paris.
Capitaines des ténèbres
In 1899, a French military column, led by Captains Julien Chanoine and Paul Voulet, set out to conquer Lake Chad in order to unite the French colonial empire. The two captains were violent and ruthless towards the local populations and their colonial soldiers. The Voulet-Chanoine mission sinks further and further into unknown Niger territory while the lack of food supplies is felt. Little by little, Voulet falls into a megalomaniac delirium.
The Art of Breaking Up
Lucette and Edouard: Two lovers passionate about sex, money and life. He is a spoiled but penniless child who wants it all while she is a celebrated figure of la vie parisienne who knows what she wants and what she is worth. Edouard is marrying a young, pretty and rich heiress. He comes to confess this to Lucette and to make their parting official, but he doesn’t want to leave her. He struggles with all his might to hide his betrayal but her opportunities to learn of it are countless and unpredictable.
Ze Film
Goran, alias Kubrick
A poor kid nicknamed Kubrick loves movies and dreams about being an award winning director. One day, he stumbles upon a movie shoot, gets confused with a real movie maker and takes the equipment he needs to shoot his movie.
The Great Role
When a famous American film director, Rudolph Grichenberg, comes to Paris to cast a Yiddish version of 'The Merchant of Venice,' Maurice Kurtz and his friends try out for the role of Shylock. Thinking he has finally been cast in an important film role after years of obscurity, Maurice rushes home to tell his beloved wife, Perla. Later, Maurice discovers the part has gone to a famous American star, but he must play the role of his life to be sure Perla, who has become very ill with cancer, doesn't find out.
Abel awash in his conquests phone numbers, Remi raises metaphysical questions about his look, Lucia movie fan obscure authors while its Fab him is he loves boxing. Between party, laundromat and small cafe in the sun chronicle their friendship and their complicity.
Le intermittenze del cuore
Saul da giovane
Paul Denis
France, 1920s: An affluent ladies' man finds himself in love with a homely married woman.
히 러브스 미
미술학도인 안젤리끄는 유부남 심장전문의 뤼끄를 사랑한다. 그녀는 그와의 사랑을 꿈꾸며 그녀의 생일을 그와 함께 보내고 싶어하고, 그와 함께 여행을 갈 계획을 세우지만, 그녀의 생각대로 일은 되지 않는다. 영화는 뤼끄의 시점으로 바뀌며 새로운 국면을 맞이하는데.
Madame Sans-Gêne
In August 1792, on the eve of the attack on the Tuileries, Catherine Hubscher, a laundress in Paris, met a sergeant and an artillery lieutenant who would become respectively Marshal Lefèvre and Emperor Napoleon I. 1810. Napoleon was about to marry Marie-Louise. Fearing the inconstancies and moral lessons of Marshal Lefebvre, the emperor asked her husband to keep her away from the wedding ceremonies. He is unaware that the hotheaded young woman has received a personal invitation from the Austrian embassy.
Tom Thumb
The Dying Soldier
Poucet is a kid from a family of numerous children. The parents, too poor to feed them, decide to abandon them in the forest. Their, the brothers try to find their way out making fantastic encounters. This film is based on the French fairy tale "Le petit poucet" by Charles Perrault.
Taking Wing
This is the story of Stan, a young man who might be considered an ordinary, run of the mill guy. But his love and passion for the theatre propels him to realize the most extraordinary desires. He is very attached to his grandfather, who owns a butcher's shop and who offers that Stan take over the family business. But Stan refuses. He decides to drop out of school and move out of his family's apartment, despite the opposition of his parents. His uncle is the only one to support him in the impossible dream of becoming an actor.
Deep in the Woods
A group of artists, composed of the young actors Wilfried and Matthieu and the actresses Sophie, Mathilde and the dumb Jeanne, is hired by a millionaire, Axel de Fersen, to present a performance of Little Red Riding Hood in his isolated castle to celebrate the birthday of his grandson. Meanwhile, the police advises that a serial killer is raping and killing young women in the woods around that area. During the night, the group feels trapped and threatened in the castle, guessing who is and where might be the killer.
A Considerable Disturbance
Laurent's fate is to be a soccer superstar. But he happens to fall in love with a Fabienne, 40. He is only 18, and his career is about to fall apart...
Dad on the run
Jonas (Clément Sibony), a 23-year-old dad attempts to carry out an important Jewish tradition: burying the foreskin of his newly circumcised son. The forgetful father only has a few hours to complete the task... but have a group of hit men on his trail won't help matters much.
Already Dead
A young pizza-deliverer, Andréa, introduces Laure, a 20 year old girl he barely knows, to his friend David, a wealthy layabout who is looking for models for his porn photo agency. Eager for an easy escape from her dull life, Laure agrees to attend an audition with David’s boss, who proposes that she appears in hard core porn videos. She does not realise - until it is too late - that she has entered a world of hedonistic excess and brutal self-destruction...
Sentimental Education
The story revolves around the lives of a group of international fashion models, focusing on the main character, Fabrice. The film examines the hollowness of his glamorous lifestyle, leading to self discovery and ultimately a personal catharsis (and his own death). The film is based on (really, inspired by) the French Book, L'Education Sentimentale, by Gustave Flaubert.
Éclats de famille
Authentically painful study of an ill-matched couple's forlorn attempts to revive their relationship after a two-year break.