Director of Photography
Marie-Luce Bison, 14 years old, is raised by her father in a cheerful boarding house for seniors where he is the director. It is soon the costume party of her new college: her father does not want her to go ... and anyway, she is not invited. But pushed by Albert, her 80-year-old best friend, Marie-Luce crashes the party, dressed as a man. That evening, everyone takes her for a boy... a boy who is looked at and who pleases. She then decides to invent a male double named Leo to finally live her teenage life. Of course, at home, the relationship with her father becomes complicated.
Director of Photography
대이맘 (수니파 이슬람 율법의 최고 권위자) 선거를 앞두고 이집트의 정치인들은 ‘최적임자’로 생각되는 인물이 반드시 선출될 수 있도록 발 빠르게 움직인다. 어부의 아들로 태어나 국비 장학금을 받고 카이로의 대학에 진학한 아담은 위협적인 권모술수가 난무하는 소용돌이에 휘말리게 된다.
Director of Photography
Casablanca, Morocco. A trio of women, with the police on their tail, embarks on a long escape that takes them across the rugged red terrain and flower-filled valleys of the Atlas to finally reach the Atlantic coast.
Director of Photography
Seven men, all city-dwellers aged between 17 and 70, with nothing in common apart from the fact that they are all on the verge of a nervous breakdown, meet up at a lonely sta- tion for an unusual course in the wild that is supposed to get them back on their feet. Each step in this boot camp, designed by an eccentric and feisty female coach, aims to reveal them to themselves. The task seems to be a tough one, especially as nothing goes as planned between these men.
Director of Photography
특수부대 중사 출신 ‘제임스 하퍼’는 전역을 명 받고 법의 테두리 밖에서 국가에 충성하는 극비 조직에 합류한다. 그에게 주어진 첫번째 미션은, 전세계를 혼란에 빠뜨릴 바이러스 테러를 막는 것. 그러나, 미션 수행 도중 거대한 음모에 휘말리게 되고 충격과 위기를 겪게 되는데… 더 이상 물러설 곳은 없다. 모든 것을 건, 새로운 미션이 시작된다!
Director of Photography
In a port city, the lives of a few isolated people, used to violence, are strongly influenced by the love they feel for each other. Choices, envy, love and tenderness are the driving forces that help these characters to be themselves and give meaning to their lives. A tribute to poetry, theatre and art.
Director of Photography
In an urban war zone where everything that moves is a target, Paul tries to live, love and inform.
Damien is a pawn in a primary school, and leads a quiet life. To rescue one of his young students, Bahzad, and his mother from imminent expulsion from the land, Damien reconnects with his parents' militant past and convinces his sister Mélanie, who has become a formidable business lawyer, her best friend Rudy and a bunch of unlikely pals to accompany him in his new fight. Together, they will break the law by solidarity. And very quickly to be completely exceeded.
Director of Photography
Odette is a 8-yr-old girl who loves to dance and draw. Once she has become an adult, Odette realizes she was abused, and immerses herself body and soul in her career as a dancer while trying to deal with her past.
Director of Photography
집을 처분하려고 해변으로 향하는 세 친구. 차는 쌩쌩 달리지만 마음은 인생에 대한 피로와 상실감쯤에 머물러 있다. 그런데 뜨거운 태양과 바다 탓일까. 점점 들떠가는 마음에 연하남들까지 불을 지핀다. 친구들아, 나 좀 설레도 되겠니?
Director of Photography
Algiers, a few years after the civil war. Amal and Samir have decided to celebrate their twentieth wedding anniversary in a restaurant. While on their way, their share their views on Algeria: Amal talks about lost illusions and Samir about the necessity to cope with them. At the same time, their son Fahim and his friends Feriel and Reda are wandering about in a hostile Algiers about to steal their youth.
Director of Photography
Cairo, 2011. A police officer investigates the murder of a woman in a luxurious hotel in the days leading up to the Egyptian revolution.
Director of Photography
An attention-craving mother nearing 50, unemployed and living with her pregnant daughter and son-in-law, suddenly finds herself with child, too...
