Franco Fraticelli

참여 작품

모니카 벨루치의 줄리아
모니카 벨루치의 꽃을 피운 비장의 작품! 이 맨션의 거주자들은 난폭하다. 새해를 맞이하기 전날, 로마의 한 맨션 거주자들의 광란을 묘사한 영화. 모니카 벨루치의 파격 누드와 음모노출!!
A che punto è la notte
In Turin, a fanatic priest dies falling from the pulpit, killed by the explosion of a candle. A second assassination, that of a Carabinieri Marshal, complicates the investigation - but before he died, the Marshal managed to wrote down the word "Topos". Commissioner Santamaria now has to unravel the problem.
Package, Double Package and Counterpackage
The Wicked
At the beginning of the 20th century, a junior resident takes an interest in a newly-arrived patient, a young Italian woman who has mysteriously developed schizophrenia. To identify the causes of her condition, he employs psychoanalytic methods to dig into her sexual past, despite objections by the old-fashioned chief physician.
데몬스 4
미국 캘리포니아주 남부, 데몬이라는 사나이가 히피촌에 찾아온다. 그는 밤이 되자 어린 아이들과 젊은 여자들을 제물로 바치는 의식을 거행한다. 그리고 이런 사건들이 전세계에 걸쳐 일어난다. 오랫동안 ‘사탄’을 연구한 조나단 박사는 사탄의 소행이라고 주장한다. 많은 사건을 지켜 본 미리엄은 죽은 노인의 수첩을 발견한다. 그리고 수첩 속에서 숨겨진 하수구의 지도를 발견한다. 미리엄은 지하도에서 자신이 악령에 선택된 인물임을 발견하는데…. 스파게티 호러’의 대가 다리오 아리젠토가 제작한 작품이다. 마이클 소아비 감독은 아리젠토의 영향을 받아 빠르면서도 숨가쁜 공포영화의 재미를 선사하고 있다. 그는 걸작 '아쿠아리스'로 아보리아즈 국제영화제 최우수 공포영화상을 수상한 바 있다. 1990년에 만들어진 이 작품은 걸작은 아니지만 숨겨진 공포영화의 묘미를 만끽할 수 있는 작품이다. 원제는 ‘악마의 딸’이다.
데몬스 3
서기 1150년 중세의 북이탈리아에서 늙은 수도승이 동굴로 기사단을 안내하게 된다. 그곳은 병이 들끓고 악마를 숭배하는 사교집안이 무리를 지어있는 곳이다. 기사단에 의해 학살이 자행되고 사건의 전모를 목격한 한 소녀만이 살아남게 된다. 상서목을 작성하기 위해 신임 사제인 에반이 오게 된다. 에반은 소녀인 룻데를 만나게 되고 이후 대성당을 둘러싸고 공포스러운 일들이 연이어 벌어지게 되는데...
의혹의 침입자
젊은 오페라 가수 베티는 베르디의 오페라 맥베스 공연에서 주역을 맡기로 되어 있던 가수가 교통 사고를 당하면서 단순간에 커다란 기회를 얻게 된다. 그녀는 이 불길한 행운을 거머주지만 그때부터 베티는 정신이상 살인마의 표적이 되고 만다. 발견된 피해자의 눈 아래 바늘을 붙이는 광적인 살인 행각이 연쇄적으로 벌어지고, 오페라 공연이 절정으로 치달으면서 그의 정체가 드러나는데.
Sweets from a Stranger
A serial killer is terrifying the prostitutes in a big Italian city. After few barbaric murdering four prostitutes Lena, Angela, Nadine and Stella decide to unify and try to self-defend themselves. The police and all the other prostitutes agree with the four and the hunting is open. Who is the cruel killer?
On a hot summer night, Raffaele, the elderly manager of a Neapolitan counter-lot, is brutally strangled in his own accommodation.
데몬스 2
{세계를 위협할 악령의 예언이 실현되었다. 영화를 보던 관객들이 피에 굶주린 악령으로 변하는 피의 제전은 계속되었다. 공포의 순간이 닥쳐서야 악령의 존재는 확인되는데.} 어느 고급아파트에 파티가 열리고, TV에는 전편의 그 영화가 상영된다. 영화 속 악령이 TV 밖으로 나오는 일이 벌어지면서 첫 희생자가 생기고, 이어 아파트 사람들이 또다시 하나 둘 악령으로 변해간다.
Era una notte buia e tempestosa...
Three young people sharing a flat become friends.
My Friends Act III
This time the "amici" (friends) are just four: Necchi, Meandri, Mascetti and Sassaroli. Nevertheless they are older they still love to spend their time mainly organizing irresistible jokes to everyone in every kind of situation. Mascetti is hospitalized in a geriatric clinic. Of course the place become immediately the main stage for all their jokes. After some jokes they decided to place an ultimate incredible and farcical joke to the clinic guests.
Mamma Ebe
Based on the story of the woman recently brought to trial on charges of moral plagiarism and witchcraft.
