Two friends go their separate ways at age 17, affected by the troubling teenage conflicts in the small and conservative city of Coti das Fuças, in the countryside of Brazil. Levi, a poet, tired of being mistreated, sticks to the friends’ plan of moving to a big city. Elias, opressed by a violent father, gives up on the idea of leaving. At age 50, Levi comes back to reunite with his friend during a funeral, when their memories are relived before the last goodbye. Inspired by the theater play Aldeotas, by Gero Camilo.
Two friends go their separate ways at age 17, affected by the troubling teenage conflicts in the small and conservative city of Coti das Fuças, in the countryside of Brazil. Levi, a poet, tired of being mistreated, sticks to the friends’ plan of moving to a big city. Elias, opressed by a violent father, gives up on the idea of leaving. At age 50, Levi comes back to reunite with his friend during a funeral, when their memories are relived before the last goodbye. Inspired by the theater play Aldeotas, by Gero Camilo.
Two friends go their separate ways at age 17, affected by the troubling teenage conflicts in the small and conservative city of Coti das Fuças, in the countryside of Brazil. Levi, a poet, tired of being mistreated, sticks to the friends’ plan of moving to a big city. Elias, opressed by a violent father, gives up on the idea of leaving. At age 50, Levi comes back to reunite with his friend during a funeral, when their memories are relived before the last goodbye. Inspired by the theater play Aldeotas, by Gero Camilo.
After another day at work, Virgílio turns on the answering machine at home and hears a disturbing message. It's a message from Clara, communicating the end of their relationship. Virgílio then listens to the message repeatedly, seeking some meaning. Breaking up is not the problem; the problem is that Virgílio has no idea who Clara is.
Mato Grosso
The film is based on lyrics from the very famous Brazilian samba composer Adoniran Barbosa, following the aesthetics of his time. Notable facts and characters of his songs takes us through the story, a portrait of São Paulo city in the 50's, a place full of music, love stories and gentrification (poor people getting evicted from their places in order to build great buildings), subjects often explored in Adoniran's work, always with a good touch of humor. This way he became the 'poor people poet'.
THE DIONTI FAMILY is a lyrical family drama, infused with magic realism, about a father and the two sons he is bringing up alone. It depicts a striking part of the Brazilian countryside, rarely seen in cinema and tells a universally engaging tale about first love, loss and personal transformation.
In the ghettos of the greatest metropolis in Brazil, a midst flying bullets, love and any number of hurdles, young people's stories mingle and collide in the search for dreams and choices. Inspired by true stories, the feature film 'Broken Town' reveals the struggle faced and the choices made by teenagers who have always been surrounded by weapons, crime, and hardship.
The Gran Circo Teatro Americano takes its attractions to the northeastern hinterland. In the city of Aracati, the troupe puts on a fun play about the crisis in hell. With a rochamboesque plot and inspired by string literature, the attraction shows the arrival of the bandit Lamparino to hell and how Lucifer participates in international capitalism. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, loves and tragedies move the lives of artists.
A look of the 21st century for one of the most important cultural movements in Brazilian history. The production brings a mix of interviews, concerts, artistic interventions and actors in small sketches. An intersection of the social and artistic contexts of 68 with the current one.
A document of one of the greatest cultural events of Latin America in an innovative way, the film mixes documentary and fiction to pay homage to the artists of the contemporary Brazilian theater, who come together in the city of São Paulo every year to celebrate the coming of the spring. The fictional storyline shows the shooting of the documentary which is directed by a foreigner director and his Brazilian second-rate crew. They join forces to make a successful film based on the event.
Viktor Laurence
Set in a small town in Pará in the heart of the Amazon, Cauby makes a living as a photographer. Soon he’ll befriend pastor Ernani’s attractive wife Lavínia and embark on an affair – a good portion of the film is dedicated to their passionate relationship. We will also learn of Lavínia’s baggage from her past – how she met her husband, her continuing love for him, and his supportive role. But when rumours of her affair with Cauby circulate, the conservative community do not look at it kindly, leading to tragedy, and their lives will never be the same afterwards…
"The Baron" wanted to commit the perfect heist involving 3 tons of money and no violence. For this he would need the right people willing to get 1 million dollars to take part in this job. Based on true events, in 2005, 168,000,000 Brazilian Real (almost 80,000,000 US dollars) were stolen from a Brazilian Central Bank (Federal Reserve), making it the biggest peace-time robbery in history. It was perhaps the most audacious bank heist ever.
