Kent Osborne

Kent Osborne

출생 : 1969-08-30, New Jersey, USA


Kent Matthew Osborne is an American actor, screenwriter, comedian, director, producer, and storyboard artist. He is the older brother of producer and director Mark Osborne. Kent worked on shows, like SpongeBob SquarePants, Adventure Time, and Steven Universe. He also starred in films, such as All the Light in the Sky and Uncle Kent.

프로필 사진

Kent Osborne

참여 작품

Build the Wall
Kent is turning 50. He's not thrilled about it. His plans for a fun weekend with Sarah are upended when his friend Kev unexpectedly arrives to build him a wall.
Build the Wall
Kent is turning 50. He's not thrilled about it. His plans for a fun weekend with Sarah are upended when his friend Kev unexpectedly arrives to build him a wall.
Mr. Butler
A straight-edged teacher finds trouble when an honors student is willing to do anything to get an A.
Executive Producer
A small town gorilla joins a local TV program and a series of on-air mishaps threaten to shatter his identity, sending him on an adventure of self-discovery where reality and fantasy start to blend.
No Light and No Land Anywhere
Grieving her mother’s death and her own failing marriage, Lexi boards a plane from London to Los Angeles in search of the estranged father who abandoned her when she was three years old. Based out of a seedy Hollywood motel, she follows a tenuous trail of breadcrumbs, collecting numbers and addresses in the hopes that one will lead to her father, while establishing unexpected connections along the way.
Uncle Kent 2
In a desperate search to create a follow-up to Joe Swanberg's 2011 film Uncle Kent, Kent Osborne travels to a comic book convention in San Diego where he loses his mind and confronts the end of the world.
Uncle Kent 2
In a desperate search to create a follow-up to Joe Swanberg's 2011 film Uncle Kent, Kent Osborne travels to a comic book convention in San Diego where he loses his mind and confronts the end of the world.
디깅 포 파이어
요가 강사인 리(로즈마리 드윗)는 잠시 봐주기로 한 회원 소유의 고급 주택에서 공립학교 교사인 남편 팀(제이크 존슨), 아들 주드와 함께 가족 휴가를 보내게 된다. 그런데 리가 휴식을 취하는 동안 팀이 뒷산에 묻혀있던 의문의 권총과 뼈를 발견한다. 팀은 그대로 덮어둘 것을 당부하는 리와 가벼운 실랑이를 벌이다가 아내의 말을 듣기로 한다. 다음 날, 주드의 교육 문제로 팀과 다시 다투게 된 리는 주말 동안 부모님께 아이를 맡기고 혼자만의 시간을 보내기로 한다. 홀로 남겨진 팀은 친구들을 초대해 파티를 즐기다가 뒷산으로 향하고, 친구가 데려온 여자 맥스(브리 라슨)와 뒷산을 파헤치며 시간을 보낸 뒤 속 깊은 이야기를 나눈다. 한편, 혼자 바에 들른 리는 매력적인 남자 벤(올랜도 블룸)의 도움을 받은 것을 계기로 그와 함께 저녁을 보내는데…
Adventure Time Forever
This a fun behind-the-scenes featurette that looks back on the creation and continuing popularity of the show. Several members of the crew discuss the production's early difficulties, finding the series' tone, the growing fandom, and the show's unique appeal to all ages.
Wild Canaries
When their elderly neighbor suddenly drops dead, a young Brooklyn couple investigates signs of foul play.
All the Light in the Sky
An insomniac actress is facing the waning days of her career, when her niece pays a visit to her Malibu house.
Sun Don't Shine
Crystal and her boyfriend Leo embark on a tense and mysterious road trip through the desolate yet hauntingly beautiful landscape of central Florida.
Art History
Executive Producer
