Dr. Sanders
Ozzy Taylor, a charismatic high school teen, who discovers he can't control his intrusive thoughts of suicide, sets off on a life-changing shift in his destiny.
After millions of people vanish and the world falls into chaos, a charismatic leader rises to lead the UN. However, his intentions are more sinister than they appear.
Rayford "Ray" Steele
After millions of people vanish and the world falls into chaos, a charismatic leader rises to lead the UN. However, his intentions are more sinister than they appear.
Bezos chronicles the true-life story of Jeff Bezos-a humble yet awkward entrepreneur on his mission to create Amazon, the world's largest e-commerce company, and turning himself into the richest man in the world.
A band of siblings who were once robbers, thieves and killers of the west, decide to fulfill their fathers dying wish of abandoning their life of crime and pursuing the path of the holy. A post-apocalyptic Western about a divinely inspired family that must battle the most horrific forces of evil, testing their faith and evolving each one of them.
Dr. Ben Riley
하나님의 기적을 믿는 어린 소녀 ‘사라’는 호수로 낚시하러 가서 죽은 새를 발견하고 기도하는데 집으로 돌아가려 할 때 죽은 새가 살아난다. 사라는 하나님이 자신의 기도에 응답해서 새를 살린 거라고 말하지만 오빠와 그의 여자친구 ‘신디’는 그 광경을 같이 보고도 믿으려 하지 않는다. 상심한 사라는 외할아버지 ‘샘’과 단짝 친구 ‘마크’ 에게 호수에서 있었던 일을 이야기하는데, 그날 밤 사라는 심하게 앓는다. 며칠 후 오빠 축구팀의 라이벌 ‘앨비’ 일행들과 시비가 붙는 바람에 앨비의 개가 차에 치여 죽는 사고가 발생하지만 사라의 기도로 개가 다시 살아나고, 연이어 하반신 마비의 마크도 걷게 되자 어린 소녀가 하나님의 기적을 행한다는 소문이 퍼지면서 많은 사람들이 몰려들어 사라와 가족들은 혼란을 겪는데...
King Herod
어려서 가족을 잃은 남성이 도적이 되어 살아가다 예수를 만나고 십자가 위에서 회개하는 내용의 종교 영화
George Washington
From the creators who watched Airplane too many times, comes the surreal story of Bernie Sanders. This farcical tale takes us from childhood to political icon with battles against the Clintons, Drinks with AOC and weed with Ben and Jerry along the way.
Doctor Robinson
Fireman Tom Hatcher is at the end of his rope. He saves lives but couldn't save his wife from cancer. Now his daughter faces the same battle. From an unlikely friend, Tom is challenged to face grief and embrace faith in his darkest hours.
우리는 소망을 잃어버렸다. 예수의 언약을 잊어버렸다. 하지만 최근 연구를 통해 숨겨둔 언약의 비밀이 드러나게 되는데… 예수는 무엇을 약속하셨는가! 역사를 통해 드러난 충격적인 비밀이 우리의 영성을 두드린다.
Against the Tide is a travelogue, an examination of modern science, an excursion into history, an autobiography, and more. But at heart, it is the story of one man’s daring stand against the tide of contemporary atheism and its drive to relegate belief in God to society’s catalogue of dead ideas. Join the conversation between Dr. John Lennox—esteemed Oxford professor, mathematician, and philosopher of science—and veteran Hollywood actor and director Kevin Sorbo as they journey from Oxford to Jerusalem and explore the evidence on which Lennox’s Christian faith stands firm.
After moving into a run-down farmhouse with his two daughters, a skeptical author seeks to uncover a sinister past that haunts the house and terrorizes his family.
Self - Host
Climate Hustle 2 examines the scientific claims and motivations surrounding the global warming debate. The film showcases hypocrisy, financial corruption, media bias, classroom indoctrination, and political correctness.
The kids are thrilled that Bernie has come back. But so has their old enemy Winston, who's about to kidnap the talented dolphin. Kevin and Holly must rescue their splashy friend before it's too late.
Economic collapse causes widespread rioting and social unrest, leaving a lovesick 19-year-old girl struggling to care for her siblings in a stretch of woods bordered by lawless anarchy, wondering why a good God would let this happen.
A student boldly stands up for God when a Presidential candidate visits his school. The exchange goes viral challenging both to step out in faith and be the men that God has called them to be.
Winston Mills
A brother and sister who befriend a badly sunburned dolphin separated from his family and uncover a secret plan that could destroy the beach and their new friend's home. The kids must devise a clever plan to stop the bad guys, protect the sea life, and, most importantly, save their best friend, Bernie.
Bleeding Blue investigates the ongoing narrative that our police are blood-thirsty villains patrolling our communities with the purpose of exacting an almost vigilante justice against minorities. Bleeding Blue is more than a compelling and emotional documentary, it offers an opportunity to help bridge the gap between sensationalism and the truth. Bleeding Blue looks at the REAL stories of police encounters. We showcase first-hand stories from law enforcement and their families. Law-enforcement officers share their experiences, concerns, desires, and willingness to bridge the gap between the police and the communities they serve.
Vint is in a troubled marriage. After taking a road trip with his wife they are abducted leaving him for dead and his wife missing. Months later he awakens from a coma, returns home and starts to get his life back in order. Mia his young sister-in-law moves in to take care of him as he recovers. After evidence comes forth and authorities have long given up. The two team up and return to the small town where his wife was last seen. They are led down a violent rabbit-hole where they might not find out the truth behind her disappearance.
