Abdelkrim Bahloul

Abdelkrim Bahloul

출생 : 1950-10-25, Saïda, Algeria

프로필 사진

Abdelkrim Bahloul

참여 작품

Waiting for You
Compelled by grief and curiosity a young Englishman travels to France where he meets an eccentric older woman and unearths truths about the father he never really knew and about himself.
Ta mère !
Le père de Sofia
A family comedy about arranged marriage
Lili Rose
Samir's uncle
Worker or poker player, Samir and Xavier live from day to day. Bright young woman and future bride, Liza has a future all traced. They and she find themselves by chance for a weekend for a stay as unlikely as initiative.
어스름한 네덜란드 지역, 방황하는 청년 마지드는 킥복싱에 특출 난 재능을 갖고있다. 하지만 불치병에 걸린 형과 자신을 지독히도 미워하는 아버지, 어린 동생과 병약한 어머니 탓에 하루도 마음 편할 날이 없다. 캄캄한 앞날의 ‘마지드’는 갱단조직에 가담하여 범죄를 저지르며 분노를 표출하는 짐승으로 변해가고, 이윽고 본인의 꿈과 욕망조차 그 방향을 점점 잃어가는데…
Mariage Blues
Salim arrives in France, happy like a hummingbird at the idea of joining again with Sofia, a young French woman of Moroccan descent whom he married there according to the country tradition. But he quickly becomes disillusioned when she tells him she no longer wants to be his wife. Here in France she is free and nobody can force her. Between brothers and sisters who support Sofia, a disoriented Salim who wants to return to Morocco, and parents who would like him to build a new life in France, with or without Sofia, the situation is intractable. Marriage Blues, a bittersweet comedy, is thumbing its nose at the arranged marriage.
1994년 12월 24일, 알제리에서 프랑스 파리로 향하는 에어 프랑스 여객기에 수상한 남자 네 명이 탑승한다. 알제리 특수 경찰이라고 신분을 속인 그들의 정체는 이슬람 무장단체 GIA. 그들은 220여명의 승객들을 인질로 삼고 자신들의 동료를 석방하라고 위협한다. 프랑스 정부는 즉시 사태 파악을 하고 프랑스 대테러리스트 특공대 지젠느(GIGN)를 호출한다. 하지만 특공대도 테러범들이 원하는 것이 정확히 무엇인지 파악하는 것에 난항을 겪으며, 그들이 파리의 상징적인 건물이나 장소를 타깃으로 자살 테러를 시도할 수도 있다는 무서운 예측까지 나오기 시작한다. 그러던 중, 테러범들은 연료가 모자라 스페인 마르세유 공항에 잠시 착륙하게 되고, 이 유일무이한 기회를 이용해 테러범들을 소탕하고 인질들을 무사히 구해내려는 지젠느의 숨막히는 특급 대테러작전이 펼쳐진다.
The Trip To Algiers
When the War of Independence ends, a widow must find a roof for her six children. Luckily, a Frenchman about to leave offers her the house he is about to vacate. But a high-placed local bureaucrat does not agree to such a gift. After losing all hope of obtaining the property due to the bias of the local authorities, she decides to go to the capital with her children to speak to the president of the Republic.
The Trip To Algiers
When the War of Independence ends, a widow must find a roof for her six children. Luckily, a Frenchman about to leave offers her the house he is about to vacate. But a high-placed local bureaucrat does not agree to such a gift. After losing all hope of obtaining the property due to the bias of the local authorities, she decides to go to the capital with her children to speak to the president of the Republic.
The Sun Assassinated
The poet Jean Sénac is also a radio presenter. A Pied-noir, he opted to stay in Algeria after the country achieved independence in 1962. Ten years later he is monitored by the police of the present regime. His poems have a large public following and his radio show is a great success, especially with the young. The poet allies himself with two students, aspiring playwrights Hamid and Belkacem, to fight for the freedom and culture of Algerian youth.
The Sun Assassinated
The poet Jean Sénac is also a radio presenter. A Pied-noir, he opted to stay in Algeria after the country achieved independence in 1962. Ten years later he is monitored by the police of the present regime. His poems have a large public following and his radio show is a great success, especially with the young. The poet allies himself with two students, aspiring playwrights Hamid and Belkacem, to fight for the freedom and culture of Algerian youth.
