Niels-Bruno Schmidt
출생 : 1975-01-01, Berlin, Germany
이라크 쿠르드 혈통을 가진 젊은 독일 군인인 로다는 그리스 난민 캠프에서 어머니 페르하트를 찾고 있다. 수 년간 떨어져있던 두 사람이 마침내 만났을 때의 기쁨도 잠시, 로다는 여동생 딜란이 아직 이라크에 있다는 것을 알게 된다. 그녀는 여동생을 찾고자 이라크 이르빌에 재배치를 요청한다. 그 곳에서 로다는 빠르게 여성 전투자들의 신뢰를 얻지만, 여동생을 더 집중적으로 찾을수록 그녀는 양쪽 진영에서 갈등하게 된다.
Three friends from school, Thomas, Nils and Andreas, are still searching for love in their adult lives.
Udo Bandrupp
연방 경찰국에서 검시관으로 일하는 폴 헤르츠펠드 교수는 한 여성의 시체에서 딸의 이름과 휴대전화 번호가 적힌 쪽지를 발견한다. 그는 단서를 쫓아 딸을 찾으려 하지만, 폭풍 때문에 다음 단서가 있는 헬골란트 섬으로 갈 수 있는 방법이 없다.
SEK Leiter
테러의 위협 속에서 살아남기 위한 가족의 사투를 보여주는 스릴러 영화
Teenager Connie and her friends try to save an island full of nature and place of their encounters from being destroyed by the construction of a hotel there.
Karl Grün
1844년, 아내 예니와 함께 프랑스 망명길에 오른 26세의 카를 마르크스. 파리에서 공장주의 아들이면서도 노동자 계급에 대해 연구하는 프리드리히 엥겔스를 만나게 되고, 엥겔스는 마르크스가 새로운 세계의 비전을 구상하는 것에 영향을 미친다. 수많은 폭동과 정치적 격변 속에서 경찰의 검열과 급습에 맞서 당시 체계적이지 않았던 노동운동을 주도하게 되는 두 청년! 르네상스 이후 가장 완전한 이론적, 정치적 변화를 이끈 오만하지만 열정적이며 뛰어난 통찰력을 지닌 역사적 인물, 카를 마르크스와 프리드리히 엥겔스! 두 친구의 젊은 날의 이야기가 시작된다.
Senta and Thomas are dying to fall in love - just not with one another. Still, when two people - a hopeless romantic and a system analyst - meet, an unexpected amour fou ensues.
Pfarrer Gundlach
Julian, Yasin and Addi learn from the executor of their deceased mother's will that the three men, who had previously been complete strangers, are brothers. The news hits like a bomb. A German family man with a penchant for tricks, a spoiled, ambitious Turk and a rapping African – the three siblings immediately hate each other and it would all be nice if their paths were to separate again soon.
Hospital Patient
Before eleven years old Tilda's parents can put her beloved grandfather in an old people's home due to his progressing Alzheimer disease, she takes him on one last adventure that subliminally threatens to tear her family apart.
Rock Head
Fabian Groys, a renowned journalist for a political news magazine, enjoys great freedom, since the stories he uncovers make for good sales. When he loses a hot story about the German army, the editor saddles him with a young female intern. Fabian hates teamwork and sticks the intern with what seems a classic tabloid story about the suicide of a man who had himself torn to shreds by a lion at the zoo. But thanks to the intern’s dogged determination, signs emerge that the story Fabian was working on and the gory zoo story are actually interlinked. Is it pure coincidence? And if it isn’t, how can Fabian fight a nebulous enemy?
In the late 70s, young Petra Grust begins teaching at the progressive Odenwald School. She is flattered by the trust placed in her by its widely respected headmaster Simon Pistorius. But gradually certain incidents at the boarding school begin to unsettle her. Petra then realizes that Pistorius is abusing Frank, a 13-year-old. When Frank is told that he has to spend school holidays with Pistorius, he tries to commit suicide. Petra tells Frank's father (the chairman of the school's governing body) but he believes Pistorius instead of his own son. Petra fails to convince people of the man's true nature. 30 years later, Frank goes to Petra, who has long since left the school and has stopped teaching altogether. He has never been able to speak about what happened but now, after the suicide of another pupil, he is no longer willing to remain silent. He wants Petra to bear witness at the school's forthcoming anniversary celebrations.
