(archive footage)
Four Chinese germ warfare scientists are kidnapped by a Japanese organisation.
(archive footage)
Crime boss Barton's (Mike Abbott) reign of terror is about to end. John Foley (Mark Watson), called in to avenge the death of an innocent man, was trained by the elite American Commandos in Nam. Since the war, he's put his special skills to work many times. But never like this. When John Foley enters the steamy, seedy realm of the underworld, survival is the name of the game and do unto others before they do unto you is the only rule to live by.
Pang, Paul Wong, Sam Wong and few young men are outstanding in Taekwondo. They are selected by the nation to live in contestant village for training. All the young men have different backgrounds, they are energetic and like to play all the time, and they always play tricks with the female swimming team, and cause many incidents. Their competition is coming, they have to face South Korean team in a Taekwondo competition, all of them are excited and think they must win...
Four Eyes Bill
법정 증인으로 세우려던 승숙이 살해되자 기소를 철회하게 된 검사 원표는, 책임을 느끼고 마약밀매 조직의 두목인 장충을 살해한다. 왕국장의 명으로 범인을 색출하던 여형사 나부락과 원규는, 원표에게 혐의를 두고 그를 감시한다. 감시망을 피해 악당 전준을 살해하려던 원표는, 소년 도둑인 문자에게 왕국장이 이미 전준을 해하였음을 듣고, 그가 고용한 서양인 킬러를 살해한다. 음모에 말려 문자가 사경을 헤메는 가운데 나부락과 합세한 원표는, 경비행기를 몰고 도주하는 왕국장과 공중전을 벌인다. 왕국장을 살해 한 뒤, 구사일생으로 목숨을 건진 원표는 재판을 받고 유죄 판결로 수감되는데...
Chen Chung-Pai / Chen Da Qian
Frequent Jackie Chan cohort Mars stars as Sing, an ex-con who's supposed to dig up the buried loot of his three still-jailed buddies...but when he gets to it, he finds that the treasure chest is full of rocks! The other three are convinced that Sing stole the goods for himself, so Sing decides to hide out with his kick-butt cousin Kuen, played with athletic aplomb by kung-fu princess Kara Hui! But some insurance investigators (Carina Lau and Billy Lau) are also after the loot, and there's even a mousy travel agent (future director Clarence Fok) thrown in for good measure. It all adds up to numerous shenanigans and action-comedy hijinks, culminating in a knockdown action finale set in a warehouse! Wooden crates, two-by-fours, and more props than you can name are used and abused in the name of creative eighties HK-style action, which Jackie Chan and company are only too glad to dispense to the audience!
대나팔이라고 불리는 매튜. 그는 성격 좋은 것으로 유명하지만 겁이 많아 오로지 나팔만 부는 경찰이다. 어느 날 우연히 사건에 투입되었다가 동료 경사의 죽음을 목격한 대나팔은 복수를 다짐한다.
Mountain Bandit's Chief
1930년 성도와 상해를 잇는 새로운 레일을 달리는 부귀열차는 논스톱으로 한수진이라는 작은 마을을 지나간다. 때마침 진시황릉의 병마용도를 일본에 팔기 위해 일본 특사가 부귀열차에 탑승하게 되는데 병마용도와 승객들의 금품을 털기 위해 흉악한 은행강도들이 기차를 노리고 있었다. 이때 천하의 한량이자 모험가인 사모는 정방천은 직접 제작한 폭발물로 기차를 서게 만든다. 약탈과 폭력으로 뒤범벅이 된 한수진은 욕망으로 뭉친 낯선 남자들의 도전과 악당들의 약탈로 인해 더욱 악화일로에 서게 되고 정방천의 대활약이 화려하게 펼쳐지는데..
Chief of Scarecrow Club
홍콩 경찰청 강력계 소속인 악바리(성룡 분)와 위키(원표 분)는 엄청난 액수의 보석을 가로채 야쿠자와 접선하기 위해 일본으로 달아난 전직 경찰을 체포하라는 특명을 띠고 일본으로 건너 가지만 벽에 부딪치자 홍콩으로 연락, 경찰 총경에게 부탁해 지난 날 같은 고아원 출신인 양배추(홍금보 분)의 도움을 청하게 된다. 양배추는 완두콩(증지위 분) 등 고아원 형제들을 규합, 여행사 직원 여왕벌(호혜중 분)과 함께 일본으로 건너가는데 여왕벌의 미모에 반해 갖가지 촌극이 계속 연출된다.