7명의 젊은이는 그 끓어오르는 열정을 빌딩을 타는 것으로 분출하고 있었고, 어린 소년들은 경찰들을 비웃기라도 하듯 사라지는 그 모임 ‘야마카시’를 영웅시하고 있다. 그러던 중 자신들을 영웅으로 생각하는 한 소년이 그 모습을 따라하다가 부상을 입는데, 전부터 소년은 수술을 받아야 할만큼 심한 심장질환을 앓고 있었다. 급기야 미루던 수술을 그 사고로 인해 받아야 하는 상황이 오고, 의사는 40만프랑이라는 거금을 요구한다. 야마카시는 자신들의 책임을 통감하고 수술비를 마련하러 나서는데... (윤병일, stories2@hitel.net 글) 줄거리 2. 파리의 뒷골목.. 다양한 직업을 갖고 있는 7명의 청소년들로 이루어진 서클 ‘야마카시’는 아무런 안전기구와 일체의 장비 없이 맨 손으로 도시의 고층빌딩과 출입이 금지된 건물 등을 타오르며 점핑, 건물 타기 등의 X-Sports를 즐기는 순수 스포츠 서클이지만 도시에 혼란을 준다는 이유로 경찰의 끝없는 추적을 받고 있다. 그렇지만 보이지 않게 사회로부터 차별 받아온 뒷골목의 아이들사이에서는 ‘야마카시’ 서클 열풍이 불게되고 그들을 영웅으로 숭배하기 시작한다. 그러던 어느 날 평소 ‘야마카시’를 존경하던 꼬마아이가 그들을 흉내내다가 나무에서 떨어지는 사고가 발생하고 응급실에 실려가지만 부패로 찌든 병원과 장기 중개업자들은 이식비용 문제로 장기증정을 거부하게 되는데.. 이를 알게 된 ‘야마카시’는 최초이자 마지막 범행을 준비한다. 바로, 일곱 명의 장기중개업자들의 집을 동시에 털기로 계획한 것.. 비록 삼엄한 경비와 최첨단 방어시설을 구축해 놓은 곳이지만 제각각 특기를 지닌 인원으로 구성된 ‘야마카시’는 평소 다듬어 놓은 실력으로 작업에 들어가는데.
Night of Destiny
Mr. Slimami is an Algerian retiree living in Paris who witnesses a murder while taking a walk one evening. He's spotted by the assailant, but Slimami manages to slip away before being caught. The victim turned out to be a prominent businessman, and police are soon searching for the witness as well as the killers. Slimami does not want to step forward, both as a matter of personal safety and because he prefers to let the French police handle their own affairs. His son Alilou, a budding journalist, openly decries the failure of the witness to come forward as a black mark on the Muslim community in Paris, unaware that the man in question is his father.
Les soeurs Hamlet
At long last, the two Hamlet sisters are allowed to go to Paris by themselves, and the discotheque they have heard about beckons. When the driver for their ride home becomes too drunk to drive, they cannot reach their mother by phone, and it is too late to take the last train back to where they live, they are stranded in town. The girls, who are themselves partly of Algerian descent, are accosted by a disreputable looking older Algerian immigrant, who tries to give them cash so that they can take a taxi back to their homes. They are afraid of him and try to get away from him. He apparently accepts this, but trails them without calling attention to himself. It is good that he does, for they soon run into real trouble, and then they find out that despite his frightening appearance, he means them well.
A Vampire in Paradise
Is Nosfer Arbi a vampire? Or is he just a very emaciated, very strange and possibly quite lonely young man from an Arabic country with an obsession with death? On the other hand, why is the previously cheery Parisian teenager Nathalie Belfond throwing fits and speaking in Arabic? Her strange behavior began with the appearance of a caped and cadaverous man outside her window. Mr. & Mrs. Belfond have their hands full trying to sort this mess out, in this extremely unusual and award-winning comedy which puts a new wrinkle on the vampire mythos.
After a conviction for theft, Merwan was expelled from France, where he had lived since the age of one, to Algeria, his country of birth. In a foreign country of which he knows neither the language nor the customs, he finds himself stripped of his belongings and on the street.
Mint Tea
A young Algerian in Paris has not been as successful as he claims in letters home, and when his mother unexpectedly arrives for a visit of several months, he is hard put to hide his circumstances -- and the fact that he has resorted to small-time criminal activity to support himself. His mother disembarks in her traditional attire, a warm-hearted woman who does not have a clue as to how this foreign society functions but also has absolutely no inhibitions about finding out, if the need arises. As the story progresses, the mother catches on to her son's circumstances though the two are still not able to confront the deception and right it. Even with a low budget, this first-time feature-length story by Bahloul Bahloul combines satire, comedy, and pathos to bring home a relationship between mother and son that transcends life's many obstacles.