Antoine Balpêtré

Antoine Balpêtré

출생 : 1898-05-03, Lyon, Rhône, France

사망 : 1963-03-29


Antoine Balpêtré (3 May 1898 – 28 March 1963) was a French stage and film actor. He appeared in 52 films between 1933 and 1963. Source: Article "Antoine Balpêtré" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.

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Antoine Balpêtré

참여 작품

L’espionne sera à Nouméa
Mathias Sandorf
Professor Ernst Bathory
Story of San Michele
The Burning Court
Dr. Hermann
A group of people visit a weird old man who is a student of the black arts. The man lives in an ancient, cursed castle. Soon people in the group start being killed off.
The Counterfeiters of Paris
Lucas Malvoisin
"Le Dabe" retired many years ago and now he lives in the Tropics where he owns stables and horses. He is a very rich man. He was the king of all money counterfeiters. He is contacted from Paris to organize a new job. He says no. But when he finds out the the currency that should be counterfeited is the Dutch florin, he accepts immediately. He retired after having counterfeited 100 florin notes just before the Queen Wilhelmina retired them from circulation. He flies to Paris. But the gang is not to be trusted, at least not all of them.
A Mistress for the Summer
The Poet
Philippe, a little known artist, has a mistress, Viviane, a woman he does not love. When he learns the bailiffs are about to seize his paintings, Philippe decides to leave alone for the French Riviera and spend, as he regularly does, comfortable and carefree holidays in the luxurious villa of his friend Paule. But, on his way, he meets Manette, a beautiful but poor girl to whom he offers to become his companion for the Summer. Manette accepts the strange deal in exchange for bed and board. As Philippe always comes in the company of his mistress of the time, the presence of Manette does not pose a problem. But the young woman soon feels ill-at-ease in such a dubious environment. moreover, she realizes that she is falling in love with Philippe, who might not be so cynical as he wants to appear... - Written by Guy Bellinger on IMDB
Tsar Alexandre II meets a young student, Katia. He understands that he loves her and try to send her away but they end up seeing each other again and becomes his mistress. With the help of Katia, Alexandre prepares a liberal constitution, but these reforms make him hostile to the more privileged subjects without satirising the revolutionaries against the regime.
This Desired Body
M. Messardier
A man falls in love with Lina , a hot girl with a racy past who creates a sensation among the workers.
Happy Arenas
The tramp
Lust of the Vampire
Professor Julien du Grand
A mad scientist captures young women and drains their blood, in order to keep alive an ancient, evil duchess.
The Case of Dr. Laurent
le docteur René Vanolle
Le Cas Du Dr. Laurent (The Case of Dr. Laurent) stars Jean Gabin as a Paris-based doctor who tries to spread the gospel of Natural Childbirth. Working in a cloistered rural community, Gabin runs up against the stone walls of fear and prejudice. His theories are proven sound when unwed mother Nicole Courcel gives birth within Gabin's methodology. The childbirth sequence is filmed straight-on with a delicate combination of taste and frankness. Nonetheless, the lurid ad campaign of Cas Du Dr. Laurent sensationalized this sequence all out of proportion.
If Paris Were Told to Us
Historical film directed and written by Sacha Guitry follows the the history of Paris from its founding through the significant events in the city's history.
Il piccolo vetraio
A poor fisherman entrusts his children Piero and Nino for money to the Frenchman Neroni who recruits young men to work in his glass factory.
Black Dossier