Uncle Chan
데이비드(원표 분)와 토마스(성룡 분)은 이동차 간이 식당(쾌찬차)을 운영하며 스페인에서 살아간다. 그러던 어느 날 두 사람은 공주처럼 우아하고 아름다운 실비아를 만나 첫눈에 반한다. 그러나 실비아가 창녀에다 소매치기라는 사실을 알고 충격을 받는다. 한편, 홍금보는 사립 탐정 사무실에서 일하다가 실비아를 찾아 달라는 고객으로부터 거금을 받아 행동을 개시하는데 정체를 알 수 없는 사나이들도 실비아를 납치하려 한다. 홍금보는 데이비드와 토마스에게 도움을 청하게 되고 오래 전에 헤어진 실비아의 아버지가 막대한 유산을 남겼다는 사실을 알게 된다. 실비아의 삼촌은 유산을 가로채기 위해 음모를 꾸미러 홍금보 등은 그의 하수인들과 맞서 싸워 승리를 거둔다. 실비아는 졸지에 귀족으로 변신하지만 다시 옛 친구를 찾아간다.
A research lab has developed "The Formula", a box that allows living organic material to grow hundreds of times its original size. Criminals invade the lab to steal it, but it's thrown off the side of the road. There it's found by a girl who decides it will be the perfect home for Mosler, the snake she has adopted. Mosler immediately outgrows the box, springing to the ground like a pile of novelty dog poo. Gang members see the girl and her huge snake frolicking outside and put two and two together. Mosler thwarts their first attempt to snatch her, but when they do succeed he goes on a rampage trying to find his friend
Hotel chairman
The plot follows a group of women who struggle in Hong Kong, most of them illegal immigrants from mainland China.
Mr. Ho Man
어수룩한 좀도둑 주전자(홍금보 분)는 형무소에서 사기 전과자(순사기) 등 다섯 명을 만나 인연을 맺게 되고 출소한 후에 오복청소회사를 차려 새로운 삶을 시작하는데, 우연한 기회에 화폐위조단의 비밀을 알게 되어 거듭 위기를 맞게 된다. 한편 강력계형사 악바리(성룡 분)은 과격한 성격의 소유자로 사건을 해결하는 과정에서 계속 실수를 저질러 형사 반장의 미움을 사게 되는데, 주전자는 사건에 휘말려 그와 친하게된다. 주전자는 영주(종초홍 분)라는 미녀에게 반하지만 동료들의 견제로 좀처럼 뜻을 이루지 못한다. 한편 위조지폐단의 두목 진회장은 다른 폭력조직의 두목 하사장과 마찰이 생기고 본의 아니게 위조지폐의 원판을 손에 넣은 주전자 등은 그들의 표적이 된다. 궁지에 몰린 주전자 등은 양대 범죄조직끼리 싸움을 붙여 그들을 일망타진하는데 결정적인 공헌을 한다. 주전자는 용감한 시민상을 받게 되고 영주의 마음을 사로잡아 결혼을 약속 받는다.
2차 대전 전쟁 중 일본군에게 네 명의 장군이 인질로 잡히게 되자 연합군은 악마 중위를 고용해 네 명의 장군을 구하고자 한다. 악마 중위는 노순, 탈옥자 또 릴리와 빌리에게 임무를 성공하면 큰 상금을 주겠다고 조건을 걸어 이들을 데리고 장군 구출 작전에 나서는데, 도중 대우와 이뉴를 만난다. 그러나 악마 중위는 임무 수행 과정 중 죽고 만다. 나머지 넷과 돌멩이, 장관 여섯은 임무를 마지막까지 수행하기 위해 갖은 애를 쓰게 된다. 그들은 연녀족에게 붙잡히기도 하고 강시가 가득한 저택에서 밤을 지새우며 마지막까지 임무를 달성하기 위해 애를 쓰는데 일본군의 본거지에 도착하자 일본군들은 죽어있었다. 그들은 요새 밖에 숨어 있던 일본군에게 돈을 내놓지 않으면 모조리 죽여 버리겠다는 협박을 받게 된다. 싸우나 돈을 내어 놓으나 죽게 될 것이라는 생각에 그들은 일본군들과 싸우기로 결심하는데...