어린 아들을 잃은 이후, 신도 저버린 자신의 처지를 내세워 기독교를 신랄하게 비판하며 베스트셀러 작가로 유명세를 얻은 솔 하켄스 박사. 가족과도 떨어져 공허한 마음을 술로 채우며 살던 어느 날, 교통 사고로 마주한 죽음의 문턱에서 불행한 운명을 끌어안은 자신을 구원해줄 하나의 목소리를 듣는다. 짙은 어둠에서 피어난 믿음의 빛으로 솔 하켄스 박사는 온 세상을 밝힐 거대한 프로젝트를 계획하는데…
Dr. Sol Harkens
어린 아들을 잃은 이후, 신도 저버린 자신의 처지를 내세워 기독교를 신랄하게 비판하며 베스트셀러 작가로 유명세를 얻은 솔 하켄스 박사. 가족과도 떨어져 공허한 마음을 술로 채우며 살던 어느 날, 교통 사고로 마주한 죽음의 문턱에서 불행한 운명을 끌어안은 자신을 구원해줄 하나의 목소리를 듣는다. 짙은 어둠에서 피어난 믿음의 빛으로 솔 하켄스 박사는 온 세상을 밝힐 거대한 프로젝트를 계획하는데…
A suburban town is torn apart in the aftermath of an accidental teen drug overdose in this ensemble film exploring the mysteries of modern faith.
Kevin Sorbo
인기를 노리는 현실이 현상금 사냥꾼 분인 분을 죽이려 할 때, 분은 자신이 흥정을 하는 것 이상을 발견하게 되고 정의가 등급 이상을 의미한다는 것을 알게 됩니다.
Executive Producer
리치 왕의 좀비 군대가 세상을 황폐화시킬 때, 저주받은 젊은 마술사 (마렉)는 하느님의 무기 인 하겐 엘프 (Dagen)와 함께 하느님의 무기를 얻기 위해 탐험을 시작합니다. 그러나 그녀가 세상을 구원하려는 절망적 인 시도에서 그녀의 맹렬한 적과 합류 할 때, 그녀는 친구들이 모두 죽기 전에 스스로를 회복해야하고, 신이 파괴되고 세상이 영원히 노예가되기 전에 리치 왕을 물리쳐야합니다.
Gojun Pye
리치 왕의 좀비 군대가 세상을 황폐화시킬 때, 저주받은 젊은 마술사 (마렉)는 하느님의 무기 인 하겐 엘프 (Dagen)와 함께 하느님의 무기를 얻기 위해 탐험을 시작합니다. 그러나 그녀가 세상을 구원하려는 절망적 인 시도에서 그녀의 맹렬한 적과 합류 할 때, 그녀는 친구들이 모두 죽기 전에 스스로를 회복해야하고, 신이 파괴되고 세상이 영원히 노예가되기 전에 리치 왕을 물리쳐야합니다.
Parley Condie
실연의 상처를 잊기위해 선교사로 호주에 파견된 주인공이 호주 농구팀을 도와 올림픽에 출전하게 한다는 내용의 실화극
Lt. Morgan
When Lieutenant Morgan (Kevin Sorbo) and his armed force arrive on the scene of a church hostage situation, James (Casey Fuller) weighs his options for an escape while Elizabeth (Jenn Gotzen) makes it her mission to save his life.
When loved ones are murdered, Elijah’s beliefs are compromised as he considers revenge. But a visit with Joseph and Mary may offer a new perspective.
Executive Producer
When a team of unlikely heroes hijacks a steam-powered battle wagon, a daring young wizard (Marek) steals the final piece of the all-powerful Darkspore and embarks on a desperate quest to deliver the cursed artifact to the gods for safe keeping; but when they are caught in a death race between a ruthless team of elite mercenaries and a trinity of demons, Marek must learn to believe in herself before her friends are killed and the Darkspore is lost, to stop the evil necromancer (Szorlok) from uniting the Darkspore and flooding the living world with his legions of undead.
Gojun Pye
When a team of unlikely heroes hijacks a steam-powered battle wagon, a daring young wizard (Marek) steals the final piece of the all-powerful Darkspore and embarks on a desperate quest to deliver the cursed artifact to the gods for safe keeping; but when they are caught in a death race between a ruthless team of elite mercenaries and a trinity of demons, Marek must learn to believe in herself before her friends are killed and the Darkspore is lost, to stop the evil necromancer (Szorlok) from uniting the Darkspore and flooding the living world with his legions of undead.
Pastor Dave
From very different backgrounds, the two women bond over their shared love for their families. As the women grow closer, Maria reveals her concern for her precocious, but lonely daughter Bella, who she fears is being bullied at school. At Anna's urging, her teenage daughter Emily takes Bella under her wings. Maria's husband, Hector, loses his job, and his ability to provide for his family. He falls into despair as he's unable to find work, and turns back to drinking. When he finds Maria at the Sparrow's house, he assumes she is cleaning houses. His pride overcomes him and demands she leave with him. Anna agrees to watch Bella as Maria leaves with Hector, hoping to reason with him, make him understand how much she loves him, and that she knows he is always there for his family. As they weigh the impact on young Bella, Anna and Mike face one of the most important decisions of their lives.
Richard / Jack
Aggie, A 67 year-old Black Cajun, has just stepped into her worst nightmare. Her two granddaughters have disappeared, and the only clue she possesses is a forgotten laptop. Aware she only has a short window of time, she feels helpless to save them as her money and influence are scarce. Desperate to get her girls back, Aggie risks everything to cross paths with Richard and Lottie DuMonde, two of the wealthiest and most connected people in New Orleans. Certainly, once they hear her story, they will help. But what Aggie doesn't foresee is the dark world she's about to step into, or the dangers accompanying the rescue needed to bring her girls home.
