János Zsombolyai

출생 : 1939-01-30, Budapest, Hungary

사망 : 2015-01-04

참여 작품

On Death Row
Directed by János Zsombolyai
퀸 - 헝가리안 랩소디 : 부다페스트 라이브
퀸 역사상 가장 거대한 이벤트 1986년 매직투어 중 가장 특별한 공연 Queen [Hungarian Rhapsody : Live In Budapest] 퀸(Queen) 역사상 가장 거대한 이벤트인 매직투어 26회 공연 중 필름으로 기록된 유일한 공연 실황! 당시 헝가리에 있는 모든 필름 카메라 총 16대 동원 촬영! 동구권 최초의 메이저 록밴드 공연으로 기록된 콘서트이자 매직투어 중 프레디 머큐리 최고의 컨디션을 자랑하는 단 하나의 공연 실황! [Hungarian Rhapsody] 장엄하고 강렬하게 공연의 시작을 알리는‘One Vision’과 ‘Tie Your Mother Down’에 이어 힘찬 분위기로 편곡된 ‘A Kind Of Magic’ 및 프레디 머큐리의 목소리로 부르며 당시 관객들을 감동시킨 헝가리 민요 ‘Tavaszi Szél Vizet Áraszt’, 퀸의 공연에 빠질 수 없는 ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ 공연의 마지막을 장식하는 ‘God Save The Queen’ 등 매직투어 사상 최고의 영상미를 자랑하는 라이브 영상 및 미공개 영상을 포함하여 밴드 멤버들의 인터뷰 영상, 스튜디오에서의 모습과 매직투어 비하인드 씬 등을 포함한 25분 분량의 다큐멘터리 ‘A Magic Year’수록!
Duty Free Marriage
Dini goes to Sweden illegally and abandons his fiancée, Mari. After several months a young Finnish businessman called Pekka arrives in Budapest, carrying a letter and package from Dini. The sympathetic Pekka is judged by the friends of Mari to be suitable for the task of a nominal marriage, by which Mari could get out legally to Dini.
Director of Photography
헝가리의 거장 피테르 바쵸의 대표작이지만 당시 헝가리의 사회주의 체제를 통렬히 비판한 탓에 제작한 뒤 10년여 간 상영금지됐던 작품. 한 소시민이 부당한 이유로 거듭 감옥에 끌려가고 곤란한 상황에 놓인다.
It's all Moonshine
Hungary in the 1930s. The world suddenly changes around the peaceful office-clerk and regular, average petit-burgeois Kornél Cassius. Friends and relatives turn up in his home, who soon establish themselves there and even take the upper hand. They continue to arrive in increasing numbers, and turn the well-known objects and patterns of relationships upside down.
A Happy New Year!
Director of Photography
Three thirtysomething chemical scientists, Laci, Gyuri and Kati celebrate the success of their development program before New Year's Eve with drinking for several days. But the morning of New Year's Eve does not bring the expected recognition, because the nice, bald, old director is replaced by a young, bald, but disagreeable one. In a sodden atmosphere it becomes clear that everybody has an axe to grind in the informative discussions.
Do not Lean out of the Window
At the station of Almamellék the semaphore turns red unexpectedly and the conductor shows a stowaway - with no money nor ticket - off the train. The stowaway has to undergo a serious and long investigation that tries to uncover the reasons for his "deed". In the meantime he can watch, like a spectator in a movie-theatre, how Kerek József, the strutting stationmaster rules his ridiculous empire through office bureaucracy, indifference, servility and negligence.
Camera Operator
The Kangaroo
Istvan Varju a.k.a. Kanya is a track driver. He drives alone on the roads and listens to the radio. We're In the middle of seventies, the radio broadcasts hungarian beat music. He is convinced that interesting and significant events in the life happen on the roads, so we should go, go and go in order not to miss something.
The Kangaroo
Director of Photography
Istvan Varju a.k.a. Kanya is a track driver. He drives alone on the roads and listens to the radio. We're In the middle of seventies, the radio broadcasts hungarian beat music. He is convinced that interesting and significant events in the life happen on the roads, so we should go, go and go in order not to miss something.
The Kangaroo
Istvan Varju a.k.a. Kanya is a track driver. He drives alone on the roads and listens to the radio. We're In the middle of seventies, the radio broadcasts hungarian beat music. He is convinced that interesting and significant events in the life happen on the roads, so we should go, go and go in order not to miss something.
Dashing Girls
Director of Photography
A musical farce about women in the canning factory. The pretty Brigitta tries to commit suicide, because Laci left her, pregnant, but her mates save her.
The Last Chance
Director of Photography
The film is based on a true story. Jakus, managing director of a scooter-factory suddenly resigns, since he disagrees with his superiors in the ministry on several points. Disregarding the attacks of his family and friends, he returns to his original job and becomes a welder, which is not very easy because of his records.