Assistent Kruse
Banklady tells the true story of Gisela Werler, a law-abiding factory worker from Hamburg, who falls in love with a thief and becomes a media darling as Germany’s first and most notorious female bank robber. Cunning, sexy, and exciting, Gisela and her beloved Hermann pull off one daring heist after another. Banklady follows this outlaw who captured Germany’s imagination, boldly defying gender expectations and living a decades-long Bonnie and Clyde romance.
Ben Freese
Insane Officer 'Eden'
새로운 행성을 찾아 마지막 인류를 태우고 떠난 우주선 엘리시움호. 깊은 수면에서 먼저 깨어난 페이튼 함장과 바우어 상병은 우주선에 타고 있었던 탑승객 6만 명이 모두 사라진 사실을 알게 된다. 거대한 미로 같은 우주선에서 정체 불명의 생명체 ‘놈’들의 공격에 쫓기게 된 그들. 광활한 우주 공간에서 우주선 외에 더 이상 탈출구도 없다. 순식간에 덮쳐오는 ‘놈’들의 인간 사냥에 맞서 사투를 벌이던 그들은 인류 최후의 충격적인 비밀에 직면하게 되는데…
Jan Karl Raspe
혁명을 꿈꾸었던 테러리스트 현대사를 뒤흔든 테러리스트, 그들의 이야기! 1967년 6월 2일 서독. 이란의 전제군주 방문 반대집회에서 한 대학생이 경찰의 총격에 죽는 사건을 기점으로 정부의 정책과 베트남전쟁에 반대하는 혁명 단체들의 움직임이 과격해진다. 열혈청년 ‘바더’는 동료들과 함께 백화점 폭탄테러를 일으키고, 좌파 언론인 ‘마인호프’가 이들을 옹호하고 활동에 동참하게 되면서 ‘바더 마인호프’ 테러집단이 결성된다. 정상적인 방법으로는 정부에 대항하는 게 힘들다고 판단한 이들은 테러라는 극단적인 선택을 통해 세상을 바꾸려 한다. 갈수록 대담해져가는 테러활동에 세상은 등을 돌리지만, 아이러니하게도 이들과 싸우는 연방경찰국장 호르스트는 이들을 이해하게 된다. 도대체 무엇이 그들을 역사상 가장 악명 높았던 테러리스트로 만든 걸까? *독일 적군파 (RAF: Red Army Faction) ‘안드레아스 바더’와 ‘울리케 마인호프’가 주축이 되어 결성한 급진적 혁명단체. 나치 잔재 청산과 반자본주의를 기치로 폭탄테러와 방화, 비행기 납치 등을 일으켜 전세계에 큰 충격을 주었다. 역사상 가장 급진적이고 파괴적인 테러단체로 손꼽힌다.
베를린 티비 타워의 레스토랑에서 종업원의 부주의로 엄청난 화재가 발생했다. 택시기사인 톰은 타워에서 연기가 피어오르는 모습을 보고 재빠르게 타워로 택시를 돌렸다. 곧이어 베를린 최고의 소방팀장 홀스트가 이끄는 소방구조대가 긴급 투입된다. 그러나 사고가 이어져 화재가 발생한 티비타워까지 접근할 수 있는 사람은 전직 소방대원인 톰밖에 없게된다. 일년전 사고로 아들을 잃게 된 홀스트 팀장은 아들 사망 원인이 당시 팀원이었던 톰의 부주의 때문이었다고 굳게 믿는다. 이 때문에 톰은 소방관을 그만두게되고 톰은 홀스트의 딸이자 여자친구였던 카차와 헤어지게 된다. 한편 타워에 갇힌 사람들 중에는 톰의 옛 여자친구 카차가 포함되어있다. 톰은 화염 속에서 구조를 시도하지만 홀스트와의 갈등으로 구조에 차질이 빚어지는데...
18-year old David grew up assuming that his mother and his father have died when he was a baby. He was raised by a monk and is close to completing High School. He gets into a fight during a party and discovers he is stronger than he thought he was- also, the blooding of an injury stops immediately and the wound heals within an hour. All of a sudden, the Priory of Sion and the Knights Templar show interest in the boy and the quest for the Holy Grail begins once again, with David being the one who can lead them to it.
About a man who suffers hell on earth after accidentally hitting his girlfriend. Richard, actor in a daily soap opera, wants to brighten up his crisis-prone girlfriend Katja and organizes a birthday party. After the guests had left, he wants to sleep with her, but she doesn't want to. When Katja playfully repulses his advances, Richard inadvertently knocks her unconscious.
