Tony Bonner
출생 : 1943-11-23,
Tony Bonner (born 23 November 1943) is an Australian television, film and stage actor and singer. Bonner became famous in the 1960s children's television series Skippy the Bush Kangaroo, later moving on to lead roles in the dramas Cop Shop and Skyways.
Jay Katz & Miss Death have been the king and queen of Sydneys underground cinema scene for over 30 years. This 2 hour compilation highlights their final quest to survive the 2020 pandemic by producing original content from The Mu Meson Archives
시속 222km! 1982년 사이클론 앤디 이후 사상 최악의 태풍이 몰려온다. 죽은 여동생의 복수를 하려던 메이지와 딜런, 그리고 정체불명의 세 남자가 한 집에 고립된다. ‘태풍의 눈’에 들어가 바람이 잦아드는 것은 단 1시간뿐! 모든 것을 날려버릴 태풍 한복판에서 어떻게든 탈출해야만 한다.
Mr. Kelly
When WW1 breaks out, farm boys, Billy (Josh Davis) and Jack Kelly (Mathew John Davis), along with their cousin, Paddy (Lachie Hume), sign up, and are shipped out to serve in Europe. With Billy a dead-eye shot with a rifle, the boys are soon set up as a sniper team, mowing down Germans and Turks like nobody’s business. They become heroes, but back home, the family farm is being circled by a gang of cattle thieves, meaning that even when the war ends, the blood is set to keep flowing.
Jonah Walton, a skilled hit man, is being pursued from a crime scene at high speed by police when he collides with a utility on a country road. The utility is being driven by Benjamin Rogen who has his young daughter Claire beside him. Jonah frees himself from his shattered car and a gun battle between Jonah and the police ensues. This results in the deaths of the two officers and the unintended deaths of Benjamin and Claire.Jonah, bloodied and injured, struggles from the scene and manages to call for help. Jonah finds his way to a road and attempts to commandeer the van of David Carpenter the local fencing contractor. But David manages to over-power the weakened Jonah and delivers him to the grieving wife and mother of Benjamin and Claire, Marie Rogen. Marie is swayed by David to imprison Jonah in her art workshop. Marie now has the power over Jonah to exact the ultimate revenge. She is a woman devastated by loss, ridden with her own guilt and barely hanging on to her own sanity.
Bob McCallum
Nick McCallum is mechanic who trades in his wrench for a surfboard, going against the wishes of his father– a former surfing legend who lost his ability to walk after a horrible accident on the water.
In the fifteenth film in the series, in October 1917, working with a beautiful lady spy, Indiana Jones is assigned to assist the British forces in their attack on the Turkish-occupied town of Beersheba. With a regiment of the Australian Lighthorsemen approaching, Indy must defuse the explosives the Turks have placed throughout the town.
Jack Steele
Jennifer Haywood, a high profile actress, moves to the Gold Coast to start a new life for her daughter, Natalie, and herself. She brings with her a colourful household: her boyfriend William; Lilly, the nanny; Doris, the cleaner; and Mopsy, the dog. Life seems almost perfect until her ex-husband Jack is cast as her lover in the series in which she is currently starring.
Howard Fenton
허리케인 스미스라 불리는 빌리 스미스(Billy "Hurricane" Smith: 칼 웨더스 분)는 동생 샐리를 찾아 호주로 오고 샐리가 있던 클럽에서 친구 줄리(Julie: 카산드라 드라니 분)를 알게 되고 그녀를 마약상 찰리(Charlie Dowd: 저겐 프로크노 분)로부터 구해주면서 서로 사랑하게 된다. 두 사람은 건달인 웽스와 모텔 주인 그리핀의 도움으로 계속 샐리를 찾으며 찰리와의 관계를 캐어 나간다. 찰리의 요트 파티를 촬영한 테잎이 발견되어 찰리와 샐리의 관계와 샐리가 찰리에게 살해당했음이 밝혀진다. 찰리는 허리케인 스미스와 동시에 자기 동업자 펜튼마저 제거하기 위해 계략을 꾸미는데...
Dr. Jonthan Heckett
A nurse uncovers the terrifying truth about a renowned doctor whose patients have become permanently maimed by his special dose of a drug called "Dead Sleep."
서부의 사나이 퀴글리(Matthew Quigley: 톰 셀릭 분)는 미국에서 서부 제일의 장거리 명사수를 구한다는 광고를 보고 호주로 간다. 그는 도착한 첫날 항구에서 미친 여자 코라(Crazy Cora: 로라 산 지아코모 분)를 만나게 되고 같이 광고를 낸 마스튼(Elliott Marston: 알란 릭맨 분) 목장으로 가는데 그 목장에 도착한 퀴글리는 훌륭한 솜씨를 보여 모든 사람을 놀라게 한다. 그러나, 마스튼이 원주민을 죽이려고 자신을 고용했음을 알고는 마스튼에 반대하여 싸우다가 그를 도우려는 코라와 함께 사막에 버려지게 되는데...
