Lotte Andersen

Lotte Andersen

출생 : 1963-03-18, Rødovre, Danmark


Lotte Andersen is a Danish actress.

프로필 사진

Lotte Andersen
Lotte Andersen

참여 작품

Meter i sekundet
It follows a Copenhagen couple's new life at a West Jutland folk high school.
The Cake Dynasty
Lægen Niebur
Hollow Heart
Ditte & Louise
Ditte and Louise are two middle-aged actresses who realize that the only thing the industry has left to offer them are roles like mothers or as elderly prostitutes. That is why Ditte makes a radical decision: She dresses up like a man.
미결처리반Q: 믿음의 음모
어느 날 어린 아이의 글씨로 살려달라는 편지가 담긴 유리병이 바닷물에 떠밀려오고 조사를 하던 도중 한적한 시골 마을에서 누군가가 아이들을 강제로 끌고 가는 것 같다는 제보를 받게 된다. 두 사건의 연관성을 발견한 '미결처리반 Q'는 담당 구역 형사 '리사'와 함께 실종 아이들의 본격적인 수사를 시작하게 되면서 이단 종교 단체의 신앙심 깊은 가족들을 대상으로 펼치는 충격적인 연쇄 살인마의 존재와 마주하게 된다. 사라진 아이들, 신고를 하지 않는 부모, 멈추지 않고 계속된 잔혹한 살인! 거짓된 믿음이 가져온 충격적인 사건의 실체가 드러나게 되고 '미결처리반 Q'는 사상 최악의 위기를 맞게 되는데...!
Excuse Me
A story about the beautiful but confused young woman Helene, who, according to her mother, was born as a 'technical error'. Helene suspects that her father, who left his family before Helene was born, might be the once celebrated director of a dilapidated theater in Copenhagen. Assisted by a series of bizarre coincidences and by her mother's dog (a creature in whose shadow Helene has always lived), Helene manages to get closer to her father.
Daisy Diamond
Instruktør 2
A tragic story about Anna who dreams of one thing only: making it as an actress. She moves from Sweden to Copenhagen to pursue her dream. But fate has something else in store for her. Though she struggles to give her 4-month-old daughter a good start in life, she ultimately fails to unite her dream of acting with a safe and loving environment for her child, culminating in a desperate act that has fatal consequences for Anna and her daughter.
The Sun King
While changing the pipes in the tanningbeds at Golden Sun, Tommy meets the owner. A middleaged former Miss Fyn called Susse. Slowly an unusual love affair begins. Tommy's two friends Ole & Flemming give him tips on how to give Golden Sun some masculine appeal. Susse just happens to have a sleazy lawyer that does not appreciate the new look.
Min søsters børn i Ægypten
Irene Flinth
Da far ved et uheld ikke kommer med flyet, ender Blop, Pusle, Jan, Michael og Amalie alene i Ægypten. De står pludselig i Cairos lufthavn med en hjemsendelsestrussel hængende over hovedet. Gode råd er dyre. Men ved skæbnens gunst (eller ugunst) var Fru Flinth også med samme fly. Udsigten til at de 5 børn alligevel ikke skal opleve den bade-ferie, de har glædet sig til i måneder, bliver for meget for Fru Flinth. Hårdt presset af børnene og omstændighederne påtager hun sig modvilligt ansvaret for at passe på dem en uges tid, men på den betingelse at børnene vil deltage i Fru Flinths Kunst og Kultur ferie frem for deres planlagte badeferie. Og så kan det nok være, at børnene skal til at være kreative for at lokke Fru Flinth ud på nye løjer frem for på museumsbesøg.
Oh Happy Day
Hannah (Lotte Andersen) is a housewife in a village Zealand, where she is married to the sad Carsten (Mikael Birkkjær). She sings in the mammal church choir along with his outspoken sister (Ditte Gråbøl). A choirmaster in transit - the black Jackson - get fired up during the chorus, as soon singing and joy - and Hannah is experiencing new feelings.
Old, New, Borrowed and Blue
Katrine is to be married. Her fiancé is gorgeous, their appartment is luxurious and her future in-laws are wealthy. Katrine only has one problem: she sometimes finds it difficult to tell the truth, and this sends her on a round-about jaunt with an old friend, Thomsen, who has just barged in unannounced from Kenya and who wants to return a favour and help Katrine with her wedding preparations. A labyrinthal excursion takes place. Tomorrow is another day, the wedding day!
My Sister's Kids in the Snow
Fru Flinth
