Caio Blat

Caio Blat

출생 : 1980-06-02, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

프로필 사진

Caio Blat
Caio Blat

참여 작품

The Devil to Pay in the Backlands
The film is narrated by Riobaldo, who takes us into his life as a gunman and shares his experiences and conflicts. Throughout the plot, he becomes involved with several charismatic groups and leaders, including the feared Hermógenes. Riobaldo's heart is won by Diadorim, a brave and mysterious young man who becomes the love of his life. Through Riobaldo's narrative, the author explores the complexities of the human soul, delving into the duality between good and evil. Adaptation of the acclaimed masterpiece "Grande Sertão: Veredas", written by Guimarães Rosa.
A threesome that takes place against the backdrop of Brazil's 2018 presidential election. Three young adults in a love triangle seek to understand the world and who they are on the brink of a shocking and highly-divisive election that puts the future of each one in check.
O Debate
Paula and Marcos have just split up after 20 years together. He is editor-in-chief of a news program and she is a television presenter. They have differing opinions, but remain friends and work partners. But despite this, the relationship of respect between them does not prevent them from having different views on how they should conduct the edition of the best moments of the debate that the TV will show - and that can interfere in the choice of hundreds of thousands of undecided voters.
Paulo de Tarso e A História do Cristianismo Primitivo
A journey through the deeds of Paul of Tarsus (Alexandre Galves), one of the main propagators of Christianity.
Three friends are part of a fascist opposition group in the chaotic Chile of the early 70's and together commit a political crime that changes the history of the country and incidentally involves them in a betrayal that separates them forever.
Natal Perfeito
Senhor Perfeito
Contra a Parede
Tiago Silkes
Less than three months before the presidential elections in Brazil, a renowned newscaster faces an explosive ethical conflict that involves his work at the head of his program and his personal relationship with two presidential candidates named as favorites in the polls.
Antonio Mendez
Alex Godman, the English-raised son of Russian mafia exiles, has spent his life trying to escape the shadow of their past, building his own legitimate business and forging a life with his girlfriend Rebecca. But when a murder forces his family's past to return to threaten them, Alex is drawn into the criminal underworld and must confront his values to protect those he loves.
BR 716
In 1960s Rio de Janeiro, aspiring writer Felipe leads a life of wild parties held in an apartment in famous street Barata Ribeiro in Copacabana. There he and his friends enjoy freedom even in the midst of a complicated political moment.
The year is 1984. Estela is going through the turbulent phase of adolescence. Sex, lovers, friendships; everything seems very complicated. Her uncle Carlos is her hero, and visiting him in California is her biggest dream. But everything collapses when he returns thin, weak and ill. Between crises and discoveries, Estela will face a reality that will forever change her way of seeing the world.​
Portrait of a Thief
Félix Pacheco
A pickpocket assumes various identities to steal from the aristocracy in early-20th-century Rio de Janeiro.
A child gets lost in the cracks and his mother desperately attempts to save him.
Air Bridge
Bruno and Amanda have to face the difficulties of a long distance relationship after meeting in a flight forced into an emergency landing.
Meus Dois Amores
Manuel is a crafty cowboy and swindler who lives to serve his two great loves – his fiancée Das Dô, and his mule Beija-fulô – and his business of selling unsound horses to suckers. The killer Targino arrives in town looking for a horse. Thinking that he is being clever, Manuel sells a sick horse to the assassin. Targino swears that he is going to kill Manuel, and dishonor Das Dô’s reputation after he’s dead. Under pressure, Manuel calls on the magic of Toniquinho das Pedras to protect his body. However, the witchdoctor demands the mule Beija-fulô as payment. Manuel, sees himself in the dilemma between having to choose between his fiancée Das Dô, and the mule, Beija-fulô.
Five undercover cops at Complexo do Alemão, one of Rio de Janeiro's most dangerous areas, have their covers blown by drug dealers. Arrested, they wait execution or to be rescued by police forces that would risk expose a larger operation.
Between Us
