Mark suffers from an intense form of self-hatred, which translates into neglectful, chilling and destructive behaviour. Mark lives in an equally destructive and hateful town. The only exception is his dying grandfather who lives in a hospice. In the hospice, Mark meets Lisa, a nurse. Mark’s behaviour frees her from her angelic yoke, but their bizarre bond slowly starts spinning out of control.
Père Bonnard
어린 시절에 살던 집으로 가족과 함께 이사 온 남자. 아버지와 연관된 지역 공장에서 발생한 사고를 조사하다가 집안의 어두운 비밀을 마주한다.
A young woman struggles to cope with her elderly father's out-of-the-blue announcement he considers his life complete and will end it by his next birthday.
무자비한 학살과 의미를 잃어버린 희생의 연속이었던 2차 세계대전, 한적한 오스트리아의 시골 마을에서 농사를 짓던 ‘프란츠’(오거스트 딜)는 나치군에 징집된다. 하지만 평범한 농부이자 독실한 가톨릭 신자였던 ‘프란츠’는 그의 신념에 반하는 군인 선서를 거부하고 이로 인해 투옥된다. 군의 명령에 불복종한 ‘프란츠’는 투옥과 동시에 갖은 고초와 고문을 겪게 되고 평화로웠던 그의 삶은 위태롭기만 한데…
Père Georges
On this beautiful, bright first day of summer, Claire Darling has decided to get rid of all her estate. She’s laid down all her favourite objects on her front lawn for one splendid garage sale. As a horde of curious bystanders and neighbors fights over the ridiculously underpriced antiques, each object resurrects flashes of Claire Darling’s tragic and flamboyant life. Alerted by her childhood friends, Marie Darling, Claire’s estranged daughter, is forced to come back to the family mansion to stop this sale and unveil the reasons behind her mother’s eccentric decision.
당돌하고, 충동적이며 유머가 넘치는 루마니아의 젊은 집시 파멜라는 두 살배기 딸을 둔 싱글맘이다. 어느 날 인터넷 채팅을 통해, 벨기에인인 한 중년 남성을 알게 되고, 파멜라는 가난에서 벗어나기 위해 벨기에로 떠날 결심을 한다.
What on earth can an adult, childless man write to a kindergarten class? When a lone wolf finds a balloon with a note attached, he seizes the opportunity to pass on his hard-learned life lessons to the unknown infant that sent it. Lessons that do not necessarily line up with a pre-schooler’s experiences, but which may be valuable to him or her at a later age. In the process, unconnected generations find each other in this moving short film, based on a story by Tommy Wieringa.
When her mother abandons her dementing father, Alex unexpectedly finds herself at a crossroads. As she moves back in the parental house to look after her father, she starts questioning her own life. Does she want to stay with her adulterous husband? She tolerated his affairs for years, but is she really happy with him? Or should she, like her parents, drop the facade?
Jean Lemoine
모든 것을 건 마지막 작전에서 성공적으로 현금수송차를 탈취한 발켄 일당. 하지만 그들이 떠난 자리에서 “브라방의 살인마”를 조사하던 판사 베로니크가 살해된 채 발견되면서 사건은 발켄의 예상과 전혀 다른 방향으로 전개되는데… ”발켄 사건에는 뭔가 이상한 점이 있어!”
An old man who isolated himself from civilization receives an unexpected visitor.
Alice leads a routine life as an escort and dodges social contact. When she's forced to take care of her son after the death of her ex, her apparent indifference seems to fade away and she gets confronted with her emotional emptiness.
Tony Jones
한때 이름난 가수였지만 이제는 잊혀져 파이공장에서 일하는 신세인 여성이 팬을 자처하는 젊은 복서와 사랑에 빠진다. 두 사람은 함께 재기를 꿈꾼다.
In this drama, Ben is faced with the anger and grief of his entire village when, inebriated, he causes a road accident in which his girlfriend Tinka dies. Ben is sent to prison and his resentful in-laws get custody of his little daughter Cindy. When Ben after two years returns to the southern village of Waldstille, he intends to restore contact with Cindy as soon as possible - despite opposition from his parents-in-law.
Thorvald Mikkelsen
1948 - Louis-Ferdinand Céline in Denmark, in exile, accused of collaboration with the Nazis during the occupation of the France. He is accompanied by Lucette, his wife and his cat Bebert.