An action film directed by Chui Yuk-Lung.
David Chiang is backed into a corner. He must fight his way out to face the ultimate sword duel with the master of swords, Tien Peng.
Chairman Hsiao
A new secretary for the Hsiao family met an office boy on her first day at work. She was puzzled when he asked if she would marry into Hsiao family. Upon understanding the fact that all the Hsiao secretaries had married the Hsiao sons, she assertively assured that she would not follow the trend, they started dating and soon fall in love. Then one day an angry man stormed into the office and revealed the true identity of the office boy. He was actually the youngest son of the Hsiao family…
Mr Wang
서래촌의 대감집 자제인 아룡은 공부보다는 각종 운동경기와 노는 것만 좋아하는 젊은 도련님으로 아버지의 눈을 피해 왕대감집 아들인 아근과 함께 놀러만 다닌다. 어느 날 아근과 함께 놀러 나온 아룡은 사라라는 예쁜 아가씨에게 반해 그녀를 차지하기 위해 서로 싸움을 벌이고 그녀로부터 오해만 낳는다. 한편, 아근의 아버지인 왕대감은 중국의 국보급 보물들을 밀매하는 밀수조직과 연계하여 보물들을 외국에 밀매하는데 간여하게 되는데 이 조직의 부두목인 '해할'은 이들의 행동을 못마땅하게 여기고 이 조직으로부터 탈퇴해 그들의 추적을 받는다. 아룡은 아근과 화해를 한 후 아근의 아버지가 쓰던 총을 몰래 갖고 나와 산에서 꿩을 잡으러 다니던 도중 우연히 부두목이 밀수조직으로부터 추적을 당하는 현장을 목격하게 되면서 이 사건에 휘말리게 되는데…
Tycoon, Tang Shih Hai, rules most of the businesses in Hong Kong. Many of his officials have been assassinated. Since Tang's only son, Champ, is lazy, Tang appoints Cheng as his general manager, not knowing that he's a member of the feared ICG (International Criminal Group).
A con man murders his competition through Vampire Jiang Shi controlled by a Taoist Priest. His plans for domination are in jeopardy when the brother of a recent victim fights back with occult connections of his own.
Gonzo, action packed rape-revenge themed Taiwanese "Black Movie" featuring Juliet Chan and "Tattooer Ma" Sha. The original "Underground Wife" cut runs 85 minutes, the later IFD "Kill Butterfly Kill" English language cut is 89. This movie was released again by IFD in the late 80s in a 'cut-and-paste' version called "American Commando 6: Kill Butterfly Kill" (see separate listing).
In a valiant attempt to rescue her younger brother, a young woman goes head to head with a group of ruthless gangsters.
Four girls graduate from high school with the hope of joining the army, even though that may clash with their parents' wishes...
Chung Wen-mu
Kao Han (Kenny Bee) and Pan-yun (Xiu-ling Lu) meet for the first time as strangers in a pet shop. It is destiny that they meet a second time and Kao Han takes a chance in this second meeting to pursue Pan-yun. Pan-yun is reluctant to get involved with Kao Han because she still thinks about and love her late-husband and also her late-husband's niece, Ko-hui (Lan-xi), is in love with Kao Han. Reluctantly and unwillingly Pan-yun falls for Kao Han but their love is not so easily obtained.
Peter Lan, a seasoned gambler, returns from abroad to find that his family has been destroyed by the treachery of the unscrupulous Alfred Wong, who has cheated Peter’s father out of his fortune and driven him to suicide. While Peter is tying to track down Wong, he befriends a fellow gambler, Barry Sung, who is working for Rex Hu. But in a twist of events Hu and Wong are one and the same. The only person who can stop Peter getting revenge on the man who killed his family is his new best friend!
Taiwanese fantasy / adventure.
