George Voskovec
출생 : 1905-06-19, Sázava, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary (now Czech Republic)
사망 : 1981-07-04
Founded Czech avantgarde theatre and film group 'Osvobozene divadlo' with actor Jan Werich in 1927. Affiliated with the Poetist movement (Karel Teige). Made succesfull comedy shows with political themes. Voskovec left Czechoslovakia after the German invasion, 1938/39 and emigrated to the US.
Herman Pahmeyer
젊은 카우보이와 전설적인 무법자의 우연한 동행! 어리고 미숙한 농장 소년인 칼 웨스트오버는 본의 아니게 이웃을 죽인 후 도망을 치는데, 이웃의 가족은 복수를 위해 그를 뒤쫓는다. 도망치던 그는 멕시코의 부유한 목장주인 장인 돈 브레르디오로부터 그 자신이 목숨에 위협을 받고 있는 신화적인 총잡이 바르바로사를 우연히 만난다. 세력가인 돈 브라이디오는 바르바로사가 자신의 뜻을 어기고 자신의 딸과 결혼했다는 이유로 바르바로사를 죽이려 하고 있는 것이다. 고달픈 도주의 행로에서 말, 소 도둑질은 기본이려니와 마차 강도짓도 하며 힘겹게 살아가던 바르바로사는 마지못해 서투른 카알을 파트너로 맞아들인다, 이제 두 사람은 모두 각자의 사연으로 목숨을 노리는 두배로 늘어난 추격자들을 피해 힘겨운 도주 행로를 펼쳐야 한다.
Dr. Gerald Finney
젊은 희극작가 리차드 콜리어는 어느날 노부인으로부터 금시계를 받으며, 자기에게 돌아와 달라는 요청을 받는다. 몇년 후, 아름다운 젊은 여인의 사진을 보는 순간 한눈에 반한 콜리어는 그 여인이 바로 금시계를 준 노부인임을 알아낸다. 미모의 젊은 여인에 대한 간절한 그리움으로 1912년으로 되돌아가고 자하는 콜리어는 심령학자의 도움으로 과거로 돌아간다. 유명한 배우이자 아름다운 여인인 그녀를 옛 호텔에서 간신히 만나고, 마침내 뜨거운 사랑을 사랑을 하게 되나, 동전하나 때문에 현실로 돌아와버린다. 과거의 아름다운 사랑과 그녀를 간절히 그리는 콜리어.
Winnie, a woman in her fifties, is buried waist-deep in a mound of scorched earth, with just a large, black shopping bag and a collapsed parasol. Behind her and hidden from view sleeps Willie.
Peter Skagska
Pete "Skag" Skagska is a 56-year-old union foreman of a Pittsburgh steel mill until a crippling stroke forces him to stay home and try to put his life back together and deal with family problems.
Paul Kaminios
A close-knit Greek-American family, jeopardized when its Manhattan bakery goes up in flames, looks desperately for ways to solve the financial dilemma of repossession and property without destroying its heritage.
Dr. Nicholas Holnar
A small-town police chief investigating a murder is offered help by a self-described psychic. However, when the chief discovers that the "psychic" is in possession of information known only to the police, he suspects that the man may be more involved in the case than he lets on.
Piet Wetjoen
Set in 1912, inside a dive bar named The Last Chance Saloon, its destitute patrons eagerly await the arrival of Hickey, who arrives annually and props everyone up with free drinks and spirited stories of his travels. However, when Hickey does show up this year, it is with a message of temperance and an exhortation to give up hopeless dreams and face reality.
A fictitious but powerful look at the dawn of the nuclear age, this stage performance follows several government scientists as they develop the atomic bomb, grapple with the morality of their work, and confront major problems with their superiors. Written by award-winning playwright Loring Mandel, this riveting production stars Stacy Keach, Alice Drummond, Lois Smith, Clifton James and Verna Bloom.
Peter Hurkos
1962년 6월, 보스턴의 한 아파트에서 한 여인이 누군가에게 목이 졸려 살해된다. 디나탈리 형사를 비롯한 수사진이 나서지만 단서는 없다. 그런데 곧 같은 수법의 교살 사건이 5건이나 계속되자 존 보텀리가 수사 본부장으로 임명된다.