Monsieur Khiar (voice)
렌즈는 갑자기 사라진 마델레인느를 찾기 위해 파리로 돌아왔다가 어린 아들을 잃고 비탄에 빠져있는 간호사 헬레나와 만나게 된다. 자기파괴와 질투로 점철된 열병과 같은 사랑이야기. (2016년 제17회 전주국제영화제)
Martine's Husband
유럽 브뤼셀의 수상한 아파트, 그곳에는 못된 심보의 괴짜 신이 살고 있다. 어엿한 가정까지 꾸리고 있지만 인간을 골탕 먹이기 좋아하고, 아내와 자식들에겐 소리 지르기 일쑤,‘진상’ 그 자체가 바로 ‘신’이다! 심술궂은 아빠‘신’의 행동에 반발한 사춘기 딸 ‘에아’는 아빠의 컴퓨터를 해킹해 지상에 있는 모든 사람들에게 죽는 날짜를 문자로 전송하고, 세상은 일대 혼란에 빠진다. 세상을 구원할 방법은 오로지 신약성서를 다시 쓰는 것뿐! 에아는 새로운 신약성서에 담을 6명의 사도를 찾아 나서는데…
9년 전 그 놈을 파멸시키기 위해, 드디어 그녀가 세상 밖으로 나왔다! 사고로 아들을 잃어버린 마담 마리. 아들을 죽게 만든 남자에게 복수하기 위해 9년간 치밀한 계획을 세운다. 모든 계획을 끝낸 후, 아무런 의심을 사지 않고 남자의 비서로 접근하는 데 성공한 그녀. 아무것도 모르는 그는 우아한 미소와 교양 넘치는 그녀에게 왠지 모르게 의지하게 되고...그의 아들, 아버지 모두 그 매력에 빠져들게 된다. 복수를 위해 움직이기 시작한 마담 마리와 그녀의 덫에 빠진 남자. 우아한 미소 뒤에 감춰진 복수는 과연 성공할 것인가?
The suffocating love between between a father and a son who, as modern outlaws, struggle to survive in the depleted and neglected southern Dutch province of Limburg.
Sybrand van Hulst
2 November 2004, shortly before nine in the morning. In The Hague, the report comes in that in Amsterdam Theo van Gogh has been murdered. All warning bells start ringing. With the country in flames, sometimes literally, politicians and officials in The Hague have to neutralise all sorts of known and unknown stings, and just when Van Gogh’s cremation seems to herald a period of relative peace, a second explosion follows: the attack on the Hofstad Network in the Laakkwartier in The Hague. A reconstruction of nine days of political high tension and flying dust, a decade after the assassination of the trendsetting filmmaker and TV presenter.
On the night of New Year's Eve, a small group penetrates into the room of an old hotel in ruins. Carmine, the oldest of the group, poses a challenge to one of the men, Furio: he has 4 months to restore the hotel and inaugurate it with great pomp. Aware of the difficulties but anxious to prove the point, Furio accepts encouraged by his wife Margo who believes that this assignment will allow the couple to rediscover the lost momentum.
Lawyer De Cock
When his wife's murderer is released due to a procedural error, Luc will do everything in his power to stop it from happening... He is going to take justice into his own hands and will then compete with the constitutional state which let him down.
여름 남프랑스 휴가지, 17세 생일을 앞둔 이사벨은 그곳에서 만난 독일인 청년과 첫경험을 치른다. 가을, 파리로 돌아온 이사벨은 레아라는 이름으로 학교와 호텔을 오가며 낯선 남자들과의 매춘에 빠져 있다. 겨울, 이사벨의 은밀한 이중생활에도 위기가 찾아온다. 경찰이 들이닥치고 엄마 실비에는 모든 것을 알게 되는데… 그리고 봄, 이사벨은 아무 일도 없었던 것처럼 평범한 10대 소녀의 생활로 돌아갈 수 있을까.
Her mother has just died. Her father is not what she had thought. Caught between an uncertain past, which she knows only through the photographs her mother has left behind, and the prospect of a marriage that she does not really want, Elisa sets out to discover the truth. But will she recognize it when she finds it?
Alter Goldman
As a veteran of the Latin-American guerilla wars, Pierre Goldman became a mythical figure of the French protest movement of the '60s.
Van Kummant
비밀 정보기관에 소속된 미모의 킬러 ‘안나’는 피 묻은 과거를 청산하고 평범한 삶을 살기로 결심한다. 그녀에게 주어진 마지막 임무는 유명 오페라 가수인 ‘차일드’를 제거하는 것. ‘안나’는 소프라노 가수로 위장해 오페라 단원으로 들어가지만 예기치 않게 ‘차일드’와 사랑에 빠지게 되면서 위험한 상황에 처하게 되는데… 오페라가 시작되면, 그녀의 마지막 임무가 시작된다!