Two mischievous kung fu students enter a kung fu tournament not realizing how much trouble winning the competition will bring them. When one emerges victorious, he must accomplish three robberies to prove his worth and claim his prize! Featuring yoga master Dunpar Singh from planet 90.
Two mischievous kung fu students enter a kung fu tournament not realizing how much trouble winning the competition will bring them. When one emerges victorious, he must accomplish three robberies to prove his worth and claim his prize! Featuring yoga master Dunpar Singh from planet 90.
Two mischievous kung fu students enter a kung fu tournament not realizing how much trouble winning the competition will bring them. When one emerges victorious, he must accomplish three robberies to prove his worth and claim his prize! Featuring yoga master Dunpar Singh from planet 90.
Big Land, Flying Eagles is a spaghetti western-sequel desert intrigue film set on the Mongolian-Chinese border. Xiao Fung, a notable swordsman, has killed the son of a local warlord, Lee San, and the 3,000,000 tael that Lee’s son was transporting, now seems to have gone missing. Xiao Fung is now marked for death by Lee San, but finds protection from “Killer Eagle” another swordsman of great repute, and a band of nomadic Mongolian traders. Nevertheless, Lee sends killers of unusual backgrounds, including Buddhist monks, to hunt Xiao Fung down, while Xiao Fung seems curiously preoccupied with a woman who’s embroiled in unstated conflicts with practically everybody.
Ma Kong-Qun
흑의의 남자 부홍설이 주루에 들어간다. 다른 남자 엽개가 염소를 데리고 들어와 염소에게 술을 마시게 하고, 염소를 상대로 이야기한다. 그것을 본 남자들은 엽개에게 시비를 걸지만 엽개는 상대를 물리친다. 엽개는 부홍설에게 술을 사려고 하나 부홍설은 술값을 대신 지불하고 가게를 나간다. 사내가 부홍설을 불러 세우고 만마당 주인이 집으로 초대한다는 말을 전한다. 만마당주는 부홍설 뿐만 아니라 엽개와 모두 7명의 협객을 집에 끌어들였다. 당주는 그가 죽인 신도당의 생존자가 복수를 꾸민다며 그게 누군지 찾아 달라고 7명에게 말한다. 사실 만마당주가 두려워하는 것은 또 하나의 복수. 전에 살해한 백대협의 아들이 아버지의 사후 20년째 기일에 원수를 갚으러 오는 것인데...
Kung Fu idol, John Chang, stars as an escort and Kung Fu master. He meets his match when he comes up against a masked raider who wants his loot.
Kung Fu idol, John Chang, stars as an escort and Kung Fu master. He meets his match when he comes up against a masked raider who wants his loot.
Charles Heung plays an escaped rapist on the run from the authorities. During his escape he is helped by a rich, blind woman (Chen Chen) and becomes involved in a dangerous plot involving a precious diamond.
Cheung Chung
Hong Kong comedy film.
The Looks of Hong Kong is a Hong Kong Drama directed by and starring Stanley Fung.
Hu Jin's boyfriend
Arguably the funniest of the four famous Hui brothers, Michael has a tour-de-force vehicle in this naughty little comedy playing four different characters, each one in a compromising situation. And the laughs do come big and hearty as Hui bounces his cheeky humour off a terrific large supporting cast including the sophisticated Hu-chin and the lovely Pai Hsiao-man. Keeping the Benny Hill-style hi-jinks afloat is stalwart Shaw director Li han-hsiang who manages to switch flawlessly between these cheeky flings and his period epics.
Guides tourists
The Country Bumpkin is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Stanley Fung.
Captain Fang Shin-Yi
The man, the legend, the hero known as Jimmy Wang Yu returns in his greatest adventure since the One Armed Swordsman! Wang Yu must protect an army General from treachery while on an important mission. He must not only move fast but think and outwit the enemy as well.
The Private Eye is a Crime movie starring Charlie Chin
Chaung Ji-Wai
The chaotic story of a young mechanic who falls in love with no less than four women, ranging from a bar girl to an estranged housewife who wants to take her own life.
Rebel Chief
In this martial arts anthology film, Wang Yu plays three different characters, each of whom must employ his fighting skills to the full.