Hele familien skal på skiferie i Norge, da far brækker benet. Derfor tager onkel Erik af sted med de fem ældste børn. På færgen møder Amalie skiinstruktøren Dan og onkel Erik bliver meget søsyg. Det viser sig far har lejet en meget lille utæt hytte, men Jan og Michael får det ordnet så de flytter ind i en stor suite. Det viser sig at den er udlejet til fru Flinth og hendes veninder og hun laver meget vrøvl. Familien smides ud, men igen ordner Jan og Michael situationen. De påstår at Erik Lund er en berømt sanger. Erik har travlt med at passe på Amalie, men da hun opdager Dans luskeri med en anden pige får hun drengene til at hjælpe sig. I mellemtiden får Erik også tid til at stå på skøjter sammen med fru Flint.
Tinke the Wolfgirl
While out and about tending to his herd, young shepherd Larus meets a mysterious little girl named Tinke. Quickly realizing that the girl is alone, Larus brings Tinke some food and slowly builds a friendship with her. Tinke, whose parents died within the past year, has managed to survive by her own devices in the wild and has hence become quite feral. Larus convinces Tinke to come to his home so that his parents can take care of her
Nete is a tough woman of 37 who runs her job, husband, and teenage daughter with a firm and efficient hand. Her father suddenly becomes ill. Seriously ill. Nete forces a doctor to tell her how much time he has left. 3 weeks, hardly any longer. Nete's father becomes bitter and introvert, but Nete insists that he come to live with her and her family the few weeks he has left. "You should die with your family." Nete's father moves in and puts even more strain on Nete's family and everyday life. They all try to cope with the situation - he has only three weeks left, and you don't argue with a dying man. Three weeks pass by. A month. Nete's father does not die, his appetite comes back, the doctors begin to have doubts as to the prognosis, and Nete has a problem.
The Serbian Dane
Caroline Holmberg
Miniseries of 3 episodes of 50 minutes based on the bestseller by Leif Davidsen. Religious fanatics put a price on the head of the controversial Anglo-Iranian writer Sara Santanda. $ 4 million. Sarah decides to come out of hiding and face in Copenhagen. The uncomfortable visit for the government of Denmark triggered a great safety device. Meanwhile, somewhere in the troubled former Yugoslavia, a young man named Vuk (Serbian sniper does not kill for money but for ideology) accepted the task of killing the famous writer during his visit to Copenhagen.
My Sister's Kids
Fru Flinth
Erik Lund is a professor in child psychology. When his sister and her husband go on vacation, he is left in charge of their five children. He really feels up to it, since he is now going to be able to try out his skills in child psychology. However, reality is something else than theory and children do not always do as they are supposed to, according to his book on child psychology. The children soon fool him into doing as they please when it comes to food and pleasures. However, soon they start to realise that if they can make him serve them hot dogs and hamburgers and let them watch TV as much as they like, they can also make him help them restore their old house, so that they won't have to move, as their parents want to. And, as their uncle is nice enough to help them, they also decide to try and get him a wife.
Zacharias Carl Borg
I Wonder Who's Kissing You Now
병원 시체실에서 아르바이트를 하는 법대생 마틴은 어느날인가부터 보관된 시체 중 여자 시체의 위치가 뒤바뀌고 시체를 능욕한 흔적을 발견하다. 그러나 곧 경찰에 신고하면 경찰이 도착했을 때는 이미 시체는 원위치에 돌아가 있다. 이런 일이 반복되자 마틴은 자신의 정신상태를 의심할 뿐만 아니라 범인으로까지 의심받는다. 순간 업무인수를 해주던 정년퇴직한 노인의 말을 생각해낸다. 오래 전 이 병원에서 근무하던 젊은 야경원이 시체를 능욕하다 발각되어 병원에서 파면되었다는 사실이다. 마틴은 인사기록 카드를 가지고 그를 추적하지만 사건을 담당한 형사 뵐머가 마틴을 믿어주는 척하면서 점차 그를 범인으로 몰아간다. 그래서 친구 안스는 마틴의 결백을 밝히기 위해 이 변태적인 사건에 뛰어든다.잘 알려지지 않은 스릴러지만 꽤 좋은 평점을 받아 1998년에 감독이 미국에서 닉 놀테, 이완 맥그리거 등과 함께 다시 리메이크하기도 했다.