Duke Williams
Shipped off to her American dad's ranch for the summer, a teen and her horse Lucky Lad compete for a spot at the National Youth Rodeo.
Executive Producer
매리크는 고준 파이에게 네크로맨서 훈련을 받으면서, 악의 화신 졸록이 '다크스포어'의 네 조각을 모아 세계를 지배하려고 한다는 이야기를 듣는다. 한편 매리크의 동료 테인이 도둑 길드에 납치되고, 도둑 길드의 마스터 페레거스는 테인의 몸값으로 북부 국경 지대로 가 '일리스트륨'이라는 광물을 가져오게 한다. 매리크 일행은 광산에 도착하지만 여기에 졸록의 음모가 도사리고 있었다.
Gojun Pye
매리크는 고준 파이에게 네크로맨서 훈련을 받으면서, 악의 화신 졸록이 '다크스포어'의 네 조각을 모아 세계를 지배하려고 한다는 이야기를 듣는다. 한편 매리크의 동료 테인이 도둑 길드에 납치되고, 도둑 길드의 마스터 페레거스는 테인의 몸값으로 북부 국경 지대로 가 '일리스트륨'이라는 광물을 가져오게 한다. 매리크 일행은 광산에 도착하지만 여기에 졸록의 음모가 도사리고 있었다.
Gojun Pye
1편의 승리 후 어둠의 씨앗(마법의 돌)을 팔라딘에게로 가져가려는 캐런(나탈리 드바인)은 키시쿠맨의 마수에 걸려 죽고만다. 실의에 빠진 틸라는 모든 원흉이 마렉에게 있음을 탓하게 되며 팀을 떠나게 되고, 틸라를 좋아하는 대인(전사) 역시 마렉을 탓하게 된다. 팀의 분열. 그때 마렉을 찾아온 그녀의 스승 고준(케빈 소보)은 어둠의 씨앗에 관한 전설을 알려주게 된다. 리치왕의 부활과 관련이 있는 어둠의 씨앗은 4개로 나뉘어져 있으며 4개가 모이게 되면 악의 근원 리치왕이 부활하게 된다는 것. 마렉과 일행은 캐런을 잃은 슬픔을 뒤로하고 리치왕의 부활을 막기 위한 두 번째 여행을 떠나게 된다.
Details the virtually unknown story of the Council On Foreign Relations and how this think tank is responsible for defining the U.S. globalist agenda.
Executive Producer
Basically a Christian version of Rocky
Billy Jack Taylor
Basically a Christian version of Rocky
J. Frank Dalton
작은 마을이 무법자 무리들에 의해 장악되자. 시장은 그들이 갱단의 우두머리인 악당 호이트 킬리언 일당이라는 것을 알게 된다. 마을의 보안관은 유명한 무법자 제시 제임스를 고용하여 그 갱단에 침투시키고 그들의 사악한 계획을 자체적으로 멈추게 하려는데...
After a high school boy learns that his father committed suicide, he begins a journey to find hope and reconciliation in the midst of his grief.
Roy Roper
Men and boys learn together what it takes to be a man.
Loss and heartbreak challenges one man to forgive the unforgivable.
Amy, an attractive woman, confuses love with money and becomes a victim of the materialistic lifestyle of South Beach. Her relationship with Nick, a down-to-earth, young architect is great, but Amy has dreams that he can't fulfill and afford. In her search for glamour and a dancing career, Amy meets Sam, an older, married man. Even though Sam provides her with the luxurious lifestyle, she begins to feel a void for love and attention. Unwilling to let go of Sam's financial support, Amy becomes involved in another relationship with Robert, who grows suspicious. Amy soon discovers that life in South Beach, not everything is as good as it looks.
Amy, an attractive woman, confuses love with money and becomes a victim of the materialistic lifestyle of South Beach. Her relationship with Nick, a down-to-earth, young architect is great, but Amy has dreams that he can't fulfill and afford. In her search for glamour and a dancing career, Amy meets Sam, an older, married man. Even though Sam provides her with the luxurious lifestyle, she begins to feel a void for love and attention. Unwilling to let go of Sam's financial support, Amy becomes involved in another relationship with Robert, who grows suspicious. Amy soon discovers that life in South Beach, not everything is as good as it looks.
Pastor Matthews
Confessions of a Prodigal Son is a modern-day retelling of the Prodigal Son story that Jesus famously told.
In a reality show that’s too real, the contestants are dying. Now only one will survive… Beyond The Game! Kill or be Killed! Beyond the Game has contestants believing they are part of a reality show, but in reality, they are forced to fight to survive.