Theatre Play
In 1941, two Polish brothers escape a Soviet gulag. Their only escape route is through the impossible mountains of Afghanistan and the KGB is on their tail.
Set in a Norwegian hamlet, an idealistic physician discovers that the town's hot springs are contaminated. But with the community relying on the spa for tourist dollars, his warning to the powers-that-be falls on deaf ears.
Shabby Old Man
An amnesiac wanders the streets of Manhattan, trying to solve the mystery of who he is.
East German Defense Attorney
영국 정보국에서 오랫동안 동독의 기밀을 빼내는 스파이로 일해 온 리마스(리처드 버튼) 그러나 그가 조종하던 동독의 스파이들이 모두 살해당하고 마지막 남은 정보원 리맥 마져 동독의 거물급 간부 문트에게 살해 당하자 리마스는 영국으로 소환되게 된다. 리마스는 영국에 머물며 퇴직하여 실패한 퇴물 역할을 하게 된다. 직업 소개소를 통해서 도서관 사서로 일하게 된 그는 동료인 낸(클레어 볼룸)과 사랑에 빠지는 한편 난폭한 알콜 중독자로 행세하게 되는데 그런 그에게 동독에서 파견된 영국 상주 스파이들이 접근을 한다. 이러한 과정은 리맥의 상관인 콘트롤이 치밀하게 계획한 것으로 그는 리마스에게 동독 스파이를 따라 동독으로 잡입, 눈에 가시 같은 문트를 제거하는 지령을 내린다. 문트의 제거는 문트의 심복이자 유능한 동독의 요원인 피들러(오스카 워너)를 이용하는 작전이었다. 조국을 배신하고 동독으로 정보를 넘기는 스파이로 위장을 하여 동독에 진입한 리마스는 오랜 노력 끝에 피들러의 신임을 얻는데 성공을 한다
Player King
A stage production of Hamlet filmed at the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre in New York.
Dr. Herman Einstein
1962 telefilm adaptation of the classic American play about a deranged family and the string of murders they flippantly commit
Dr. Tredman
겉으로는 패션 모델이지만 실은 고급 매춘부인 글로리아는 어릴때 받은 성적 학대로 그 상처를 가슴 속에 안고 있다. 어느날 젊고 핸섬한 실업가 웨스턴 리게트와 관계를 맺으면서 진실한 사랑을 깨닫게 된다. 리게트와 예일 대학에서 법률을 전공했지만 부호의 딸 에밀리와 결혼함으로써 부와 지위를 누리게 되자 상한 자존심을 감추기 위해 방탕한 생활을 하던 남자. 그러나 글로리아가 홧김에 장난처럼 집어 온 에밀리의 밍크코트가 그 사랑을 가로막으면서 과거를 잊고 새 출발을 하기에는, 지난 흔적이 영원히 치유될 수 없는 상처가 되어 글로리아를 괴롭힌다. 결혼신청을 하는 리게트와 함께 간 곳은 그들이 육체적인 욕망만을 민족시키던곳. 갑자기 차를 돌려 나오는 글로리아는 쫓아오는 리케트로부터 또 자신의 과거로부터 도망치다가 글로리아의 자동차는 벼랑을 구른다.
první žoldnéř
Steve Pandish
Ernie Pandish has tried to be a writer for years and has never made much money out of it. But now he seems likely to hit the big-time.
Aaron Nathanson
An ornithologist battles a family of bird poachers in the Florida Everglades.
Gus Steimmetz
강간을 당한 아내를 잃은 한남자의 복수이야기
Voinitsky (Uncle Vanya)
A country doctor (Franchot Tone) loves but cannot have a professor's wife (Clarence Derwent) in Chekhov's play set in czarist Russia.
Juror 11
뉴욕시의 법정에 아버지를 칼로 찌른 한 소년의 살인혐의를 두고, 12인의 배심원들은 만장일치 합의를 통해 소년의 유무죄 여부를 가려줄 것을 요구받는다. 판사는 유죄일 경우 이 소년은 사형이 불가피하다는 것을 이들에게 미리 일러둔다. 배심원 방에 모인 이들은 투표를 통해 유무죄 여부를 가리기로 한다. 사람들이 전부 소년이 유죄로 판단하는 가운데, 오직 한 배심원만이 소년이 무죄라고 주장하는데...
