Emily Young

참여 작품

베로니카, 죽기로 결심하다
저는 24살의 베로니카입니다. 뉴욕에서 남 부럽지 않은 삶을 보냈지만, 아무 이유 없이 무기력하고 더 이상 삶의 의미가 없는 것 같았어요. 그래서 다량의 수면제를 먹고 죽기로 결심했죠. 그러나 죽었다고 생각하는 순간, 눈을 떠보니 전 빌라트에 어느 정신병원에 갇혀 있었습니다. 그리고 후유증으로 제겐 7일 간의 삶이 남았다고 합니다. 그토록 죽기를 원했지만, 결국 시한부인생으로 죽게 될 거라니 삶은 참 아이러니한 것 같습니다. 하지만, 저는 그냥 이대로 기다리지 않기로 했습니다. 진짜 마지막이라고 결심했는데, 자꾸만 머리 속에 떠오르는 사람이 생겼습니다. 자꾸만 내 속에서 무언가가 꿈틀거리는 것 같아요. 이제, 단 하루가 남았습니다… To 빌라트에서 베로니카
Kiss of Life
Helen lives in London with her father and her kids. John, her husband, is an aid-worker in Eastern Europe. He has been gone many months. Helen is desperately anxious that he should come home. Taking the kids to school one morning, she is killed in a car accident. She remains caught in limbo, trapped between life and death. Many miles away, in war-torn Eastern Europe, John is unaware that his wife has died. As Helen herself is unaware that she is dead. Thus begins, a four-day Odyssey: Grandpa and the kids must come to terms with Helen's death; John must travel across a war-torn land as he tries to reach home; and Helen must stand helplessly observing her own existence as it comes back to haunt her - until at last she is reconciled with John, and thus released.
Kiss of Life
Helen lives in London with her father and her kids. John, her husband, is an aid-worker in Eastern Europe. He has been gone many months. Helen is desperately anxious that he should come home. Taking the kids to school one morning, she is killed in a car accident. She remains caught in limbo, trapped between life and death. Many miles away, in war-torn Eastern Europe, John is unaware that his wife has died. As Helen herself is unaware that she is dead. Thus begins, a four-day Odyssey: Grandpa and the kids must come to terms with Helen's death; John must travel across a war-torn land as he tries to reach home; and Helen must stand helplessly observing her own existence as it comes back to haunt her - until at last she is reconciled with John, and thus released.
The Tower of Babel
A documentary focusing on Polish 60-year-old Henryk Kowalczyk who is deaf-blind and being taught sculpture. Working with clay and other materials is therapeutic light in a world of darkness
Assistant Director
Seven short stories.