The title of this French noir drama translates to The Black File. Jean-Marc Bory plays Jacques Arnaud, an idealistic young investigator who comes to work in a small French town. He is soon involved in a mysterious case incriminating a town notable. Arnaud devotes himself to the case but the upshot of this is rather surprising to all concerned, not to mention the audience. Like Cayatte's previous efforts, Le Dossier Noir is based on the proposition that the phrase "French justice" can at times be oxymoronic.
A Free Woman
Collega di Liana (uncredited)
Liana, an architecture graduate, is about to get married until she is confronted with the fact she is sacrificing the rest of her life for a man she barely knows. So begins a series of romantic encounters in which Liana tries to find her freedom and happiness, but which will ultimately lead her to a tragic fate.
House of Ricordi
Dottor Fleury
The film covers a hundred years in the lives of the Ricordi family, the Milan publishing house of the title, and the various composers and other historic personalities, whose careers intersected with the growth of the Ricordi house. It beautifully draws the parallel between the great music of the composers, the historic and social upheavals of their times, as well as the "smaller stories" of the successive generations of Ricordi.
Le Rouge et le Noir
L'abbé Pirard
It's no holds barred for Julian in pursuit of upward mobility. Although expected to channel career aspirations into the Church of the post-Napoleonic era, his intensely romantic liaisons propel him forward at a pace he cannot control.
Before the Deluge
Albert Dutoit
The title of this French "reality" drama, which translates to Before the Deluge, is a play on Louis XVI's famous prognostication, "Apres moi, le deluge." Set in 1950, the film concentrates on five Parisian adolescents. Certain that the next war will herald the apocalypse, the youngster make plans to run off to a desert island and set up a new society. This, however, will require money, which is why the boys decide to pull off a "necessary" robbery. Idealism collapses in the face of cold reality, as the five youths suffer from the consequences of their actions. Avant le Deluge was one of a group of films cowritten by director Andre Cayatte and Charles Spaak which endeavored to explore the touchy social issues of the day: others in the Cayatte-Spaak canon include the euthanasia-themed Justice est Faite and the capital-punishment tract Nous sommes tous des assassins.
Stain on the Snow
La neige était sale is based on a novel and play by the phenomenally prolific Georges Simenon. Upon learning that his mother was a prostitute, Frank (Daniel Gelin) dejectedly vows that he, too, will live a life of debauchery. Part of his self-degradation program is to kill someone, and since the story takes place during the Nazi occupation of France, he chooses a German officer as his victim. His steady descent into psychosis and depravity becomes his ultimate undoing.
Tempest in the Flesh
A dam is under construction in the Pyrénées mountains. All the workers only have eyes for pretty, sensual Clara, the canteen waitress. And what she exchanges with many of them is more than just looks, this is for sure. Nevertheless, despite her frivolity, Clara falls truly in love with Tonio Borelli, the site foreman. The latter takes her to Paris and they marry. But Clara soon realizes that the call of the flesh still consumes her...
The Road to Damascus
Saul De Tarse is a Roman soldier who is making rough all over. He arrives at the Golgotha when the apostles remove the cross. He ruthlessly persecutes the Christians, even though they are his own friends.
Son of the Hunchback
20 years after the assassination of his father, the son of Lagardère seeks revenge.
우리는 모두 살인자다
Dr. Albert Dutoit
부친도 없고 모친은 알콜중독에 문맹인 집안에서 자란 르네 르겡(마르셀 물루지 분)은 미래가 전혀없는 청년, 전쟁으로 인해 도시 생활은 피폐해지고 물물교환으로 그날의 먹거리를 구하는 시절, 그는 매춘녀가 된 누이를 죽인 독일군의 시체를 돈 받고 치워 주다가 레지스탕스인 인쇄업자 소티에(프랑수아 주 분)를 만나게 된 것이다. 빈?터리에 무식한 르네는 아무 의식없이 레지스탕에 가입하고 먹을 것과 술만 제공해 주면 임무대로 독일군이든 배신자들이든 모두 쏴 죽인다. 전쟁이 끝나고도 아무 죄의식 없이 살인을 한 르네는 경찰에 체포되고 사형수로 복역한다. 그는 아내 독살혐의를 받고 있는 의사 뒤투와(앙투완 벨페레 분)와 코르시카섬 출신으로 친구와 싸우다 살인을 저지른 지노(레몽 펠그렝 분)와 함께 감옥생활을 시작한다, 첫 번호를 받게된 신참내기 변호사인 아르노(클로드 레뒤 분)는 사형판결로부터 르겡을 구해내기 위해 열심히 변호를 한다. 르겡은 대통령에게 탄원서를 보내기 위해 감옥에서 처음으로 글을 배우며 희망을 품자 다른 사형수들이 하나둘씩 단두대로 끌려가는 광경을 보며 서서히 절망하게 된다. 지노와 의사 뒤투와가 차례로 사형 당하고 혼자 남은 르겡의 방은 또 다른 사형수들로 채워진다. 사형당할 때는 언제나 밤중에 갑자기 발걸음 소리도 죽인 채로 간수들이 들이닥치고 사전 통보도 없이 아무런 죽음에 대한 준비도 하지 못한 채 손발을 묶이고 끌려간다. 머지않아 죽음을 예견하는 르겡은 그 동안 보살펴 주지도 못했던 어린 동생 미셀(조르주 푸줄리 분)을 부탁하고 아르노는 부친에게 미셀을 데려간다.