Head Guard
In 1430, Joan of Arc, the prisoner of a powerful lord of the north of France is sold to the English. As a captive awaiting her death, she is approached by different men for whom she is believed to be the embodiment of the infinite.
The Traveller
ANTWERP CENTRAL takes the viewer on a journey through the physical and mental space of Antwerp’s railway cathedral, from its construction to the present day. The film covers three centuries of Belgian railway history: from the moment that the national railway company laid its first tracks to the development of the high-speed rail link in the 21st century. Echoes of Belgium’s colonial past and the location of the station in the centre of the bustling diamond district and next to the city zoo add a surreal touch as contrasting pairs, such as animal and human, nature and industry, baroque and modernity, dilapidation and renovation are complexly juxtaposed.
무기를 직접 제작해 타겟을 제거하는 노련한 암살요원 잭은 스웨덴에서 임무를 마치고 사진작가로 신분을 위장한 채 이탈리아로 향한다. 중세 분위기를 고스란히 간직한 이탈리아의 작은 마을에서 잭은 자신을 ‘아메리칸’이라 부르는 신부 베네데토를 만나게 된다. 모든 임무를 단독 처리하는 원칙을 철저히 지키며 홀로 지내왔던 잭은 어느 순간, 베네데토 신부와 우정을 쌓게 되고, 클라라라는 여인도 만나면서 임무에 대한 부담과 언제 들이닥칠지 모를 죽음에 대한 두려움에서 조금씩 자유로워진다. 평온한 일상도 잠시, 그 곳에서 미모의 암살요원 마틸드에게 새로운 무기를 제작해주라는 임무를 맡고, 초소형 권총 제작을 시작한 잭. 하지만, 언제부터인지 누군가 감시 중인 시선을 느끼면서, 자신이 타겟이 되었음을 직감한 그는 점점 더 거대한 위협 속에 빠져드는데.…
Père Jean
A biography of the Belgian nun Jeannine Deckers, who became a popular singer in the early 1960s and struggled with the contradiction between the church and her true self.
An aspiring tennis player is taken under the wing of an established player as his family life falls apart.
West Point is a 'film noir', a story of family and emigration. It's La Cabo da Rocha, Portugal, the western-most point of the European continent. Opposite the USA, it's a metaphor of Ellis Island. It's the street dances and it's the part of what has been forgotten that Alexander and his sister Jeanne must accept in order to break free from the original crime, the feeling of abandonment and the color of wheat.
Narrator (voice)
Young Tiuri has to pass the final test before before being knighted by king Dagonaut. He has to pass a night in the chapel, what is suddenly disturbed by a strangers request of help. With his decision to help the stranger, Tiuri abandons his given task and starts into an adventure, that will shape the destiny of Dagonaut. On his journey he learns about the true meaning of love, friendship, courage and loyalty.
A confused old man, Henry, lives on his own in an old empty building that is reminiscent of a deserted palace. Henry hasn't been outside for years. The camera follows a day in his life - his simple daily chores and his eccentric rituals. Henry looks like a European from a good family, but has many Asian habits. The second protagonist is the building in which Henry is staying: the Royal Pavilion in Brighton. It is one of the best preserved examples of chinoise architecture and furnishing in the world. Neither the client nor the architect had ever set foot in Asia. In a monologue, a parallel narrative unfolds in a game with reality and fiction. Word and image, fiction and documentary become intertwined with each other and point across the frontiers of ‘East’ versus ‘West’.
A reporter who's soon to receive the Journalist of the Year Award hits a young hare on his way home. He gets out of the car to see if it's ok, but the hare runs off deeper into the forest, taking him on adventure of self-discovery.
Jacques Marey
Claire, 38, works in the litigation department of a bank. She has to deal with the case of Jacques Marey, 50, the boy she secretly loved when she was a 12-year-old. Today, Claire lives with Antoine and their daughter, Lola, 13, who falls in love with Julien, 22, Jacques's son. Like Mother like daughter ? Love stories usually end badly, but they don't necessarily repeat themselves!
Carmen, a bonobo female, flees from the research center in linguistics where she is being kept. She takes refuge at a young couple's place, Mercier and his pregnant wife Myriam. Mercier, beginning at a new job, is reluctant to welcome the ape. But Myriam makes friend with her.
Samuel Zamelsky
The tender and supporting relationship between a young woman and her gay husband, in WW2.
One cold winter's day, Jacob and his sister Marie are abandoned in a wood by their out of work father. In his jacket Jacob finds a letter from their mother urging them to go to her brother in Spain. Once in Spain, it turns out that their uncle is dead. Marie meets Diego, a wealthy charming Spanish surgeon, and falls in love with him. Diego lives with his sick, domineering sister, Teresa. To Jacob's astonishment, Marie wants to marry Diego. Even after the wedding has taken place, jealous Jacob tries to get his sister away from Diego. When this doesn't succeed, Jacob starts to provoke his brother-in-law. It soon transpires that no one will go unpunished for this.