Tension mounts between a director and his lead actress on the set of a sexually explicit low-budget film. As the actress and her co-star develop real feelings for each other, the director's jealousy erupts and he begins sabotaging his own production.
Art History
Tension mounts between a director and his lead actress on the set of a sexually explicit low-budget film. As the actress and her co-star develop real feelings for each other, the director's jealousy erupts and he begins sabotaging his own production.
Art History
Tension mounts between a director and his lead actress on the set of a sexually explicit low-budget film. As the actress and her co-star develop real feelings for each other, the director's jealousy erupts and he begins sabotaging his own production.
The Exhibitionist
A man and his suitcase take an extraordinary journey through an exhibition 'Art in the Streets' at The Geffen Contemporary, MOCA; as works by Banksy, Rammelizee and Kenny Scharf come alive all around him.
The Exhibitionist
Museum Patron
A man and his suitcase take an extraordinary journey through an exhibition 'Art in the Streets' at The Geffen Contemporary, MOCA; as works by Banksy, Rammelizee and Kenny Scharf come alive all around him.
Executive Producer
Autoerotic follows four interconnected Chicago couples as they explore the boundaries of self-pleasure and sexual exploration. Through a unique blend of outrageous comedy and in-your-face sex, Autoerotic insightfully illuminates the private sexual lives of America’s urbanites.
How to Cheat
A comedy centered on Beth and Mark, a couple struggling to conceive, and Mark's unexpectedly helpful affair with Louise.
Uncle Kent
A pothead kid's show cartoonist in Los Angeles spends a weekend trying to sleep with his visiting house guest - a woman from New York who he met on Chatroulette.
Uncle Kent
A pothead kid's show cartoonist in Los Angeles spends a weekend trying to sleep with his visiting house guest - a woman from New York who he met on Chatroulette.
Open Five
Associate Producer
A blend of reality and fiction, "Open Five" follows the story of Jake, a struggling musician and his sidekick, Kentucker, a maker of "poor" films and what happens when two girls (Lucy and Rose) venture down to Memphis for a long weekend.
Birthday Suit
A spoof behind-the-scenes look at Joe Swanberg's (non-existent) new film, Birthday Suit, about a young couple's "on again, off again" sexual relationship. The (non-existent) film uses cutting edge technology developed at the WETA Workshop to create the illusion of graphic sexual content.
몬스터 vs 에이리언
Technician Jerry (voice)
자신의 결혼식 날 어디선가 날아온 운석을 맞고 거대한 몸집으로 커져버린 수잔 머피(리즈 위더스푼). 새롭게 등장한 이 거대한 몬스터 처치를 위한 정부의 발 빠른 대처로 수잔은 ‘거대렐라’라는 새로운 몬스터 네임이 붙은 채 다른 몬스터들과 함께 국가 비밀수용소에 갇히게 된다. 처치곤란 몬스터? 우리가 인류의 희망! 천재적인 두뇌를 믿고 시도한 무리한 실험으로 곤충머리를 갖게 된 ‘닥터 로치 박사’, 2만년 전 모습에서 아직 덜 진화된 물고기인간 ‘미씽링크’, 잘못된 소스투입으로 토마토에서 자유자재 형태변형 불멸의 젤리 몬스터로 거듭난 ‘밥’, 그리고 키 100미터가 넘는 초대형 외형을 가진 아기 몬스터 ‘인섹토사우르스’. 자, 이제 출동이다!! 절대 외부로 나갈 일 없을 것 같았던 그들의 감금생활은 정체불명의 외계 로봇이 지구를 공격하면서 끝이 난다. 대통령과 지구방위대 워 딜러 장군이 아주 짧은 고민 끝에 내린 결정으로 외계 로봇의 공격에서 세계평화를 지켜낼 영웅군단으로 이들 몬스터를 급파하는데… 막강 몬스터팀, 에이리언쯤 문제 없다!! 영화역사상 가장 입체적인 혁명이 시작된다!
