Elena Morozova

Elena Morozova

출생 : 1973-05-15, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR

프로필 사진

Elena Morozova

참여 작품

시리얼 킬러: 로스토프의 인간백정
냉철한 판단과 치밀한 계략으로 명성이 높은 수사반장 이사. 36명의 여성과 아동을 살해하며 소비에트 연방을 충격에 빠트린 연쇄살인범 ’인간백정’을 10년 간의 추척 끝에 체포해낸다. 그러나 체포된 자가 진범이 아니라는 제보가 들어오고, 이사는 새로운 용의자에게 자백을 받아내려고 애쓴다. 일이 마음대로 풀리지 않자, 이사는 자신이 검거한 또 다른 살인범 ‘체스꾼’과 거래해 사건을 해결해보려고 하는데…
First Snow
In pursuit of the dream of finding their place in modern Moscow, the heroes of the film are desperately trying to become the best version of themselves. At the beginning of autumn, their lives will intertwine, and before the first snow, each of them will have to learn to be themselves.
페트로프스 플루
A day in the life of a comic book artist and his family in post-Soviet Russia. While suffering from the flu, Petrov is carried by his friend Igor on a long walk, drifting in and out of fantasy and reality.
The Last Track
Rapper Alisher Morgenshtern played a self-confident musician who dies at the peak of his career from a drug overdose and goes to hell. There he is tormented by a phlegmatic demon.
The Ex
The story of how social networks and instant messengers are changing the life of a modern person. It has been several years since a 16-year-old teenager posted a photo of his girlfriend in the general chat, hoping to boast to friends. Now he has a happy adult life: work, friends, fiance Katya, who is about to become his wife. But the Internet makes you remember teenage love, after which a chain of inexplicable mystical events occurs with the future wife of a young man. The girl receives mysterious messages from her fiance's past. Because of them, her life turns into a nightmare.
Женский взгляд
A sensuous anthology of five short stories directed by young female directors with their own unique vision. Each of the stories in its own way examines different aspects of the life of modern women, plunging into their problems and experiences. The novel "Kindred Spirit" tells about a prostitute's love date with a major, and in "Marjanja" the sisters are looking for ways to come to an understanding. The heroes of the novel "Schrodinger's Paradise" are desperately searching for their Self, and the will of chance comes to their aid. In the "Issue", the main character realizes the falsity of her relationship with her best friend and keenly anticipates the passing of youth, and in the "Observer", the characters meet a real soul mate and find true happiness.
мама Славика
The Savage
PTU student falls in love with a teacher of philosophy.
Having regained consciousness after a suicide attempt, a woman finds herself next to two men. The weird proposal of the strangers changes her attitude towards herself.
Katya's mother
1941년, 소련군 ‘미하일 칼라시니코프’는 제2차 세계대전에 T-34의 전차장으로 참전했다가 중상을 입게 된다. 고향으로 돌아가던 중 소련군 총기의 설계 결함으로 독일군에게 다시 한 번 죽다 살아나게 되고, 그는 독일군에 대항할 수 있는 수제 소총을 설계하기로 결심한다. 발명한 무기를 군대에서 사용하기 위해 거쳐야하는 무기경진대회 우승을 위해 소총 개발에 매진하게 되는데...
Ice 2
What happens in fairy tales after the wedding of the prince and princess? Figure skater Nadia and hockey player Sasha got married and more than anything else they dream of a child. True, the price they will have to pay for this dream will be unimaginably high. After such upheavals, it seems impossible to count on a happy ending. But if you think so, you do not know anything about real tales...
Petya's Mother
제어장치 없는 화려한 뮤지션의 삶을 살던 사샤와 페탸… 내일이 없는 것처럼 살던 두 청년에게 충격적인 사건이 발생한다. 결국 방향감각을 상실하고 매일 밤 환각제와 섹스로 공허하게 청춘을 채워나가던 두 사람. 염산을 들이키고 금지된 관계에 집착하는 등 이들의 인생은 점점 더 극단으로 치달아가는데…
The Bottomless Bag
