Wolfgang Kohlhaase

Wolfgang Kohlhaase

출생 : 1931-03-13, Berlin, Germany

프로필 사진

Wolfgang Kohlhaase

참여 작품

인 타임스 오브 페이딩 라이트
Just before the fall of the Berlin Wall, the birthday celebrations of an East German family turn into a tragicomical moment of political and personal breakdown.
우리가 꿈을 꾸면서
다니는 마약 중독자가 된 마크를 오래전 극장이었던 곳에서 찾아 영화를 보고 음악을 들으며 같이 꿈을 꾸던 그 시절을 회상한다. 베를린 장벽이 무너지고 통일이 되자 다니, 리코, 마크, 파울 4명의 친구들은 새로운 삶을 찾아 테크노 나이트클럽을 연다. 그러나 그들은 계속 문제에 부닥친다.
The Nail
The film is set in Berlin in 1965. Τhe old woman welcomes the Commissioner at her doorstep with the words “I have been waiting for you for 30 years”. She has been maintaining for years the grave, where now by accident, this skull was found. The skull, has a rusty nail in it. In a long monologue, the woman confesses for the first time, her tragic life story.
I Phone You
Ling, in his 20s, lives in Chongqing, the largest city in China. There she meets Yu, a Chinese business traveler who lives in Berlin. As a farewell, he has given her an iPhone. They start a tender relationship by phone. When Ling flies to Berlin to see Yu, another man, Marco, is waiting for her. He is Yu's German bodyguard. He should take care that Ling flies back again.
Whiskey with Vodka
A renowned actor named Otto is the epitome of the problematic but beloved ladies man. Even when drunk he still knows more about filmmaking than does the amateur who is directing him in his latest movie. But what should the unreliable star do when a local actor joins the crew as his understudy? Comic situations arise not only because of the well-known environment, but also from an inclination to authentically capture the various relationships.
Haus und Kind
Auge in Auge - Eine deutsche Filmgeschichte
This is not merely another film about cinema history; it is a film about the love of cinema, a journey of discovery through over a century of German film history. Ten people working in film today remember their favourite films of yesteryear.
Summer in Berlin
When you read the title ‘Summer on the Balcony’ you probably think it will be a light Berlin summer comedy but it’s not. This film is an intimate study of two women friends who come to each other because of troubles with everyday life and with men and thus try to enjoy a life based on their ideas.
Frank and Paul are best friends forever and raised Frank's daughter Lilli after a tragic car accident. The two men scrape a living by working as barmen and bouncers in a strip club while Lilly has grown into a lively and self-confident teenager. The disaster unfolds when Lilli seduces Paul and gets pregnant.
레전드 오브 리타
1970년대 서독. 이상사회 실현을 꿈꾸는 리타는 애인인 앤디와 함께 테러운동에 참여한다. 은행강도, 폭탄테러를 감행하던 리타 일행은 앤디의 탈옥을 돕던 중 변호사를 살해하면서 쫓기는 처지가 된다. 그들은 동독의 비밀요원 에빈의 도움을 받아 파리로 피신한다. 망명조직의 나아갈 방향에 대해 의견이 날카롭게 맞서는 가운데, 리타는 세상을 바꾸기엔 테러조차 무력하다는 것을 그리고 앤디의 사랑이 멀어진 것을 느낀다. 그러던 어느 날 우발적인 사고로 리타가 쏜 총에 경찰이 희생된다. 더 이상 잃을 것도 없고 숨을 곳도 없는 리타에게 동독 측은 다른 이름과 신분으로 살아가는 길을 제안한다. 하지만 독일 통일 후에도 그녀는 두려움으로 떠는데...
Victor Klemperer - Mein Leben ist so sündhaft lang
Victor Klemperer - Mein Leben ist so sündhaft lang
Der Hauptmann von Köpenick
Inge, April und Mai
Inge, April und Mai
The Break
A story about massive robbery from the safe of German railways set in 1946.
Die Zeit die bleibt
A documentary about German director Konrad Wolf (1925–1982).
Die Grünstein-Variante
The plot revolves around three men waiting to be deported in a prison. To escape the monotony, they form chess pieces from their bread rations, with which they then play against each other. Grünstein, a Polish Jew, proves to be a real talent, because although he is a beginner, he manages to defeat even the experienced player Lodeck, a German sailor, with his "Grünstein Variant".
Die Grünstein-Variante
Radio Play
The plot revolves around three men waiting to be deported in a prison. To escape the monotony, they form chess pieces from their bread rations, with which they then play against each other. Grünstein, a Polish Jew, proves to be a real talent, because although he is a beginner, he manages to defeat even the experienced player Lodeck, a German sailor, with his "Grünstein Variant".
The Turning Point
In the fall of 1945, nineteen year-old Mark Niebuhr, is accused of murder and is jailed as a prisoner of war in Warsaw, Poland. He maintains his claim of innocence throughout long periods of solitary confinement. When Mark is placed among a group of Polish criminals, he becomes the target of their aggression. Later, Mark experiences true hell in a communal cell with fanatical German war criminals. Turning Point is based on actual events from Hermann Kant's novel of the same name.
솔로 써니
동베를린에서 온 팝 가수 써니는 밴드와 함께 전국 투어 중이다. 평범한 일상을 거부하고 타협할 줄 모르는 그녀는 자신의 개성을 존중해주고 오래 갈 수 있는 관계를 간절히 원하고 있다. 그녀를 위해 노래를 작곡해 준 아마추어 색소폰 연주자 랄프와 사귀기 시작한 써니. 하지만 죽음에 대한 강박증을 지닌데다 불성실한 랄프의 생활습관은 도무지 그녀에게 맞지 않는다. 설상가상으로 평소 그녀를 괴롭히던 멤버와 싸우고 밴드에서 쫓겨나기까지 한 써니는 자신의 삶을 되찾기 위한 투쟁을 시작한다. 써니 역을 맡아 열연을 선보인 레나테 크로스너는 이 작품을 통해 1980년 베를린 영화제에서 여우주연상을 수상했다.
솔로 써니
