Kanako Kojima

출생 : 1975-09-17,

참여 작품

Avec Punch
High school students Isaki and Hiramasa can't stand being bored. One day, while walking across town, they bump shoulders with two other people. An argument ensues and, as usual, Hiramasa is ready to fight. Hiramasa is supremely confident when it comes to fighting. An unusual thing happens though, Hiramasa gets knocked out ...
An artist named Kurahashi and a female artist named Cheiko wait in a dentist's waiting room. The man feels attracted to the woman but says nothing to her. Later in the examining room, both patients are going under anesthesia, but the man looks over at the woman and sees the dentist and nurse taking off her clothes, while sucking her body for blood like vampires. The man and woman escape from the dentist's office, but their horror is only about to begin...
A magazine editor loses his wife to cancer and he keeps her ashes in a jar. When he begins dating her sister, he becomes overwhelmed with guilt.
Requiem of Darkness
Set in an old movie theater, this group drama depicts the battle between dying yakuza and salaried workers who have forgotten their dreams.
기쿠지로의 여름
모두가 기다리던 여름방학. 하지만 마사오는 전혀 즐겁지 않다. 할머니는 매일 일을 나가시느라 바쁘고 친구들은 가족들과 함께 바다나 시골로 놀러 가버려 외톨이가 되었기 때문. 어느 날 먼 곳에 돈을 벌러 가셨다는 엄마의 주소를 발견한 마사오. 그림 일기장과 방학숙제를 배낭에 넣고 엄마를 찾아 여행길에 오른다. 친절한 이웃집 아줌마는 직업도 없이 빈둥거리는 전직 야쿠자 남편 기쿠지로를 마사오의 보호자로 동행시킨다. 왕복 600km의 여정, 그러나 그 여행은 마사오도 기쿠지로도 잊을 수 없는 생애 최고의 즐거운 시간을 선사하는데...