Sylvia Ingemarsson

출생 : 1949-05-10,

참여 작품

'결혼 풍경'(1973)의 커플 요한과 마리안이 30여 년 만에 재회한다. 요한과 원수 지간인 아들 헨릭과 그의 아름다운 딸 카린이 불러일으키는 긴장감, 그리고 2년 전에 죽은 헨릭의 아내 안나의 존재가 계속 그들 주위를 떠돈다.
The Image Makers
Per Olov Enquist's play about Selma Lagerlöf and Victor Sjöström after the shooting of The Phantom Carriage, one of Bergman's favorite films of all time, seemed tailor-made for the director. Director Victor Sjöström has been shooting Selma Lagerlöf's novel The Phantom Carriage. He has invited the author to Stockholm to show her a number of scenes from the film in the presence of the talented cinematographer Julius Jaenzon and the young actress Tora Teje. The meeting between Lagerlöf, an older woman and world-famous author, and a young and talented actress becomes the focal point of the drama.
성공한 연극배우 마리안느는 역시 성공한 지휘자 마쿠스와 결혼해 아홉살 난 딸을 두고 멀쩡하게 살고 있다. 남편의 친구인 영화감독 데이비드는 이 기름진 가족 모두의 친구이기도 하다. 다정다감하지만 딜레탕트의 냄새가 짙은 데이비드는 남자가 출장간 사이 마리안느를 찾아와 어깨를 기댄다. 친구였던 두 남녀는 곧 제동장치 없는 불륜 게임을 시작하고, 한때 친구였던 세 사람은 서로에게 부정(不貞)해지면서 모두 자멸하고 만다.
In the Presence of a Clown
Inventor Carl Åkerblom is a rosy-cheeked 54 year-old admirer of Franz Schubert - and a patient in the psychiatric ward of Akademiska Hospital in Uppsala, after having attempted to beat to death his fiancée, Pauline Thibault. Together with another patient, Professor Osvald Vogler, they set up a film project: the living talkie. Before long, they set off on a frantic tour with their film, "The Joy of the Joyous Girl"... Written by Fredrik Klasson
The Last Gasp
A fictional meeting at the headquarter of the Swedish Film Industry between the former director Georg af Klercker and the business man behind SF (Svensk film): Director Charles Magnusson. A drunk and bitter Klercker baffles on about old movies, shared memories from their time together in Lidingö. Can he get a chance to make a new movie?
The Bacchae
The young wine god Dionysus returns to his native town of Thebes after having established his cult in the east. In his entourage, he has a run of Bacchantes. Semele, his mother, was distrusted by her family when she claimed that Zeus was the father of her child. Dionysus has come to restore her, revealing his divinity, and require proper worship of the Theban legion.
The Democratic Terrorist
The West German security police, Verfassungsschutz, need help to infiltrate a group connected to the Rote Arme Fraktion. The Swedish James Bond, Carl Hamilton, goes to Hamburg, pretending to be a Swedish officer, thrown out of the country after having been exposed as an East German spy. He gets in contact with the terrorists and joins them. Together they are planning to strike against the CIA headquarters in Stockholm.
Madame de Sade
A theatre production of Yukio Mishima's play, filmed for Swedish television. It begins in France in 1772. Six Women, one of them Madame de Sade, discuss their views and feelings of the notorious sadist and sodomist Marquis de Sade.
The Accidental Golfer
I bet anyone can get better at golf than you are in one week, a golfer says to her golfing businessman for a boyfriend in a quarrel. Unfortunately Stig-Helmer is standing nearby when the boyfriend accepts the bet, and he is chosen to be the competitor. Stig-Helmer has never played the game before, but his Norwegian friend Ole promises to help him.
The White Viking
Norway in the 10th century. Askur, son of the powerful Thorgeir marries Embla, daughter of one of the few remaining landowners in Norway, in a pagan ceremony. King Olav, a ruthless christian, wants to eredicate all traces of non-christian beliefs and captures the two of them during the ceremony. In order to free Embla, Askur must go to Iceland and convert the people there to catholicism.