A group of literature-loving friends bury letters to be opened 10 years later when they will confront the dreams of their youth with what the future has held in store for them.
Os Amigos
Théo goes to the funeral of his childhood best friend. Then, memories return.
In the '40s, three brothers decide to live a great adventure and enlisting in the Roncador-Xingu Expedition, which has a mission to tame the Central Brazil. The Villas Boas brothers: Orlando, 27, Claudius, 25, and Leonardo, 23, engage in a fantastic and incredible saga. Soon start to lead the expedition that opens new paths 1,500 km, navigates over 1,000 miles of unspoilt rivers, opens 19 airfields for airplanes Army, gives rise to the creation of 43 towns and 14 make contact with wild Indian tribes, unknown, as the Xavante, courageous and feared warriors, no casualties on both sides. This adventure allows the Villas Boas brothers the creation of the Xingu National Park, the first major Amerindian reservation in Brazil, the size of Belgium, transforming them into true contemporary heroes.
Actor's Assistant
In the '40s, three brothers decide to live a great adventure and enlisting in the Roncador-Xingu Expedition, which has a mission to tame the Central Brazil. The Villas Boas brothers: Orlando, 27, Claudius, 25, and Leonardo, 23, engage in a fantastic and incredible saga. Soon start to lead the expedition that opens new paths 1,500 km, navigates over 1,000 miles of unspoilt rivers, opens 19 airfields for airplanes Army, gives rise to the creation of 43 towns and 14 make contact with wild Indian tribes, unknown, as the Xavante, courageous and feared warriors, no casualties on both sides. This adventure allows the Villas Boas brothers the creation of the Xingu National Park, the first major Amerindian reservation in Brazil, the size of Belgium, transforming them into true contemporary heroes.
A Long Journey
"A Long Journey" tells the story of three siblings who reach adolescence in the late 1960's. The documentary's storyline follows the youngest brother's travels around the world. Worried that he would enter the struggle for freedom against the Brazilian dictatorship, his family sent Heitor to London. There however, he dives head on into the "Swinging London" and, just like the European and American youth of the time period, he experiments with drugs and the mystic allure of India. In the nine years he has traveled around the world, from 1969 to 1978, he has regularly written to his family. The documentary features interviews with Heitor today, his letters and off-screen comments of Heitor's sister, Lúcia Murat, the director of the movie.
As Mães de Chico Xavier
Three mothers see their reality become completely, they are: Ruth, whose teenage son, Raul, faces problems with drugs; Elisa, trying to make up for the absence of her husband giving full attention to the child, the little Theo, and Lara, teacher who faces the dilemma of an unplanned pregnancy. These three women, living in different times of their lives, seeking comfort next to Chico Xavier. And Karl reporter remains insisting on interviewing the medium, even without being prepared for it.
The Well Beloved One
Neco Pedreira
Based on the homonymous work of Dias Gomes , The Well Beloved tells the story of the mayor Paraguassu Odorico, whose primary goal in his administration in the city of Sucupira is the inauguration of a cemetery. One side is supported by the sisters Cajazeiras. On the other, he has to fight against strong opposition led by Vladmir, owner of rag city. For lack of a corpse, the mayor can never accomplish his goal. Not even the arrival of Ernesto - a dying man who does not die - and hiring Zeca Diabo, a bandit killer, provide him with the realization of his dream. Odorico gun situations for someone to die, but the first body to be buried in Sucupira may be the mayor himself, that the hunter becomes the hunted and goes from villain to martyr.
The Best Things in the World
Everyday family life as perfectly normal madness. “As Melhores Coisas do Mundo“ follows a few days in the life of the 15-year-old Mano, who is fighting on two fronts: his parents have just got divorced and he is going through puberty. Mano tries to make his way through life, with its first sexual experiences, his depressed brother and his self-centered parents. It’s a humorous homage to the pitfalls of daily life and the diversity of life.
Three childhood friends plan meeting for a day in order to reassert their friendships and fight for their differences. One of them is involved with crime, one is a famous football player and the other struggles to maintain a middle-class lifestyle.
