Visute Poolvoralaks

참여 작품

해피 엔딩
Executive Producer
젊은 작가와 그가 만난 소녀의 이야기를 통해 다섯 커플의 이야기, 서로 겹치는 삶의 다섯 가지 이야기
The story 10 years later after Nang Nak was defeated. Tales from Thung Pra Khanong that has never been told.
My Boss is a Serial Killer
Executive Producer
A group of office workers believe that their boss may have been an insane killer in the past.
더 풀
Executive Producer
촬영이 끝나고 잠시 풀장의 튜브에서 잠들었던 남자. 잠에서 깨어나 보니 물이 모두 빠졌고, 풀장의 깊이는 6미터. 밖으로 나갈 수 있는 방법을 찾지만 도저히 올라갈 수가 없다. 구조를 요청하는 그의 비명을 듣고 찾아온 것은 주변에 있던 악어였다.
앱 워
Executive Producer
One tech entrepreneur man competed to win big money to set up his startup business. But the prize money is enormous. The competition is intense and the barriers are even more difficult when it comes to competing with the people who inspired them to enter the business first.
메이 후?
Executive Producer
흥분하면 온몸에 흐르는 전류 때문에 자발적 '아싸'를 자청하게 된 '메이'. 우연히, 자신의 비밀을 '퐁'에게 들키게 되고, '메이'는 자신의 비밀을 숨기기 위해 '퐁'은 자신의 괴롭히는 무리를 무찌르기 위해 은밀한 거래를 시작하게 된다.
I Fine.. Thank You..Love You
Executive Producer
Desperate to go to the U.S. to win back his girlfriend, Yim hires a tutor to teach him English. But things don't go according to plan.
Executive Producer
둘도 없는 절친이자 라이벌 수영 선수 '탄'과 '퍼스' 묘한 감정 기류를 안고 있던 그들은 '퍼스'가 '탄'의 여자친구 '아이스'와 사랑에 빠지면서 관계가 급변한다. 그러다, '아이스'가 갑작스럽게 수영장에서 죽은 채 발견이 되고, 수영장에는 기묘한 사건이 잇따라 발생하기 시작한다. 수면 아래, 처절한 비명 소리가 들려온다!
Lumzing Singer
Executive Producer
Waewtaa, a village girl from the village of Nok Krajib. who has both talent and strong ambition to become a Mo Lam singer Just… her dream pushes against the demands of her mother because she is rich who hates her career as a singer!!
Executive Producer
In this Thai thriller set in New York City, three rich kids want to throw a New Year’s Eve party in their apartment. They call up a drug dealer, an American guy called Jesus. When Jesus arrives the countdown bash turns into a psychological game that involves violence and torture.
Executive Producer
Sua and Jib are like any other couple in this world except for one exception: for the past 5 years they have kept their relationship a secret since the bank where they are employed has a strict No Fraternization policy. It's not a big deal until they decide to get married. The only problem? Which one of these two Type-A overachievers will put marriage before a career and resign? With neither willing to take the leap of faith they both turn incident into opportunity when an ATM glitch in Chonburi province cashes out over $130,000 baht.
억만장자의 비밀
Executive Producer
16세, 온라인 게임 아이템 판매, +1만 달러, 17세, 생계형 알바로 밤 판매, +63 달러, 18세, 가족 파산, -127만 달러, 19세, 해초 판매 사업 시작, +????? 달러 좌충우돌 인생 성공기는 이제부터!
라다 랜드
Executive Producer
가난하게 살던 티는 라다랜드라는 마을에 새집을 꾸리게 된다. 평소 가장 노릇을 하지 못해 항상 가족에게 미안한 마음을 가졌던 티, 드디어 가족과 함께 행복한 나날을 보내지만 그 행복은 옆집 가정부가 처참히 살해되는 사건으로 인해 깨어지기 시작한다.
