Veronika (Sarah Michelle Gellar) é uma jovem de 28 anos que, aparentemente, tem uma vida perfeita: possui um bom apartamento em Nova York, é bonita e tem um ótimo emprego. Porém ela sente um vazio dentro de si mesma, sem conseguir entendê-lo. Sem conseguir entender o significado de sua vida, ela decide se suicidar tomando vários remédios. Duas semanas depois, Veronika desperta do coma e percebe que está em uma clínica para doentes mentais. Lá ela é informada que ssua tentativa de suicídio fez com que seu coração parasse, gerando ferimentos que jamais se recuperarão. Sem saber ao certo quanto tempo ainda lhe resta, ela decide viver de uma forma inteiramente diferente do que vinha fazendo até então.
Helen lives in London with her father and her kids. John, her husband, is an aid-worker in Eastern Europe. He has been gone many months. Helen is desperately anxious that he should come home. Taking the kids to school one morning, she is killed in a car accident. She remains caught in limbo, trapped between life and death. Many miles away, in war-torn Eastern Europe, John is unaware that his wife has died. As Helen herself is unaware that she is dead. Thus begins, a four-day Odyssey: Grandpa and the kids must come to terms with Helen's death; John must travel across a war-torn land as he tries to reach home; and Helen must stand helplessly observing her own existence as it comes back to haunt her - until at last she is reconciled with John, and thus released.
Helen lives in London with her father and her kids. John, her husband, is an aid-worker in Eastern Europe. He has been gone many months. Helen is desperately anxious that he should come home. Taking the kids to school one morning, she is killed in a car accident. She remains caught in limbo, trapped between life and death. Many miles away, in war-torn Eastern Europe, John is unaware that his wife has died. As Helen herself is unaware that she is dead. Thus begins, a four-day Odyssey: Grandpa and the kids must come to terms with Helen's death; John must travel across a war-torn land as he tries to reach home; and Helen must stand helplessly observing her own existence as it comes back to haunt her - until at last she is reconciled with John, and thus released.
A documentary focusing on Polish 60-year-old Henryk Kowalczyk who is deaf-blind and being taught sculpture. Working with clay and other materials is therapeutic light in a world of darkness
Assistant Director
Seven short stories.