Alexander the Last
An ensemble drama about a married actress, her sister and their myriad sexual and creative temptations.
밤과 주말
Mattie's Sister's Boyfriend
A man and woman must face the tension that builds between them during a long-distance relationship.
Pig Fan (voice)
평화의 계곡에서 아버지의 국수 가게를 돕고 있는 팬더 포. 아버지는 국수의 비법을 알려주어 가업을 잇게 하고 싶지만, 포의 관심사는 오로지 쿵푸 마스터. 가게 일은 뒷전으로 하고 쿵푸의 비법이 적힌 용문서의 전수자를 정하는 무적의 5인방 대결을 보러 시합장을 찾은 포. 그런데 마을의 현인 우그웨이 대사부가 포를 용문서의 전수자로 점지하는 이변이 일어난다. 무적의 5인방은 물론 시푸 사부 역시 이 사태를 받아들이지 못하는 가운데, 용문서를 노리고 어둠의 감옥에서 탈출한 타이 렁이 마을을 습격해오자 그를 막아야 하는 미션이 포에게 떨어지는데...
한나 테이크 더 스테어즈
Hannah is a recent college graduate interning at a Chicago production company. She is crushing on two writers at work, Matt and Paul, who share an office and keep her entertained. Will a relationship with one of them disrupt the delicate balance of their friendship?
한나 테이크 더 스테어즈
Hannah is a recent college graduate interning at a Chicago production company. She is crushing on two writers at work, Matt and Paul, who share an office and keep her entertained. Will a relationship with one of them disrupt the delicate balance of their friendship?
Thanks for the Add!
A woman borrows a man's cell phone and makes a call.
보글보글 스폰지밥
세상에서 가장 안전하고 평화로운 세상인 ‘비키니 보톰’은 스폰지 밥의 삶의 터전이다. 그러나 그의 아늑한 보금자릴 떠나 새로운 모험을 하여야 할 운명이 그를 기다리고 있었다. 그것은 바로 도단 당한 넵튠 왕의 왕관을 다시 찾아내야 하는 거국적인 임무를 수행하여야 하는 것이었다. 하지만, 우연치 않게 ‘스폰지 밥’이 근무하는 회사의 사장이 도둑으로 몰리게 되고 ‘스폰지 밥’은 왕관도 구하면서 동시에 그의 사장도 위기에서 구하여 하는 엄청난 도전이 기다리고 있었다. 우리의 영웅 ‘스폰지 밥’과 그의 영원한 친구 ‘스타피시 패트릭’ 그리고 사장은 거사를 이루기 위하여 한번도 가본 적이 없는 미지의 바다를 향하여 용감하게 돌진하게 되는데…….
서바이빙 크리스마스
크리스마스를 혼자 보내지 않으려고 무던히 노력하는 남자 드루(벤 애플렉). 애인과 피지에서의 화려한 크리스마스를 보내려는 꿈도 물건너간다. 자기가 어렸을 때 살았던 집에 가서 저주(?)를 풀면 크리스마스를 혼자 보내지 않아도 된다는 정신과 의사의 말에 옛집을 찾아 나선다. 어렵게 도착한 옛집에서 화목한 발코(제임스 겐돌피니) 가족을 만나고, 이들에게 크리스마스 동안 25만 달러에 가족을 사겠다는 솔깃한 제의를 한다. 발코 가족이 어쩔 수 없이(?) 드루의 제의를 받아들이게 되자, 좌충우돌 우당탕당, 드루의 흔치 않는 크리스마스 빌붙기가 시작되는데….
Dropping Out
Emile Brockton enjoys TV, chicken pot pies, and...well, not much else. His life has become a meaningless procession of banal activities that prompt him to spice things up the only way he can devise: by killing himself. However, the road to suicide is filled with many distractions, and these create the ultimate conundrum for Emile.
Dropping Out
Emile Brockton enjoys TV, chicken pot pies, and...well, not much else. His life has become a meaningless procession of banal activities that prompt him to spice things up the only way he can devise: by killing himself. However, the road to suicide is filled with many distractions, and these create the ultimate conundrum for Emile.
A short film about a lonely man and his new-found alien friend.
Sports Illustrated: Swimsuit '98
This special provides a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the annual "Sports Illustrated" swimsuit issue available on newsstands February 18, 1998.
Video Assist Operator
A small cabin. A beautiful view. Two souls live seemingly happy lives, their every need met by machines of their own making. But as the days drag on and their routines grow weary, one's souls freedom becomes anothers prison.