Romberg, Isabellas Stiefvater
Dito Tsintsadze's drama focuses on a loner whose life changes dramatically, when he gets to know a beautiful, but strange girl. Lukas, a young man doing "meals on wheels" instead of military service, doesn't have many friends and leads a boring life, until he meets Isabella. The fascinating girl soon becomes his best friend, but Lukas learns she has a sexual relationship to her stepfather. Thus, he is obsessed with the idea of delivering Isabella by killing the man..
부유한 양부모와 함께 숲속의 호화로운 외딴 집에 살고 있는 십대 소녀 클레어. 어느날 정원 헛간에 아프가니스탄 소년이 피를 흘린 채 숨어 들어 있는 것을 발견하게 된다. 소년은 마피아를 위해 마약을 장기에 숨겨 배달하는 일을 하다가 총상을 입게 된 것이었는데 마약 일부는 아직 소년의 몸 속에 남아 있었다. 클레어의 정성스런 치료로 소년은 회복하게 되고 말도 통하지 않지만 둘은 사랑에 빠지게 된다. 마피아는 마약을 찾기 위해 소년을 추적하고 클레어는 곧 도시로 이사할 예정이어서 급기야 소년과 함께 도주를 시작하게 되는데...
George Terhoef
De Enclave is a Dutch mini series about the mass murders in Srebrenica during the Bosnia war. It tells a part of the Bosnia war, personalized in Ibro Hadzic, who lost all of his family there.
Frank Schoubya
Marc Schrader, a rookie cop caught red-handed with drugs in a police raid of an illegal rave, joins a homicide investigation conducted by Chief Inspector Minks. The victim is a naked young woman with the skin stripped off her back, killed as she staggered into traffic. As Schrader and Minks investigate the murder, the case is complicated by a finger found in the stomach of the victim. Forensic examination proves the finger belongs to Nobert Günzel, who was previously convicted of rape and assault. The police raid Günzel’s residence, and discover a blood-stained table with restraints and bits of human flesh in his basement. They also find video equipment and preserved, tattooed skin from the victim’s back. Soon, they found dead bodies buried in the garden. Günzel then goes missing.
이른 아침, 앨리스라는 한 소녀가 아니타 스타로 경위를 찾는다. 자신의 엄마가 살인을 했다며 이를 신고하겠다는 앨리스. 앨리스의 엄마가 보모를 끔찍하게 죽이는 영상이 담긴 CD를 받은 스타로 경위는 수사를 진행하려고 하지만 앨리스의 엄마인 에바 크리스텐슨은 마약 밀매와 연관이 있는 위험한 여성으로 함부로 건드릴 수 없는 거물이다. 결국, 앨리스를 에바에게 돌려보내야 하는 상황에 직면한 스타로 경위. 하지만, 이를 눈치챈 앨리스는 경찰서를 빠져나와 도망치고 이때 우연히 만난 휴고 덕분에 위기를 모면한다. 어딘가 비밀을 간직한 듯한 전직 군인 휴고는 앨리스를 돕기 위해 그녀의 친아버지가 있다는 포르투갈에 함께 가게 되고, 에바는 이들을 뒤쫓는다. 스타로 경위 역시 상부의 지시로 포르투갈로 향하게 되는데…
1765년 프랑스 남부 산악지대 제보당에 야수가 출현하여 마을의 여자와 어린아이들을 무참히 살해한다. 1년이 지나자 100여명의 사상자를 낸 야수의 소문은 프랑스 전역으로 번지고 루이 15세는 긴급히 프롱삭 기사와 모호크족 전사 마니를 밀사로 파견한다. 주민들은 늑대의 소행이라고 단언하지만, 프롱삭은 시체의 몸에 박힌 금속성의 물질과 구사 일생으로 살아남은 자들의 증언으로 미루어볼 때 늑대보다 거대한 몸집을 지닌 정체를 알 수 없는 야수라고 추측하게 된다. 흔적도 없이 사라지는 야수를 잡기위해 마침내 6000프랑의 상금을 내건 프랑스 최대 규모의 야수 사냥 대회가 열리지만 늑대가 떼죽음 당하고 무고한 주민 12명이 희생되었지만 야수는 잡지 못한 채 끝이 난다. 프롱삭 주변에는 묘한 분위기의 사람들이 하나 둘씩 나타나는데. 제보당에 도착한 첫날 프롱삭은 연회에서 백작의 딸 마리안을 만나 첫눈에 반한다. 프롱삭을 못마땅하게 여긴 음침한 분위기의 그녀의 오빠 장(뱅상 카셀 분)은 사사건건 프롱삭과 부딪히게 된다. 고급 요정에서 만난 신비로운 분위기의 창녀 실비아(모니카 벨루치 역)는 프롱삭에게 알 수 없는 단서들을 던져주고. 사건의 실마리는 점점 더 안개처럼 희미해져가고 프롱삭에게 접근하는 실비아와 장 그리고 악마적인 분위기의 집시들의 행동은 거세어져 간다. 어느날 야수를 쫓던 모호크족의 전사 마니가 집시들과의 격렬한 전투 도중 비참한 최후를 맞자 프롱삭은 심한 갈등과 혼란에 휩싸이게 되는데.