Supervising Sound Editor
유명한 영화 배우 폴 콜비노의 딸인 제니퍼(Jennifer Corvino: 제니퍼 코넬리 분)가 뉴욕에서 스위스의 취리히 공항에 도착, 가정 교사인 부룩크너(Mrs. Bruckner: 다리아 니콜로디 분)와 함께 리하르트 바그너 국제 여학교 기숙사로 향한다. 제니퍼는 곤충과 대화할 수 있는 특이한 능력을 가진 소녀였다. 한편 경찰은 연이어 일어나는 살인 사건으로 고민하던 중 유명한 곤충학자 맥그레거 박사(Professor John McGregor: 도널드 프레즌스 분)에게 보이고 도움을 청한다. 그는 시체의 머리에서 발견되는 파리가 범인을 찾아 낼 거라는 막연한 확신을 갖고 제니퍼의 초능력에 깊은 관심을 보인다. 제니퍼는 어느 날 밤 반딧불의 인도를 받아 사건의 단서인 장갑을 발견하는데, 장갑에서 파리 유충을 발견한다. 맥그레거 박사는 그 유충이 시체에만 자생하는 것을 제니퍼에게 알려준다.
유명한 영화 배우 폴 콜비노의 딸인 제니퍼(Jennifer Corvino: 제니퍼 코넬리 분)가 뉴욕에서 스위스의 취리히 공항에 도착, 가정 교사인 부룩크너(Mrs. Bruckner: 다리아 니콜로디 분)와 함께 리하르트 바그너 국제 여학교 기숙사로 향한다. 제니퍼는 곤충과 대화할 수 있는 특이한 능력을 가진 소녀였다. 한편 경찰은 연이어 일어나는 살인 사건으로 고민하던 중 유명한 곤충학자 맥그레거 박사(Professor John McGregor: 도널드 프레즌스 분)에게 보이고 도움을 청한다. 그는 시체의 머리에서 발견되는 파리가 범인을 찾아 낼 거라는 막연한 확신을 갖고 제니퍼의 초능력에 깊은 관심을 보인다. 제니퍼는 어느 날 밤 반딧불의 인도를 받아 사건의 단서인 장갑을 발견하는데, 장갑에서 파리 유충을 발견한다. 맥그레거 박사는 그 유충이 시체에만 자생하는 것을 제니퍼에게 알려준다.
Mi manda Picone
Treasure of the Four Crowns
A group of adventurers are gathered together to retrieve some mystical gems which are in the possession of a deadly cult.
Heads I Win, Tails You Lose
Two back-to-back stories that deals with two "taboo" themes, the celibacy of the clergy in the episode of Renato Pozzetto and the homosexuality in the one with Nino Manfredi.
세계적인 미스테리 작가 피터 닐의 신작 ‘어둠속의 기도’의 뜻을 오해한 범인에 의해 연쇄살인이 발생한다. 타락한 인간들을 없애겠다는 범인의 예고대로 동성연예자, 매춘부 등이 끔찍하게 죽어간다. 피터는 자신의 추리로 범인을 잡아내지만 그 범인이 죽은 후에도 살인은 멈추지 않는다. 제르마니 경감이 인터폴의 도움을 받아 진범을 찾아내는데 그 진범은 다름 아닌...
Amor es... veneno, Carlota
Comin' at Ya!
A young couple's wedding ceremony is brutally interrupted when a pair of outlaw brothers arrive and massacre almost everyone in sight. They kidnap the beautiful young bride and leave her husband for dead. Luckily, he only sustains a flesh wound and quickly saddles up to track down the brothers before they sell his wife and a group of other women at an auction to a group of Mexican brothel owners.
Venetian Lies
A lonely 17 year old boy is looking for a couple who is ready to adopt him.
Fontamara is a village in the Marsica, forgotten by all but God and its inhabitants are called 'cafoni' (boors). Berardo Viola wants to marry Elvira but only after gaining enough money to buy some land and in order to reach his aim he has the idea of going to a great city. When Maria Grazia is raped by the fascists, Berardo and Antonio decide to leave Fontamara and go to Rome. Here they are swindled by a lawyer and afterwards they are invited by an antifascist to a restaurant where they are arrested by the police because of some subversive papers they had.
Cafè Express
An Italian laborer foils anyone who tries to stop him from selling espresso on the Milan-to-Naples night train.
뉴욕에 살고 있는 시인 로즈는 어느날, '세 어머니'라는 책을 보게 된다. 바렐리라는 연금술사가 쓴 이 책에 등장하는 마녀의 비밀을 이상하게 생각한 그녀는 책을 구입한 카자니안이라는 골동품 가게에 찾아가 책에 관해 묻지만 주인은 끝내 아무 말도 하지 않는다. 그녀는 누군가 자기를 부르는 환청에 이끌려 지하로 통하는 문으로 들어가고 그곳에서 물에 잠긴 신비하고 음산한 방과 끔찍한 시체를 목격한다. 로즈는 책에 관한 이상한 이야기를 '열쇠는 구두창 밑에 있다'라는 의문의 문구와 함께 이태리에 유학간 동생 마크에게 편지로 전한다. 마크는 누나의 편지를 강의실에 빠뜨리고 가고, 그의 여자 친구 새라가 편지를 전해주려고 가져갔다가 그 편지를 읽게 된다. 편지 속에서 '세 어머니'에 대한 이야기를 읽은 새라는 자신도 모르게 도서관에 가서 그 책을 찾고, 도서관 안에 있는 이상한 방에서 마법사 같은 이상한 남자에게 쫓기다 책을 빼앗긴다. 아파트 승강기에서 카를로스라는 남자를 만난 새라는 겁에 질려 함께 있어주기를 청한다. 집에서 휴식을 취하던 새라. 그러나 갑자기 정전이 되자, 어둠 속에서 불을 고치려던 카를로스와 새라는 누군가에게 참혹한 죽음을 당한다. 누나의 편지를 가지러 새라의 집으로 간 마크는 그 현장을 목격하고 누나도 위험에 처했다는 것을 감지한다. 같은 날, 뉴욕. 로즈 또한 누군가에 의해 잔인하게 살해된다. 누나를 찾아 뉴욕으로 간 마크는 아파트에 들어서자마자 알 수 없는 음산한 기운을 느낀다. 그곳에서 엘리즈라는 여인을 만난 마크는 행방불명된 누나를 찾기 위해 하나씩 단서를 쫓아간다.