Prof. Klaus Bechner
Five individuals from five nations, including the USA, USSR, and China, suddenly find themselves on an alien saucer, where an alien gives each a container holding three capsules. The alien explains that no power on earth can open a given container except a mental command from the person to whom it is given, then anyone may take a capsule and, by speaking a latitude and longitude at it, cause instant death to all within a given radius: thus each of the five has been provided with the power of life and death. Then, they are given 27 days to decide whether to use the capsules, and returned to the places from which each one came...
Juror #11
Twelve Angry Men is a 1954 teleplay by Reginald Rose for the Studio One anthology television series. Initially staged as a CBS live production on 20 September 1954, the drama was later rewritten for the stage in 1955 under the same title and again for a feature film, 12 Angry Men (1957). The episode garnered three Emmy Awards for writer Rose, director Franklin Schaffner and Robert Cummings as Best Actor.
John James Audubon
In this biopic, Jim Bowie goes to New Orleans, where he falls for Judalon and befriends her brother, Narcisse. Soon, Jim is forced to avenge Narcisse's murder, but Judalon takes up with another man. Jim eventually has another romantic interlude with Judalon and is forced to kill one of her suitors in self-defense. Jim leaves town, and falls for the daughter of a Texas politician, but his entanglement with Judalon continues to bedevil him.
Doctor Franz Huebling
A nightclub singer enlists her brother-in-law to track down her husband's killer.
A quirky relationship unfolds between an immigrant and an all-American folk music fan.
A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War 2.
One of the few European films of the 30s to criticize the Nazis, even if they couldn't be directly named due to censorship: Gangsters with gray hats stir up trouble in what is obviously the Sudetenland.
One of the few European films of the 30s to criticize the Nazis, even if they couldn't be directly named due to censorship: Gangsters with gray hats stir up trouble in what is obviously the Sudetenland.
Theatre Play
One of the few European films of the 30s to criticize the Nazis, even if they couldn't be directly named due to censorship: Gangsters with gray hats stir up trouble in what is obviously the Sudetenland.
One of the few European films of the 30s to criticize the Nazis, even if they couldn't be directly named due to censorship: Gangsters with gray hats stir up trouble in what is obviously the Sudetenland.
Theatre Play
The Golem, a giant creature created out of clay by a rabbi, comes to life in a time of trouble to protect the Jews of Prague from persecution.
Curious citizens await the arrival of an important guest, the son of poacher, who became famous abroad. Begins celebration in his honor, but nobody knows that instead of the hero arrived cursory prisoner number 1313. He quickly understand how things are and decides to take the opportunity and very quickly gets into a new role.
A Milk-Cannery baron, Jakub Simonides, is broken by the Canned Milk-Trust and, in his wanderings with a worker, Filip Kornet, he discovers he still owns a half-finished apartment-house. They rally the workers and complete the building for use as a collectivist dairy. The cooperative flourishes and after a chase/pursuit with the police, pratfalls, slapstick and various crashes, the workers buy out the Milk-Trust.
A Milk-Cannery baron, Jakub Simonides, is broken by the Canned Milk-Trust and, in his wanderings with a worker, Filip Kornet, he discovers he still owns a half-finished apartment-house. They rally the workers and complete the building for use as a collectivist dairy. The cooperative flourishes and after a chase/pursuit with the police, pratfalls, slapstick and various crashes, the workers buy out the Milk-Trust.
A Milk-Cannery baron, Jakub Simonides, is broken by the Canned Milk-Trust and, in his wanderings with a worker, Filip Kornet, he discovers he still owns a half-finished apartment-house. They rally the workers and complete the building for use as a collectivist dairy. The cooperative flourishes and after a chase/pursuit with the police, pratfalls, slapstick and various crashes, the workers buy out the Milk-Trust.
A czech film that focuses on an unfaithful husband who married in to money, as well as an impoverished man who is turns to theft.
A czech film that focuses on an unfaithful husband who married in to money, as well as an impoverished man who is turns to theft.
A czech film that focuses on an unfaithful husband who married in to money, as well as an impoverished man who is turns to theft.
A lyrical tale of the pure, vernal romance between a diffident, somewhat naive girl from a rural backwater and a fairly dissolute, but kind-hearted law student from Prague.