Student Eric kills time by spying on his neighbors. Compulsively taking notes on everything within binocular range from his bedroom window, he harasses his neighbors by sending unsigned notes and making their private affairs public. When they discover his identity and draw him in, will this release him from his solitude, or confirm in his mind that he will always be the outsider?
17세기 프랑스, 열네살의 어린왕 ‘루이 14세’는 실질적 권력을 움켜쥔 어머니와 재상 마자랭의 빛에 가려 우울하고 고독한 유년을 보낸다. 그런 그에게 주어진 것이 있다면 춤과 음악뿐이다. 작곡가 륄리는 그런 루이의 삶과 예술에 동반자가 된다. 그리고 언젠가 왕이 될 루이를 위해 그를 빛나게 할 최고의 음악과 플라토닉, 그 이상의 열정적 사랑을 바친다. 또한 왕실 극단의 몰리에르 역시 날카로운 필치로 왕을 위협하는 존재들인 귀족들의 세태를 풍자하며 루이 14세의 권력과 위엄을 한층 높여준다. 하지만 왕권 유지를 위해 루이 14세는 그들과 거리를 두기 시작한다. 그러나 음악적 야심과 왕에 대한 애증의 감정에서 빠져나오지 못하는 륄리는 파행과 독선을 일삼기 시작하고 이로 인해 그는 왕의 사랑과 신뢰를 잃고 마는데.....
The father
Johan has three children with different women. Two adult daughters: Sophie and Virginie, and a young son in Amsterdam. Loïc gave Johan diamonds of a criminal origin. Her husband Simon thought they were his and murdered her. Then he set out his hunt for the diamonds and for killing Johan. The police thought that Johan had murdered Loïc and called his daughters, who had not known about each other. Afterwards Sophie receives a note to take a certain train to Amsterdam. A young boy gives Virginie the oral message "The treasure is in the trout". She immediately understands that this trout must be in her mother's freezer, unknown to the mother. Both girls take the train. Simon contacts them as a helpful fellow-passenger. The girls soon detect his aim of murdering them. In Brussels they escape the train. Virginie steals a car but is not as good at driving as at stealing (she will prove this again).
Primo Ghirardi
Joseph and Olga Stegudith, who are elderly Parisians of Viennese Jewish extraction, come to luxurious Evian with Olga's brother Michel Mazelsky to hear their son, virtuoso cellist Jascha, perform. Jascha is lovesick over violinist Anna Ghirardi, with whom he had a brief affair a year ago, although she's happily married to naturalist Primo.
Simon, the cop
Nag, a prostitute, walks the streets. One night, a violent man sends her to the hospital. There she meets Herve, a nurse obsessed with people's age and death in general. He falls madly in love with Nag and enters a world that amounts to very little.
Ed Oudeweetering
A young boy develops a passion for archeology and tries to unravel the truth about his ancestry.
October 1997. Paul Winters (35) is deputy public prosecutor in Arnhem and is working on his first major case: an investigation in to the allegations of a Bosnian girl that she was raped by three soldiers in the Dutch UN contingent and whose brother is alleged to have been killed by them. Winters suspects that the girl is telling the truth, but he can't prove it and the case is adjourned. Then one of the men gives a revealing statement that throws a different light on the case. Winters argues in favour of reopening the case, but faces opposition from an unexpected quarter.
슬로모(Shlomo)가 걱정스런 소식을 가지고 마을로 돌아온다. 그 소식은 이웃 마을의 유태인 거주자들이 나치에 의해 추방되었다는 것. 마을 사람들은 밤새 고민한 끝에 마을 원로회(the Old People's Board)를 소집, 마을의 공공 자산으로 낡은 기차를 구입하려 한다...