Gojun Pye
한적한 마을. 오우거 무리가 나타나 마을을 공격하기 시작한다. 마을의 장로는 숨겨진 곳에서 이상한 돌을 꺼내 틸라로 하여금 성 언덕의 팔라딘에게 전해주라는 말을 하고는 오우거들에게 죽고 만다. 하지만 틸라에게 돌을 전해주려던 캐런마저 우우거 무리에게 붙잡히고, 틸라는 캐런과 돌을 구하기 위해 마을의 해머해드 여관을 찾아가 오우거 무리와 맞써 싸울 파티원들을 구하려 한다. 한편 아랫마을의 마렉은 노예의 신분으로 한 쪽 다리마저 불편한 장애를 갖고 있다. 어느날 마렉의 주인은 그녀로 하여금 윗마을의 마법사에 돈을 가져오라 시킨다. 돈을 구하러 가기전 자신의 마법 스승을 찾아간 마렉. 스승에게 자신을 사서 마법을 알려달라는 그녀에게 스승은 해머해드 여관에 길이 있을 것이란 말만 남기고 그녀 곁을 떠난다. 하는 수 없이 돈을 구하러 간 마렉은 돌아오는 길에 도적에게 돈을 빼앗기고, 설상가상으로 마을 경비대에게 통금시간을 어긴 죄로 붙잡히고 만다. 돈도 없이 경비대와 함께 돌아온 마렉에게 주인은 매를 가하기 시작했고, 그 순간 마렉의 얼굴이 변하며 주인에게 흑마술을 써 주인을 죽게 하고 만다. 그 사건으로 마을에서 살 수 없게 된 마렉은, 스승의 말대로 해머해드 여관을 찾았다가 그곳에서 파티원을 구하는 틸라를 만나게 되는데...
When a young coffee shop owner is threatened with repossession she must take a chance with life and love as she fights to save her business.
Commander Gibson
When Kyle Matthews, an elite Sniper from the World Defense Force, is trapped in enemy territory - his skills are put to the test as he attempts to survive against a whole armada of Cerulean soldiers, Hell bent on wiping all humans from existence. But when a beautiful Cerulean woman is shot and left for dead by her own kind, Kyle must chose between his own life and the life of one of the very beings he is out to kill.
평화롭던 지구는 정체를 알 수 없는 공격을 당해 반쯤 폐허가 된다. 살아남은 자들은 울타리를 치고 그들만의 규칙 아래서 살아가거나, 아예 무질서한 환경에서 약탈을 일삼으며 지낸다. 그러던 어느 날 목자라는 자가 나타나 기적을 일으키고 국경 지대 사람들을 거느린다는 소문이 퍼진다. 국경 지대를 통솔하는 애브너 드레이크는 목자를 잡기 위해 방법을 꾀하고, 마침 북쪽에서 전설의 블랙 라이더로 통하던 조쉬 맥매너스가 드레이크의 구역에 들어오게 된다. 드레이크는 그와 함께 있던 소피아를 인질로 삼고, 블랙 라이더에게 목자를 잡아올 것을 명령하는데…
Uncover one of the greatest and darkest deceptions of our time - the conspiracy to cover up the Church's true identity.
Captain Hunter
생존 가능한 행성을 찾아 온 인류가 우주선 생활을 한지 40년 만에 웜홀을 통해 마지막 희망이 될 작은 행성을 발견한다. 위험을 무릅쓰고 낯선 행성으로 떠나는 케이트와 동료들. 하지만 그 행성에는 난폭한 원주민들과 괴물들이 살고 있다. 그들의 위협에 대항하며 조사를 계속하던 중 케이트는 이 행성이 시간의 터널을 뛰어 넘은 수백 년 후의 지구라는 충격적인 사실을 알게 된다! 이제 인류의 희망은 단 하나. 그들은 인류 재건이라는 중대한 사명을 위해 거대한 우주 전쟁을 시작하게 된다.
Mayor Scott Burman
Great white sharks bio-engineered to be the size of piranhas with the purpose of living in rich peoples exotic aquariums, terrorize New York City when they get into the water supply and do what great white sharks do best.
Professor Radisson
대학 신입생 ‘조쉬 휘튼(쉐인 하퍼)’은 고집스러운 무신론자 철학 교수 ‘제프리 래디슨(케빈 소보)’으로부터 수업 시작 전 종이에 “신은 죽었다”라고 쓰라는 강요를 받는다. 주님의 존재를 부정할 수 없는 ‘조쉬’는 홀로 그의 요구에 반론을 제기한다. 자신의 자존심을 건드려 단단히 화가 난 ‘래디슨’ 교수는 ‘조쉬’에게 ‘신’이 존재함을 증명하여 학생들과 자신의 마음을 바꿔보라는 과제를 내주며, 만약 증명하지 못할 경우 낙제를 시킬 것이라고 선언하는데... 과연 ‘조쉬’는 교수와 학생들 앞에서 그의 믿음을 증명할 수 있을까?
Curtis Hanighan
During spring break, Nathan Hanighan returns home with a ring for his high school sweetheart only to find she had fallen for his best friend. Heartbroken, he moves to Angler Island but circumstances force Nathan to return to Shelton Harbor. Living with his grandmother, Hanighan begins falling for his grandmother’s caregiver Miranda his former best friend’s sister.
A debate rages over the credibility of the Bible. Most archaeologists today have concluded that there's no evidence that the Exodus of Israelite slaves from Egypt ever happened. Filmmaker Timothy Mahoney faces a crisis of faith: "Is this foundation event of the Bible really just a myth?" He embarks on a 12-year journey around the world to search for answers. Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus unlocks the mystery of this ancient saga, combining a scientific investigation with a retelling of the Exodus story to reveal an amazing pattern of evidence matching the biblical account that may challenge our understanding of history. It features stunning animations, narration by Kevin Sorbo (God's not dead, Hercules: The Legendary Journey), interviews with leading archaeologists such as Israel Finkelstein, Kent Weeks, and David Rohl, and guest appearances by Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu and Shimon Peres.
Executive Producer
Alongside Night is the story of the final economic collapse of the United States as seen through the eyes of 16-year-old Elliot Vreeland, searching for his missing Nobel-laureate-economist father, and the mysterious teenage "Lorimer" whom Elliot meets in a black-market underground, whose own father might be the reason Elliot's father is missing.