Tigers in Lipstick
8 comic sketches set in Italy, with 4 of the most famous European sex symbols of the 70's playing 2 roles each.
불의 여인
가난하고 무식하지만 마음이 착하고 뜨거운 여인 티티나는 남편이 건달패인 아시카테나에게 살해당하자 오직 복수의 일념만으로 살아간다. 그러던 중 지주의 아들로 변호사겸 정치가인 스팔론은 고향으로 돌아와 주민들의 복지를 위해 일하기로 결심한다. 스팔론은 티티나를 좋아하게 되고, 아시카테나가 티티나를 해치려하자 스팔론이 나타나 구해주지만 스팔론은 이 과정에서 중상을 입는다. 티티나는 스팔론은 간호해 주면서 사랑이 움트게 된다.
The Perfect Crime
The death of a multinational company’s chairman induces the three candidates for the chairmanship to plot against one another for control of the business.
A Night Full of Rain
Lizzy, a liberated American photographer, falls for narrow-minded journalist Paolo. Then finds she can't live with him or without him.
Kleinhoff Hotel
Pascale, married to an architect, misses her flight to London and is forced to stay in Berlin, at the Kleinhoff Hotel where she stayed as a student. Karl, a would-be revolutionary lives in the adjoining room and Pascale spies him and his ex-girl-friend through a hole. Then she follows him to a questionable place where she is arrested by the police during a revolutionists raid. When she returns to the Kleinhoff Hotel, Pascale finds Karl crying, and enters his room to console him and they have a love affair.
서스페리아 1977
독일의 유명한 발레 학교로 유학 온 미국인 소녀 수지는 도착 첫날 밤, 겁에 질려 학교에서 도망쳐나오는 학생을 목격하고, 이튿날 아침 도망치던 학생과 다른 여학생이 끔찍하게 살해당했다는 소식을 듣는다. 수지는 발레 학교에 적응하려고 애쓰지만 이상한 선생과 학생들, 밤에 기숙사에 울려퍼지는 기이한 소리들 때문에 힘이 든다. 그 지방 전설로 내려오는 마녀 이야기와 살인 사건이 관련있으리라 추측하던 수지는 자신도 모르는 사이에 흑마술의 표적이 되는데...
Il mostro
A low rank journalist at Tribuna Sera newspaper receives a letter one day. His correspondence contains a serial killer's letters, which he exploits.
Strange Occasion
Three sexy and comic episodes.
Basta che non si sappia in giro!..
Three episodes of casual erotic character: a porn scriptwriter and his secretary, a man locked up among homosexuals, and a shy man who decides to hire a prostitute over the phone.
Tutto suo padre
L'agnese va a morire
Fear in the City
The film focuses on Murri; the token maverick cop. He is called in after a bunch of criminals pull off a successful prison break and spend the night picking off various informers and people they don't like. Murri investigates; hooking up with one of the criminal's nieces along the way. He uses his own methods; which mostly involve breaking all the rules, and thus comes under a lot of scrutiny from his superiors who don't take too kindly to the cop's way of working.
San Babila-8 P.M.
A quartet of young neo-Fascists terrorise the Milanise locals while the Police mostly look the other way.
세븐 뷰티스
Pasqualino Frafuso, known in Naples as "Pasqualino Seven Beauties" is a petty thief who lives off of the profits of his seven sisters while claiming to protect their honor at any cost, Pasqualino is arrested for murder and later sent to fight in the army after committing sexual assault. The Germans capture him and he gets sent to a concentration camp where he plots to make his escape by seducing a German officer.
The Flower in His Mouth
A female school teacher is implicated in a murder in a Sicilian town only hours after her arrival. The dead man insulted her on the bus on the way into town. As the mystery unfolds, it becomes clear that the town is hiding some very sinister secrets.
Who Breaks... Pays
A ship stopped at the port of Istanbul should take vegetables, but an unscrupulous man would like to add weapons under the vegetable crates. The captain of the ship refuses the offer of the evildoer.
딥 레드
다른 사람들의 마음을 읽어낼 줄 아는 한 영매가 사람들이 많은 광장에서 살인자의 생각을 읽어낸다. 그러나 영매는 곧 살해되고 만다. 영국인 재즈 피아니스트 마크 데일리(데이빗 헤밍스)는 그 살인현장을 목격하게 되고 신문기자 자나 브레지(다리아 니콜로디)와 함께 사건의 비밀을 캐기 시작한다. 새로운 살인자들로부터 사건을 풀어내는 실마리를 얻어나가는 동안에도 사건의 열쇠를 쥔 사람들이 한 명씩 살해당한다. 살인자가 그 실마리에 따라 새로운 살인을 저지르는 것이다. 마커스는 살인자가 자기 주위에 있음을 느끼고 주변을 조사해 나가는데...