Director of Photography
알라딘이 요술 램프를 구하고 공주와 사랑을 얻게되는 모험을 그린 환타지 영화
Director of Photography
‘당신이 찍은 사진을 보고 싶어요’ 아파트의 엘리베이터 수리비를 내지 않아 엘리베이터 타는 것이 금지된 40대 독신남 스테른코비츠. 밤에만 몰래 외출하던 그는 우연히 나이트 근무를 하는 간호사를 만나게 된다. 그녀에게 호감을 얻기 위해 포토그래퍼 행세를 하고, 그 다음 날 같은 시간에 다시 그녀를 만나러 오겠다고 약속을 한다. ‘우리 함께 영화 봐요’ 옆 집에 새로 이사온 여자가 궁금한 10대 소년 샬리. 시크한 그녀는 알고보니 왕년의 유명 여배우 ‘잔 메이어’, 라고 하지만 샬리는 그녀를 알 길이 없다. 그 둘은 잔이 출연한 영화를 함께 보기로 한다. ‘오늘 저녁으로 쿠스쿠스 해줄게’ 낡은 아파트 옥상에 불시착하게 된 나사 소속의 우주 비행사 존 매켄지. 도움을 받기 위해 우연히 방문한 집에는 알제리 출신의 ‘하미다’가 살고 있었다. 불어를 모르는 미국인 우주 비행사와 영어를 모르는 하미다는 함께 쿠스쿠스 저녁을 먹기로 한다.
Director of Photography
Olivier and Leo, two brothers that are moved to Paris and that life has separated ... If the first sees himself as a journalist without concessions, the second is an ambitious and opportunistic communication adviser. Noémie, a charming presidential adviser, can not, over the years, choose between them. To the amusement of Sylvain, their childhood friend, who made his fortune in Pink Minitel, their destinies intersect over 20 years, are intertwined, in a funny epic, tender and nostalgic, in the 80 / 90.
Teenagers, in their last year of High School, steel the subjects of the Baccalaureate from the education exam division in order to succeed at the exam.
Director of Photography
A couple leaves their child at kindergarten one Friday morning. The child's grandmother will pick the child up in the evening and look after him during the weekend. The parents are going on a journey to another country.
Director of Photography
Arnaud Mustier, lawyer and brilliant philosopher, arouses the annoyance of his younger brother Jules, age sixteen. One day, Arnaud is a victim of a late adolescent crisis. Helped by Jules, he is going to catch up this phase of the life which he did not live.
A hard hitting fictional story of two schoolboys and how their paths crossing one night in urban London, will affect both their families lives forever. Loosely Inspired by events affecting his own life, Life Sentence is the Directorial debut of British actor Ray Panthaki (Kidulthood, 28 Days Later, Ali G indahouse) and is Shot by World renowned Cinematographer Pierre Aim (La Haine)
Director of Photography
아동 성추행범 검거, 미성년 소매치기범 적발, 점심 시간에 다른 사람들 씹기, 학대하는 부모 조사, 아이들에게서 진술 받기, 도를 넘은 십 대들의 성 실태 직면하기, 동료들과 유대 를 즐기며, 생각지도 못한 순간에 참지 못하고 웃음 터뜨리 기 등등 모두가 아동보호팀에게는 일상적인 일들이다. 최악 의 경우가 존재하는 것을 알고, 그것을 견디며 살아가는 이 경찰관들은 자신의 사적인 삶과 그들이 매일 일하는 동안 접 하는 현실 사이에서 어떻게 균형을 잡는 것일까? 아동보호 팀 소속인 럭비공 같은 프레드는 내무부에서 보호팀의 활동 을 기록하기 위해 파견된 사진작가 멜리사의 집요함을 견디지 못한다.
Director of Photography
In the city of Jaffa; a young girl plans to run away with her secret lover, when a tragedy forever changes the course of their lives. Jaffa is a mixed Arabic - Jewish seaside city near Tel Aviv, where Reuven Wolf (Moni Moshonov) has a garage for repairing cars. His wife Ossi (Ronit Elkabetz), a vain, self-centered woman, just makes everybody's life difficult. The couple's daughter, Mali Wolf (Dana Ivgy), has secretly fallen in love with her childhood friend, the young Toufik (newcomer Mahmud Shalaby), a hard-working youth who has come as a helping hand to his Israeli-Arab father Hassan, a long-time mechanic working for Reuven.
Director of Photography
어느 여성 감독이 여배우들에 관한 영화를 찍기 시작한다. 톱스타부터 무명배우까지, 지적이거나 혹은 가볍거나… 어느새 잊혀진 여배우들을 만나면서 그녀는 한없이 연약한 존재인 그녀들의 매력에 빠져든다.
Director of Photography
R2I, a famous news radio station, sends its best reporting duo to Iraq: Frank, journalist, and Poussin, sound engineer. Very quickly, millions of listeners follow their highly documented stories, reflecting the hot intensity of the fighting and the difficult survival of the population.