Dr. Martin Vreeland
Alongside Night is the story of the final economic collapse of the United States as seen through the eyes of 16-year-old Elliot Vreeland, searching for his missing Nobel-laureate-economist father, and the mysterious teenage "Lorimer" whom Elliot meets in a black-market underground, whose own father might be the reason Elliot's father is missing.
Sam Fielding
When her father is put into jail, the spoiled teenager Dani loses everything. Forced to live with her uncle Sam on a farm without horses to ride and to train a sad Dani takes care of a young mule and learns what really counts.
가족 모두 크리스마스를 맞이해 할머니 댁에 놀러가지만, ‘본’은 어린 강아지 콜럼버스의 말썽을 오해받으며 행동교정을 위해 보호소에 맡겨진다. 본은 그곳에서 빈집을 터는 도둑들의 얘기를 듣고 아침에 집에 찾아왔던 우체부를 떠올리고 그들이 도둑임을 직감한다. 친구 개들의 도움을 받아 보호소에서 탈출해 집으로 들어간 본은 똑똑한 머리로 온갖 함정을 만들어 도둑들을 골탕 먹이고 물건을 훔쳐가지 못하게 방해하는데... 충직한 개 ‘본’은 작전에 성공해 집을 지킬 수 있을까?
Nathan Davis
While working on a class assignment to write a paper on “My Impossible Christmas Wish,” Olivia Mead quickly takes note of unusual happenings. As her wishes come true, she is convinced the miracles are linked to a mysterious woman she believes is an angel.
Security Guard
A man, long haunted by the paranormal, captures on camera the horror and hilarity he and his beautiful girlfriend encounter after moving into a new home.
Ray Eastman
Wes Rawlins is considered one of the best bounty hunters in the West. His life changes when he finds out that his mother is dead and the man responsible is still at large. Wes believes that his long lost father Ray Eastman is responsible and sets out to find him seeking revenge...
To celebrate New Year's Eve, Eric does his talk show live in front of a studio audience.
Captain Dan Fanning
In danger of losing his badge, a big city detective agrees to aid a small town sheriff in a routine missing persons investigation only to discover that at least one girl has gone missing in this sleepy fishing town each year for the last twenty years. When a body finally emerges on the lake and suspects literally crawl out of the hills, the two lawmen realize they’re being toyed with and to make things worse, the killer seems to have set his eyes on a group of sorority girls who are not only isolated by the lake, but have their own nefarious plans in mind. Outnumbered and out of options, the two lawmen must solve the mystery of the missing girls or suffer the same fate.
Leaving his small-town roots to start a new life, Mitch meets the beautiful and seductive Amy at a happy hour and begins a tantalizing romance. Before long, Mitch learns that nothing is as it appears and, unable to trust anyone, finds himself on a nightmarish roller coaster ride, accused of murder and running from the law and a mysterious stranger out to kill him. Surviving by quick thinking and his wits, Mitch must confront both his past and present and find a solution before time runs out!
Executive Producer
Chronicles the adventures of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, as he rides a "wheelchair of death" to stop the world from being taking over by polio-carrying werewolves during WWII. A deadly menace that are led by Werewolf Hitler, Mussolini and Emperor Hirohito.
Abe Lincoln
Chronicles the adventures of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, as he rides a "wheelchair of death" to stop the world from being taking over by polio-carrying werewolves during WWII. A deadly menace that are led by Werewolf Hitler, Mussolini and Emperor Hirohito.
Seth McArdle (Samuel Davis) is a high school senior with an especially full plate. Not only must he navigate the usual social and academic pitfalls of high school, but he has to contend with his young twin sisters, serving as de facto parent in the absence of his deceased mother and deadbeat father. The pressure mounts when the bank calls with a foreclosure warning, and Seth's frustrations spill over into various altercations with the school football team. An exasperated coach exiles Seth to work after school with Abel the eccentric groundskeeper (Kevin Sorbo). Their relationship starts off cold and rocky, but as the two spend more time together, they realize they have more in common than either thought. The downside: it's pretty much pain and sadness that they share. The upside: God loves them.
Vastly different people collide as a mysterious black box shows the owner what he most desires, but payback comes in the form of an immortal assassin.
Detective Gullickson
When a detective finds himself in the snarls of an Internal Affairs investigation, he has to turn to the only person he can trust, a young girl who holds all the answers he needs. The only problem is that she's been reported missing and he's the main suspect.
Sean Justice
Awakening from a deep sleep in the pitch black Sean Justice feels around him and realises that he is in a small wooden box and beside him lays his unconscious girlfriend. With only two hours of air time remaining a ransom demand is made of $500,000 dollars in cash for the location of their wooden prison.
The Stranger
줄리아는 인터넷 채팅에서 만난 로맨틱한 감성의 한 남성에게 이끌려 핑크빛 사랑을 꿈꾼다. 하지만 그녀를 기다리고 있는 건 핑크빛 사랑이 아닌 검홍색 피비린내다. 이 남자는 온 나라를 떠들썩하게 했던 희대의 사이코패스 연쇄살인마였던 것. 이내 줄리아는 이 남자에게 납치된다. 그리고 죽음의 문턱으로 쉴 새 없이 달려간다. 하지만 파국으로 치닫던 이 영화는 여동생 제시카가 나타나 언니를 구출하며 예측할 수 없는 엔딩으로 꼬여만 가는데..