귀부인과 승무원
사르디니아 해변의 화려한 요트 세뇨라에서는 부유한 라파엘로부부와 친구들이 여름을 즐기고 있었다. 선원 중 한명인 제라리노는 참기 여려운 모욕적인 명령을 묵묵히 수행 하면서 그들 일행을 오염된 산업사회의 마지막 남은 찌꺼기 쯤으로생각하며 그들을 멸망시킬 혁명을 기대한다. 바람이 몹시 심하게 부는 어느날, 라파엘로 부인은 젤라리노를 데리고수영을 하게 된다. 무인도에 도착한 그들에게는 오로지 생존의 법칙만이 존재할 뿐이다. 급박한 상황에 거만을 떨며 자신을 업신여기는 라파엘로 부인에게 자신만이 구할 수 있는 음식과 잠자리를 제공하여 굴복하게 만드는 젤라리노. 평소에는 천박하고 더러운 사람이라고 없신여기기만 했던 젤라리노에게서 뜻밖의 구원을 받은 라파엘로 부인은 낯선 무인도에서 남자의 손길이 그리워지기 시작해 젤라리노와 뜨거운 정사를 벌인다. 결국 미묘한 사랑의 감정마저 품게된 두 사람. 그러나 운명은 그들 두사람이 각자의 남편과 아내에게 돌아가게 만들고 두 연인은 무인도의 평화롭던 시간을 남몰래 그리워하는데.
Sistemo l'America e torno
Amore libero - Free Love
Young engineer Francesco Ferraro (Enzo Bottesini) is sent to Smeraldo Island in the Seychelles to oversee the tests necessary to dig a silver mine. But Francesco must also find out what happened to his predecessor, vanished without trace. The island seems to be an Eden on Earth, and the native girls freely explore the joys of sex, but there is something in the dark working against Francesco, and a mysterious accident disables his delicate equipment.
The Last Four Days
In 1945, the dictator of fascist Italy and Hitler's close ally Benito Mussolini faces defeat. In a desperate attempt to avoid capture, he tries to flee the country with his lover Claretta Petacci, but Italian partisans are on their tail.
All Screwed Up
A group of workers from the south of Italy live collectively in Milan, where money isn't everything, it's the only thing, in 1974.
밀라노에서의 5일
In 1848, as Italy becomes engulfed in a bubbling revolution to finally get rid of the ruling Austrians, a patriotic prisoner named Cainazzo begins to wonder if he will soon get the chance to see the revolution in action away from his prison cell. Suddenly, a cannonball comes flying through the air and knocks the main wall of the prison down. Excited to have a chance to see the change taking place in person, Cainazzo hits a bumpy road when one of his former fellow prisoners yells out to all the revolutionary gangs that Cainazzo is not a patriot, but is in fact a traitor!
The African Deal
An inter-racial affair against a background of corrupt businessmen attempting to manipulate the national resources of an emerging nation that bears a distinct resemblance to Ghana.
Hospitals: The White Mafia
This Italian film is a searing indictment of the greed and ambition which warp the medical profession. It focuses especially on surgeons in the persons of Professor Valiotti (Gabriele Ferzetti) and Dr. Giordani (Enrico Maria Salerno). Many of the scenes are based on Italian news stories of the period ('70s) which recount the suffering and high costs of unnecessary or overly aggressive treatment motivated by academic ambitions or simple greed.
러브 앤 아나키
투닌은 무정부주의자인 친구가 파시스트 경찰에게 죽임을 당했다는 소식을 듣는다. 그는 친구가 완수하지 못한 임무를 끝내기로 하는데, 바로 무솔리니를 암살하는 것이다. 로마에 도착한 투닌은 우선 살로메의 매음굴을 찾아가는데, 무솔리니에 대한 원한으로 살로메는 투닌을 적극적으로 돕는다. 다른 매춘부 트리폴리나가 무솔리니의 측근인 경찰 스파톨레티의 혼을 빼놓는 사이, 투닌은 계획을 실행할 장소를 정찰한다. 그러는 사이 투닌과 트리폴리나 사이에 사랑이 싹튼다.
Family Killer
Stefano, son of the Mafia Don Angelino Ferrante, is killed by Gaspare Ardizzone (John Saxon) for refusing to sell some valuable land. The old don sends for Ferrante Santino Billeci from America, in the hope that he'll be able to help in getting revenge. But Gaspar, meanwhile, is becoming the most powerful and ruthless boss of the area...
A Reason to Live, a Reason to Die
A dishonored Union Army officer (James Coburn) leads a group of convicts to retake Fort Holman from the Confederate Army.
Black Turin
Mino and Lello, two sons of a worker wrongly accused of murder, try to find out evidence of his innocence and begin to investigate mafia business in Torino.
미미의 유혹
Voting against the Mafia in what he thinks is a secret ballot costs Sicilian laborer Mimi his livelihood. He leaves his wife, flees to Turin and romances a Communist organizer - but he just can’t shake the Mafia. When they lure Mimi back to Sicily with a better job, he must keep his lover – and love child – under wraps. That’s when his wife announces she’s pregnant.