Based on Ryunosuke Akutagawa's In a Grove, story takes place during the times of Tsar Alexander II. A lady-in-waiting tells the Emperor in his bedroom a metaphysical story about a 13th century prince who is killed in the woods under mysterious circumstances. Fairy tale characters who have witnessed the terrible death, all share their version of the events, gradually shedding light on what really happened.
Wake Me Up
After boyfriend's disappearance Zhenia develops an uncanny power for prophetic dreams. Using this gift she decides to escape fate and save her true love from Moscow's criminal underworld
Моя революция
Head Teacher Elena Vasilyevna
Young Chechnya war veteran alienates himself from his friends and family because of his burned face. When he has to help find his war-time friend, he manages to get back to life again.
I'll Be Around
A 30-something single mother must find adoptive parents for her son when she founds out she has an incurable illness in this family drama.
Gulf Stream Under the Iceberg
Adam’s first wife Lilith is mentioned in the ancient Oriental legends, in Talmud and in the medieval books of Cabala. According to these sources, she was not created from Adam's rib like Eve but from clay like he himself. Nevertheless Lilith was not recognised by Adam as his equal and left him after a quarrel heading for Babylon. She has no soul, and she is immortal. Lilith assumes different names, can change her appearance, and takes possession of men against their will. Once it's accomplished, she leaves her victims forever, marking them for either spiritual, or physical death. Whatever she does it is neither Good nor Evil. She is made of an altogether different matter. Inspired by the works of French writer Anatole France, Yevgeny Pashkevich‘s GULF STREAM UNDER THE ICEBERG consists of three dramatically interwoven stories with the immortal Lilith stalking through time and space with her demonic mission.
Гамлет XXI век
The House of the Wind
After learning that her missing son is dead, a woman kidnaps a terminally ill boy from a hospital.
샤넬과 스트라빈스키
Katarina Stravinskaya
1913년, 파리에서 초연한 발레 [봄의 제전]은 지나치게 전위적인 음악으로 인해 혹평을 받지만 샤넬은 파격적인 음악을 선보인 작곡가 스트라빈스키에게 흥미를 가지게 된다. 1917년, 러시아 혁명으로 인해 고국으로 돌아가지 못하고 가난하고 비참한 생활을 이어가던 스트라빈스키는 샤넬의 제안으로 그녀의 저택에서 가족과 함께 지내기로 한다. 스트라빈스키는 매혹적이고 강렬한 샤넬의 매력에 이끌리고, 곧 두 사람은 열정적인 사랑에 빠져든다. 그들의 사랑 앞에 절망한 스트라빈스키의 아내는 저택을 떠나고 서로를 통해 영감을 얻게 되는 두 사람은 [샤넬No˚5]와 [봄의 제전] 이라는 그들의 대표작을 완성해 가는데…
Две супружеские пары собираются провести вечер за ужином. Однако в назначенный час в квартире оказываются лишь трое из них. Наконец, приходит и та, которую все заждались. Очень странной походкой. В очень странной шапочке. С нечеловеческим аппетитом и совершенно человеческой жаждой любви. Что могут скрывать друг от друга верные мужья и жены? На что готовы пойти ради вашего семейного счастья ваши закадычные друзья? И чем может обернуться тихий дружеский ужин, приготовленный из обид и подозрений, опасности и страха, нежности и настоящей любви?
Hysterical Psycho
Moon Lake Ghostess
Comedian Dan Fogler's directorial debut. A theater troupe of horny teenagers are murdered one by one in the woods after being exposed to lunar radiation. Features Gilbert Gottfried.
The Inhabited Island 2: Rebellion
Diktor TV
Maxim Kammerer fights for his love and freedom. He leads a rebel movement challenging the five greedy rulers. One of the rulers, Strannik, knows how dangerous Maxim can be. He makes up his mind to stop the young man at any cost. The last close fight will decide everything.
레볼루션 아일랜드
인간 문명의 황금기를 맞은 2157년. 프리랜서 우주 비행조종사들은 행성 간의 여행을 즐기기에 이른다. 우주를 비행하던 22살의 막심은 갑작스런 운석과의 충돌로 불시착하게 된다. 그 곳은 지구에서 먼 사락쉬(Saraksh) 행성! 사람이 살고 있다는 사실에 신기해하며 적응해나가는 것도 잠시, 그 행성의 사람들은 그를 위협하기 시작하는데…
The Musketeer's Visit
Four Ages of Love