Madeleine is with her lover, Jean-Paul, when her husband arrives home and catches the two together. Madeleine kills her husband and tells Jean-Paul to flee before the police arrive. After Jean-Paul drives away, he picks up a hitchhiker. When the car, stolen by the hitchhiker, explodes, police believe the dead hitchhiker is Jean-Paul. Madeleine takes up with Jean-Paul's brother, Bastien, while Jean-Paul, arriving in Strasbourg, is mistaken for the heir to a fortune. The detective on the case spends more time writing crime novels than investigating real-life crimes.
Horst Kramer
John Hurt stars as a scandal-hit member of parliament, dispatched to the political backwaters of the European Commission in Brussels as penance for his failures. However, once there he stumbles upon a chemical weapons outrage that points to a sinister political-industrial conspiracy.
Felice Beato
Tragic love story about the photographer and explorer Felice Beato who travelled back to Japan in 1895 to seek his former wife O-Kiku. On the way he describes in a nostalgic letter to his brother how much he yearns for his lost love O-Kiku and how impotent he feels in an ancient Japan subject to rapid change. The journey takes him to Nagasaki and Moji, Onomichi, Mount Fuji, Yokohama and Tokyo. Places he once visited with his beloved and where he now no longer understands the people. Felice...Felice... is inspired by hand-coloured nineteenth century photos taken by e.g. Felice Beato, Sjimooka Renjo and Baron von Stilfried. In this film, shot entirely in a studio, the photos depict Felice's journey. Awarded the Golden Calf for Best Feature film in 1998. (NFF)
De Grieux
Under pressure from his publisher, Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoyevsky gets work on his latest piece, 'Rouletenberg'. In the 27 days it takes for him to complete the novel reality and fiction become blurred; in this feverish atmosphere of excess Dostoyevsky's characters come to life as he struggles to complete his work.
The McBee family has erected a government over a future 'colony', that looks like a run-down Paris divided into sectors by the Berlin Wall. All male family members suffer from a mysterious disease and are in urgent need of organ transplants. The perfect donor, Tykho Moon, probably has been killed in a fire, but according to rumours he's still alive. Although assassins stalk the family members, the McBees start a hunt for Tykho. Trying to escape the dragnet, Alex, a sculptor, meets Lena, a killer posing as a whore.
Daniel Topolski
The story of the year the Oxford and Cambridge boat race changed from a gentleman's race to one where winning was everything.
A series of seemingly unconnected events and 50 important speaking parts make this film a jigsaw puzzle to be solved by the viewer. Martin and Claire were separated in childhood, and are brought together by a series of coincidences. A tragic car crash is central to the story, but seemingly unimportant events can hold great significance. Through a montage of different film stock and techniques director Diane Bertrand creates pieces of a puzzle, from which the viewer has to piece together a story. That's the premise of the film, and it is solvable. You just have to work a bit...
Jeanne, her second husband, Michel, and her teen daughter Marie live quietly in the South of France. However, Jeanne's secret past comes back to haunt her.
1572년, 10년째 계속된 신교와 구교의 전쟁으로 피폐해진 프랑스. 평화를 위해 구교도인 ‘샤를 9세’의 동생 ‘마고’는 신교도인 나바르 왕 ‘앙리’와 결혼하게 된다. 평화와 화해의 상징이 되어야 했던 ‘마고’의 결혼식은 ‘샤를 9세’의 잘못된 판단으로 인해 프랑스 역사상 가장 잔인한 대학살로 이어진다. 대학살이 일어났던 그 날, ‘마고’는 길에서 우연히 마주쳤던 ‘라 몰’을 구해주고, 그와 운명적인 사랑에 빠진다. 구교도 세력과 왕실에 환멸은 느낀 ‘마고’는 남편 ‘앙리’를 도와 신교도 편에 서고, ‘마고’의 도움으로 프랑스를 탈출했던 ‘라 몰’은 ‘마고’와 ‘앙리’를 탈출시키기 위해 병력을 이끌고 다시 프랑스로 돌아오는데…
After the war, in Bucharest, a young Romanian poet arrested for having written an article denouncing Stalinist crimes, will save his life by accepting to become a hostage of the regime.