An action-packed, flamboyant kung-fu adventure, based around a double revenge tale. The hero Kwan, stoic in the face of extremes, grits and airs his 'iron-fist' against the gun-toting baddies as he, single-handedly, decimates his adversaries. Demonstrating all the classic Chinese codes of restraint, asceticism and patience, Kwan reduces the complicated intrigue of plots.
This is a very good Jimmy Wang Yu movie from the time after he went to taiwan when he broke up with the Shaw Brothers. In this nice swordsplay movie there are a lot of bloody fights and you see why he was at the time one of the best actors for this kind of martial arts movies!
Kao Tien-Wei
Sworn-brothers expert martial artists are the targets of a mysterious killer, which seems to bear a grudge against them for what happened several years ago.
Cathay Classic, Paul Chang and Melinda Chen star in this melodramatic Wu Xia picture. Sammo Hung is in the first minute or two as a duelist in the tournament and probably directed the fights.
Choo died in South America and left a legacy of US Dollars two million to the younger daughter, Pei Fun, of his old friend Chang in Hongkong. The second beneficiary in the will, should Pei Fun die, was Nana, the young widow. Nana returned to Hongkong and conspired with her lover Johnny to wrest the fortune from the Chang family...
Prince Kuei
슌과 호천에게 멸문당한 당가보의 아들과 슌에게 죽임당한 호천의 딸 호소저는 왕야로 신분을 바꾸고 온갖 악행을 저지르는 슌을 응징하기 위해 힘을 합하고 호소저는 무술대회에 참가해 왕야의 부하가 되어 호시탐탐 기회를 노린다.
Zhao Yi Long
구화산에 본거지를 둔 흑가채 도적단은 극악무도했다. 도적단에는 많은 수하들과 강력한 3명의 고수가 있고 두목 조일부 역시 무서운 실력자였다. 그들은 김표국 행렬을 습격하여 표두를 비롯한 운송인 전원을 살해하고. 감쪽같이 보물을 강탈한다. 그러나 표두의 딸인 홍천교가 복수를 벼르고 있었다. 한편 여기저기 떠돌던 검객 백사풍은 우연히 들른 찻집에서 그녀의 소문을 듣게 된다. 그는 혼자서 복수를 하려는 홍천교를 염려하여, 몰래 도우려고 한다. 도적단이 있는 여관에서 합류한 두 사람은 서로 반발하면서도 적인 정이마자를 무찌른다, 도적들을 연속 격파하지만 홍천교가 혼자 앞서서 적진에 돌입하다 생포되어 버린다. 백사풍은 도적단을 위해 비밀병기를 개발하겠다며 도적단 내부로 잠입한다. 사방팔방 적투성이인 상황에서 홍천교를 구한 백사풍은 마지막 결전을 벌이는데...
Swordsman Ho
Everyday when General Xiao and his men ride through the Imperial City, inhabitants have to scatter around in order to keep out of their path. One day when Lei plans to assassinate Xiao but gets hurt, another three fighters He, Jiao and Feng come out boldly to help him out. With the help of Zhu, a cook, He succeeds to escape whereas the other three are seized. Later on, He acquaints himself with the girl Gui. Along with another two girls, Hai and Jiang, these eight youngsters are the descendants of the late patriotic generals, who have been recently murdered. Gui suspects that Hai and Jiang are controlled by Xiao and sneaks into his manor. She meets the girls successfully, but she is seized. When Wan, Xiao's butler, urges his master to kill Hai and Jiang, Jiang overhears their conversation and tries to rescue all her friends. At last, the eight are united and try their best to fight against General Xiao and his men.
During the Sung dynasty, Ch'in Kuei, a corrupt premier, orders the arrest of Yüeh Fei, an heroic general. Ling Yu Fong, an idealistic follower of the general, recruits a small force to free him, failing miserably, losing most of his troops and sustaining wounds. He's hidden and nursed back to health by a troupe of traveling acrobats, two brothers and two sisters. One of the sisters falls in love with Ling. He asks them to help him free the general, and the five undertake this quest against great odds. The general himself brings an element into the story that his liberators do not anticipate.