Col. Murray Bourchier
부시에 중령의 호주 경기병 연대는 큰 전투에 투입되지 못하고 늘 뒷전에 서는 예비 병력이다. 1917년 4월 영연방군이 가자전투에서 또 패배하자 부시에 연대는 쇼벨장군을 지원하러 칸 유니스를 거쳐 아바산 전진기지로 출동한다. 이때 척후 활동 중 후랑크가 적탄에 부상을 입어 첫 사망자가 발생한다. 후랑크의 후임으로 온 데이브 미첼 신병은 말이 달아날까봐 고삐를 잡고 있다가 말이 날뛰는 바람에 부상을 입고 야전병원에 입원하고, 그 곳에서 간호원 앤과 친해진다.
Lieutenant W.G. Carey
After a highly successful raid on Singapore Harbour, soldiers of Z Special Unit lead a new expedition in Singapore, with disastrous results.
광활한 호주의 원시림 속에서 원대한 꿈을 키우던 짐(Jim Craig: 톰 버링슨 분)은 아버지의 갑작스런 죽음에다 설상가상으로 벌목 허가까지 빼앗기게 되자 도시로 나가 일자리를 찾는다. 냉혹하고 욕심 많은 사업가 해리슨의 목장에 잡역부로 들어간 짐은 산으로 돌아갈 날을 위해 열심히 일한다. 한편, 아버지의 뜻과는 정반대로 목장을 경영하는 여장부를 꿈꾸던 해리슨의 딸 제시카(Jessica Harrison: 시그리드 쏜톤 분)는 능숙한 소솜씨로 야생마를 길들이는 짐의 맑은 눈빛에 반해 그를 사랑하게 된다. 다른 이들의 희생 위에 이룩한 부와 명예를 딸에게 물려주고자 했던 해리슨(Harrison/Spur: 커크 더글라스 분)은 짐과 제시카의 사이를 눈치채고 그녀를 기숙학교로 보내려한다. 격렬한 언쟁 끝에 제시카는 산 속으로 말을 달린다. 제시카를 찾아 험난한 산을 헤메이던 짐은 말의 시체에 이어 벼랑에 추락한 그녀를 찾아낸다.
A young girl with a background of urban poverty and juvenile crime, attempts to become a fashion model. The hypocrisy and double standards of society are juxtaposed against the confusion and frustration she feels as she struggles to become part of a community that has no place for her.
Leo Bassett
A group of crooks plan a heist to steal twenty million dollars from a Security Firm counting house.
Image of Death is a 1978 Australian TV movie about a woman who likes to live off other people's money.
Unmarried, beautiful and talented, Melanie Hilton discovers she is pregnant. The editor of a woman's magazine, she decides to have her baby and take leave from her job. Caught between her ex-lover and a colleague who wants to marry her, Melanie must find a solution or an alternative to her problem. When she falls in love with a woman, she questions the value of the traditional value unit.
Trooper Moore
A sheriff investigates why the guests at a local hostelry check in, but never check out.
As the first nomadic tribes wander across the vast wilderness of the infant planet they confront hostilities created by the harsh environment and each other. After a massive volcanic eruption a tribal chief is killed and his two sons fight for supremacy, not only for the leadership of the tribe but also for the love of a beautiful young woman. The age-old battlegrounds of rivalry, envy and passion are explored in this tale of prehistoric adventure.
During the 1922 Turkish Civil War, two Americans and a group of foreign mercenaries offer their services to a local Turkish governor who hires them as guards for a secret transport.
Tom Jones
A boy who cries wolf witnesses a political assassination on the island of Malta. But will anyone other than his granddad believe him?
Jerry King
Skippy and the Intruders (also known as The Intruders) is a 1969 Australian film directed by Lee Robinson, and is a spin-off of the popular Skippy the Bush Kangaroo TV series. A gang of criminals led by Meredith is looking for sunken treasure off Mallacoota, pretending to be diving for abalone. Sonny, son of Matt Hammond, the Chief Ranger of Waratah National Park, investigates with their family friend, Clancy. Sonny and Clancy are kidnapped. Skippy comes to the rescue. After a speedboat chase and a fight in the sand dunes, Meredith is captured.
Nino Culotta is an Italian immigrant, newly arrived in Australia, and attempts to understand the aspirational values and social rituals of everyday urban Australians of the 1950s and '60s.... and assimilate.