Tony Bonner
Nascimento : 1943-11-23,
Tony Bonner (born 23 November 1943) is an Australian television, film and stage actor and singer. Bonner became famous in the 1960s children's television series Skippy the Bush Kangaroo, later moving on to lead roles in the dramas Cop Shop and Skyways.
Jay Katz & Miss Death have been the king and queen of Sydneys underground cinema scene for over 30 years. This 2 hour compilation highlights their final quest to survive the 2020 pandemic by producing original content from The Mu Meson Archives
Um jovem casal australiano é feito refém em sua própria casa por três fugitivos carregando uma misteriosa caixa térmica com um conteúdo desconhecido.
Mr. Kelly
When WW1 breaks out, farm boys, Billy (Josh Davis) and Jack Kelly (Mathew John Davis), along with their cousin, Paddy (Lachie Hume), sign up, and are shipped out to serve in Europe. With Billy a dead-eye shot with a rifle, the boys are soon set up as a sniper team, mowing down Germans and Turks like nobody’s business. They become heroes, but back home, the family farm is being circled by a gang of cattle thieves, meaning that even when the war ends, the blood is set to keep flowing.
Jonah Walton, a skilled hit man, is being pursued from a crime scene at high speed by police when he collides with a utility on a country road. The utility is being driven by Benjamin Rogen who has his young daughter Claire beside him. Jonah frees himself from his shattered car and a gun battle between Jonah and the police ensues. This results in the deaths of the two officers and the unintended deaths of Benjamin and Claire.Jonah, bloodied and injured, struggles from the scene and manages to call for help. Jonah finds his way to a road and attempts to commandeer the van of David Carpenter the local fencing contractor. But David manages to over-power the weakened Jonah and delivers him to the grieving wife and mother of Benjamin and Claire, Marie Rogen. Marie is swayed by David to imprison Jonah in her art workshop. Marie now has the power over Jonah to exact the ultimate revenge. She is a woman devastated by loss, ridden with her own guilt and barely hanging on to her own sanity.
Bob McCallum
Nick McCallum is mechanic who trades in his wrench for a surfboard, going against the wishes of his father– a former surfing legend who lost his ability to walk after a horrible accident on the water.
In the fifteenth film in the series, in October 1917, working with a beautiful lady spy, Indiana Jones is assigned to assist the British forces in their attack on the Turkish-occupied town of Beersheba. With a regiment of the Australian Lighthorsemen approaching, Indy must defuse the explosives the Turks have placed throughout the town.
Jack Steele
Jennifer Haywood, a high profile actress, moves to the Gold Coast to start a new life for her daughter, Natalie, and herself. She brings with her a colourful household: her boyfriend William; Lilly, the nanny; Doris, the cleaner; and Mopsy, the dog. Life seems almost perfect until her ex-husband Jack is cast as her lover in the series in which she is currently starring.
Howard Fenton
Quando sua mãe morre, o valentão Billy Smith vai a Austrália para dar as más notícias à irmã. Lá chegando, porém, descobre que ela está desaparecida e decide investigar por conta própria, deixando uma trilha de destruição ao enfrentar, sozinho, a máfia local.
Dr. Jonthan Heckett
A nurse uncovers the terrifying truth about a renowned doctor whose patients have become permanently maimed by his special dose of a drug called "Dead Sleep."
Tom Selleck em sua mais corajosa interpretação nesse novo estilo de faroeste com filmagem panorâmica de épico (Los Angeles Times). Tiroteios intensos, paisagens incríveis, fugas alucinadas – todas marcas registradas do faroeste clássico – são reinventadas neste filme de ação que revitaliza o gênero e se mostra um verdadeiro vencedor” (The Hollywood Reporter). Ao chegar à Austrália sem nada além de uma sela e um amado rifle, o atirador americano Matthew Quigley acha que foi contratado para matar cães selvagens. Mas quando percebe que sua verdadeira missão é “eliminar” os aborígines das terras de um rico e poderoso barão do gado, Quigley recusa o trabalho e passa de caçador a caçado. Forçado a declarar guerra a seu ex-empregador, Quigley prova que ninguém faz um atirador de olhos de lince de bobo, ninguém, menos a misteriosa beldade (Laura San Giacomo, Sexo, Mentiras e Videotape) que cavalga a seu lado e captura seu coração.
Col. Murray Bourchier
Palestine, 1917. The British advance has been stopped by the Turkish line running from Gaza to Beersheba. The latest attack on Gaza has failed. The attacking forces included a regiment of Australian mounted infantry, the Light Horse... Lighthorseman Frank is wounded in a skirmish with Bedouin. He is replaced by a young soldier, Dave, who proves to be a crack shot, but reluctant to fire at the enemy. Dave proves himself during a German biplane attack. Recuperating in hospital, he meets a sympathetic nurse, Anne... The regiment is called upon for a bold flanking attack on Beersheba. But how do you convince the Turks the main attack will come at Gaza? And how do you attack across a desert without water?
Lieutenant W.G. Carey
After a highly successful raid on Singapore Harbour, soldiers of Z Special Unit lead a new expedition in Singapore, with disastrous results.
Jim Craig viveu os primeiros 18 anos de sua vida no alto das montanhas, na fazenda de sua família. Agora, depois da morte de seu pai, ele precisa trabalhar, juntar dinheiro para garantir a posse da fazenda e assim se tornar um homem respeitado.
A young girl with a background of urban poverty and juvenile crime, attempts to become a fashion model. The hypocrisy and double standards of society are juxtaposed against the confusion and frustration she feels as she struggles to become part of a community that has no place for her.
Leo Bassett
A group of crooks plan a heist to steal twenty million dollars from a Security Firm counting house.
Image of Death is a 1978 Australian TV movie about a woman who likes to live off other people's money.
Unmarried, beautiful and talented, Melanie Hilton discovers she is pregnant. The editor of a woman's magazine, she decides to have her baby and take leave from her job. Caught between her ex-lover and a colleague who wants to marry her, Melanie must find a solution or an alternative to her problem. When she falls in love with a woman, she questions the value of the traditional value unit.
Trooper Moore
A sheriff investigates why the guests at a local hostelry check in, but never check out.
Na Pré-História, uma tribo tenta sobreviver após o local onde moravam ser destruído por um vulcão. Eles são obrigados ter contato com outras tribos e tentar viver em sociedade para sobreviver.
Dois ex-soldados do Exército dos EUA, Adam Dyer e Josh Corey, se juntam a um bando de mercenários turcos em 1922 que quais são contratados por Osman Bey, um governador local, para escoltar suas três filhas para Esmirna e também para proteger um carregamento de ouro que vai junto com elas . Ninguém sabe que Elci, um coronel local, planeja ficar com o ouro para si mesmo. Enquanto isso um general rebelde persegue todas as partes envolvidas.
Tom Jones
A boy who cries wolf witnesses a political assassination on the island of Malta. But will anyone other than his granddad believe him?
Jerry King
Skippy and the Intruders (also known as The Intruders) is a 1969 Australian film directed by Lee Robinson, and is a spin-off of the popular Skippy the Bush Kangaroo TV series. A gang of criminals led by Meredith is looking for sunken treasure off Mallacoota, pretending to be diving for abalone. Sonny, son of Matt Hammond, the Chief Ranger of Waratah National Park, investigates with their family friend, Clancy. Sonny and Clancy are kidnapped. Skippy comes to the rescue. After a speedboat chase and a fight in the sand dunes, Meredith is captured.
Nino Culotta is an Italian immigrant, newly arrived in Australia, and attempts to understand the aspirational values and social rituals of everyday urban Australians of the 1950s and '60s.... and assimilate.