Director of Photography
울면서 가는 곳, 프랑스 최북단 ‘슈티’?! 매일 바쁜 도시, 지긋지긋한 직장생활, 우울증에 걸린 아내… 우체국장 ‘필립’은 사랑하는 가족을 위해 따뜻하고 여유로운 남부 프랑스로 전근을 계획한다. 하지만, 그가 발령받은 곳은 프랑스 최북단, 일명 ‘슈티’라 불리는 시골 ‘베르그’ 혹독한 추위와 알코올에 중독된 사람들, 알아듣지 못할 방언 때문에 모두가 꺼리는 곳이다. 결국, 기러기 가장이 되기로 결심한 '필립'은 홀로 끔찍한 슈티로 향하는데… 일상에 지친 당신, ‘슈티’에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 마침내 슈티에 도착한 '필립' 생각보다 화창한 날씨와 낮술을 즐기는 여유로운 사람들, 유쾌하고 따뜻한 마을 분위기와 독특하지만 정감있는 방언까지... '필립'은 처음의 날 선 자세가 무색하게 슈티 생활에 재미를 느끼기 시작한다. 이제 남은 일은 슈티에 대한 아내의 오해를 풀어주는 것인데... 지금! 낮술처럼 유쾌한 행복이 시작된다! '슈티(Ch'tis)'란? 프랑스 북부 지역과 그 곳에 사는 사람들, 그들이 사용하는 사투리 등을 통칭하는 단어이다. 특히 이 지역의 언어는 '슈티 프랑스어(Ch'tis-French)' 사전이 존재할 정도로 프랑스 표준어와 많은 차이가 있다.
Director of Photography
Told in four vignettes, this existential comedy relates the exploits of four aspiring criminals who hope to improve their lot, but find that they might not have what it takes for a life of crime.
A pediatrician's chance encounter with an old acquaintance inspires her ill-timed confession to a past drunken sexual daliance while her husband looks for a parking spot.
Director of Photography
Alice d'Abanville and Louis Ruinard are two extraordinary personalities. They were the most strikingly glamorous couple of the 70s. But this pair haven't seen each other in thirty years.
Director of Photography
아멜리에의 프로듀서가 전세계 최고의 감독 20명과 찍은 18편의 옴니버스 영화로, 파리를 배경으로 한 18가지의 색다른 사랑 이야기를 담고 있다. 5분의 제한 시간 안에서 펼쳐지는 이야기들의 한가지 공통점은 바로 '사랑의 도시, 파리'라는 주제이다. 각각의 감독들은 이 주제를 받아들이고 자신들만의 개성을 듬뿍 담은 작품들을 탄생시켰다. 마치 를 연상시키는 내레이션으로 연결된 18편의 짧은 영화들은 파리를 배경으로 펼쳐지는 갖가지 훈훈한 사랑의 기운을 전달하고 있다. 파리 시내 20개 구 중 한 곳을 골라 최소한의 비용으로 5분 동안 사랑이야기를 찍기. 에 참여한 20명의 감독에게 주어진 공통조건이었다. 몽마르트 언덕, 에펠탑, 차이나타운, 마레, 센 강변 등 파리 곳곳을 배경으로, 현대 파리의 일상과 주인공들의 천차만별 사랑, 그리고 세계 곳곳의 감독들이 파리에 보내는 사랑이 함께 어우러진다. 감독들 각자의 개성과 세계적인 스타들의 모습이 몽타주된 감미로운 영화.
Director of Photography
Set at the end of the 1960s, as Swaziland is about to receive independence from United Kingdom, the film follows the young Ralph Compton, at 12, through his parents' traumatic separation, till he's 14.
A wedding is an opportunity for three couples of different generations to question commitment and the strength of love.
Camera Operator
Insurance salesman tries to get money from his hippie cousin by fulfilling his dream: Arraigning for John Lennon and Janis Joplin's "second coming".
Director of Photography
미술학도인 안젤리끄는 유부남 심장전문의 뤼끄를 사랑한다. 그녀는 그와의 사랑을 꿈꾸며 그녀의 생일을 그와 함께 보내고 싶어하고, 그와 함께 여행을 갈 계획을 세우지만, 그녀의 생각대로 일은 되지 않는다. 영화는 뤼끄의 시점으로 바뀌며 새로운 국면을 맞이하는데.
Director of Photography
An old man in dressing gown and slippers is abandoned by his family on an area of highway while on vacation. He later finds himself in a hospital where a nurse, Gégène, calls him Mischka.
Director of Photography
Can Daniel follow the sun from Hamburg to the Bosporus by Friday to meet his love?