The Tenants
Valter's life turns upside-down when a gang of smalltime criminals move in next door. Valter's wife Iara wants something to be done about their new neighbors whos nigthtly activities does not allow them to sleep. Valter just wants to be left alone.
Love Stories Only Last 90 Minutes
In Lapa, Rio de Janeiro, the idle aspirant writer Zeca has been living with Arts Professor Júlia for five years. He is stuck on page 50 of his novel for a long time and Zeca claims lack of inspiration to conclude the plot. He leads a comfortable life from inheritance left by his mother and administrated by his father Humberto. When Zeca sees Júlia alone with her best friend Carol in his flat, he believes that they are having a love affair and becomes obsessed with Carol, following her. Júlia travels to São Paulo with work giving Zeca the perfect opportunity to have an affair with Carol. So begins his complicated life: while Júlia works and studies for her doctorate, Zeca has sex with Carol during the days and with Júlia during the nights. Zeca plots a scheme to stay with either Carol or Júlia but his plan does not go as he hoped.
Bezerra de Menezes: O Diário de um Espírito
The film follows the life of the doctor Menezes (Carlos Vereza), known as the doctor of the poor.
Jonas, só mais um
Presented and conducted by the actor Caio Blat, the documentary tells the story of the murder of the newsman Jonas Eduardo Santos de Souza, executed when he was improperly barred at the door of the Itau bank.
Direitos Humanos, A Exceção e a Regra
Forbidden to Forbid
Three young Brazilian try to help a terminally ill woman who lives in the slums of Rio de Janeiro. Their youthful idealism is shattered with the cruel reality of police brutality.
Baptism of Blood
Frei Tito
In São Paulo, in the late 1960s, the convent of the Dominican friars became a trench of resistance to the military dictatorship that governs Brazil. Moved by Christian ideals, frets Betto, Oswaldo, Fernando, Ivo and Tito came to support the guerrilla group Ação Libertadora Nacional, commanded by Carlos Marighella.
Bog of Beasts
A man falls in love with a teenage girl, who is exploited by her own grandfather, who sometimes takes her to a gas station to show her naked to whomever pays him some money.
우리 부모가 휴가를 떠난 해
군부 독재 치하의 1970년 브라질, 펠레가 이끄는 브라질 대표팀이 월드컵에 출전한다. 축구를 좋아하는 열살 난 소년 마우로는 부모와 함께 상파울로의 할아버지 댁으로 향한다. 부모님이 휴가를 가시기 때문이다. 브라질 대표팀의 첫 경기가 열리기 전까지 돌아올테니 걱정하지 말고 할아버지와 잘 지내라는 아빠. 그러나 말과는 다르게 엄마는 마치 돌아오지 않을 사람처럼 마우로를 붙잡고 눈물을 흘린다. 부모님이 떠난 후 할아버지의 집 앞에 앉아 그를 기다리던 마우로는 할아버지께서 갑작스러운 사고로 돌아가셨다는 이야기를 듣게 된다. 부모님이 올 때까지 옆집에 사는 유태인 노인 슬롬과 지내기로 한 마우로, 그러나 브라질팀의 경기가 시작됐는데도 부모님은 돌아오지 않고, 거리에는 경찰과 군인들의 수가 늘어나 분위기가 어수선하다. 어느날 슬롬마저 공산주의자로 의심을 받아 잡혀가고 혼자 남은 마우로는 부모님과 슬롬을 기다리며 결승에 오른 브라질팀을 응원하는데… 2006년 브라질 최고의 영화로 꼽힌 수작, 2007년 베를린국제영화제 경쟁부문 진출작.
O Quintal dos Guerrilheiros
What Is It Worth?
Free adaptation of Machado de Assis's short story "Pai Contra Mãe", having some of Nireu Cavalcanti's 18th Century chronicles as inspiration, the film traces parallels between life in during the slavery period and in modern Brazil.
As Cartas de Chico Xavier
Three people accused of murder who were pardoned by the parents of the victims and acquitted by Justice thanks to the letters psychographed by the medium Chico Xavier.
남미 최대의 감옥 카란디루. 과밀수용으로 폭력과 전염병이 급속도로 번져가던 어느 날 에이즈 치료와 예방교육을 위해 한 의사(드라우지오 바렐라)가 도착한다. 바렐라는 카란디루에 발을 들여놓는 순간부터 거친 수감자들의 칼부림을 목격하고 열악한 환경에 몸서리치지만, 수 많은 환자들을 외면하지 못해 그곳에 남기로 한다. 감옥 한 쪽에 마련된 간이 진료실은 ‘이곳에 죄 지은 사람은 없다’는 수감자들의 각양각색 사연들이 오가는 특별한 공간이 된다. 자기는 원래 좀도둑에 불과했다고 주장하는 우연한 살인범 에보니, 아내‘들’의 사랑다툼이 방화로 이어져 감옥신세까지 지게 되었다는 미워할 수 없는 바람둥이 하이니스, 이름과는 정반대로 트랜스젠더 레이디 디와 사랑에 빠지고 옥중결혼식까지 올리는 행운의 사나이 투 배드(Too bad)... 바렐라는 다양한 죄수들을 만나 각각의 너무나 인간적인 범죄의 뒷이야기에 귀를 기울인다. 얼핏 보면 온갖 범죄자들이 모인 무법천지, 그러나 나름의 엄격한 위계질서를 가지고 움직이던 카란디루의 최대행사인 축구시합이 열리던 날! 축구장 밖에서 일어난 사소한 싸움이 카란디루 전체의 폭동으로 번지게 되고... 경찰기동대의 잔혹한 진압으로 카란디루는 순식간에 끔찍한 피바다를 이룬다. 운 좋게도 비극의 그날 카란디루를 잠시 떠나있었던 바렐라는 살아남은 자들의 생생한 고백을 전해듣는다.
Cat's Cradle
Cristiano, Francisco and Gabriel are three good old friends celebrating their entrance in the University. But in a horror night, the fun gets mixed up with violence.
To the Left of the Father
Lula, the younger brother
The story of André, the rebel runaway son from a dominant Lebanese-Brazilian family who returns to the nest after a few years. "Lavoura Arcaica" deals with melodramatic themes of tyrannical fathers, incest and fierce family conflicts, matched by an overheated and intense visual style.
Path of Dreams
Pedro Moraes
A Jewish teenager goes to a Catholic school and falls in love with a black Catholic girl.