Executive Producer
초등학교 시절, ‘언’은 같은 반 친구 ‘펫’에게 음악에 대한 열정을 털어놓고, 매사에 자신감이 모자란 펫은 좋아하는 감정을 표현하지 못한다. 언은 방콕으로 전학을 가고, 펫은 언에 대한 감정을 간직한 채 시간만 흘러간다. 한편, ‘펫’의 단짝 친구 ‘쿵’은 펫의 실수로 언과 커플로 오해받는다. 어느 날, 우연히 마주친 고등학생 펫과 언. 멋지게 기타를 연주하는 퀸카 언 앞에서 펫은 여전히 자신감 없는 평범한 학생일 뿐이다. 여기에 언과 커플로 오해받았던 쿵은 짝사랑의 마음을 숨기지 않고 드러낸다. 그리고 모든 십대소년의 꿈인 퀸카의 사랑을 얻기 위해 펫과 쿵은 친구 ‘엑스’와 함께 락밴드를 결성하게 되는데...
Cool Gel Attacks
When gelatinous blue aliens fall from the sky and threaten their lives, neighbors at odds with each other must put aside their ongoing feud.
헬로 스트레인저
Executive Producer
한국에 여행 온 두 태국인 남녀가 태국과는 다른 한국의 문화를 겪으면서 사랑이 싹트는 로맨틱 코미디물. 태국 영화사 GTH가 한국기업 KTCC(한태교류센터)와 공동제작한 영화. 영화의 95% 이상을 한국을 배경으로 촬영됐다. (촬영기간 총 45일)
The Little Comedian
Executive Producer
Tock, heir to a long line of comedians has a problem. He is not funny. Constantly upstage by his younger sister, he falls in love with a dermatologist who incidentally is the only one who finds him funny.
Bangkok Traffic Love Story
Executive Producer
After an encounter with an engineer working the night shift for the city train, a 30-year-old woman struggles against all odds to pursue true love.
포비아 2
Executive Producer
귀신이 되어 나타난 친구 때문에 촬영장엔 일대 소동이 벌어진다 "공포영화의 결말" 태국 여행 중인 일본인 관광객앞에 나타난 좀비들, 이들의 정체는 몸 속에 마약을 넣고 운반하다 깨어난 사람들이었다! "배낭여행객" 수양을 위해 들어간 절에서 아귀와 사투를 벌이는 불량 소년 이야기 "수련승" 등 5가지 공포 이야기!
포비아 2
귀신이 되어 나타난 친구 때문에 촬영장엔 일대 소동이 벌어진다 "공포영화의 결말" 태국 여행 중인 일본인 관광객앞에 나타난 좀비들, 이들의 정체는 몸 속에 마약을 넣고 운반하다 깨어난 사람들이었다! "배낭여행객" 수양을 위해 들어간 절에서 아귀와 사투를 벌이는 불량 소년 이야기 "수련승" 등 5가지 공포 이야기!
Dear Galileo
Executive Producer
College friends whose lives are at a crossroads decide to spend a year in Europe, working in Thai restaurants, and trying not to get deported.
Executive Producer
어떤 사람은 자신의 첫 사랑을 잊어가는 데 삶의 시간을 쓰지만 어떤 사람은 자신의 마지막 사랑에 대한 추억에 잠겨 삶을 보낸다. 사람들은 기억력이 3초밖에 되지 않는 골드피쉬가 아니기 때문에 쉽게 자신의 지나간 사랑을 잊지 못한다. 사랑은 기억하기엔 너무 아픈 상처를 남기지만 그러함에도 영원한 사랑은 늘 싸워 쟁취할 가치가 있다. 는 20대와 70대의 두 쌍의 연인의 로맨틱한 이야기를 담으며 잠시 스쳐간 인연조차도 그것이 진정한 사랑으로 다가 올 때 그들에게 남기고 가는 영원한 기억에 대해 이야기한다.
커밍 순
Executive Producer
What kind of scenes in a horror film scares you the most? When a ghost appears totally unexpectedly? When the main character does not see the ghost sneaking up behind him? When at the very end you find out that the main character was actually a ghost all along? But none of this compares to the feeling of arriving home alone and suddenly being stuck by a feeling of deja-vu.