My Dear Killer
Following the mysterious decapitation of an insurance investigator, Police Inspector Peretti is put onto the case, but all the clues lead to an unsolved case of kidnapping and murder.
Giuseppe Di Noi, an Italian surveyor living in Switzerland, gets arrested at the border while going back to Italy with his family for a vacation. But can someone tell the man why?
Roma bene
Nino Manfredi is a police captain, giving an onlooker's point-of-view towards the decadent society folk. Party itself features a down & out baron, who dances with the party's glamorous hostess Virna Lisi so that he can steal her valuable earrings. When they're missing, she's angry enough to call in the cops (Manfredi shows up) and have the baron taken away.
아홉 개의 꼬리를 가진 고양이
범죄성향을 결정짓는 것으로 추정되는 XYY 염색체 전문연구소에서 경비원이 살해된다. 사건 발생 당일 그 앞을 지나다 우연히 두 남자의 대화를 들은 시각장애자 프란코는 리포터 카를로와 함께 범인 찾기에 나선다. 살인사건이 줄을 잇는 가운데 복잡한 실타래를 서서히 풀어간다.
5th Day of Peace
Two German deserting soldiers Bruno Grauber and Reiner Schultz are trying to avoid capture by the Canadian and Yugoslavian armies entering Auschwitz at the end of World War II. They are captured. Their fellow German prisoners of war discover that they are deserters. They are put through a formal trial for cowardice organised by Von Bleicher. They are sentenced to death on the "fifth day of peace". A Canadian General persuades the Canadian officer in charge of the prisoner of war camp to allow the execution to be carried out for the higher purpose of preserving army discipline.
May Morning
In a changing world a young Italian enrols at Oxford and finds i is him they are out to change.
A Girl Called Jules
After his Western triumphs, Valerii stepped out of the shadow of Sergio Leone with this distinctly Bergmanesque sexual melodrama.Dionisio is perfect in the title role and this remains her best film, Valerii turns up along the way too. Just when the film hits a period of auto pilot John Steiner turns up in the final reel for a climax that is quite unforgettable. A bit difficult to trace but well worth the effort.
수정 깃털의 새
이탈리아 로마에 살고 있는 미국인 작가 샘 달라스는 늦은 밤, 화랑 앞을 지나다 화랑 주인의 아내가 살해당하는 것을 목격한다. 죽어가는 여성은 유리창 너머에 있는 샘에게 도움을 요청하지만 샘은 그녀를 돕지 못한다. 다행히도 여자는 살아 남아 악명 높은 연쇄 살인범의 희생자들 가운데 최초의 생존자가 된다. 샘이 목격한 것은 검은 장갑을 낀 남자였고, 그는 유일한 목격자로서 경찰에게 신변 보호를 받는다. 시간이 흐르는 가운데 샘은 살인 사건의 진범을 알 수 있는 중요한 사실을 뒤늦게 깨닫게 되는데...
The Price of Power
In 1881 Dallas, an ex-Union soldier attempts to expose a conspiracy of Southerners that killed his father, his friend and President James A. Garfield.
Help Me, My Love
Giovanni and Raffaella are happily married from ten years, but their relationship goes into crisis when Raffaella falls in love with Valerio Mantovani, a handsome forty-year-old man she knew during the concerts of chamber music she weekly attends with her mother.
The Tough and the Mighty
Based on the story of real life Sardinian bandit Graziano Mesina.
How, When, and with Whom
Italian romantic drama
사랑과 분노
다섯 명의 감독이 연출한 다섯 개의 에피소드로 된 옴니버스 영화. EP1. 무관심 [L'indifferenza] : 선량한 사마리아인 우화에 대한 내용 (카를로 리자니) EP2. 임종 [Agonia] : 임종 직전의 사람이 미노르 무화과나무 우화로 선에 대한 의문을 던지는 내용 (베르나르도 베르톨루치) EP3. 종이꽃다발 [La sequenza del fiore di cart] : 현대 세계의 공포에 대한 죄의식을 다룬 내용 (피에르 파올로 파졸리니) EP4. 사랑 [L'Amore] : 혁명, 민주주의에 관한 견해의 차이로 헤어지는 남녀에 대한 내용 (장 뤽 고다르) EP5. 논의하자, 논의하자 [Discutiamo, discutiamo] : 대학생들과 벨로치오 감독 간에 사회주의, 개혁 등에 대한 토론을 다룬 내용 (마르코 벨로치오)
Machine Gun McCain
After serving 12 years behind bars for armed robbery, tough guy Hank McCain finds himself the pawn of a ruthless mob runt's rebellion against a high level don. When McCain discovers that he's been betrayed and abandoned by his new employer, he retaliates with a high stakes Las Vegas casino heist that erupts into all-out war on the streets of Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York. Not blood, nor lust, nor wedding vows can come between McCain and his money...or his machine gun.
The Bandit
Sicily, 1865. Two peasants, Gramigna and his father are tricked by Baron Nardò and robbed of their field, which then the baron lets to Assunta, her daughter Gemma and her fiancé Ramarro. Determined to take revenge, Gramigna begins to hunt down Nardò's complicit mediators. Unbeknownst to Gramigna, Gemma, to escape her arranged marriage, goes after him. Love and violence will follow all till their desperate ends.
The Violent Four
A detective is assigned to head a manhunt for four violent bank robbers.