A teen comedy with cool cars and fast driving.
DJ Kool
School's over – and for brand-new high-school graduates Ben, Felix and Nick, it's time to party! But when Ben embarrasses himself in public trying to declare his love for the gorgeous Carola, he and his pals make a quick exit by taking jobs as hosts in a vacation club on Ibiza, the Mediterranean hot spot for oversexed boys and underdressed girls! Instead of sun, sea and sex, however, it's work, work and more work, as the three are kept busy around the clock by their sadistic boss Anna. And when Ben bumps into Carola and her super-cool DJ boyfriend, Ibiza starts feeling more like Alcatraz by the minute. Yet even as the mishaps pile up and the boys have to cope with stinging jellyfish, English hooligans and tequila hangovers, they refuse to give up their plan to throw the ultimate Ibiza party for the club, and especially for Carola. Summer is short, but these guys are going to make sure everyone remembers this one for a long time!
Andreas Wenzel
Jürgen Sieverts
Anyone can hold a mini-DV camera. Anyone can get 99 euros in credit. And everyone has already written a five-minute story in school. So everyone is actually prepared to make a 99euro-film. but "99euro-films" is more. It is the proof that German films can also be wild, new, modern, funny, political and entertaining. And all that in 80 minutes. 12 young German filmmakers come together, inspire exciting young actors and go: have an idea and simply film it. Just do it and be independent.
'Stone' Steiner
The last three weeks of school life have begun: After the Abitur, Germany's leaving certificate, the friends and schoolmates of Gymnasium Kerkheim (Kerkheim High) will not see each other again so soon. It is a hard time for Markus and his girl Sandra from a lower grade, as he wants to hang out with his old friends, whereas she wants him to be there for her. It's an even harder time for Dirk, who is to be expelled from school if he fails the math exam that is coming up around midday, and it is the hardest time for Michael, who is a perfect pupil, but has no fun in life at all - and doesn't even know it yet. When Steven calls out a party to celebrate his letter of exemption from the army, they all get together for one of the last real cool events ever.
Six students go to the Baltic island of Nordström with their archeology professor. The island has it all: after the geologist Berger has sunk into the moor with her only cell phone, one after the other blesses the temporal. What's going on here? Everyone suspects everyone ...
A group of seniors decide to have a party in their school on graduation night. Unfortunately an uninvited guest with a pair of scissors crashes the party and it isn’t long before the bodies begin to pile up.
Two beautiful young women kill men in a villa in Tuscany: Maya and Cora have been friends since childhood. Maya has an alcoholic artist father who deserted the family, a mentally disturbed mother and a violent brother, Carlo. Cora is from a wealthy middle-class family. Cora helps Maya to poison Carlo's friend Detlef, who is threatening to blackmail her. They then kill Carlo when he tries to rape Cora. Cora's family takes Maya in, and a happy time begins for her, particularly when they spend the summer in Italy.
Angel Express is a film about people restlessly seeking for the ultimate experience. Set in late nineties Berlin, it shows images of radical change: Young urban heroes in the glare of flashlights; an environment in which coldness and affection or lust for power and friendship go hand in hand.
Laura loves Simon and Simon loves Laura. But Laura does not love herself enough to let Simon closer to her. The reason being something nobody is allowed to know: she tries to suffocate any kind of feelings by giving in to eating attacks. When Simon finds out, their relationship threatens to break apart.
In 1941, as part of an effort to remain strictly neutral, the Dublin government made a deal with both Berlin and London whereby any soldier, sailor or pilot captured on Irish soil, whether of German or Allied forces, would be interned for the duration of the war. What the Irish failed to tell was that they would intern everybody in the same camp. It is here that Canadian pilot Miles Keogh and German pilot Rudolph Von Stegenbeck meet after a fight in which both their planes were downed.
A disaster-movie made in Germany.
November 1990. Weekend. Three young turk men accompanied by two German women were taking the subway. They were in an exuberant mood and wanted to visit a discotheque. When a group of drunken neo-nazi youngsters entered the train an open confrontation arose. It ended bloody. The film follows the protagonists up to the event (and some time beyond) which took place in Berlin, Germany.
Jörg Franzen
A Romeo-and-Juliet-tale between the soccer-clubs of St. Pauli and Rostock.