The Last Moment
Three best friends from design school face romantic trials and tribulations after graduation while concealing their true feelings from one another.
Handle Me with Care
Executive Producer
A young man born with an extra arm longs to find love, so he journeys to a metropolitan hospital where he hopes to have his extra appendage amputated.
Executive Producer
낯선 남자와 문자를 주고 받으며 외로움을 달래던 소녀에게 벌어지는 끔찍한 사건. 결말의 반전이 돋보이는 "행복"부터 자신을 괴롭히는 학생들에게 죽음의 저주를 거는 "복수" 등 4색공포의 완벽한 체험!
Executive Producer
Troubled by recurring dreams about the ghost of a murdered woman, an engineering student connects his visions to a disturbing missing person case.
The Bedside Detective
Executive Producer
An apprentice private detective is hired to gather evidence of a wealthy man's infidelity but falls in love with his target's adorable girlfriend.
Kung Fu Tootsie
Executive Producer
When his son and heir is injured by rivals, a mob kingpin finds his son's long-lost twin, whose personality defies gangster clichés and expectations.
Executive Producer
샴쌍둥이는 30%는 태아상태에서 죽고, 60%는 죽은 채로 태어난다. 오직 1%만이 분리수술에서 생존한다. 샴쌍둥이로 태어났지만, 기적적으로 살아남은 ‘핌’과 ‘플로이’. 어릴 적 영원히 함께 하기로 약속한 ‘핌’과 ‘플로이’는 나이가 들수록 몸은 붙어있지만 서로가 원하는 것이 다르다는 것을, 그리고 언제나 함께 할 수 없다는 것을 알게 된다. 마침내 15살이 되던 해 1%의 생존율이라는 위험을 무릅쓰고 분리수술을 강행한다. 하지만 ‘플로이’는 20시간이 넘는 수술을 견디지 못하고 죽게 되고 결국 ‘핌’만이 살아 남게 된다. 16년 후 남편 '위'와 함께 행복한 결혼 생활을 하던 '핌'은 어느 날 엄마가 위독하다는 소식을 듣고 태국으로 돌아간다. 샴쌍둥이 동생과 어린시절을 함께한 집에 도착한 '핌'은 자신과 똑같이 성장한 죽은 '플로이'의 모습을 보게 되고, 자신 곁에 '플로이'가 계속 붙어 있다는 불안과 두려움에 사로잡힌다. 그리고 그녀에게 끔찍한 일들이 생기기 시작하는데...
Final Score
Executive Producer
Final Score follows Thai students at the age of 17 handling the entrance examination, the biggest exams to access to universities. See how the students get through many obstacles - intensive and extra courses, country's unstable circumstance, the changes in society, and the brand new admission system to screen qualified students. No one knows how the result would be. Success or failure? They're the person who destine their own result.
The Possible
Executive Producer
In 1970, a string band called "The Possible" was really popular and made a fever among young people. One day, the band received a microphone as the present from a mysterious fan. Miraculously, the microphone was a time-machine that accidentally took them to the future, in 2007, where the modern music rules and they're just an out-of-date item. The only way to bring them back to their glorious time is performing a concert to energize the microphone, the time-machine. But, before the concert could be set, there're still some problems in the new world that they have to deal with.
시즌 체인지
Executive Producer
The story takes place at the College of Music, Mahidol University over one year and covers the three seasons that Bangkok typically experiences - summer, winter and monsoon.
See How They Run
Executive Producer
A mischievous ghost boy is wandering around the town, trying to find his father. Living alone with loneliness, the ghost boy wants to make friends with people. He enjoys making trouble, and causes chaos throughout the villagers.
Executive Producer
Four girlfriends plot to determine whether the cute metrosexual man their friend plans to marry is really straight.