Monsieur Poulain
모파상의 원작을 가지고 쾌락에 관한 3가지 이야기를 옴니버스 영화로 만들어냈다. 제 1화 "가면"은 '쾌락과 젊음'에 대한 이야기로, 나이를 속이기 위해 가면을 쓴 채 무도회장에 들러 여성들에게 구애하는 한 남자의 이야기를 다룬다. 제 2화 "텔리에 부인의 집"은 '쾌락과 순수'에 대한 이야기로, 조카의 성찬식에 참여하기 위해 창녀들과 함께 시골로 가는 텔리에 부인에 관한 것이다. 제 3화인 "모델"은 '쾌락과 죽음'에 대한 이야기로, 자신의 모델과 사랑에 빠졌다가 그녀를 버리려 하는 화가의 이야기를 들려준다. 쾌락과 행복의 관계를 탐구하는 3개의 흥미로운 에피소드들로 이뤄진 "쾌락"은 시각적 테크닉을 구사하는 데 있어서 막스 오퓔스가 얼마나 사치스러워질 수 있는가를 보여주는 영화로 꼽힌다.
Beautiful Love
Mr. Moulin senior
Dr. Claude Moulin leaves his wife and child for a younger woman but the child needs attention and the wife falls very ill.
어느 시골 사제의 일기
Dr. Delbende
젊은 신부가 북부 프랑스의 어느 시골 마을 암브리코트에 사제로 부임한다. 그의 첫 부임지인 이 시골 마을에서 그는 성실함과 친밀함으로 신부의 의무를 다하려고 하지만, 마을의 외톨이로 남아있다. 이웃 사람들은 그를 이상하게 보며 배척한다. 그의 선배 신부는 사제 역할에 대한 충고를 해주지만 도움이 되지 않는다. 결국 그는 극도의 고립감과 상황을 개선시킬 수 없다는 무능력 때문에 자신의 믿음이 흔들릴 정도로 우울증에 빠진다. 설상가상으로 그는 몸에 병이 있어 자신의 믿음의 어려움을 더욱 가중시킨다. 그는 그런 심경들과 신에 대한 열정과 마을의 세속성을 모두 일기로 적기 시작한다. 한편, 이웃에 사는 백작 부인은 그와 토론하면서 신에 대한 증오심을 불태운다.
God Needs Men
Le père Gourvennec
The inhabitants of a Scottish island in the 19th century follow their own religion without need for clergy, but as strangers arrive, their faith and beliefs face a deep crisis.
재판은 끝나다
Le président du tribunal
Elsa Lundenstein is accused of having murdered her lover. The jury discusses the case vividly. All members are somehow prejudiced because of personal life experience and subsequently each member reads something different into the presented facts.
No More Vacation for the Good Lord
The police inspector
Montmartre in the summertime. A group of street urchins idles outside while the other kids of the neighborhood are away on holiday.To keep the gang busy, Pivolo, their leader, has an idea : they are going to kidnap Aunt Faguet's doggy. Just for the fun of it. A few days pass after the crime is accomplished and one of them suddenly realizes that a reward is being offered by the aunt to anyone who would bring her her pet back. Mademoiselle Hélène, the kind-hearted social worker, does it for them and gives them the reward money, which is instantly exchanged for lollipops, nougat and merry-go-round and cinema tickets. So, why not continue? That's what they do, abducting several dogs, until they realize they are becoming ... too rich! They can't buy themselves luxurious gifts or else their parents are bound to suspect something. Instead, they decide to do good by helping poor people around them. One day, Pierrot, a member of the gang, gets run down by a cyclist and becomes blind.
Summer Storm
An attractive Englishman who is spending his holidays in France, breaks into a French family.
Millionaires for One Day
A typographer makes a mistake by printing the winning number of the national lottery. Many people believe they have won the jackpot. Pursued by his newspaper editor, the worker appears in court where all mystified people are invited to testify.
The Hell of Lost Pilots
Reverend Father Spach
A plane flying to Dakar is caught in a storm and has to land in the desert. Deprived of a radio, he is unable to give his position and the water reserves are limited to two days. Each, among the military crew and the civilian passengers, experiences the ordeal according to his character.
Suzanne and Her Brigands
Suzanne is a lawyer, she's just got her degree and she is married to a cop. We follow her through three investigations.
Les paysans noirs
Guillon, a young administrator is appointed by the French government in Ivory Coast to replace the former one, who has been assassinated. He is soon confronted to a caste oppressing the local peasants. By joining forces with the doctor and engineer he manages to restore calm. The oppressors then try terror. But the administrator refuses to be intimidated, and with the support of the natives, will be able to avenge the former administrator.
