Claude-Oliver Rudolph
출생 : 1956-11-30, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Claude-Oliver Rudolph was born on November 30, 1956 in Frankfurt/Main, Germany. He is an actor and writer, known for Das Boot (1981), The World Is Not Enough (1999) and Cargo (2009). He is married to Sabine von Maydell. They have two children.
Self - Das Boot Actor
In 1981, a film about the misadventures of a German U-boat crew in 1941 becomes a worldwide hit almost four decades after the end of the World War II. Millions of viewers worldwide make Das Boot the most internationally successful German film of all time. But due to disputes over the script, accidents on the set, and voices accusing the makers of glorifying the war, the project was many times on the verge of being cancelled.
He is considered to be one of the greatest German film stars, Hans Albers, known as "Der blonde Hans", a man made for the cinema. He was an actor, singer, idol of the Germans - and darling of the Nazis. Nevertheless, he could not protect his great love, the Jewess Hansi Burg. In 1938 she had to flee to London from anti-Semitism in Germany. But Albers himself stayed in Germany and continued to film, driven by a desire for a career and the call of money. In 1946, one year after the end of the Second World War, they meet again: Hansi Burg returns to the land of the murderers of her parents in the uniform of the British Army and visits Hans Albers in his villa on Lake Starnberg. He lives there with another woman. The rival has to go, then there is a tense debate. For a day and a night, the blonde Hans has to face uncomfortable questions and even more uncomfortable truths.
Rupprecht Knochenhauer
인간 생존의 최우수 유전자를 추출해 내는 프로젝트가 극비리에 운영되는 곳 브레이크다운포레스트. 살인자, 강간범, 정신병자, 마약범, 사디스트 등 사이코패스 살인범들과 그들의 사냥감이자 적군인 정의로운 군인, 경호원 그리고 일반 보통사람들이 무작위로 선별 납치되어 수용되는 생체 실험장. 살아남기 위해 그 어떤 행위도 용서되는 죽음의 숲에서 벌어지는 서바이벌 하드코어 액션 블록 버스터.
The doctor
Teufel vom Hermannplatz
Cowboy has a vision. He wants to save the planet with his movement of Free Swingers. That's why he applies for a grant at The Central Agency, who then sends a representative named Fey of Sweden to approve Cowboy's proposal. She demands results and he decides to stage a charity bicycle rally featuring a roster of two-wheeled Berlin misfits. Meanwhile Cowboy's neighbor kills his mother's budgie and sets the Devil of Hermannplatz on him to sabotage his plans. Pretty bad timing considering that he also has to rescue his stubborn mother from a shady retirement home. Torn between Cowboy's budding crush on Fey of Sweden, his hot neighbor Angel and his innate drive towards chaos, the rally soon turns into a race against time. Soon his mother will be taken away from him and the rally racers are doing anything other than what they should: cycling.
Guy of Gisbourne
로빈과 리틀존은 전투에서 죽게되고 마리안은 리틀존과 로빈을 살리려고 마녀의 묘약을 찾아 나선다. 마법의 물약을 사용하여 두 사람을 살리고 정의를 위하여 싸우는 법을 알려준다.마리아, 리틀존, 로빈은 좀비와 나쁜 마녀로 부터 죽어가는 친구와 가족을 위해 마녀와 좀비로 부터의 공격과 싸움에서 힘들게 이겨 결국 묘약을 찾는다.
Dr. Hennings
Til Topper
Igor Prokoff
밀폐된 우주선 이곳에 다른 누군가 있다!
유토피아로 가는 마지막 우주선,
누군가 우리의 목숨을 노린다! 지구 종말 이후, 인류의 마지막 희망은 새로운 행성 ‘레아’로 떠나는 것. 레아로 갈 차비를 마련하기 위해 의사 ‘라우라’는 우주선 카산드라호에 지원한다. 함께 탑승한 선원들은 모두 동면 상태에 들어가고, 라우라만이 우주선을 지키며 깨어 있길 4개월 째. 어느 날, 화물칸 근처에서 괴상한 소리와 함께 누군가의 침입 흔적이 발견된다. 두려움에 라우라는 다급히 함장 라크르와를 깨우고 화물칸 곳곳을 탐색한다. 아무도 없다고 안심하려던 찰나, 함장이 갑자기 추락하여 목숨을 잃는 사고가 발생하고, 라우라와 선원들은 큰 충격과 공포에 휩싸이게 되는데…! 탈출구도, 도망칠 곳도 없다! 남은 방법은 단 하나, 놈과의 정면 승부 뿐…!