나의 유령 친구
Executive Producer
탄탄한 구성력의 공포영화이면서 성장영화이기도 작품. 궁극적으로는 ‘우정’과 ‘사랑’의 가치를 재확인하는 작품이다. 12살의 차트리(Chatree)는 기숙사 학교로 전학을 간다. 아버지를원망하던 차트리는 위치엔(Vichien)이라는 친구를 사귀게 되고, 그가 사실은 유령이라는 사실을 알게 된다. 그리고, 그의 비극을 끝내기 위해 무모한 시도를 하게 된다. 이 작품은 공포영화의 외형을 지녔으면서도 악인은 없는, 사랑과 우정으로만 가득 찬 특이한 영화이다. 제자를 사랑하는 선생님의 진심, 아들을 사랑하는 아버지의 마음, 친구를 위해 희생을 감수하는 차트리의 우정 등. 이런 밝고 긍정적인 가치관을, 정 반대의 어둡고 공포스러운 이야기의 틀 속에서 이야기하는 것이다. 이런 역설적인 배치 때문에 사랑과 우정의 가치가 더 소중하게 보여지기도 한다.
Dear Dakanda
Executive Producer
Recovering from an accident, an artist is torn between the nurse who is helping him recover and a college friend for whom he secretly longs.
The Tin Mine
Executive Producer
A failed engineering student in the late 1940s gets the unexpected education of a lifetime by working for four years in a rainforest tin mine.
메이드 첩보대작전
Executive Producer
<아이언 레이디>로 태국 코미디 영화의 대표주자로 떠오른 용유스 통콘툰 감독의 코미디. 이번에는 망토와 단검이 빗자루와 쓰레받이를 만나며 벌어지는 야단법석과 음모로 좌충우돌하는 슬랩스틱 코미디 <메이드 첩보대작전>이다. 프로들이 망쳐놓은 현장을 과연 누가 수습할 것인가? 여기 아무 것도 모르는 시골출신 가정부 4인조가 부패로 얼룩진 왕국을 수호하기 위해 출동한다. 엽기 발랄한 가정부들의 몸을 사리지 않는 투혼이 과연 태국 사회의 안녕과 평화를 지켜낼 수 있을 것인가?...
Pattaya Maniac
Executive Producer
A peddler of Buddhist amulets runs afoul of a powerful gangster by trying to buy the freedom of a woman he loves, with comically complicated results.
The Extern
Executive Producer
Story of two doctor externs, who are really different from the main stream. It deals about their studies, their exams and love. This movie enhances through comic sequences the importance of doctors in Thai society.
내 여자친구
Executive Producer
Jeab hears that his childhood sweetheart Noi-Naa is to be married, so he makes the trip back home to his provincial village. As he does so, the memories come flooding back to his childhood in 1980s Thailand. He remembers always being late to school, so his father would have to give him a ride on the back of the motorcycle. After school, he would always play with Noi-Naa and her girlfriends while the neighborhood boys rode their bicycles and played football and Chinese fantasy characters.
The Whistle
As if by magic, Nam meets her elementary school friend when her life is in danger. After that encounter, Muton keeps appearing when Nam is most in need and always helps her through whatever difficulty she is facing. One day, when Nam and Muton realizes that Nam has heart disease, they decide to spend her last moments together as each has realized that they are deeply in love. During their vacation on the beach one day, Muton suddenly feels a serious pain in his chest and vanishes into thin air. Nam does not know what to make of it but is determine to solve the mystery behind her lover's disappearance. What she finds will both break and save her heart.
Snake Lady
Executive Producer
Chanachol, recently returned to Thailand after living overseas, signs up for a tour to get back in touch with Thai culture, and finds himself attracted to the tour guide, Mekhala. There are several problems with the relationship: Chanachol is married, with family, and Mekhala has a mysterious, symbiotic relationship with a deadly cobra, and many of her previous suitors have ended up dead.
Nang Nak
In a rural village in Thailand, Mak is sent to fight in a war and leaves his pregnant wife, Nak. Mak is injured and barely survives. He returns home to his doting wife and child, or so he thinks.