황야의 분노
청소부 스콧은 친구들과 함께 평범한 일상을 보내고 있다. 그러던 어느날 묘한 카리스마를 가진 총잡이 프랭크가 스콧의 마을을 방문하자 스콧은 무작정 그의 뒤를 쫓아 새로운 삶에 도전하기로 한다. 하지만 스콧은 곧 자신의 사격 실력이 부족함을 절감한다. 서부영화의 대표 아이콘인 리 반 클리프와 줄리아노 젬마의 협업이 흥미로운 작품.
John the Bastard
Johnny Donald, a cynical seducer of women, discovers he is actually the son of Don Diego Tenorio, a wealthy Mexican landowner. Accompanied by his trusty servant Morenillo, he travels south in search of vengeance and riches, but manages to deflower and make enemies all along the way until he finally meets his match in the person of a Mormon assassin and a stone statue.
The Head Of The Family
A man is delighted to hear that his wife is pregnant and he begins to prepare for the wonders of fatherhood. As time progresses along, the family grows larger with each successive child and the father feels his importance in the family has been lessened with all the children. This man's quiet desperation to hold onto his position is an interesting lesson in the family dynamic and how everyone is an important part of the whole.
Soldati e capelloni
An Italian music promoter has engaged an English rock band who wear their hair short, and since it is the 1960s, people don't like them. The band and the promoter wait for the hair to grow, but in the meantime the lads are called for military service and have their hair cut again. They decide to call themselves I Galeotti (the convicts).
Date for a Murder
Two friends from America come together by chance in the Italian countryside. They decide to meet in Rome after both have done private deals. When one then not show up in Rome starts the other one become suspicious and fearful that something has happened to him. He begins to investigate the case himself and ends up in a spiral of industrial espionage, blackmail, and cold-blooded murder ...
편안히 쉬소서
A Mexican community is slaughtered by Confederate troops; the lone survivor, a boy, is taken in by a preacher. Years later, the boy is now a soft-spoken, devout young man with perfect shooting skills (despite being a pacifist). On his journey to help his half-sister out of a complicated situation, he crosses paths with the men who killed his family, unbeknownst to him.
The Treasure of San Gennaro
A pair of Americans want to perform the greatest robbery: the treasure of San Genaro, in Napoli.
Rita the Mosquito
Rita, a vivacious co-ed is in love with her music teacher, a man who leads a double life - bespectacled professor by day and composer of rock songs by night. Will Rita win his heart?
Taste of Killing
Lanky Fellow has a typical cynical SW like way to earn his living. He observes valuable transports of money or gold, but when they are robbed he doesn't intervene, but follows the robbers and then brings the loot back to collect the insurance. When his "job" brings him in conflict with the notorious outlaw Gus Kenneback, he has personal reasons to protect the money as Kenneback was once responsible for the death of Lanky's brother.
The Battle of the Mods
In Liverpool there's a gang war between the Mods (who dress in the latest fashions and styles) and the Rockers (who are more into the '50s "greaser" look). Ricky, the son of a wealthy businessman, is a Mod guitar player, and in a gang fight with some Rockers, his girlfriend is killed. He leaves Liverpool for the continent and winds up in Rome, where he becomes involved with his father's mistress.
The Queens
Four unrelated short comedies by four different directors. "Queen Sabina"chronicles the sexual misadventures of a teenage girl on the road home. "Queen Armenia" centers on a self-serving opportunistic gypsy babysitter who uses her employer's kids for her own gain. The third episode, "Queen Elena" centers on a husband who learns a lesson about the perils of infidelity after he succumbs to the wiles of the seductive wife next door. The last vignette, "Queen Marta" centers on a wealthy woman who, when drunk, uses her butler as an outlet for her lust.
Wake Up and Die
A petty hoodlum pulls jewellery store heists in broad daylight. The cop on his tail knows he has accomplices and focuses on the gangster's girl friend is his attempt to catch him.
Balearic Caper
A scepter is stolen, and it's hunted for by various groups of international robbers and spies, for various reasons - in a parody of 007 movies.
2 Mobsters Against Al Capone
For a misunderstanding Franco and Ciccio, two Sicilian immigrants of very limited intellectual faculties, are enrolled in the police force in New York.
Weekend, Italian Style
Manager Marletti goes to the sea to meet his wife Giuliana to spend the weekend with her and many friends. After three days Marletti comes back driving his car to Rome. So he can sleep, alone and happy, with silence around him.
여명의 혈투
총잡이 스티브 블레인은 듀크의 딸 수잔과 사랑에 빠진다. 그러나 듀크는 자신의 딸이 그와 결혼하게 되면 자신 때문에 아내를 잃은 것처럼 비극적인 삶을 살게 될까 둘의 사랑을 반대한다. 그러던 중 무법자들에게 공격을 당하고 듀크는 중상에 빠진다.
그것을 잘 알고 있다
작은 마을에 살고 있는 아드리아나는 배우가 되고 싶은 소녀다. 유명한 사람들에 대해 알고 싶었던 소녀는 어느 날 작은 역할을 맡게 되는 행운을 얻는다. 그러나 비극적이고 수치스러운 일들만 생기고 꿈과는 점점 멀어지게 된다. (2015년 제7회 이탈리아영화예술제)
An anthology film / black comedy about three ordinary men who become involved in violent crimes.
