Rafael Luis Calvo
출생 : 1911-12-30, Madrid, Spain
사망 : 1988-01-01
Vincent is recovering from a nervous breakdown in a seaside village on the Costa Brava. He enters into an affair with nightclub owner Jenny, but their relationship changes when she falls for alcoholic author Pascal Regnier, who is struggling to resume his writing career. Vincent eventually returns home, leaving Jenny to stay on with Pascal and his young son Daniel.
게르만 정벌이 끝나가고 있을 무렵, 노쇠해진 로마 황제 마르쿠스 아우렐리우스는 자신의 후계자로 아들 코모두스 대신 양아들인 리비우스를 지목한다. 하지만 그 사실을 알아차린 코모두스의 측근에 의해 마르쿠스는 독살된다. 리비우스의 연인이자 마르쿠스의 딸 루실라마저 동맹 관계인 아르메니아의 왕에게 시집 보내지고, 결국 로마 제국의 운명은 코모두스의 손에 달린다. 폭군이 된 그는 자신에게 거르는 사람은 모두 죽여버리고, 무리한 조세를 걷어들이는 등 폭정을 일삼다 마침내 리비우스와 단독 결투를 벌이는데..
El Coco
Inspired by the American gangster films, a group of thugs decides to dock the Bank of Spain. "El Rubio" explains to his men that, to commit the armed robbery, they will have to dig a gallery in the Cibeles. But, due to the threats of a rival band, "El Rubio" decides to disguise itself and pretend to be one of the most famous actors of the moment.
El Herrero
A sharp, sly portrait of small-town life dominated by a conservative church seeking to police community morals.
Two brothers, Bull and Jonathan Bullivan, witness the murder of bandit Black Boy who had been terrorizing Golden City. The bandit had been put in place by the city mayor, who wants the local residents to leave so that he can keep their land, where there is oil. The two brothers eat a chicken that has been fed with a strong tonic and they become sort of invincible for a few minutes. The mayor, pressured by the villagers, appoints the Bullivan Brothers as sheriffs and tasks them with the arrest of Black Boy.
Simon of Cyrene
로마의 침략으로 압제에 시달리던 유다인들의 유일한 희망은 성서의 예언대로 하나님이 구세주를 보내리라는 것이었다. 구세주가 나타나면 로마를 몰아내고 이스라엘 백성을 해방시켜 줄 것으로 굳게 믿고 있었다. 예수(제프리 헌터 분)가 가는 곳마다 병자를 고쳐주고, 죽은 사람을 살리는 기적을 일으키자, 그들은 예수가 하나님이 보낸 구세주라고 믿고 따른다. 그러나 그는 평화와 사랑과 화해에 대해서만 말할 뿐, 로마인들을 친다거나 하는 폭력과는 전혀 동떨어진 사람이다. 그가 세우려는 왕국은 세속의 왕국이 아니라, 하나님 나라의 왕국이라고 말한다. 바라바를 지도자로 로마의 압제에서 해방을 꿈꾸는 혁명당원들은 지하 동굴에서 무기를 만들며 기회를 노린다. 그들 중 하나인 유다는 바라바에게 예수와 손잡을 것을 제의한다. 그러나 바라바는 예수와 같이 일할 수 없음을 안다. 그리고 폭동을 일으키나 실패하고 체포되어 옥에 갇힌다. 한편 백성의 원로들과 바리세인파는 예수가 자신들을 위선자라고 책하는 등, 그들의 권위를 떨어뜨리고 민중의 인기를 모으는 것을 시기하여 예수를 어떻게 죽일까를 모의한다. 마침 유다에 로마에서 새로 파견된 본티오 빌라도 총독은 신이나 기적같은 것을 믿지 않는 사람으로, 예수의 설교를 들으러 많은 군중이 모이는 것을 보고 혹시라도 로마의 지배에 저항하는 폭동이 일어날 것을 우려한다. 그와 같은 상황 속에서, 예수의 체포에 결정적인 역할을 한 것은 유다. 그는 예수가 손끝 하나로도 천상 군대를 불러 로마군을 몰아낼 수 있을 기적의 능력을 가졌다는 것을 믿고, 그를 궁지에 몰아넣으면 틀림없이 그 능력을 발휘할 것으로 생각한 나머지 그를 바라바와 한 통속이라고 모함해 고발한다. 예수는 곧 체포되어 십자가형에 처해지지만, 그의 왕국은 세속의 왕국이 아니었으므로 끝내 무력하다. 그러나 그는 사흘 뒤에 부활해서 제자들에게 양들을 잘 보살피라고 부탁한다.
Ursus returns from war to find his fiancée, Attea, has been kidnapped by a mysterious sect which sacrifices virgins to its patron goddess. Ursus faces much treachery and is forced to display much courage and strength as he and the blind girl Doreide embark upon a quest to retrieve Attea.