Admiral Peck
German comedy-documention that reviews 40 years of Star Trek history
Schrotthändler Karl
CHAOSTAGE is the first real german Punk movie. part fictional, part documentary it tells the story of some young punks...
Kommissar Brunner
CHAOSTAGE is the first real german Punk movie. part fictional, part documentary it tells the story of some young punks...
"Dirty Sky" tells a gruesome tale of our time with a double finale: once the eternally classic love story of Romeo and Juliet in the guise of Bonnie and Clyde substance, as bloody road movie. On the other end with a romantic fantasy. This film also tells of growing up. Our story is told against the backdrop of a dying industrial area on two versions about the love between two lots of chance: the 17-year-old Jenny and 19-year-old Paule, leading her life in series of unfortunate, even tragic circumstances of the death. Or, with alternative conclusion: the 17-year-old Jenny and 19-year-old Paule, which almost leads her life despite unfortunate chain, even tragic circumstances in the sky of love.
"Dirty Sky" tells a gruesome tale of our time with a double finale: once the eternally classic love story of Romeo and Juliet in the guise of Bonnie and Clyde substance, as bloody road movie. On the other end with a romantic fantasy. This film also tells of growing up. Our story is told against the backdrop of a dying industrial area on two versions about the love between two lots of chance: the 17-year-old Jenny and 19-year-old Paule, leading her life in series of unfortunate, even tragic circumstances of the death. Or, with alternative conclusion: the 17-year-old Jenny and 19-year-old Paule, which almost leads her life despite unfortunate chain, even tragic circumstances in the sky of love.
"Dirty Sky" tells a gruesome tale of our time with a double finale: once the eternally classic love story of Romeo and Juliet in the guise of Bonnie and Clyde substance, as bloody road movie. On the other end with a romantic fantasy. This film also tells of growing up. Our story is told against the backdrop of a dying industrial area on two versions about the love between two lots of chance: the 17-year-old Jenny and 19-year-old Paule, leading her life in series of unfortunate, even tragic circumstances of the death. Or, with alternative conclusion: the 17-year-old Jenny and 19-year-old Paule, which almost leads her life despite unfortunate chain, even tragic circumstances in the sky of love.
Franz Radtke
Un touriste allemand
In Differdange, in the South of Luxembourg, six unemployed men decide to create the "Dole Club", whose rules forbid its members to work, even in the very unlikely event that they are offered a job. Geronimo, Théid, Frunnes, Sonny Boy, Abbes and Petz all agree to abide by the strict regulations of the club. In accordance with them, they manage to survive. But they can do it only on petty theft and other swindles, which is bound to end badly...
Colonel Akakievich
007 제임스 본드는 암흑조직 뒷거래 현장에 투입되지만 뜻하지 않은 총격전에 휘말리고 가까스로 돈가방을 챙겨들고 탈출한다. 그러나 본부로 가져온 돈가방은 폭발해버리고, 이 사고로 007 조직의 보스인 M의 절친한 친구였던 석유재벌 로버트 킹이 사망하고 만다. 로버트 킹이 죽자 M은 본드에게 그의 유일한 유족인 딸 일렉트라 킹을 혹 있을지 모를 위험으로부터 보호하라는 명령을 내린다. 본드는 일렉트라 킹이 얼마 전 겪었던 납치사건과 로버트 킹의 죽음에 연관이 있다고 생각하고, 그녀가 아버지의 뒤를 이어 운영하고 있는 석유 시추현장을 찾아간다.
Krummer Otto
Two rival children groups are trying to find a three postal robbers who kidnapped a young girl.
