마약 중독에 분식회계로 돈이 궁한 앤디(필립 세이모어 호프만). 그의 동생 행크(에단 호크)는 자녀 양육비조차 제대로 대지 못해 더 심각한 상태다. 그 와중 회계 감사에 압박을 느낀 앤디는 행크에게 부모님의 보석 가게를 털자고 제안을 하고, 역시 돈이 필요한 행크는 망설임 끝에 동의를 한다. 계획 실행 당일. 소심한 행크는 과격한 친구 바비를 끌어 들이게 되고, 모든 비극은 거기서부터 출발한다.
액션 전문 배우인 빈 디젤의 또다른 모습을 볼 수 있는 영화. 실화를 바탕으로 한 법정영화이다. 이미 감옥에 수감되어 있는 마피아의 두목이 2년간 스스로 자신을 변호하며 무죄를 받아낸다.
Strip Search follows several parallel stories examining personal freedoms vs. national security in the aftermath of 9/11; two main subplots involve an American woman detained in China and an Arab man detained in New York City.
"As soon as you hear the title to this new one, you know exactly what it's about and why it's likely to be good, especially if you were a sports fan growing up in the 1970s. Even to good boys all the way across the country in New Hampshire, the authority-flouting baseball A's and football Raiders were magical. Not only did they win championships, they did it amid clubhouse brawls, feuds with an owner and a general embrace of the 1960s aesthetic. Filmmakers Rick Bernstein and Ross Greenburg tell the stories of these turbulent, talented teams and show how they perfectly fit their city. Oakland was blue collar and home to hardcore hard-core 1960s rebellion, exemplified by the Black Panthers. Oakland, especially, was not San Francisco, the effete, world-class city across the bay."
"As soon as you hear the title to this new one, you know exactly what it's about and why it's likely to be good, especially if you were a sports fan growing up in the 1970s. Even to good boys all the way across the country in New Hampshire, the authority-flouting baseball A's and football Raiders were magical. Not only did they win championships, they did it amid clubhouse brawls, feuds with an owner and a general embrace of the 1960s aesthetic. Filmmakers Rick Bernstein and Ross Greenburg tell the stories of these turbulent, talented teams and show how they perfectly fit their city. Oakland was blue collar and home to hardcore hard-core 1960s rebellion, exemplified by the Black Panthers. Oakland, especially, was not San Francisco, the effete, world-class city across the bay."
Gay New York couple Stephen Torcelli and Danny Russo have something to hide from Stephen's parents -- their jobs as Mafia enforcers. When the Torcelli family plans to visit, Stephen and Danny panic because Stephen's father works for the FBI. Despite efforts to keep family and Mafia separate, a birthday party gets mixed up with a mobster's daughter's engagement party. Trouble arises when the mobsters concoct a political scheme at the party.
글로리아는 애인이자 마피아 보스인 케빈을 대신해 감옥에 간다. 그녀는 출감하자마자 조직에 대한 분노를 안고 조직의 아지트로 향한다. 그곳에서 케빈을 만난 글로리아는 감옥살이의 대가로 돈을 요구하지만 거절당한다. 아지트를 나서던 글로리아는 니키라는 이름의 소년을 발견한다. 니키는 가족 모두 잔인하게 살해당한 현장에서 가까스로 도망친 소년. 니키의 부모가 조직원들의 신상을 담은 디스켓을 빼돌리고 공금을 횡령한 것이 들통나 일가족이 몰살당한 것이다. 니키에 대한 동정심을 느낀 글로리아는 아이를 데리고 뉴욕을 떠난다. 마피아 일행은 니키가 가진 디스켓을 찾기 위해 글로리아를 집요하게 추적한다. 와 , 등을 만든 중견감독 시드니 루멧의 작품이다.
Werner Ernst is a young hospital resident who becomes embroiled in a legal battle between two half-sisters who are fighting over the care of their comatose father. But are they really fighting over their father's care, or over his $10 million estate? Meanwhile, Werner must contend with his nutty supervisor, who insists that he only care for patients with full insurance. Can Werner sidestep the hospital's legal team and do what's best for the patient?