S.O.S: Swedes at Sea
The landlubber Stig-Helmer and his Norwegian friend Ole get on a barge by mistake. They arrive at an archipelago and have to spend Midsummer among the fancy rich boat people, their yachts and summer houses.
Träff i Helfigur
On a shooting range outside of Stockholm in the raw September night something is not right. In the darkness of the marker the ground shows signs of blood.
Gotska Sandön
A poetic and beautiful documentary of its nature and of some rare people living on Gotska Sandön, an isolated island in the Baltic Sea, close to Ingmar Bergman’s home residence Fårö.
카린의 얼굴
잉마르 베리만이 그의 어머니에게 바치는 찬가. 가족 앨범 속 형제들과 엄마 카린의 사진들이 일렬로 연결된 작품이다. 단 한마디의 나레이션 없이 오직 단순하지만 슬픈 피아노 선율의 음악만으로 영화는 구성된다. 오로지 이미지와 이미지 중간에 삽입된 자막만이 최소한의 설명을 할 뿐이다. 세월의 흔적, 삶의 잔재, 어머니의 작지만 큰 역사가 아들 베리만의 시선을 따라 처연하게 흘러가며 이야기를 들려준다.
Charter Trip 2: Snowroller
Stig-Helmer takes another vacation with his norwegian friend Ole. This time it's time for a skiing vacation in the Alps. Of course, Stig-Helmer has never learnt downhill skiing, but he attends a ski school. And together they manage to charm two women also on vacation.
Big Business
Gösta Eriksson, a hairdresser, buys a car from used-car dealer Bertil Planåker. But Gösta soon discovers that the car is a wreck. Planåker won't give him his money back, in fact he denies ever having seen Gösta. Gösta's brother Rolle is released from prison and promises to help him. They form an investment company, Parabola, and convinces Planåker to invest a lot of money in it. Planåker has a lot of shady business colleagues who also invest their money. Gösta's and Rolle's scam becomes much bigger than they had bargained for.
The Making of Fanny and Alexander
The Making of Fanny and Alexander is a fascinating look at the creation of a masterpiece. Directed by Ingmar Bergman himself, this feature-length documentary chronicles the methods of one of cinema’s true luminaries as he labors to realize his crowning production.
리허설이 지난 후
Rational, exacting, and self-controlled theater director, Henrik Vogler, often stays after rehearsal to think and plan. On this day, Anna comes back, ostensibly looking for a bracelet. She is the lead in his new production of Strindberg's A Dream Play. She talks of her hatred for her mother, now dead, an alcoholic actress, who was Vogler's star and lover.
Kalabaliken i Bender
The famous Swedish Karoliner army has suffered its biggest defeat ever at Poltava in 1709. The Swedish king Karl XII is waiting in the small village of Bender for the Turkish sulton to help him defeat his arch enemy, the czar of Russia, Peter the Great. But the Turks think he's an expensive guest and want him out of Turkey. However, he refuses. The sultan then decides to send Karl XII a princess to marry him, to get him out of the country (a bride for a bribe). The two Swedish soldiers Lagercrona and Kruus are to escort the princess. They experience many different adventures on their way to Bender, namely because other Swedish soldiers and agents try to stop them from ever reaching the village, because they don't want Karl XII to leave Turkey. After their long adventure to get there and a few misunderstandings, the famous "kalabalik" of Bender, where the Turks decide to drive Karl XII out of Turkey by force, begins.
