John F. Warren

출생 : 1909-05-01,

사망 : 2000-08-08

참여 작품

The Great Man's Whiskers
A young girl writes to President Abraham Lincoln to advise him to grow a beard.
The Wacky Zoo of Morgan City
Director of Photography
Based on Charles Goodrum’s book, "I’ll Trade You an Elk." The mayor wants to close down the run-down city zoo and use the site for a museum, but an accountant and his children fight to save it.
Angel, Angel, Down We Go
Director of Photography
The overweight debutante daughter of the world's wealthiest couple falls in with a gang of tripped out, skydiving pseudo-reactionary pop stars, who take their beliefs of the American ideal to profoundly impossible heights.
The Smugglers
Director of Photography
A woman and her stepdaughter attempt to sneak a few souvenirs past customs and inadvertently become the couriers for an international smuggling ring.
The Young Runaways
Director of Photography
Three unhappy teenagers run away from home, only to discover living on their own isn't as idyllic as they imagined.
The Counterfeit Killer
Director of Photography
A Secret Service agent poses as a waterfront hit man to infiltrate a global ring of counterfeiters.
The Love-Ins
Director of Photography
A college professor falls in with the counterculture crowd in San Francisco after resigning from his position in solidarity with two expelled hippie students.
Tammy and the Millionaire
Director of Photography
A bayou girl (Debbie Watson) and her kin (Frank McGrath, Denver Pyle) have run-ins with some rich folks.
Director of Photography
Citizens of San Francisco are stunned by the news that Robert Ironside, the city's hard-nosed, tough-talking chief of detectives, has been shot and left for dead while vacationing at his friend the Police Commissioner's rural retreat. Ironside survives the murder attempt, but the bullet has damaged nerves in his spine, leaving him a paraplegic. Unable to gain reinstatement as chief of detectives, Ironside gets permission to continue investigating criminal cases as a citizen volunteer. With the assistance of two former protegees, Det. Sgt. Ed Brown and Officer Eve Whitfield, and a newly-hired aide/driver, Mark Sanger, Ironside sets out to solve his first case as a civilian by finding the people responsible for the attempt on his life.
Fame Is the Name of the Game
Director of Photography
A brash, big-time investigative reporter, looking into the death of a call girl, uncovers her diary and tries to find her killer among the names contained in it.
찢어진 커튼
Director of Photography
세계적인 물리학자 마이클 암스토롱(폴 뉴먼 분)은 코펜하겐에서 열리는 국제물리학회에 참석하기 위해 약혼자이자 조수인 사라 셔번(줄리 앤드류스 분)과 함께 떠난다. 현지에서 마이클은 망명을 가장해 동독에 들어가 라이프치하에 있는 린트 교수로부터 극비 사항인 미사일 제조 비법을 입수하라는 밀명을 받는다. 그러나 그의 첫 시도는 내막을 모르는 약혼자 사라가 그를 따라 동독까지 가겠다는 바람에 실패한다. 두번째 시도도 자신의 밀명을 눈치챈 경호원을 죽이는데 가담할 수 밖에 없는 상황에 몰려 실패, 상황은 더욱 꼬여만 가는데.
Dark Intruder
Director of Photography
Police call in occult expert to help solve series of murders.
The Storm
Director of Photography
A newlywed woman is alone in her home during a devastating storm. As she waits for her husband to return, she is besieged by menacing sounds throughout the house, power outages, a jumpy pet black cat, and a creepy cabbie. After much deliberation, she decides to investigate a strange disturbance in the storm cellar.
The Cosmic Man
Director of Photography
A strange sphere settles down in a California canyon, causing both the scientific and military communities to gather around to investigate.
The Colossus of New York
Director of Photography
A brilliant surgeon encases his dead son's brain in a large robot body, with unintended results...
Zero Hour!
Director of Photography