Trapped inside an apartment in Sao Paulo, an actor and a director of videos explore mutual love. Adapted from Benjamin Schianberg character, in this book Marcal Aquino, "I receive the worst news of your beautiful lips."
A road movie that follows a solitary man as he sets of on a journey to the south of Brazil. The strange characters and absurd situations he encounters along the way present an extraordinary portrait of human relations.
Zé Burraldo
On the porch of a farm, a woman tells stories while cutting and sewing scraps of cloth, creating images that form a towel. There are four stories of humor and magic. The fisherman's wedding with Iara, a mermaid from the rivers. The altar boy of a church that sees the procession of souls. The encounter between a Santa Claus in a store and a street boy and the adventures of Zé Burraldo, a naive guy who always lets himself be carried away by others.
An obsessive photographer crazy for female feet; a man that projects himself on situations he sees on TV; a simple public officer that receives a proposal from a corrupt Judge; a slaughter in a marriage crisis and a broken heart secretary that dreams to get married. These five characters will have their lives changed from a hot weekend.
Aurelio Sanchez
세계 각지에서 수 많은 죽음을 집행했던 전 CIA 전문 암살 요원 존 크리시(덴젤 워싱턴). 암울한 과거로 인해 알코올에 의지하며 정처 없이 떠돌던 그는, 오랜 친구이자 동지인 레이번(크리스토퍼 월켄 분)의 권유로 마지못해 멕시코 시티에서 보디가드로 일하게 된다. 크리시가 맡은 임무는 멕시코인 사업가 사뮤엘(마크 앤서니 분)의 아홉 살짜리 딸 피타(다코타 패닝)를 보호하는 것. 세상을 향해 단단히 벽을 쌓고 살던 크리시에게, 이 무한한 호기심과 생기로 똘똘뭉친 소녀 피타는 닫혀 있던 그의 마음의 문을 여는 열쇠가 되어 준다. 처음엔 귀찮도록 질문을 해대는 소녀의 관심과 배려를 달가워하지 않던 크리시였지만, 점차 아이의 진심에 동화되고 결국 그는 오랫동안 잊고 지냈던 웃음을 되찾는다. 하지만 피타를 통해 행복을 느끼면서 새 출발을 꿈꾸던 크리시의 희망은 오래가지 못한다. 어느날, 피타를 기다리던 크리시는 수상한 사내들이 몰려오는 장면을 목격하고 그녀를 지키기 위해 사력을 다하지만 결국 총격을 받고 쓰러진다. 치명적인 부상에서 가까스로 의식을 회복한 크리시에게 전해진 소식은 유괴된 피타가 결국은 살해당하고 말았다는 것. 피타를 지키지 못했다는 죄책감과 이로 인해 절망과 분노가 극에 달한 크리시는, 자신의 목숨을 걸고서라도 반드시 납치범들을 찾아내어 모조리 없애버리겠다고 다짐한다. 이제 이 고독한 보디가드는, 유괴를 둘러싼 멕시코의 거대 범죄 조직에 맞서 그들 뒤에 숨겨진 진실들을 하나씩 밝혀내며 가장 잔인한 복수를 감행한다...
A small poor community called Javé is under threat of being flooded by a new dam that is being built, and the only way to prevent this is to prove the town's historical value. As most of the inhabitants are illiterate, they have no choice but to ask for the help of Antônio Biá, a man who has been ostracized ever since it was discovered that he had sent out letters with lies about their reputations as a way to keep his job in Javé's seldom-used post office. He now has the task of documenting people's memories of how the city was founded, yet each inhabitant has his or her own version of what happened.