동베를린에서 온 팝 가수 써니는 밴드와 함께 전국 투어 중이다. 평범한 일상을 거부하고 타협할 줄 모르는 그녀는 자신의 개성을 존중해주고 오래 갈 수 있는 관계를 간절히 원하고 있다. 그녀를 위해 노래를 작곡해 준 아마추어 색소폰 연주자 랄프와 사귀기 시작한 써니. 하지만 죽음에 대한 강박증을 지닌데다 불성실한 랄프의 생활습관은 도무지 그녀에게 맞지 않는다. 설상가상으로 평소 그녀를 괴롭히던 멤버와 싸우고 밴드에서 쫓겨나기까지 한 써니는 자신의 삶을 되찾기 위한 투쟁을 시작한다. 써니 역을 맡아 열연을 선보인 레나테 크로스너는 이 작품을 통해 1980년 베를린 영화제에서 여우주연상을 수상했다.
Mama, I’m Alive
In a Russian POW camp, four Germans determined to end WWII agree to pose as Red Army soldiers. Are they patriots or traitors, heroes or opportunists? Although they go to the frontlines, their new Russian comrades are initially unsure whether to trust them. Three of them then accept a mission behind German lines, but they are unprepared to fire upon their countrymen and it ends up costing the life of a Russian soldier. In the meantime, the fourth man has fallen in love with Russian radio operator Svetlana. After being criticized by the other Russians, he too agrees to participate in the mission..
The Naked Man in the Stadium
In this film, Wolf and scriptwriter Wolfgang Kohlhaase explore the role of art and the artist in socialist society. A sculptor questions the reception and value of his work, in a delicately nuanced narrative interweaving personal memories, historical dilemmas, and political defeats.
The Zernik Murder Case
After meeting the woman on the train Erwin Retzmann kills her in the forest.
I Was Nineteen
Gregor is a young soldier entering Germany with the victorious Soviet troops at the end of WWII. But he is also the child of left-wing Germans who fled from Hitler and spent the war in the Soviet Union. As a result, his return to Germany is ambivalent; he finds he is a stranger in his own land. As they enter Germany, Gregor begins to realize that he is different from all his comrades in arms, for this defeated land is his home country, the Germans he meets are his compatriots. He is a victor, but also one of the vanquished. He attempts to understand the Germans he meets along his way, but he is a 19-year-old: inquisitive, occasionally uncomprehending and repeatedly dismayed by the atrocities and lies he encounters.
Berlin Around the Corner
Berlin in the 1960s. Olaf and Horst are two young metalworkers, who provoke their older colleagues with critiques of the antiquated equipment and lack of materials... not to mention their love of leather jackets and motorbikes. Olaf and Horst begin to be targeted in the house newsletter, and the generational conflict escalates.
The Gleiwitz Case
Re-enacted true story of successful assault by Nazis, posing as Poles, on a German border radio station so that Hitler could "justify" thereby his invasion of Poland.
First Spaceship on Venus
A mysterious magnetic spool found during a construction project is discovered to have originated from Venus. A rocket expedition to Venus is launched to discover the origin of the spool and the race that created it.
Berlin, Schoenhauser Corner
The corner Schönhauser Allee in East Berlin is the main meeting-point for a group of adolescents. Dieter is a construction worker who falls in love with Angela. She, in turn, spends time with the clique whenever her mother is occupied with her new lover. "Kohle" stays away from home to avoid his dad's alcohol problem, and Karl-Heinz is on his way to becoming a small-time criminal. Due to their interest in western music and culture they are regarded as no-goods and rowdies. Things get interesting when an incident forces Dieter and "Kohle" to escape to West Germany. Written by c.winter
A Berlin Romance
Mid-1950s Berlin, before the building of the Wall. Uschi, a salesgirl and aspiring fashion model from the East, is attracted to Hans, from the West. But she also loves the bright shop windows in his part of the city. The flashiness of this new world soon evaporates, however, when Hans loses his job.
Alarm at the Circus
Two boys from West Berlin, Klaus and Max, live in poverty. They dream of a career in boxing and save every penny in order to buy boxing gloves for training. Nevertheless, they cannot seem to save enough and so they let themselves be hired by the bartender Klott for a twisted scheme. However, Klaus overhears one of Klott's conversations and learns that Klott intends for the boys to steal horses from the East Berlin Barlay Circus, where Klaus recently made some good friends. Indignant, he sets out to stop the robbery—and an adventurous action story results.
‎The Troublemakers‎
Schorsch and Franz are two rascals who are full of mischief and constantly tease both their teachers and their fellow pupils. Vera, the new classmate, decides to put her foot down and bring an end to the poor situation. With skill, patience and the help of the other pioneers she finds out about the troublemaker’s love for miniature trains and tries to direct their redundant energy onto the right track. However, Vera and her pioneers have to overcome some resistance before Schorsch and Franz finally change their behavior and become better classmates.