Parallel Faces
This sensitive and ironic film points up two girl-faces: Vera is happy, but cold, while Borika is tired, but warm-hearted.
Bald Head for Bald Head
Director of Photography
In this naturalistic satire enriched with burlesque, Boróka, the haircutting artist once cuts a hair so, that the customer has to be shaved bald. Sajtár Dezső wants to kill the barber, who feels to be a victim himself immediately. In his anguish he mixes up his apartment, his wife and everything in the uniform world of the block of flats and like a maniac, tries to find after his pursuer. They find each other at a neurological clinic.
Director of Photography
The events of the story take place in the outskirts of working class people in the early nineteen fifties. Makra, a skilled worker in a factory, suddenly comes to close quarters with everything around him because his environment condemns and ridicules him for protecting a woman when his drunk fellows were going to rape her after his bachelor party.
Dead Landscape
Director of Photography
This Hungarian film chronicles the slow deterioration in the life of Juli, a farmer's wife. As the countryside grows ever more deserted because people are moving to towns or large collective farms, she spends more and more time alone. Despite her best efforts to appreciate her situation, her despair grows. The loneliness is briefly interrupted when she and her husband take in an old woman and care for her, but the woman dies. Shortly after her son visits, she is killed in an accident which may have been a suicide. ~ Clarke Fountain, Rovi
Present Indicative
Director of Photography
Mózes Imre, the quality inspector of a big factory in Budapest loses his job overnight because he did not obey the director's instructions and refused some bad products of the company. When he brings the case before a court his arguments are not really appreciated. The director, however, recognises that, to a certain extent, Mózes is right and lets him re-enter as a head of a smaller operational section.
In the Prime of Life
Director of Photography
The film describes the general situation and conditions of the middle-aged intellectuals.
Director of Photography
The main character of this film reminiscent of political writing is Laci, the young and ambitious factory worker. He lives with his brother's family. After an unsuccessful attempt to escape from his native country and the prison sentence which follows it he gets employed by Pray, the progressive thinker, at a newly established computer centre. It is here that Laci learns to know Anna, the new-leftist university student, daughter of the general manager. Tóth, although he does not favour their relationship, does not oppose it either.
Love, Emilia
Director of Photography
A 1970 film.
The Fatal Shot
Director of Photography
Laci and the divorced Klári decide to commit suicide, since neither's parents give them shelter, they have no place to sleep, no decent job and no future. Béla, who lives on stealing cars, joins them. He has a gun. Based on a true story.
Forbidden Ground
The dramatically dense film takes place in workers' surrounding in the sixties. It raises the newspaper article serving as the basis for the short story to be a model: in a plastic factory fire breaks out causing enormous damages.
Nyár a hegyen
Director of Photography
Komora, a young painter and his friends, Mari, a teacher, and the elderly doctor, Szabó, buy a barrack-building situated at the foot of the stone mine of Badacsony. Earlier, the placeserved as an internment camp. Now, they intend to establish a camp with workshop sessions for fine artists. Mari and the painter fall in love.
Hello, Vera
Director of Photography
The family travels to Zebegény for their holiday, and the following day the seventeen-year-old Vera also leaves for Lake Balaton to pick peaches in a voluntary camp there. Her boyfriend, Gyuri, goes to a film shooting. Gyuri would like to make the best of the day in the absence of parents, but Vera refuses him. She becomes jealous at once, however, when she discovers Gyuri's previous girlfriend in the shooting team.
1956 november