Uwe Fedder
Funeral director Zombie and his buddy Jürgen fly into Mallorca to transfer a deceased woman to Germany. But the routine undertaking turns into a chase across the island. First, the coffin disappears. Then the body is mistaken for another. Gangsters are after this one, who have hidden something completely different in the corpse's garb.
Thomas Golling
Harry manages to get into Willi's cell - Marlies is quartered with the ageing prostitute Jutta. Quite a tension between the generations comes up when Harry realises that his father is not the big bank robber, but a small day thief who does not want to flee at all, but only breaks a blanket to celebrate Christmas with his beloved Jutta in her cell to celebrate...
A reporter becomes embroiled in a deadly game when researching a series of murders on a South American island.
George Pappas
Dieter Seibert
The brewery manager Heinrich Hartholz does not shy away from driving independent beer publishers into ruin in order to take over their property. Markus Keller, head of a push column , supports Hartholz in his criminal machinations.
With the death of her mother, eight-year-old Anna ends her childhood: From now on, she has to look after the nine-member family. Deprivation-rich years, which also find no end when Anna marries: Her husband Albert must be a soldier in the Second World War, and the pregnant Anna has to work hard in the farm and care sick relatives. Lonely and exposed to the harassment of the tyrannical mother-in-law, she waits for Albert, with no certainty that he will ever return.
Jakob Winkler
Documentary film.
An unusual family story about two father and son generations, beginning on a German country side and ending in the students' revolt in Berlin.
The beautiful Raphaela is the dream girl of Alpha City, a decadent metropolis. The rather naive Frank falls in love with this very woman, who shows no interest in him. A mysterious American comes to Raphaela to keep her admirer off. But love is a strange game - and sometimes a dangerous one.
The Baader-Meinhof connected terrorist Norbert Kröcher builds a terrorist cell in Stockholm. They plan to kidnap Swedish migrant minister Anna-Greta Leijon.
{1941년 9월 프랑스 라 로셀(La Rochelle). 히틀러가 영국 봉쇄를 위해 편성한 잠수함대가 열세를 보이기 시작했다. 영국 상선을 호위하는 구축함은 갈 수록 무장을 강화하여 독일 잠수함에 타격을 가했다. 그래도 독일군 최고사령부는 잠수함을 포기하지 않아 시간이 지날 수록 오히려 어린 수병들을 태워 점령지 프랑스로부터 출격시켰다. 결국 대서양을 지배하려는 싸움은 독일을 외면했다. 2차대전 중 4만 명의 수병이 유보트(U-Boats)라 불리는 잠수함에 투입되었다. 그리고 3만 명이 돌아오지 못했다.} 독일군의 패전 기미가 감돌던 1941년. 대부분 전쟁을 경험하지 못한 젊은 신참 병사들이 승선한 잠수함 U-96. 영화는 먹고 마시고 춤추는, 마치 내일이 없는 듯한 병사들의 모습에서부터 시작된다. 그러나 시간이 흐를 수록 잠수함이라는 한정된 공간에서 오는 답답함과 우울함이 이들을 엄습하기 시작한다. 그러던 어느 날 처음으로 적군의 군수물자운반선을 호위하는 영군군함과의 교전이 벌어지고, 아수라장의 싸움을 간신히 승리로 이끈 이들은 비로소 전쟁의 진실과 맞닥뜨리게 되고 공포에 사로잡힌다. 크리스마스가 다가올 무렵 그들에게 또 하나의 명령이 떨어진다. 그들로서는 도저히 불가능할 것만 같은 작전. 영군군의 본거지인 지브롤터 해협을 통과해야 하는 것이다. 자살 명령이나 다름없는 작전을 수행하기 위해 적지한 가운데로 향하는 U-96. 그러나 마음의 준비도 되어있지 않은 상태에서 적군(영국군)은 공중에서 폭탄을 투하하기 시작하고, U-96은 크게 파손되고 만다. 설상가상으로 기계는 고장이 나 심해 깊은 곳으로 처박히고 마는데.
An impoverished young man from Sicily travels to Wolfsburg, West Germany to find work. He takes a job in the Volkswagen factory after he travels through Northern Italy by train.