In this unearthed lost movie from 1990 that the studio deemed too terrible to release, a Vietnam Veteran Sal Bando(Sorbo), tortured by his past as a Poolboy returns home to Van Nuys, California, and a country he doesn't recognize, in which it seems only Mexicans run pool-cleaning companies. Bando sets off on a brutal mission to reclaim his "rightful" vocation and enact revenge on the man(Trejo) who killed his wife and son.
On a remote U.S. Army facility a group of scientists vanish while conducting experiments with a top secret weapon. An elite covert ops team commanded by Lt. Tyler (Kevin Sorbo) is sent on a rescue mission that quickly turns deadly. With time running out and the death count rising, Tyler's team must hunt and destroy a predator unlike any they have ever encountered or become its next victim.
Holt Blanchard
하와이 카우아이에서 태어난 베서니는 서핑을 즐기는 부모의 영향으로 매일 바다에서 놀고, 바다에서 배우며 성장해 간다. 걸음마보다 서핑을 더 먼저 배운 그녀에게 서핑은 최고의 스포츠이자 친구였으며, 프로서퍼가 되는 것은 그녀의 꿈이었다. 13살이 되던 해, 하와이 주 결선 서핑대회에 출전한 베서니는 1위로 예선을 통과한다. 그러나 친한 친구 알리사의 가족과 함께 서핑을 나갔다가 상어의 공격으로 한쪽 팔을 잃는 사고를 당한다. 의사가 ‘살아있는 기적’이라고 표현할 만큼 구사일생으로 살아남은 베서니는 연일 언론의 관심을 받지만 그녀는 현실이 힘들기만 하다. 가족과 친구들의 사랑의 힘으로 다시 서핑을 시작하지만 베서니는 파도를 이기지 못하고 포기하고 만다. 좌절했던 베서니는 태국에 쓰나미 현장에 봉사 활동을 나가고 그곳에서 많은 것을 깨닫는다. 다시 서핑을 시작한 베서니는 주 결선 대회에 참가하고 다시 한번 파도에 몸을 싣는데...
Drake Hunter
Drake Hunter, the president of Hunter Marketing, has the perfect plan to boost sales for his father's toy company over the holiday season--hire department store Santas to promote his father's merchandise. When the real Santa Claus turns Drake into a Santa lookalike, Drake finds himself working as a dress-up Kris Kringle to make ends meet. Stripped of power and position, Drake discovers the importance of honesty, compassion, and respect as he helps an unprivileged girl enjoy the magic of Christmas. Stars Kevin Sorbo.
Executive Producer
From the very nature of truth to how our world began, from morality to religion, from population control to political correctness, from Israel to Islam, from atheism to God... our entire world runs on what we believe.
Himself - Host
From the very nature of truth to how our world began, from morality to religion, from population control to political correctness, from Israel to Islam, from atheism to God... our entire world runs on what we believe.
Ben Walker
목사의 길을 뿌리치고 지금은 높은 연봉의 사회인이 된 벤 워커(케빈 소보 분). 어느 날 천사가 찾아와 그의 지난 선택을 보여준다.
A princess is on a quest to unite the five greatest warriors to save her kingdom from a demon sorceress.
Things haven't been going well for Steve 'The Wog Boy' Karamitsis. His one true love—a '69 Valiant Pacer—and all his assets have just been seized by Federal Police because he trusted the shady Tony the Yugoslav, and Steve's best mate Frank has lost his touch with the ladies after a messy divorce. But fortune favours the 'Wog' when Steve discovers that he's inherited a beach on the Greek resort island of Mykonos from an uncle he never met—a beach worth millions.
Det. Sean Nault
Homicide detective Sean Nault is a cop on a parallel Earth whose technology is powered exclusively by magic. Sean investigates a baffling series of murders committed by a means he's never seen before: science. With the aid of Lenoir, a member of the ridiculed subculture of "pragmatists" who believe science is more than the stuff of myths & children's stories, and the 130-year-old sorcerer Winston Churchill, Sean uncovers an ominous plot that will lead him to another dimension and the realization that, unless he prevents it, both earths could well be destroyed.
Sheriff Bradley
A rural sheriff (Kevin Sorbo) faces a seemingly impossible battle when he is forced to defend his small town from a demon riding bolts of lightning and causing mayhem.
Dodge Daviss
Tommy Braxxton's father went away to war and never returned leaving Tommy faced with the daunting journey of becoming a man and the responsibility of supporting his single mom and sister. Along the way Tommy finds an unusual friend - a mule...that talks! Driven by the possibility of winning money to help save his family's farm Tommy ignores the insults hurled at him by the older kids and trains on his new mule friend Jackie A. for the big county stock show. Going against all odds Tommy and Jackie A. triumph over the older kids on horses in a spectacular show of resolve and determination.
Mr. Phoenix
각자의 특별한 과거를 가진 3명의 매력적이고 섹시한 여성 ‘헬’, ‘카메로’, ‘트리시’가 탄 차량이 사막 한가운데 멈춰 선다. 이들은 차의 트렁크에서 ‘게이지’라는 인물을 끌어내 고문하며 그에게 다이아몬드가 숨겨진 곳의 위치를 말하라고 강요한다. 이들이 찾고 있는 물건은 바로 전설적인 킬러 ‘핑키’ 소유의 300만 달러 이상의 가치를 지닌 다이아몬드 원석. 하지만 다혈질 ‘카메로’가 흥분한 나머지 ‘게이지’의 머리에 총을 쏴 죽이면서 황량한 사막 한가운데서 300만 달러짜리 다이아몬드 원석을 찾는 일은 간단치 않아지는데...