화니와 알렉산더
극장을 운영하고 있는 에카달 가족의 집에서 크리스마스 파티가 열리고 있다. 화니와 알렉산더는 이 집의 첫째 아들인 오스카 에카달의 자녀로 할머니 헬레나의 사랑을 독차지하고 있다. 그러나 어느날 가족들이 지켜보는 가운데 연극 무대에서 연습중이던 오스카가 갑자기 쓰러져 숨을 거두고 만다. 이후 시간이 흘러, 수업을 마치고 집에 돌아온 화니와 알렉산더에게 에밀리가 목사와 결혼한다는 놀라운 사실을 발표한다. 이에 화니와 알렉산더는 엄마를 따라 목사의 집으로 들어간다. 그러나 목사는 화니와 알렉산더의 생활을 하나하나 억압하며 간섭을 한다. 에밀리는 목사의 횡포에 질려 이혼을 요구하나 아이들을 빼앗겠다는 협박만을 받는데...
Marilyn Jordan, an American, lives in Stockholm with her Swedish husband and family. Her behavior is bizarre, perhaps mad: she poisons the dog's milk and advises the dog not to drink it; she sets the sheets afire as her husband sleeps; she crawls under the dining table to sing. While detained at airport customs for carrying pruning shears, she meets a young Yugoslav woman and goes with her to a Gypsy enclave where she's fought over, takes a lover, helps with the sordid entertainment at a bar, and returns home more dangerous than before. The film also tells parallel stories of Marilyn's daughter becoming a junior homemaker as the young immigrant practices her striptease.
Sally and Freedom
About choices in life and responsibilities. Sally has decided to have an abortion. It seriously affects her relationship with her partner Jonas, and their daughter Mia.
The Charter Trip
Stig-Helmer and Ole Bramserud on a trip to the Canary Islands for Christmas.
Marmalade Revolution
A Professor comes home carrying a paper bag with food. Among the goods in the bag is apricot jam. His wife reacts strongly, since they always have eaten orange marmalade. The Professor leaves his house and checks into a hotel.
The Call-up
It's time for Jonsson to return to his old regiment to rehearse what he learned during conscription a few years ago. He meets his old friends, platoon leader Larsson and the music loving captain 'Beethoven'. Jonsson and his comrades doesn't take it very serious - but they have a jolly good time. A female journalist follows the exercise to write an article, and gets interested in him. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
The tragic romance between the son of a miller and a landlord's daughter. Based on the novel by Knut Hamsun.
가을 소나타
어느 가을날 목사의 아내 에바는 유명 피아니스트인 어머니 샬롯을 집으로 초대한다. 연주 여행차 전세계를 순회하느라 바쁜 샬롯은 최근 오랜 연인 레오나르도의 죽음으로 상심한 상태다. 7년 만에 어머니를 만난 에바는 반갑게 샬롯을 맞이하지만, 샬롯이 미처 몰랐던 사실을 이야기하면서 둘 사이가 서먹해진다. 심각한 신체 장애를 가진 채 요양원에 방치되어 있던 여동생 헬레나가 2년 전부터 에바의 집에서 함께 지내고 있었던 것. 샬롯은 예술가로서 명성과 경력을 위해 자식들을 돌보지 않고 일에만 몰두해 왔던 것이다. 자의식 강한 샬롯은 자신의 선택을 애써 정당화하려 하지만, 에바는 무책임한 샬롯에 대한 원망과 애증을 안고 있다. 마침내 두 모녀는 오래 묵혀두었던 서로의 상처를 드러내며 감정적 회오리를 겪는다.
Rätt ut i luften
An actress is interviewed in front of a studio audience by a "TV personality".
지붕 위의 사나이
입원 중인 뉴먼 경감이 깊은밤에 누군가에 의해서 피살되었다. 뉴먼 경감은 일부 자기동료로 부터는 남자다운 경찰관으로서 존경을 받았고 상사로부터의 신뢰도 두터웠다. 그러나 그는 법과 질서를 수행하는데 있어서 시민에 대해서는 공포와 증오의 대상이 되었다. 가정에서는 인자한 남편인 동시에 아버지이기도 한 뉴먼은 권력의 집행자가 되었을때 마치 힘없는 양을 습격하는 늑대가 되어서 범인이외의 사라마에게도 가차없는 처벌을 가했다.
Leva livet
A woman gets cancer.