Herr Schumler
국내에 이라는 제목의 비디오로 출시되기도 했다. 1930년대 독일, 나찌당을 창설한 히틀러 정권이 기승을 부리고 있다. 피터, 토마스는 스윙 재즈를 좋아하는 반항적인 10대 소년으로 밤이면 클럽에 나가 지터벅을 춘다. 아비드는 다리가 불편해서 춤을 추는 대신 기타로 스윙을 멋지게 연주한다. 이들은 자신을 스윙 키즈라고 부른다. 그 당시 독일 청년들은 히틀러 청년단이라는 곳에 들어가야 했지만 피터와 친구들은 들어가지 않고 지낸다. 그러다 피터와 토마스가 라디오를 훔쳐 달아나다 잡히게 되고 어쩔 수 없이 청년단에 입단하게 된다. 스윙 키즈에 대한 정부의 제재가 심해지고 히틀러 청년단원들의 공격을 받게 되자 아비드는 스스로 목숨을 끊는다. 여기에 충격을 받은 피터는 더욱 더 나찌에 대해 회의를 느끼게 되지만 토마스는 현실에 적응하며 철저한 나찌 당원이 되어간다. 바이얼리니스트 아버지를 나찌에게 잃은 피터에게는 당연한 일이었다. 나찌가 죽인 유태인의 유골을 전달하고 돌아온 피터는 그날 밤 비스마르크 클럽에 나가서 춤을 추다가 잡혀가게 된다.
In the 1890s, Father Adolf Daens goes to Aalst, a textile town where child labor is rife, pay and working conditions are horrible, the poor have no vote, and the Catholic church backs the petite bourgeoisie in oppressing workers. He writes a few columns for the Catholic paper, and soon workers are listening and the powerful are in an uproar. He's expelled from the Catholic party, so he starts the Christian Democrats and is elected to Parliament. After Rome disciplines him, he must choose between two callings, as priest and as champion of workers. In subplots, a courageous young woman falls in love with a socialist and survives a shop foreman's rape; children die; prelates play billiards.
Six people are about to undertake a journey by foot from the very north of the Netherlands to the very south, in search of the mountains. Only two of them reach the destination.
Maria Garcia (Carmen Maura) is a television journalist and she's about to be a single mother. Her career foremost in her mind, she doesn't slow down even for a minute, despite her pregnancy. She is, however, taking Lamaze classes and is quite competently coping with the romantic attentions of a man she's not very interested in. It's not at all irrelevant that her news beat includes stories on terrorism, the greenhouse effect, pollution and genetic engineering, because when her baby's due date comes and goes, she starts hearing from her infant from in the womb. It is telling her that it and many other babies are refusing to be born into such a horrible world. She learns that this is true, and that the children born through induced labor are dying.
Majoor Jansma
According to an ancient Indian tale a giant monster embryo residing in a crystal vase is predetermined to fertilize a blue-eyed woman. She will give birth to something evil to unleash horror and destruction upon human kind. Ugly septuplet brothers reproduced within the framework of mysterious genetic experiments terrorize a young innocent girl who seems to be chosen for the sinister predestination.
Henk van Raat
This melodramatic film follows Eline Vere, as she attempts to break free from the confines of her narrow existence in The Hague through three tumultuous and ultimately disastrous courtships. Adaptation of Louis Couperus' novel Eline Vere.
Jan Rijckaert
She's a lawyer with a social conscience. He's a calculating industrialist who keeps many deals hidden from her. But when she discovers that her husband is involved in illegal arms traffic and is also having an affair with one of her colleagues, a direct confrontation ensues.
After seven months of pregnancy a husband and wife learn that their unborn child won't survive for long.
Hilde earns just enough to support herself and her son, but when his father returns the troubles begin.
François Manssaux
유명한 성악가 조아킴(Joachim Dallayrac : 조쉬반 댐 분)이 어느날 갑자기 은퇴를 한다. 은퇴를 한 후 조아킴은 여자 제자 소피(Sophie : 안네 로우셀 분)를 가리키는 일에 전념한다. 어느날 시장에 갔다가 조아킴은 장(Jean : 필립페 볼터 분)이라는 도둑을 만난다. 장에게 가수로서의 자질이 있음을 느낀 조아킴은 장을 집으로 데려다가 노래를 가르친다. 조아킴은 소피에게서 사랑을 느끼고 번민을 한다. 그러나 조아킴은 스승으로서의 본분을 지키려고 노력한다. 그 후 소피의 삼촌 프랑스와가 오페라 가수 경연 대회 소식과 초청장을 들고 온다. 경연대회를 주최하는 스코티(Prince Scotti: 패트릭 바우소 분)는 조아킴과는 원수처럼 지내는 사이다. 20여년 전에 조아킴과 노래 대결을 해서 진 경험을 갖고 있다. 스코티는 다시 아르카스(Arcas : 마크 쉬레이버 분)라는 제자를 키워서 조아킴에게 도전한다. 그러나 이번에는 조아킴이 아닌 조아킴의 제자 장과 소피에게 도전하는 형식을 취하지만...