Executive Producer
Digging at a nearby cave, a careless industrialist unearths a vein of pure base Lithium and inadvertently brings it to the surface, where the Lithium combusts when coming into contact with water and begins to wreak havoc on the country side.
Jake Denning
Digging at a nearby cave, a careless industrialist unearths a vein of pure base Lithium and inadvertently brings it to the surface, where the Lithium combusts when coming into contact with water and begins to wreak havoc on the country side.
George Mulrooney
찰스 디킨스의 소설 '크리스마스 캐럴'을 패러디했다. 마이클 무어를 본뜬 영화감독 마이클 멀론이 좌파 활동을 회개하고 우파로 거듭난다는 줄거리.
Redd Tucker
Jared Martin moves next door to the Hansetts, along with his hot motorcycle and eerie, ill-tempered dog. Although everyone else in the neighborhood takes an instant liking to him, Loren Hansett can't get over the bad vibes her new neighbor gives her. She starts to spy on his nocturnal activities and comes to believe that a recent killing might the work of a werewolf who happens to be her new neighbor. Her internet surfing provides a lot of collaborative detail but everyone but her friend Steven dismiss her story as teen-aged fantasy. Fearing for her life, she convinces Steven to take her to a gun shop to buy silver bullets in a gun shop, where their neighbor's supernatural dog attacks. When she dispatches the beast, her actions get the attention of Redd Tucker, a washed-up TV hunting show host to believe her as well. When Steven is attacked by the werewolf and Loren's brother goes missing, she and Redd team up to kill the lycanthrope before he can finish them both off.
Sheriff Preston Biggs
A group of women contracted a strange fever and a former sheriff is responsible for taking them to the hospital in the nearest town, but in their way they will encounter a gang of murderers. His only hope is a woman whose beauty is matched only by his skill with weapons.
영화 300을 바탕으로 패러디한 영화로 '해피피트', '나는 전설이다', '스파이더맨 3' 등 10여편의 영화도 함께 패러디했다.
Father Douglas Middleton
When a mysterious black slime oozes up from the plumbing to infiltrate a new conference center, it causes attendees at an environmental convention who come in contact with it to have horrific hallucinations and nightmarish visions of past tragedies. Environmentalist priest Father Douglas Middleton must team up with conference coordinator Khali Spence to stop the slime -- or die trying.
Nick Prescott
내 생애 마지막 임무가 될 것이다! 닉은 마을에서 모리스 일당을 물리치고 평화를 가져온다. 보안관 직을 은퇴하고 FBI 요원 케이트와 딸 사만다와 평화롭게 조용히 살기 위해 달라스로 향한다. 그런 어느 날 마약 조직의 증인을 보호하던 케이트의 수사팀이 전멸하고 케이트는 총상으로 혼수상태에 빠지게 된다. 살아 남은 케이트마저 제거하려는 킬러들의 습격에 닉은 혼자 맞선다. 대의 명분이 아닌 사랑하는 사람들을 지키기 위하여 닉은 거대한 범죄 조직, 부패한 경찰들과 결전을 벌이게 되는데...
A preacher becomes a bounty hunter after a group of refugees seeking shelter in his church is murdered by a gang of ruthless outlaws.
Nick Prescott
텍사스의 조용한 마을 ‘분’지역에 30년간 성실히 보안관으로 근무해온 프레스콧은 최근 마을에 터지는 연이은 사건사고를 조사중이다. 유력한 용의자 하비는 3주 뒤 있을 지역 계획 발표를 미리 알고 땅을 사모으는 중인데, 대대로 그 지역에 살던 주민들이 땅을 팔지 않는 상황. 그러자 최근 그 주민들을 대상으로 한 사고가 계속 발생하고 있는 것이다. 모든 것이 하비의 짓이라는 것을 알지만 증거가 없어 체포하지 못하고 있는 상태이다. 결국 프레스콧이 거슬린 하비는 화재사건을 조작해 그를 살해하고, 프레스콧의 아들 닉은 아버지의 죽음에 의문을 품고 사건에 뛰어드는데...
Chance Coulter
After uncovering evidence that her stepfather was murdered by her D.A. ex-husband and a ring of corrupt cops, a young woman is forced to flee with her daughter. She winds up hiding in a small, rural town, and things take a turn for the better when she falls head over heels for a local ranch owner -- but is danger still hot on her tail? Stay tuned!
Father Dan
Despite what he says, Adam is not "fine". The summer before freshman year should be a time full of possibilities, but Adam struggles with family tragedy, everyday teenage growing pains, and the very real threat of high school hazing. Fortunately, Adam finds allies (some likely, some unlikely) who help him repair his heartache as well as his ailing relationship with his father. Set in a small, Southern California beach town, Adam discovers the inner strength one can find with the support of a community. His story is proof of the notion that with the help of family and friends, you can always find your way back home.
Mighty Zeus brings Hercules' mother, Alcmene, to Mount Olympus, and Hercules, believing she has been kidnapped, leads a rescue mission to save her. Zeus' jealous wife, Hera, decides that it should now be her time to rule the universe. Hera steals the Chronos Stone, source of the God's power, and unleashes the four Titans from their eons of imprisonment. With these angry behemoths on the loose, only the combined forces of Hercules and Xena, together with their trusty sidekicks Iolaus and Gabrielle, can save Mount Olympus.