Director of Photography
When her TV star husband Alex decides to divorce her so that he can start a career in politics, newly single mother Maddy goes shoplifting and ends up in jail. Losing custody of her infant child, Maddy hatches a scheme to break out of prison with the assistance of her friend Gillian, who's avoiding the law herself for credit card fraud. Now Maddy has to find the couple who have adopted her son and avoid falling in love with selfish Alex all over again.
Director of Photography
A clown from Romania (Ticky Holgado) has more than amusing tricks for children on his mind -- he has in his possession a computer disc with information wanted by the police, several organized crime figures and the European Agency for Atomic Energy.
Director of Photography
매들린은 파리의 기숙학교에서 지내는 항상 밝은 웃음을 간직하고 사는 귀여운 고아 소녀이다. 어느날 옆집에 스페인 대사 부부가 이사오고, 작은 오토바이를 타는 대사 아들 페피토를 알게 된다. 상냥한 클라벨 수녀님은 매들린과 꼬마 친구들에게 노래도 같이 부르고 요리도 같이 하면서 친구처럼 보살펴 준다. 어느날 대사 아들 페피토를 납치하려는 서커스단의 음모로 위험에 빠지는 아이들..
Simon Eskenazy is a gay Parisian clarinet player who lives his single life to the fullest. One day, he receives a very tempting offer from his homophobic uncle, looking to continue the family legacy – if he gets married and has a child, he will receive ten million francs and inherit his uncle's luxurious mansion. After meeting Rosalie Baumann at his cousin David's wedding, and with some convincing on his mother's part, Simon sees an opportunity to fulfill his uncle's wishes and the pair go ahead and get married, but not before traveling to New York to meet Rosalie's Orthodox Jewish family. As Simon tries to develop real feelings for Rosalie, he struggles with his feelings for his newlywed cousin David.
Director of Photography
Belfast, in 1970s. Victor Kelly is a young protestant man who hates the Catholics so much that one night he begins to brutally murder them. A reporter soon tries to uncover the murder and obtained prestige for himself, while Victor sinks deeper into madness.
In this short and uneven film about a single mother and her brood, the difficulties and obstacles involved in loving someone are presented with sympathy and fine sentiment, yet the film is slow in parts and although short, could have been advantageously edited to a still briefer length.
Director of Photography
Old professional killer Wagner seeks someone to teach what he knows as long as he is already dying, and he chooses Max, young and passionless thief to be his successor.
Director of Photography
The comedy in this lively film barely conceals its darker, more serious undertones as it chronicles a young Algerian's eye-opening introduction to the joys and travails of being an immigrant in Paris. Alilo has left his home to pick up an important suitcase for his employer. Unfortunately, he has lost the Parisian address. Fortunately, his cousin Mok, emigrated there several years before with his middle-class family before and is able to act as a guide. Mok, an aspiring rap singer, comes from a middle-class family, but chooses to live on his own in the dilapidated deteriorating 18th district, known as 'Moskova.' Mok characterizes the place as a haven for artists and intellectuals, but it is plainly just a Third World slum filled with tightly knit and colorful neighbors. Mok and Alilo have many interesting, some tragedy-tinged adventures over the five days it takes them to find the suitcase.
Director of Photography
경찰의 심문을 받던 16세 아랍소년, 압델 이샤하는 혼수상태다. 시가전이 벌어진 지역에는 경찰의 계엄령이 선포되고, 성난 젊은이들은 위험한 긴장 속에서 경찰과 대치 중이다. 더 이상 살아 숨쉴 여지도 가지지 못한 젊은이들과 총과 헬멧으로 무장한 경찰 사이의 '증오'는 더욱 커져만 간다. 유태계 프랑스인 빈츠, 아랍계 소년 사이드, 흑인 위베르. 그들은 2000년이 될 때까지 살아남는 것이 절대과제인 거리의 단짝 친구들이다. 이들은 경찰과의 격렬한 전투가 있던 다음날, 여느때처럼 모여 할 일없이 거리를 쏘다닌다.
Lola is pregnant, and she isn’t sure who the father is: Félix, a Jewish delivery boy, or Jamal, a black law student.
Director of Photography
"Adrénaline" proposes a string of short surrealist films presenting at various levels an interesting mix of mild gore, cynical humor and absurd surrealism.
Jacques and Jean-Claude, unemployed actors, start experimenting with various creative petty scams to get by. More and more daring, with the help of Anne, a charming young girl, they blackmail the rich and influential in a different way.
Satirical short movie