Don Pedro
Santa Rosa de Lima, who died in the capital of Peru, was barely 31 years old when she died in 1617. José María Elorrieta's film narrates the life of this young woman, daughter of Gaspar Flores, Spanish arquebusier the service of King Philip III, and of Maria de Oliva, who will become principal patron of the New World, the Philippines and West Indies in 1670.
orador en entierro Mercedes
After the death of Queen Mercedes, Alfonso XII's first wife, the problem of the succession is raised. The monarchy needs a heir and the King choses María Cristina from Habsburd to be the futur spanish queen. But Mercedes memories will be against the marriage and the long-awaited son will born when Alfonso is already dead.
In the ruins of Nim Bis Rub, in Babylon, is a band of smugglers den. There goes Nemsi Kara Ben and his faithful friend. One night, while camping, they surprise three smugglers and, after a hard-fought struggle, manage to reduce them and take possession of the rings that are their trademark. Then they go to Baghdad and there, a character who wears a ring of smugglers, which has seen Kara's, confuses him with one of the band.
Zio di Vincenzo
An Italian-American mobster is sent back to Naples from the States. He moves to Italy with all his illegal proceeds hidden in jam jars--which fall into the wrong hands when they get to the harbour of Naples. These hands belong to people who demand their fair share. Meanwhile, the mobster is questioned by investigators.
Two inmates escape prison changing clothes with a couple of businessmen. They'll be taken by the financiers and find themselves surrounded by wealth and beautiful women.
Murad Ibrahim
Heiß brennt die Sonne. Eine Karawane schleppt sich durch die trostlose Wüste am oberen Nil. Nicht nur die Hitze macht den erschöpften Reisenden zu schaffen. Der gefürchtete Sklavenjäger Abu el Mot überfällt den Troß und verschleppt die Reisenden, darunter Kara Ben Nemsi, seinen treuen Begleiter Hadschi Halef Omar, den schrulligen Gelehrten Ignaz Pfotenhauer und den englischen Forscher Sir David Lindsay. Kara Ben Nemsi kann mit Hadschi Halef fliehen. Um Hilfe zu holen, machen sie sich auf einen langen Weg voller unwegsamer Abenteuer…
Marcus Numidius (Ettore Manni), a Roman tribune sent to Armenia to put down a gladiators' revolt, captures the rebels' popular leader, Aselepius (Georges Marchal). Princess Amira (Gianna Maria Canale), with ambitions of being Queen and jealous of Asclepius' popularity, plans his death in the arena by substituting a lion for his human opponent
Julio Olvedo
Mercedes Pavón, a famous singer of cuplés is harassed by three men totaly different.
Clint Hall and Kathy, his wife, see their honeymoon interrupted by the sudden illness of Kathy. On the way to find a doctor Clint is assaulted. Without money to buy medicines, he decides to intimidate the pharmacist to get the prescription by the doctor. When he refuses, Cint forces him but promises to give him the money the next day . Along the way he is arrested by police and sentenced to nine years of hard labor. Tired of hunger, thirst, abuse, hardship and violence, Clint makes an attempt to escape but fails, and repression from Captain Black, director of the prison, is terrible. Morally and physically exhausted, Clint is about to die when it comes the recognition of his innocence and freedom.
Try the descent to Earth, specifically to Spain, of the Three Wise Men.
A professor at the University of Frankfurt is mistaken for a Russian soccer player on his arrival at Madrid airport. There, he is received as a sports figure and the teacher, unaware of the confusion, take it as an extraordinary compliment. However, problems arise when, after discovering the error, the professor has to pretend to be the player until he appears
Two young and innocent altar boys leave in search of money to buy a new bell for the tower of the village church.
Bremón (padre)
Hector Pelegrin, an unsuccessful insurance agent is admitted to the prestigious school Ferran as a gym teacher. The only problem is that he completely lacks the necessary skills for the job. He organizes a game between the football team at his school and another center, a historic rival, resulting in a surprise full of humorous criticism to our society. Pelegrin tries to convince everyone that football is just a sport
María Morena is a 1951 Spanish drama film directed by José María Forqué and Pedro Lazaga. It was entered into the 1952 Cannes Film Festival.
Enrique VIII
Filiberto Aguirre abandons his career as captain of the merchant navy because he has well-founded hopes of receiving a great inheritance. But time goes by, the inheritance does not arrive and his family's economic situation worsens every day.
Coronel Carotte
Fernán Ayres
A virtuous Spanish princess becomes queen of Portugal, and soon is affected by the social struggles and the reckless fight to power between the king's faction and that of his son's.
Rogelia, the orphan of an Asturian miner who died in a work-related accident, marries Máximo, a man as robust as jealous, drunk and violent. But when her husband is jailed, the woman will take advantage to escape with the doctor of the village so as to see the world and perhaps to form a family.