Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
For 45 centuries, the Great Sphinx has cast its enigmatic gaze over Egypt's Giza Plateau. The biggest and oldest statue in a land of colossal ancient monuments, its scale is staggering: The mighty head towers as tall as the White House, while its body is nearly the length of a football field. This strange half-human, half-lion image has inspired countless fantastic theories about its origins. How was it built, and who or what does it represent? Surprisingly, the scribes of the period when it was built—during Egypt's Old Kingdom—passed over it in silence. Adding to the mystery, archeologists found that its creators abruptly discarded their tools and abandoned the Sphinx when it was nearly complete. Searching for clues, NOVA's expert team of archeologists, including Mark Lehner, director of Ancient Egypt Research Associates, carries out eye-opening experiments.
A down on his luck Brooklyn native parlays his Yale education into a job as a professional poker player.
Bobby G. lives life on the edge in this real, raw New York street drama. Bobby is a small-time coke dealer, always on the hustle but rarely successful. He lives in Hell's Kitchen with his Puerto Rican girlfriend Lucy, who makes ends meet as a prostitute. A typical day finds Bobby selling $20 bags to neighborhood locals and passing cars. A yuppie kid looking to score a kilo of coke approaches him to broker a deal and Bobby sees the opportunity of a lifetime to make some real money. His rough days may just be over. With the tidy profit he could even leave the business. Playing out of his league, Bobby arranges to get the kilo from Astro, a fearsome, high-level drug dealer. Though Lucy announces that she's decided to go back to Puerto Rico and pleads with him to make a fresh start too, Bobby is sticking to his deal and isn't going anywhere now, convinced he'll be 'livin' large in a matter a' days...
When former cop and current security expert Jim Holland has a one night stand with Amanda after getting in her way roller-blading. That introduction turns out to be a well thought out plan by Amanda and her sister Molly, to obtain security codes. The girls and their cohorts rob his client and stash the loot. All the while, detective Jim has been following them and he grabs the money for himself. Then his conscience gets the best of him and he falls in love with Molly. His client turns out to be drug dealers and he's forced to risk his life to protect Molly and Amanda.
After a nuclear war, four warriors from Earth awaken on a space ship. Unable to determine what purpose they are there and, above all, who rescued them, panic breaks out. The young scientist Lee and his attractive colleague Susan face the killer aliens in a bitter struggle for the survival of mankind.
Original Music Composer
항상 사용하는 화학 약품과 향수, 그리고 매일 접하는 매연들로 인해 중산층 여성인 캐롤은 발작과 구토, 호흡곤란 등 심각한 장애를 겪는다. 치료를 위해 뉴 멕시코를 떠나는 캐롤, 하지만 그녀의 여정은 그녀의 내면으로 향하게 되는데...
A team of scientists go to a nuclear mining facility to investigate a possible meltdown and instead find a large amount of cloned dinosaurs.
Two young exotic dancers think they're about to get their big break in show business when they land a job in the hottest strip bar in town. However, their excitement soon turns to terror when they wind up as pawns in a savage and brutal international white slavery ring. It's up to their boyfriends to save them, except one of them is running the whole operation.
하수구를 공사하던 인부들은 아이들의 손이 들어있는 큰 가방을 발견한다. 7개의 손바닥에는 차례대로 숫자가 문신되어 있다. 이 사건을 맡은 스웨거트 반장은 강력 범죄만을 맡아온 형사. 나날이 늘어나는 언론의 반발에 휴스턴 사장은 강력범죄 연구소의 연구원 한명을 선발해 줄것을 부탁한다. 오드리 여형사의 경력이 소개되자 모두들 달갑지 않아한다. 능수능란하게 컴퓨터를 다루며 통계와 심리분석을 하는 신참이 끼어들었기 때문이다. 오드리는 사라진 아이들의 부모가 휴스턴에 거주하는지 알아보자고 한다. 반장은 아이들의 부모들이 갖게될 공포감등을 우려해 그 제안을 비난한다. 그러던 중 오드리는 병원의사로부터 걸려온 전화를 받는다. 언론에서도 모르는 사실을 질문하는 의사. 오드리는 의사의 말에따라 정신병동에 있는 조단이란 소년을 찾아간다. 조단의 병실벽에는 14개의 손바닥이 그려져 있고 일련의 숫자들이 적혀있다. 조단은 천재적인 두뇌에 정신감응 능력을 지니고 있어 다른 사람의 마음을 읽어낼 수 있었다. 오드리는 조단의 기록 챠트에서 그의 생일때마다 끔찍한 고통을 호소한다는 기록에 따라 매해 이날 실종된 여아의리스트를 분석해낸다. 또다시 10대의 소녀가 실종되자 더이상 지체할 수 없는 오드리는 조단의 능력을 빌어 어느 낡은집으로 찾아간다.
When a wheelchair-bound wife dies from an apparent accident, her husband and his adult stepdaughter turn out to be lovers, who conspired to murder her. However, tensions surface when complications arise regarding her inheritance, and soon the husband and stepdaughter are distrusting and plotting against each other. Who is really behind everything?
Original Music Composer
어머니가 도시로 돈 벌러 떠나버리자, 여고생 마리는 폐차가된 버스 안에서 홀로 살아간다. 가끔씩 찾아오는 어머니의 애인 잭에게 겁탈을 당하는 마리. 거칠게 저항을 해 보기도 하지만 번번히 속수무책이다. 결국 그녀는 자신을 지키기 위해 권총을 구하게 되고, 사격 연습으로 무료함을 달랜다. 한편 마리는 우연히 폔팔을 하게 되고 찰리라는 죄수와 사귀게 되는데, 그가 출감하던 날 또 다시 잭이 찾아와 그녀에게 몸을 요구한다. 그러나 숨겨놓은 권총으로 그를 사살해 버린 마리는 찰리에게 이 모든 사실을 말한다. 곧 그들은 보안관을 따돌리고 집을 떠나지만, 끈질긴 보안관의 수사망은 점점 좁혀 오기 시작하는데.
Original Music Composer
In a slightly future America, a woman goes to the big city to visit with her sister, who is dead in her apartment. In order to find out what happened to her sister, she gets a job working at a dance club, a lower notch in the strip joint circuit. Some of her colleagues begin showing up dead as she uncovers a sinister hierarchy in the strip club management that is harnessing the sexual activity for their own twisted ends.
Original Music Composer
A kickboxer has an accounting problem with the mobster (Anthony Geary) who lent him money for a nightclub.
After the nuclear holocaust, one man rises from the ashes to become the leader of a ragged gang of survivors. They soon discover that their greatest challenge is yet to come; they must fight a battle for the ages against the evil minions of The Bishop.