Inspired by Albert Camus’s The Plague, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow is perhaps Lung Kong’s grandest vision, and a testament to his uncompromising humanist convictions. From a rat infestation in the slums, a fast-spreading virus grips Hong Kong, inducing panic when the government is slow to react. Mercilessly cut down by censors for its frank portrayal of class and political conflicts at the time of its release, the film found new critical acclaim in during the SARS outbreak decades later. In 2011, it was placed on Hong Kong Film Archive’s list of the 100 must-see Hong Kong films of all time.
The Northern and Southern Champion swordsmen discover the Tartars have murdered their families and the only thing on their minds is revenge.
Shih Chung-hao
The Eagle's Claw is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Sammo Hung.
Kung Chung
At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the bandit Zhang Xianzhong, fearing that his treasures may be seized by the Manchurians, entrusts his henchman Yun to escort it to Mount Mei for safekeeping. However, Yun has made arrangements with the Manchurian spy Jin to ambush the treasure on the way to Mount Mei.
Blind swordsman from Tian Mountain
The star in Mad Mad Mad swords is a common man with numerous weaknesses and a complete worthless student of a prestigious school. To the suprise of all, however, he manages to defeat a string of renowned swordsmen, including the one-armed swordsman and the blind swordsman, by tricks and luck.
Xue Young-Zhang
A Pearl in Command is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Sammo Hung
Yan Chung Lung
A Wuxia mystery adventure from Cathay films.
Hung Chun
A 1968 film.
Yang Ho-hung
Chang Yi
Li Bing, a nightclub entertainer and a reformed thief was caught up in a fight against a criminal syndicate after forcing a cohort to return the wallet he previously stole from an assistant of a scientist who has just recently completed a doomsday device.
Liang Tien-Hung
Hong Kong remake of the European spy movie Passport to Hell: Secret Agent 3S3. A military plane carrying a nuclear load explodes mid-air after being hit by mysterious electronic rays. Secret agents are immediately ordered to trace its source. Sculptor Liang Tien Hong (Paul Chang Chung) returns to Hong Kong having been recalled by his uncle. He arrives to discover his uncle killed by agents. Liang’s uncle, inventor of the secret ray, dies after being tortured for information. The authorities believe the transmitter is still in Liang’s home. Steps are taken to find and destroy it for world peace.
Chen Chih Kang
Mandarin-era Hong Kong film adaptation of Louisa May Alcott's Little Women.
Chang Shih Chieh
Zhang Shijie is an international spy, like James Bond, and has to seduce Julie Tan, the daughter of an organization’s leader in order to find their headquarters.
Mr Liang
The contemporary issue of single mothers is sensitively handled in this melodrama as a young woman must decide whether she will tell the new man in her life the real truth or forever remain the child's auntie Lan? (Celestial Pictures sypnosis)
Chen Shang Yuan
Before director Lo Wei helped to discover Bruce Lee and the king of kung-fu comedy Jackie Chan, in Madam Slender Plum, Lo perpetuates the career of yet another Shaw's non-action, femme fatale starlet; the sleek and sexy, puppy-eyed Eurasian Jenny Hu. It's a melodrama with a touch of murder-mystery in the vein of an old Alfred Hitchcock movie where Diana Chang plays the mother with Jenny playing her oldest daughter.
Himself (Cameo)
Hong Kong musical directed by Lo Chen.
Paul Cheung
Paul (Zhang Chong) is a businessman who gets caught up in an international espionage plot when he accidentally switches briefcases with a friend aboard a Singapore-bound plane. The friend turns up dead, and Paul discovers a small Golden Buddha inside the briefcase that contains a set of instructions. The instructions are only one of three parts, the other two being held in similar Golden Buddhas by Lo Wei (doing double duty as actor and director) and Lin Cui. When combined, the three Buddhas will lead the bearers to a buried treasure. But the nefarious Skeleton Gang is after the Buddhas, along with a buxom femme fatale (Fannie Fan) who isn't above showing a little skin to get her way. Luckily, Paul knows kung-fu, so the bad guys had better watch out!
Liang Chih-Hsiung
Jenny Wu is a singer who charms the well-to-do Peter Chen, but his parents object to a union between their only son and a lowly cabaret singer. He ignores their advice and marries her anyway, and for a time, they find some manner of wedded bliss. But the years are not entirely kind. He works hard to make ends meet, but his health pays the price.