The Amazing Doctor G
Nefarious villain Goldginger (Fernando Rey) is thwarted by bumbling secret agents Franco (Franco Franchi) and Ciccio (Ciccio Ingrassia) in his scheme to spark an international war by zombifying all government employees in this Italian spoof of the James Bond movies.
Two Idiots at Fort Alamo
During the War of Succession, Franco and Ciccio are arrested for being accused of desertion from the Northern army. Rather than condemn them to death for his carelessness, they will be chosen for a special mission: to infiltrate as expert officers on a delicate espionage action.
Don't Ever Leave Me
A young singer secretly gets married since he does not want to let his fans down. After a while the gutter press make up a love story which seriously worries his young bride.
The Sons of the Leopard
Penniless Baron Tulicò, nicknamed Leopard, abandons his mistress, with whom he's had two sons, and marries a rich woman. The mistress tries to have her rights established with the help of her sons.
Dangerous Pleasures
Two married women on vacation decide to see who the better seductress is. When the local authorities investigate the death of a local prostitute, their husbands do what they can to avoid trace of scandal and any implication that their wives are involved. Cracks in their relationships are revealed as is the hedonism and hypocrisy amongst the bourgeoise.
I'm Not Worthy of You
In the sequel of "In ginocchio da te", the engagement of Gianni and Carla is threatened by Giorgio.
So In Love
During his military service, the young singer Gianni Traimonti falls in love with Carla, the marshal's daughter.
I due toreri
In Sicily Franco and Ciccio are empowered by a local mafia man to guard for a wide range of salad. In reality however this is not simple salad vegetables but marijuana; the two bungling fools and friends do not realize it at first.
Minnesota Clay
Wrongfully imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit, Minnesota Clay seeks revenge on the man who withheld evidence at his trial. There is a problem however, he is going blind.
Amori pericolosi
Three episodes of varying pitch and quality. In the first a maid plans the elimination of her lover's wife with him, but she doesn't enjoy the fruits of victory. In the second (The patrol) a soldier of the Foreign Legion neglects his duties for running after a prostitute. The third segment has as its protagonist a general of the belle époque that goes on a date.
Two Gangsters in the Wild West
In the late 1800's, Sicilians Franco and Ciccio are serving 20 years of prison for stealing two mules, when they are helped to escape by an American who says he is a friend of their grandfathers, who were killed in Texas by a gang of bandits who wanted to take over their gold mine. The two friends travel to America to take posses of the gold mine, but they soon discover that they are not the only ones who want it.
Massacre At Grand Canyon
After a search for his father's killers, Wes Evans returns home only to find himself involved in a bloody land dispute.
It's a Hard Life
Luciano Bianchi lives with his wife and son in the small town of Guastalla. As an intellectual and bibliophile, he works as head of cultural initiatives at a mining plant.
Love in Four Dimensions
Young Italian writers and directors express themselves in four episodes about sex and love. "Love and Language," the first tale, centers on the difficulties of a Sicilian immigrant who is unable to master proper Italian. the second tale "Love and Life" centers on a jealous and unhappy wife who becomes so desperate to be free of her constantly philandering husband she takes on a lover of her own. "Love and Art" a nearly exhausted screenwriter hires a secretary to help manage his typing. She's a pretty lass and this makes his insecure wife crazy until he fires the female and hires a male secretary. "Love and Death," the final episode centers on the love affair between a middle-aged widower and the grieving young widow he meets at the cemetery. Unfortuantely for his bank statement, the young, impoverished beauty isn't as bereaved as she seems.
I due mafiosi
Two clumsy mobsters on a mission in Paris.
Una lacrima sul viso
The film tells the difficult love-story between Bobby Tonner, an American singer who came to Naples to meet his old music professor, and the charming daughter of the same professor.
The Verona Trial
This film is the moving story of Edda Ciano, the daughter of Italian dictator Mussolini, who was unable to prevent the atrocious assassination of her husband by fanatics of her father.
Il paradiso dell'uomo
The story of the Japanese woman who with a sense of pagan fatalism has been able to sacrifice herself to mechanize her spirit in a sort of absurd voluntary human planning: of the woman who knows how to pose the folds of her kimono in the precious depictions of traditional dances and who knows turn on the eyes of the spectators with morbid attention in the studied movements of a strip-tease: of the woman who burns all her perceptive powers in the factories of the microscopic transistors in two years, of the "loves" who, with a centuries-old technique, dive for fishing corals and pearls; of the Japanese woman, essential actress of a drama of transformation taking place in a country of very ancient civilization that only for a century has opened the doors of her fantastic world in the eyes of the foreigner.
Getting Away with It the Italian Way
Orazio Menicotti is a night policeman in Rome. One night he is present at a quarrel between husband and wife and he volunteers to take the wife to the Police Station. While he goes around Rome with the blonde and beautiful woman, a bank is robbed.
His Women
Stefano Garbelli is employed by a pharmaceutical company. One evening Daniela, a young independent prostitute, approaches Stefano pretending to be a nurse. They get together, but Daniela has a sinister plan.
Gold of Rome
Rome 1943. The German Commandant of the city causes a turmoil in the Jewish community by offering them what seems to be an expensive way out of imprisonment and death.
The Giant of Metropolis
Obro the muscleman goes to Atlantis and sinks a death-ray king who knows the secret of immortality.