303 Fear Faith Revenge
St. George's School is a Catholic school with very strict rules. A group of students hear rumors of a mysterious suicide case of an honor student whose name is engraved in a frame in the middle of the school hall. Out of curiosity, a group of students try to find out the truth. It started with playing Peekaew , which has ice, which is also the teacher's daughter. But in the end, the students gradually died one by one.
Dang Bireley's and Young Gangsters
Nonzee recreates the life of a notorious late-1950s gangster. Dang Bireley's had Elvis and James Dean fixations and lived predictably fast and died predictably young. He first killed a man at the age of 13, and became famous in Phra Nakorn as a Chinese protection racketeer from the age of 18. Everything swung his way until one of Thailand's many coups d'etat imposed martial law and drove the city's gangsters up-country. Dang and his loyal cohort Piak had little trouble facing down the local hicks, but bristled when forced to operate a long side their arch-enemy Pu, known as Bottle-Bomb.
The First Lesson of True Love
Executive Producer
Rabil a young office at the back of the love of the insurance girl Thip from the first He wants to start this love lesson and have friends. Round, waiting for various methods But Thip himself seemed to have a secret that I could try to find her way to understand her. This love lesson will teach more love. And more concentrated Until he changed him to make some decisions that he had in the past would not be able to do it for sure.
My Wonder Year
Executive Producer
First year engineering student who began to feel that he had someone to follow nearby Until one day Ton learns the truth that it is Toey, his elder brother who has passed away for a long time, takes care of him from a distance. Ton meets Toey's spirit in an abandoned house. and went on a fun trip like brothers and sisters until one day Ton learned the real cause of death of Toey, causing Ton's life to experience a great change.
Big, Bigger & Bigger
Executive Producer
Kig is a single handsome guy who has to take care of his niece because her parents passed away. Often there are times where they don't get along, but one day they finally decides for a truce in order to put an end to their disputes. Kig likes Miew, who is deaf. When his niece finds out about Miew she instantly rejects her and the adults must make her understand their love.
Rolling Stone
Executive Producer
The story of a group of 12th grade students named Rolling Stone which has Kan the chairman of the Rolling Stone group. artistic talent but likes to use it in a way that is not very good, Mhee is a lover but heartbroken throughout the story, Big, the president of the basketball club, looks good But the fart is very foul and Koi, who has the ability to speak Thai is to stutter every word The four of them were a group of sassy students. create problems for schools every year.
Tell Them We're No. 1
Executive Producer
Wow, a young boy living with his family in a big city, has a problem. His father is a gambler, and Wow, indisputably, is a jinx. Once, Wow causes his father's arrest, then a sequence of unfortunate events befall on everyone close to Wow. Eventually, the long-suffering father sends Wow away to an uncle in the country. But if the uncle and grandfather are as gentle and kind as the child's loving mother, the auntie is a tyrant. Luckily, Wow meets a young girl and soon his luck changes.
Chalui Project 2
Pong has been diligent in his work until he never gets rested until he is stressed and mad. Pong can't remember anything, that's why all his friends have to come back together again. Everyone bring Pong to Bangkok and go to the old rainbow house where everyone used to live together to remember the old days. By the hope that it will be able to revive the memory of Pong.
A Very Romantic Story in the Very Big City
A very romantic story about Thai people living in San Francisco. Pimsai went to San Francisco to find her boyfriend. She doesn't know that he went to go be a boy-toy for an old widow. He sold his apartment to John. Pimsai, thinking her boyfriend is still living there, goes to the apartment and sleeps in John's bed. Since she has no place to go or any contact with her boyfriend, John lets Pimsai stay and they become roomates. He takes her to work at a friend's restaurant. That's just the beginning of their story.
Executive Producer
The story of Pong and Tong, a country boy who dreams of becoming a famous singer and musician. But the way is not as smooth as they think, so they have to fight, struggle, flip their lives, everything in order to hold their hopes with neighbors Tukta and Vi keep cheering.