Northeastern China is infested with bandits. Hsiao Kai (Paul Chang Chung), a wandering knight, captures a white horse from thieves. His skilful handling of the horse earns his admiration of fellow traveler Chu Ching Hsu (Wong Chung Shun). They arrive at Lo Lung Kow, where the villagers hunt for a living and are constantly terrorized by bandits. Grocer Ting Tze Pao (Ngai Ping Ngo) returns from his negotiations with the bandits with bad news. They intend to collect furs from the villagers at a fixed price. Village leader Mu (Yuen Sam and his daughter Tsui Ying (Pat ting Hung) run a tavern. She wonders how the white horse belonging to a Sinkiang youth named Sha Yi Ti (Man Ling) is now in the possession of Hsiao Kai.
Qi You Di
Crocodile River features Romeo And Juliet-flavored story. Families are against each other. Yodi is the Romeo and Lee Ting is his Juliet. The two students love each other from across a river that is filled with crocodiles.
Dr. Ho Wei-teh
Dr. Ho decides to move to a backward island off the coast of Taiwan to look for his missing father. He meets nurse Ya Lan (Cheng Pei-Pei) who falls in love with him. But dastardly doings are afoot as Dr. Ho's enemies plot against him.
Commander Chang/Lao Chang
War film set during the second Sino-Japanese war.
Minister Pan Pi-Cheng
This gripping story centers on the romance between Wang Chin Lung and Sue San. Although they may be perfectly matched when it comes to their love for one other, the two come from remarkably different social ranks. While Chin Lung is the son of a respected government official, Su San is a prostitute, albeit a famous one.
A musical set in Taiwan produced by the Shaw Brothers
Wu Song
A woman in an arranged marriage falls in love with her husband's brother.
Hsiao Ting
1963 film
Luo Zhong-Yan
A widow of four gave up two of her children to be raised by an uncle in Singapore. Many years later, just when the widow, now a house maid, is feeling contented by good news of her long gone son and daughter, she accidentally runs into his own son, now a lawyer, and ends up being looked down upon by him. It was a story about how traditional Chinese family and its value was impacted by the change of time. The movie depicted Macau in 1945 to Hong Kong in the mid-60s, moving from poverty after WWII to opulence. The human relationships became complicated and fragile. Many elements uniquely "Hong Kong", such as upper class Chinese, western religions, English speaking and a mixed-culture society are used to contrast the traditional, kind, enduring and forgiving love of a mother.
General Chang Yi Chih
The renowned Li Li Hua plays Wu Ze Tian, the most famous woman in China's four thousand year history.
Sun Hsiao-ou
Essentially an adaptation of Gaston Leroux's classic The Phantom of the Opera, Mid-Nightmare is set in a Huangmei diao teahouse theatre, which an embittered and horribly disfigured ex-performer ‘haunts', looking to extract revenge on his enemies and falling in love with a talented and beautiful, but ultimately unattainable, ingénue.
The Ching Dynasty novel The Dream of The Red Chamber is not only the most widely read, but also the most filmed book in Chinese history. The sprawling love story has proven a challenge to many filmmakers, but this version is acclaimed as the most successful. A sumptuous feature which took three years of planning and another for production, it was a hugely popular and critical hit which still stands out as a classic of both 18th century literature and 1960s moviemaking.
Long unemployed and stone-broke, Shen Jiaguang is dealt a further blow when his wife Lu Xiaoyin has fallen seriously ill and their son Xiaoguang has to quit school.
A Hong Kong wenyi drama.
A Shaw Brothers comedy starring Margaret Tu Chuan and Paul Chang Chung,
Lan's dinner partner
Linda Lin Dai and Fanny Fan join the dancing troupe of Kao Pao-shu. Linda and Kao's son Peter Chen, manager of the troupe, have misunderstandings and dislike each other.
A Shaw and Sons production.
Wong Chi Ming
Describes how a Chinese village is invaded by the Japanese and how the villagers organise a guerrilla group to resist the enemy. With the aid of anti-war Japanese soldiers, the guerillas defeat a whole regiment of Japanese troops.