The Policeman on Horseback
A soldier has his horse stolen on his wedding day and spends the first day of his honeymoon looking for it.
The Seven Revenges
The leaders of Circassians and Kyrgyz face off in a tournament divided into seven challenges: only one will gain the supremacy.
The Hunchback
Alvaro Cosenza, also known as the Hunchback from Quarticciolo, during Rome's occupation by Nazis in 1943, decides to revolt.
Fontana di Trevi
Caccia al marito
Italy, Sixties. A four-storey beach resort, and they look for the man of their life. Will they succeed?
Il mio amico Jekyll
Professor Fabius has found a way of transferring his personality to another person and he transfers his to the body of Giacinto Floria, a nice teacher in a women's college. Poor Giacinto becomes a sex maniac to the puzzlement of his girlfriend Mafalda.
Red Lips
A lawyer heads out on the road in an attempt to find his daughter who has been missing for quite some time. To help him navigate the secret world his daughter lived within that he knows nothing about, he recruits the help of Irene a close friend of his daughter's. But Irene has plans of her own.
David and Goliath
When the Philistines attack, the Israelites are hopeless against the fierce giant Goliath and don't know what to do. King Saul takes the advice of the prophets and sends an adolescent shepherd, David, into battle to conquer the oversized Philistine. David is victorious and becomes the King of Israel.
Quanto sei bella Roma
Claudio and Maurizio, two young and reckless taxi drivers in a Roman gas station meet two American tourists, daughters of a Spanish man that has oil wells in America. Maurizio and Claudio walk the tourists to the Eternal City and forget their girlfriends Patricia and Lorella. The brides, aware of their wanderings,begin to pay them with the same currency.
Goliath and the Barbarians
When barbarians invade his village and kill his father, a local man wages a one-man war against them.
The Mine
Elsa Martinelli plays a resident of a seaside village who falls in love with rootless stranger Antonio Ciffariello. The stranger soon learns that he'll have to fight over Elsa's affections with hotheaded villager Luis Pena. Meanwhile, a fisherman who illegally uses dynamite nearly causes tragedy to the entire community.
There Is a Path in the Sky
Operazione notte
An unemployed young man has a relationship with the mistress of a rich industrialist. In order to escape her protector, he decides to commit a robbery in the company of a friend...
La ragazza di Via Veneto
Ore 10: lezione di canto
Adventure in Rio
A remake of the 1940 film of the same title. It was shot on location in Brazil with separate German and Italian versions.
Ultima illusione
Retired social worker "Petrucci" goes to live with a baker and his family with whom he soon becomes fond. When a film producer arrives and attempts to lure the young "Gina" it falls to the ailing old man to save her from temptation.
Bitter Waters
Valerio, a blind man of war, and his little sister Fiorella live with Uncle Mario, who has a shop on the coast.
I Sing for You
The Suitcase of Dreams
In the movie La valigia dei sogni (The Suitcase of Dreams, Italy, 1953) directed by Luigi Comencini, some sequences from Cenere are inserted. The protagonist is a former silent film actor who has saved old movies of his time from destruction, and uses them to set up recreational performances at schools. After an accidental fire and the risk of prison, he meets a rich producer who helps him to build a film museum.
Napoletani a Milano
Afterfive people die in crumbling Naples housing run by Northerners, the Southern relatives trek to Milan to sue for damages.
The Street of Hope
Joys and disappointments of three young girls who dreaming of making a career in film: Luisa has talent and triumphs; Franca tries to seduce a producer, however no artistic skills, Giuditta, the most inexperienced and naive, will have to choose between the dream of cinema and the reality of a marriage.
Noi due soli
A man and his girlfriend struggle to find some time for themselves.
Heroic Charge
In 1941 an Italian regiment known as the Savoy Cavalry is sent by Mussolini to Russia to assist the German invasion. After crossing an extensive area of Soviet territory the men arrive at a village that seems deserted. A patrol sent on reconnaissance comes under machine-gun fire from the top of a bell-tower.
A high school girl, enamored by her young teacher, follows him and discovers that his home life holds many secrets.
Cops and Robbers
Esposito is a thief who cons tourists in Rome. Officer Bottoni manages to catch him and starts persecuting him. When Esposito manages to flee, Bottoni's superiors inform him that he'll lose his job if he can't catch Esposito.
It's Him!... Yes! Yes!
Fernando, owner of a large chain store, suffers from worrying dreams: he seems to successfully court saucy women, but just as he is about to win them over, a youngster comes on the scene and steals them from under his nose.
Sette ore di guai
Totò is a tailor but not a great tailor. He is married and his son is to be baptized and Totò hopes that his grand-mother will be moved by the baptism, so moved to help him. Unfortunately his wet nurse Maria loses his son in the garden. Totò doesn't lose heart and rents Rita's daughter and leaves looking for his son. Many adventures are awaiting for him.
Milano miliardaria
The Milanese Luigi Pizzigoni, photographer, and the Neapolitan barber Peppino Avallone, resident in Milan, are opponents in the sports field. The first is a proud Inter supporter, while the second is from Napoli.
Her Favourite Husband
Assistant Editor
While casing a bank he intends to rob, gangster Leo discovers one of the clerks, Antonio, is his exact double. He kidnaps Antonio and robs the bank, posing as Antonio. But Leo hadn't accounted for the involvement of Antonio's wife, Dorothy.