The Inquisition is in full swing in 16th century Flanders. Wanted for his dissident writings, the alchemist doctor Zeno has been wandering Europe under an assumed name for twenty years. But he remains a non-conformist. He returns to his native Bruges, where he thinks he has been forgotten. In this silent labyrinth where the faces of the past resurface, he rediscovers his identity and thus signs his death warrant.
A young man falls in love with extra-liberated Giulia. Their relationship becomes very passionate, but Giulia has no limits in her sexual fantasies and games. Poor guy, will soon discover he'll have to pay a price for Giulia. He'll have to put up with all her strange and pervert desires, until of course he reaches his limits.
One year after their father has died mysteriously at the Wadden Sea, two brothers visit the same place where their father died. Hidden feelings about each other come to the foreground.
Two very different friends who share an apartment in Amsterdam have reached a dead end in their lives. The arrival of a parcel looks like an opportunity for a change.
A woman and her daughter lives in Oostdijk, a village near Amsterdam. One night when the mother is on her way home, she is killed in a car accident in the street they live in.
Le professeur (uncredited)
동정녀 마리아의 이야기를 재해석한 작품. 주유소에서 일하는 마리는 남자친구 조셉과 육체적 관계를 갖지 않은 채 사귀고 있다. 그러던 어느 날 마리의 삼촌 가브리엘이 마리가 임신할 것이라고 말해주고, 마리와 조셉은 각각 혼란에 빠진다.
남성과 여성, 성과 속의 문제를 탐구한 작품으로 몇몇 국가에서는 상영이 금지되기도 했다.
The Boss (as Johan Leyssen)
영화는 어젯밤의 흔적을 치우며 새로운 아침을 준비하는 클럽 해피하우스로부터 시작된다. 그곳에서는 저마다의 기구한 사연을 가진 여성들이 생존을 위해 자신을 판다. 무능력한 마약중독자 남편 대신 생활전선에 뛰어든 다이앤. 그녀 역시 해피하우스에서 일한다. 같은 시간, 도시의 다른 한편에서는 잘 차려입은 양복 차림의 남성이 여성을 납치하고, 침대에 묶고, 즉석 카메라로 그녀의 사진을 찍는다. 여자는 벽 한켠에 붙어 있는 이미 살해당한 여성들의 사진을 보고 울부짖는다. 여자의 고통에 한껏 희열을 느끼는 연쇄 살인범. 마치 두 개의 바퀴처럼 전혀 연관이 없어 보이던 이야기는 얘기치 않은 사건을 계기로 극적인 랑데부를 하게 된다.
Hans Deitz
Director Leon de Winter has taken a thriller with political and psychological overtones, and scrambled it into a series of vignettes that are mixed-up in time and in location, thereby dashing any hope of following the story. A journalist goes to a southern European country to interview a well-known terrorist who has refused to stop his activities even though the revolution he fought for ended successfully five years earlier. Questions are raised about adopting violence as a way of life without at first realizing it and about the seeming impossibility of raising the consciousness of backwater cultures. Perhaps because of the way the story has been filleted into fragments, characters like the journalist and terrorist do not have enough continuous screen time to build up their individuality, a second factor that makes it difficult to become involved in the drama.
Jan Verstraete
Unrelenting pessimism dominates this slow-paced, dark film, the debut feature from director Digna Sinke dedicated to an archetypal born loser named Marian (Josee Ruiter). Marian is a journalist who has been working in Latin America and who arrives home just after her father dies to find out that the man she had married for purely political reasons might be deported because the authorities found out he was not living with her. Meanwhile, Marian is upset that her mother and sister are keeping her mentally handicapped brother in an institution, and she goes there to get him released into her custody -- a mistake it turns out. He is actually worse off with her, and vice-versa. On top of everything, Marian cannot break away from the depression she feels over a tragic incident that happened while she was in Latin America -- and anything she does is colored by that moment from the past. These burdens become almost too much to bear, both for Marian and the viewers.
Koekebakker is a successful journalist. His old mates, however, turned out failures: Bekker has lost all hope of changing the world, Hoyer works for the socialist party, Bavink suffers from mental problems and Kees is a simple laborer.
Le docteur Bruno Nanteuil
Martin (Heinz Bennent), a sculptor, is dying in his bed on a barge that floats along a fog-shrouded waterway. As he agonizingly descends into a final oblivion, his second wife is at his bedside, comforted by his first wife -- also present.
During the second world war law student Hannie Schaft is a member of the Dutch resistance movement.
Fred, a 28-year-old bachelor from a quiet village in the Ardennes, is forester and grave digger. He is in love with Isabel but she has always loved their childhood friend Peter. Then Peter returns after a failed marriage.