신과 인간의 세계가 구분되지 않은 시대. 힘과 용기를 갖춘 청년 칼(Kull: 케빈 소르보 분)은 발루시아 왕국의 탈리가로 장군(Taligaro: 토마스 이안 그리피스 분) 휘하 군인이 되기 위해 시험을 치룬다. 하지만 탈리가로의 뛰어난 검술 앞에서 실력조차 발휘해 보지 못하고 놀림거리가 되고 만다. 이 때 발루시아의 국왕이 반역을 꾀하려 한다는 의심으로 신하들을 무자비하게 죽이고 있다는 전갈을 받은 탈리가로는 왕궁으로 달려간다. 왕궁까지 탈리가로를 따라온 칼은 우연히 탈리가로를 죽이려는 왕을 말리다가 왕과 결투를 하게 된다. 결국 칼은 왕을 죽이게 되고 탈리가로는 자신이 왕위 계승자라고 주장한다. 그러나 아직 숨이 끊어지지 않은 왕은 칼에게 왕위를 넘기고 숨을 거둔다. 갑자기 왕위에 오른 칼은 귀족들의 질시와 암투의 대상이 된다. 특히 탈리가로와 그의 사촌, 그리고 은둔생활을 하던 또 다른 왕위 계승자까지 나타나 그를 살해하려는 음모를 꾸민다. 이들은 발루시아 이전의 국가인 아케론 왕국의 전설적인 아키바샤 여왕(Akivasha: 티아 카레레 분)을 부활시켜 칼을 죽이기로 한다. 탈리가로 일당의 도움으로 3000년간의 잠에서 깨어난 악의 여신 아키바샤는 19세의 매력적인 여인으로 부활한다. 새로운 왕 칼의 왕비를 간택하는 날 아키바샤는 주술과 뇌쇄적인 아름다움으로 칼을 사로잡고, 왕비가 되는데 성공한다. 그런데 결혼식 다음날 칼은 아키바샤에 의해 싸늘한 시신으로 백성들 앞에 나타난다. 아키바샤는 생전에 칼이 관심을 갖고 있던 궁중노예인 자레타(Zareta: 카리라 롬바드 분)에게 죄를 뒤집어 씌운다.
Members of the audience fight against stage performers set to a specially created Xena/Hercules movie.
Hercules has settled down with his wife and children, but misses the good old days traveling around having exciting adventures. Then one day he is persuaded out of his farming "retirement" to help a distant village which is being attacked by an unseen monster. "Hercules in the Maze of the Minotaur" is the fifth out of five made for TV movies that spawned the series "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys".
When villagers begin disappearing it is discovered that they had fallen through a crack in the earth which goes straight to Hades. Hercules once again comes to the rescue and faces one of his most difficult challenges, and must prove himself as a man as well as a god. "Hercules in the Underworld" is the fourth made for TV movie in the series Hercules: The Legendary Journeys.
When all the earth's fire begins to go out, Hercules and Deianeira must go in search for fire to stop the world from cold. "Hercules and the Circle of Fire" is the third movie-length pilot episode of the television series "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys".
Hercules comes to the aid of a young woman who is seeking the lost city of Troy. Eventually, Hercules leads her to a camp of refugees from the city, which has been taken over by Hera's Blue Priests. Hercules helps the refugees take back the city. "Hercules and the Lost Kingdom" is the second movie-length pilot episode of the television series "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys".
Hercules and Iolaus take time out from Iolaus' wedding preparations, to help a distant village under attack from "monsters". When they reach their destination, they find the monsters are in fact Amazonian women who are controlled by Hera. "Hercules and the Amazon Women" is the first movie-length pilot episode of the television series "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys".
John Willison
A seasoned FBI Agent's child-genius son assists him on catching a child-killer, a schizophrenic mohab nut who believes he's been chosen by god to be a new Noah.
Dr. Thaddeus Kocinski
Medical drama about a killer virus on the loose in Los Angeles.
A dark, gritty, dystopian, western action martial arts film featuring a strong 'no-holds-barred' female protagonist portrayed by action film star Cynthia Rothrock. The plot centers around a sheriff’s sister who seeks revenge against the terrifying leader of a group of outlaws after discovering he brutally murdered her brother, his wife, and other family members in a gritty southwestern town.
A father, businessman and secret doomsday prepper escorts people to the safety of his bunker – actually an underground house – when a massive and potentially deadly fog descends and cuts the power at his home.
Guard Captain Baldur
In the medieval world of Veroka, monsters and demons alike roam and terrorize humankind. The Bone Devil has plagued the Kingdom of Remény for years. After a group of trackers fails to kill the creature, King Samuel decides to bring in an elite group of monster hunters. These hunters must use every skill they have obtained from around the globe to destroy this ancient evil. Will they be enough, or will the Bone Devil continue its reign of terror?
Executive Producer
After the mysterious disappearance of her father, a traumatized Michelle ran away, vowing never to return to Crowing Lakes. Years later, news arrives that the estranged mother of her ex-boyfriend (Chad) has suffered a similar fate. Michelle's friends convince her to return home to support Chad, and finally face the fears that have been haunting her for years. The group heads to Crowing Lakes for the weekend, unaware that the unexplained disappearance is not an isolated incident. A local DNR officer befriends the group, while desperately trying to solve the odd occurrences to prevent more locals from moving away in a struggle to keep the resort town afloat. All seems to be going better than expected, until things take a deadly turn and their friends begin to disappear, one by one. Their frantic search for a reasonable explanation brings them face-to-face with the horrifying secret that Crowing Lakes has kept for more than half a century.