Four novels: "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn", "Winter" - four very different love stories...
Smoking Po-Ryazanski
Выиграв конкурс красоты в своем родном Галушкино, новоиспеченная "Мисс Галушкино" Инна отправляется в Москву покорять мир высокой моды. На первом же дефиле происходит конфуз: на глазах у зрителей лопается бретелька платья, которое демонстрирует публике Инна. И молодой кутюрье Эжен Пахмутов, и модель совершенно уверены, что это провал. Но на деле все складывается иначе...
One Love in a Million
A young couple - Anna and Mityai suddenly find a case with one million counterfeited dollars.
Near and Dear
Sisters Olga and Tatyana have long been living away from each other. Olga is in Moscow, and Tatyana remained at home - in a provincial town, but each tries to prove her case. And until the characters understand that the past is a bad adviser, the war in a single family will continue.
Dead Daughters
In present-day Moscow ghosts of three little girls killed by their insane mother randomly pick a person to watch over for a three days. If during this "probation period" person's moral standards appear not to be high enough The Daughters then kill him using telekinesis.
Playing the Victim
A young man drops out of university and goes to the police. He's done nothing wrong he just wants a job. A particular job. Playing the victim in murder reconstructions. Maybe by getting close to death he can manage to cheat on his own.
Somewhere deep, deep in Russia there is a town called Marks (named after Karl Marks, founder of Communism theory) where all people are working on toy factory and receiving their wages as toys. News from other cities are arriving on very rare occasion. One morning, Boris, a former boxing who is running from something, wakes up in train and see four letters MAR_S. From his first steps he starts to meet new people as Gregori, young man with a dream who is in love with local librarian, Greta, whose dream is to get out from this god-forgotten town. With each new step, he is meeting new people, but the past is hard to escape
Peaches and Peppers. Courtesy stories
По мотивам нескольких новелл Ги де Мопассана и роману "Милый друг". Две маленькие дружеские компании: три женщины и трое мужчин собрались посплетничать. Мужчины, как водится, разговаривали о женщинах, женщины, само собой, о мужчинах. Тонкость состояла в том, что и дамы, и господа рассказывали друг другу одни и те же истории. `Персики` со своей точки зрения, а `перчики` - со своей.
His Wife's Diary
Marga Kovtun
A tragic story of love and loneliness - this is the unknown life of the great Russian writer Ivan Bunin. The confused love story that involved Bunin, his wife Vera, the young poet Galina Plotnikova, opera singer Marga Kovtun and literary man Leonid Gurov. A work of great honesty and piercing psychology.
Red Wine of Victory
Таня, медсестра
Наша дача
May I die, Lord
Before the demolition of the orphanage, almost all the children were transferred to other boarding schools, but six girls and their teacher remained. Olga, one of the pupils, receives an invitation to act in films and agrees. Filming and getting to know the other world harden her - and she already perceives the problems of her friends in a completely different way and almost hates her teacher ...
Sold Laughter
Gabi - Frau Bebber's daughter / African child
Young boy Timm sells his laughter to Baron Lefuet for the ability to win every wager. Based on the famous book "Timm Thaler" by James Krüss.
Hands Up!
A funny tale about a group of children fighting the evil sorcerer.
The Grasshopper
A story about young girls who tries to build her life based on jumping from one rich man to another.
New film by Klim Kozinsky