Fantomas Against Fantomas
le président du conseil
Everyone in Paris thinks Fantomas is dead. A wave of extortion, blackmail and murder all point to the master criminal. Inspector Juve and his reporter friend Fandor set out to find the truth.
The Figurehead
Father Morfouage
At sea, sailors have got to make do with what they have. François is in love with.... the figurehead, the bust of a gorgeous woman.
Fort de la solitude
On the borders of the desert, Péhu, a rather blunt creature on the verge of death, confesses to Charles Sigouane that some time before he stole and killed for the sake of a woman named Marie. Péhu recovers against all odds and returns to France with a view to finding Marie and to retrieve a loot he has hidden somewhere.
Louberger, director of an orphanage, is full of praise for a former boarder, Mr. Sauval, who has become their benefactor. One night he arrives and he does not seem to be exactly the man described by Louberger. He has in fact become a crooked lawyer and he is wanted for a crime he has just committed. Despite his efforts he will not escape the police but he will manage to remain, in the eyes of the children, at the height of his legend.
le docteur Delorme
작은 마을 생 로뱅에 “까마귀”라 서명한 괴편지가 나돈다. 까마귀는 의사 제르맹을 정신과 의사 보르체의 아내 로라의 정부이며, 불법 소파수술을 행한 장본인이라며 규탄한다.
Carnival of Sinners
A struggling artist buys a talisman that gives him love, fame and wealth. The talisman is a severed left hand, and it works perfectly, in fact, magically. But of course there is nothing free in this world, and after one year the devil comes and asks for his due.
Le grand patron
Picpus is a street and a subway stop where a number of murders have been committed. Maigret tries to find the killer.
21번가의 살인자
Albert, le ministre de l'Intérieur
21번가에 ‘듀랑’이란 명함을 희생자의 시체 위에 올려 놓는 연쇄살인사건이 잇달아 발생하자 도시는 공포에 사로잡힌다. 이에 형사 웬스는 신분을 위장한 채 동네로 이사를 와 수사를 개시한다. 하지만 바로 그가 지내는 아파트에서 또 다른 살인사건이 발생하고, 결국 웬스는 물론 그의 아내까지 생명에 위협을 느낀다. (2014 한국시네마테크협의회 - 한겨울의 클래식 - 프랑스 고전영화 특별전)
The Duel
A widow is loved by a doctor whose brother, an ecclesiastic unconsciously in love with the young woman, persuades her to enter a convent. Brought back on the straight and narrow by a missionary, the priest blesses his brother's marriage.
The World Will Shake
In this sci-fi film, a scientist invents a prescient machine that can tell people when they will die. Oddly enough, the people do not want to know and therefore begin to riot…
Dawn Over France
The gratuitous murder of his father and the misery of the people, aggravated by a succession of bad harvests, lead Gaspard, a great admirer of Mandrin and blacksmith by profession, to revolt. With his companion Samplan, he finds himself at the head of a handful of soldiers dissatisfied with their fate and a band of brigands. They steal money from the rich to give it to the poor, like highwaymen, vindicators with a big heart. In their eyes, things cannot go on like this, in this country which seems given over to the decadence of the nobility and the whims of an indolent king. Gaspard and his troupe are responsible for making it known.
La maison du mystère
Julien Villandrit owns a textile factory whose manager, Henri Corrandi, is his childhood friend. Both love the same woman, Régine de Bettigny, who grants her hand to Villandrit. Mad with jealousy, Corradin will use all means to break up the couple: he does not hesitate to compromise Régine, to send Julien to prison for a crime he did not commit, to spread misfortune. But despite a long and painful separation, Julien and Régine will find each other, still bound by the same love.
L'agonie des aigles
Commander Thiéry
Under the regime of Louis XVIII. Years after Waterloo, Napoleon's loyal officers live in retirement on half-pay. Useless and idle, they have lost their prestige and keep meeting in the hope of the Emperor’s return. When Napoleon dies, they decide to plot the rise to power of Napoleon II.