Sem Chance (No Way)
남미 최대의 감옥 카란디루. 과밀수용으로 폭력과 전염병이 급속도로 번져가던 어느 날 에이즈 치료와 예방교육을 위해 한 의사(드라우지오 바렐라)가 도착한다. 바렐라는 카란디루에 발을 들여놓는 순간부터 거친 수감자들의 칼부림을 목격하고 열악한 환경에 몸서리치지만, 수 많은 환자들을 외면하지 못해 그곳에 남기로 한다. 감옥 한 쪽에 마련된 간이 진료실은 ‘이곳에 죄 지은 사람은 없다’는 수감자들의 각양각색 사연들이 오가는 특별한 공간이 된다. 자기는 원래 좀도둑에 불과했다고 주장하는 우연한 살인범 에보니, 아내‘들’의 사랑다툼이 방화로 이어져 감옥신세까지 지게 되었다는 미워할 수 없는 바람둥이 하이니스, 이름과는 정반대로 트랜스젠더 레이디 디와 사랑에 빠지고 옥중결혼식까지 올리는 행운의 사나이 투 배드(Too bad)... 바렐라는 다양한 죄수들을 만나 각각의 너무나 인간적인 범죄의 뒷이야기에 귀를 기울인다. 얼핏 보면 온갖 범죄자들이 모인 무법천지, 그러나 나름의 엄격한 위계질서를 가지고 움직이던 카란디루의 최대행사인 축구시합이 열리던 날! 축구장 밖에서 일어난 사소한 싸움이 카란디루 전체의 폭동으로 번지게 되고... 경찰기동대의 잔혹한 진압으로 카란디루는 순식간에 끔찍한 피바다를 이룬다. 운 좋게도 비극의 그날 카란디루를 잠시 떠나있었던 바렐라는 살아남은 자들의 생생한 고백을 전해듣는다.
A story inspired by the life of one of the most remarkable figures in Brazilian popular culture, João Francisco dos Santos (1900-1976). In turn, bandit, transvestite, street fighter, brothel cook, convict and father to seven adopted children, dos Santos – better known as Madame Satã – was also a notorious gay performer who pushed social boundaries in a volatile time.
Paraíba - Shorty
빈민가가 막 형성되기 시작한 1960년대, 마을을 지나가는 배달 트럭을 털면서 가족을 부양하는 텐더 삼총사가 주름잡던 그 시기에는 엄연한 룰이 존재했다. 돈은 훔치되 살인은 삼가는 것이다. 이들은 엉뚱한 용의자를 사살하고도 지갑을 챙기는 악질 경찰에 비하면 약자에 불과했다. 텐더 트리오 시대에 종지부를 찍은 제빼게노는 큰 돈을 만지기 위해서는 마약을 다뤄야 함을 알게 된다. 단짝친구 베네는 악랄하기만 할 뿐 주변을 다독일 줄 모르던 제빼게노를 보좌하며 또 다른 룰을 만들어내지만, 위태로운 평화의 유효기간은 그리 길지 않다.
Brazilian badlands, April 1910. Tonho is ordered by his father to avenge the death of his older brother. The young man knows that if he commits this crime, his life will be divided in two: the twenty years he has already lived and the few days he has left to live, before the other family avenges their son's death. He is torn between fulfilling his ancestral duty and rebelling against it, urged by his younger brother Pacu. That's when a tiny travelling circus passes through the vast badlands where Tonho's family lives.
A trip to the mental institution hell. This odyssey is lived by Neto, a middle class teenager, who lives a normal life until his father sends him to a mental institution after finding drugs on his pocket. The maconha cigarrete is just the final drop that exposes the family tragedy. Send to a mental institution, Neto gets to know a completely absurd, inhumane reality in which the people are devoured by a corrupt and cruel institution system. The documentary type language used by the director give this movie a sensation of realty that increases even more the impact of the emotions Neto goes through. In the mental institution, Neto is forced to mature. The transformations that he goes through change this relations with his father.
Filmed over a five-year period, Chronically Unfeasible dissects Brazilian problems, using six people who meet in a restaurant in São Paulo as models to illustrate political, sociological and economic disparities between Brazil's upper and lower classes.