Pierre Mailloux

Pierre Mailloux

프로필 사진

Pierre Mailloux

참여 작품

irlande cahier bleu
In his description of planet Tlön, Borges describes the Tlönite as people who believe that every man is in fact two men, arguing that when we sleep, we are awake elsewhere.
Coco Ferme
Boivin - Father
Germain Taillefer - Député de Joliette
Approached by the Prime Minister of Quebec to rejuvenate the image of his government, Arlette Saint-Amour becomes, overnight, Minister of Culture. She succeeds by her look and her daring in creating a real buzz around Culture.
Animateur à la foire
On a dairy farm in the Eastern Townships, in the middle of a drought and while the land is parching, a drama will disrupt the life of the Santerre family. Confronted to each other they will have to learn to forgive.
Proprio Café de quartier
마흔이 넘도록 사고만 치고 사는 철부지 데이비드 우즈냑(패트릭 휴어드)은 여자친구의 임신 소식을 듣고 이제 마음 잡고 한 아이의 아버지로 제대로 된 인생을 살아보자 다짐한다. 하지만 다음날 인생 최대의 사건사고가 터진다. 그에게 533명의 자식이 있다는 소식. 사연인즉, 데이비드가 젊은 시절 용돈벌이로 ‘스타벅’이라는 가명을 사용해 정자를 기증했는데 533명의 아이가 태어났고, 그 중 142명의 아이가 자신의 생물학적 아버지를 찾겠다는 집단 소송을 제기하고 나선 것이다. 세상에 알려지면 안됐던 ‘정자왕 스타벅’의 존재는 이제 세상에서 가장 주목 받는 존재가 되고, 데이비드는 여자친구에게도 가족에게도 말할 수 없는 희대의 헤프닝의 주인공으로 일이 커져간다. 남모르게 이 일을 해결할 사람은 자신 뿐. 데이비드는 소송을 제기한 자신의 생물학적 아이들을 찾아가 보기로 하는데…
French Kiss
L'homme au bermuda
When Fred meets Juliette, he pretends to be someone else to spend time with her. But how long can romance last when it is based on a lie? The deeper Fred falls in love with Juliette, the greater he fears telling her the truth…
Robert - vendeur
With an enthralling central performance by Gilbert Sicotte, this masterful debut feature examines the life of the top car salesman in a fading Quebec town as events challenge the 67-year-old’s sense of identity and the meaning of life at the most profound level.
La morte amoureuse
School Principal
Filmmaker Ricardo Trogi recalls the events surrounding his family moving to a new neighborhood when he was 11 years old.
My Aunt Aline
Raymond - huissier
Geneviève Saint-Louis, a bachelor and neurotic careerist, refuses any form of engagement. Her aunt Aline, a former cabaret singer, arrives at her home with the ulterior aim of avoiding placement in a reception center.
Max leads a good life with Alice and their son Théo; that is until Alice is threatened with death while waiting for a heart transplant. Max promises Théo that he will save Alice, but to keep his word he must find a heart, and fast. Since time is running out and he must find a solution, Max decides to reconnect with his troubled past. His decision will change his life in ways he could never imagine
With the arrival of a new juke-box in a snack-bar, the cockroaches' life becomes suddenly a little more animated.