In 1950s Canada, during a commercial flight, the pilots and some passengers suffer food poisoning, thus forcing an ex-WW2 fighter pilot to try to land the airliner in heavy fog.
Daughter of Dr. Jekyll
Director of Photography
A young woman discovers she is the daughter of the infamous Dr. Jekyll, and begins to believe that she may also have a split personality, one of whom is a ruthless killer.
Beau James
Director of Photography
The story of Jimmy Walker who became mayor of New York in the '20s.
Additional Photography
이집트의 고센 지방에 자리 잡고 수백년을 살아 온 이스라엘 민족(히브리인)이 나날이 번성해 가자, 이집트의 왕 파라오가 그에 위협을 느끼고 히브리인의 장자를 모두 죽이라고 명한다. 요케벨(마샤 스콧 분)이라는 히브리 여인은 파라오의 명령으로부터 아들을 보호하기 위해 아들을 바구니에 넣어 나일강에 띄워 보낸다. 때마침 강가에서 노닐고 있던 파라오의 딸 비티아(니나 포치 분)가 아기를 발견하고, 모세란 이름을 지어준 다음 자신의 아들로 삼아 키운다. 세월이 흘러 비티아의 오빠 세티(세드릭 하드위케 분)가 왕이 된다. 씩씩한 청년으로 자란 모세(찰톤 헤스톤 분)는 용감하고 품위있는 성품으로 세티의 사랑을 받고, 공주인 네프레티리(앤 백스터 분)의 연인이 된다. 세티의 아들 람세스(율 브린너 분)는 아버지 세티로부터 왕위를 계승받기 위해 안간힘을 쓰며, 모세를 견제하고 모함한다. 어느날 모세는 자신이 이집트 왕족이 아니라 히브리 노예의 아들이라는 사실을 알게 된다. 그는 왕자로서의 부귀영화와 공주 네페르타리의 사랑을 뒤로 한 채 동족의 곁으로 돌아와 이집트인의 노예로서 처참한 생활을 하고 있는 동족의 고통을 함께 나눈다. 400년 간 노예 생활을 해온 히브리인들은 언젠가 하느님이 인도자를 보내 주시어 그들을 이집트에서 구해 내시고 젖과 꿀이 흐르는 땅으로 인도하리라는 기다림 속에서 살아가고 있었다. 그러던 중 모세가 노예의 아들이라는 사실이 람세스에게 알려지고 모세는 광야로 추방된다. 광야를 헤매던 모세는 미디안에 이르고, 그곳에서 세포라(이본느 드 칼로 분)라는 양치기 여인과 혼인해 아들을 낳고 평화롭게 살아가던 중 시나이 산에서 하느님의 부름을 받고, 이집트로 돌아가 동포를 구해 내라는 명령을 받게 되는데..
The Search for Bridey Murphy
Director of Photography
After being shown what hypnotism can do, a doctor starts to study it in depth. When he experiments on a friend's wife, she regresses into an early life, that of Bridey Murphy.
The Proud and Profane
Director of Photography
In this romantic drama, beautiful Red Cross volunteer Lee Ashley arrives on the South Pacific island of New Caledonia to learn more about the circumstances surrounding the death of her husband, Howard, in the Battle of Guadalcanal. There, Ashley falls for the gruff, seductive Marine Lt. Col. Colin Buck, but struggle and tragedy follow when the widow learns about the reality of Buck's life back home.
The Seven Little Foys
Director of Photography
Vaudeville entertainer Eddie Foy, who has vowed to forever keep his act a solo, falls in love with and marries Italian ballerina Madeleine. While they continue to tour the circuit, they begin a family and before long have seven little Foys to clutter the wings. After tragedy threatens to stall Eddie's career, he comes to realize that his little terrors are worth their weight in gold. - Chris Stone
Director of Photography
아카데미 7개 부문(작품, 감독, 남우주연(빙 크로스비), 여우주연(그레이스 켈리), 각본, 촬영, 미술) 노미네이트되어 여우주연, 각본상 수상. 프랭크 엘진은 한때 가수로써 명성을 떨치며, 전성기에 미모의 아내 조지와 결혼, 행복한 나날을 보냈지만 도중사고로 인해 아들을 잃고 만다. 자시의 부주의로 아들을 잃은 후 그 충격을 잊고자 거의 알콜중독상태가 되어 폐쇄적 삼을 살아가던 프랭크. 어느날 그에게 뮤직컬쇼 출연 제의가 들어온다. 어린 시절부터 프랭크를 존경하던 뮤지컬 감독 버니는 제작자의 반대에도 불구하고 그를 뮤지컬 주연으로 캐스팅 하지만 프랭크는 연습과정에서의 부진을 면치 못하고 재기의 의욕도 점차 상실해간다. 공연일자는 하루하루 다가오고 약해진 자신을 감당하지 못한 프랭크는 아내 조지에게 모든 탓을 돌리고 그의 말을 믿은 버니는 프랭크로부터 아내 조지를 떠나보내려 하는데.
The File on Thelma Jordon
Camera Operator
Cleve Marshall is an assistant district attorney who falls for the shadowy Thelma Jordon. With her sordid past -- and her relationship with thief Tony Laredo kept secret from the married attorney, Jordon seduces the easily swayed Marshall, and uses him to cover up her misdeeds. When Jordon becomes the prime suspect for the murder of her wealthy aunt, she turns to Marshall, who goes to great lengths to clear her name.
No Minor Vices
Camera Operator
Perry Ashwell is a self-satisfied child psychologist who takes his colleagues and wife somewhat for granted. So confident is he of his position that he introduces rich attractive painter Octavio Quaglini to his office and home. Quaglini is no respecter of convention, and April Ashwell is extremely attractive.