Comic Book
미쿠라 요스케는 잘나가는 소설가지만 창작의 벽에 부딪힌 지 오래다. 어느 날 요스케는 주정뱅이 여성 바르보라를 만나 집으로 데려온다. 하지만 그녀는 대단한 재능의 소유자이고 요스케에게 신선한 예술적 영감을 제공한다.
Original Concept
Dr. Black Jack forgot his doctor's bag, and his assistant (plus self-claimed "wife") Pinoko rushed to deliver the bag but found herself lost in the forest. Guided by a butterfly, she found that many animals in the forest are sick or injured, and Pinoko used her knowledge to help those animals.
Original Concept
미대를 나왔으나 화가에 대한 뜻을 버리고 고층건물 창문닦이로 일하고 있는 히로시(노다 요지로)는 자신의 삶이 3개월밖에 남지 않았음을 알게 된다. 그리고 인생의 마지막 여름, 히로시는 마이(스기사키 하나)라는 고등학교 여학생을 만나 끌리게 되고 그녀와 만날수록 점점 삶의 열정을 느끼며 다시 그림을 그리게 되는데…
Original Story
미대를 나왔으나 화가에 대한 뜻을 버리고 고층건물 창문닦이로 일하고 있는 히로시(노다 요지로)는 자신의 삶이 3개월밖에 남지 않았음을 알게 된다. 그리고 인생의 마지막 여름, 히로시는 마이(스기사키 하나)라는 고등학교 여학생을 만나 끌리게 되고 그녀와 만날수록 점점 삶의 열정을 느끼며 다시 그림을 그리게 되는데…
Sequel of Mori no Densetsu (Legend of the Forest - 1st Movement & 4th Movement)
2,500년 전 인도, 코살라국과 마가다국은 갠지스강의 지배권을 놓고 전쟁 중이었고, 히말라야 기슭의 조그만 왕국인 샤카국 역시 코살라국의 계속된 공격을 받는다. 전쟁에 말려든 사람들은 고통 속에서 샤카국을 구원할 후계자의 탄생을 갈망했고 그들의 소원을 이루어주기라도 하듯 새로운 왕위를 이을 왕자가 태어난다. 지상의 모든 생명체로부터 축복을 받으며 태어나, 「세상의 왕이 될 것이다」라는 예언을 받은 그의 이름은 싯다르타. 사람들의 고통과 죽음에 대해 번민하는 청년으로 성장한 싯다르타는 무엇 하나 부족할 것 없는 자신의 신분을 버리고 자신을 번민하게 하는 것들에 대한 답을 찾기 위해 멀고 먼 여행을 떠나는데...
The story follows an awe-imposing giant named Garon who comes from space to Earth, threatening humanity with extinction. However, a girl believes that Garon is not evil, and reaches out to Pick, a boy contained inside Garon's body. Meanwhile, the military plans to a nuclear strike against Garon.
A master of Japanese animation, Gisaburo Sugii talks candidly about his career and creative process in this rare and exciting piece of film.
When Kai was still young, his father set out for space. For the next 10 years, Kai stood on the beach, remembering his father who never returned, and witnessed a mysterious light. The same light he saw with his father long ago...
2500여 년 전, "이 아이는 세상의 왕이 될 것이다!"라는 위대한 성자의 예언으로 태어난 샤카국의왕자 싯다르타. 10살이 된 싯다르타는 사람이나 동물의 죽음과 고통에 마음 아파하는 소년으로 성장한다. 사춘기를 맞이한 싯다르타는 우연히 도적 패거리의 아름다운 소녀 미게이라와 사랑에 빠지지만 왕인 아버지의 반대로 난관에 처한다. 한편, 노예 신분에서 벗어나기 위해 공을 세우려는 코살라국의 용사 차프라는 샤카국을 정복하기 위한 최후의 전쟁을 준비하는데...
On Christmas day, a bomb explodes in a shopping mall. The explosion was perpetrated by a serial bomber. A 9-year-old boy Kuro Hazama and his mother Mitsuko (Naho Toda) are seriously and transfered to a university hospital. With the elite skills of surgeon Dr. Jontaro Honma (Masachika Ichimura), Kuro survives, but is shocked to learn his mother is in a coma. Dr. Honma tells Tokio that when medical science advances, Michiko might one day awake. Tokio decides then to become a doctor. 15 years later, 24-year-old Kuro is a medical student and his mother is still in a coma. Kuro researches ways to awaken his mother whilst practising medicine without a licence.
On Christmas day, a bomb explodes in a shopping mall. The explosion was perpetrated by a serial bomber. A 9-year-old boy Kuro Hazama and his mother Mitsuko (Naho Toda) are seriously and transfered to a university hospital. With the elite skills of surgeon Dr. Jontaro Honma (Masachika Ichimura), Kuro survives, but is shocked to learn his mother is in a coma. Dr. Honma tells Tokio that when medical science advances, Michiko might one day awake. Tokio decides then to become a doctor. 15 years later, 24-year-old Kuro is a medical student and his mother is still in a coma. Kuro researches ways to awaken his mother whilst practising medicine without a licence.
메트로 시티 최고의 과학자, ‘텐마 박사’는 로봇 시험 가동 중 사고로 아들 ‘토비’를 잃는다. 자신의 실수로 아들을 잃고 괴로워하던 ‘텐마 박사’는 ‘토비’의 DNA를 이식해 인간의 감성과 하이 테크놀로지가 결합된 최고의 로봇 ‘아스트로’를 만들어낸다. 하지만 ‘아스트로’의 존재를 알게 된 독재자 ‘스톤 총리’는 ‘아스트로’의 생명 에너지를 차지하기 위해 군대를 동원해 공격을 시작한다. 불의의 공격을 받고 메트로 시티 아래로 떨어진 ‘아스트로’. ‘아스트로’는 그 곳에서 값나가는 부품을 얻기 위해 로봇을 사냥하는 ‘코라’ 일행과 친구가 되지만 아이들의 대부, ‘햄에그’의 계략으로 상대를 죽여야만 끝나는 로봇 서바이벌에 나가게 된다. 한편, 대결 중인 ‘아스트로’의 에너지를 감지한 ‘스톤 총리’는 ‘아스트로’를 죽이기 위해 최강의 전투 로봇 ‘피스키퍼’를 가동시키는데……
Because of non-stop environmental destruction, the United Nations commission a private company, "Eternal Earth", to create an artificial jungle to be a nature preserve and to protect animals. Leo, son of Panja, is born in this artificial world. The story starts when Leo and Kenichi, the son of the Eternal Earth company's CEO, meet. Kenichi has the ability to understand and talk to the animals.
Tribute animation by Yoh Yoshinari featuring Tezuka characters.
A live-action adaptation of Osamu Tezuka’s mature manga masterpiece MW (pronounced “moo,” like a cow), created to celebrate the 80th anniversary of Tezuka. When a top secret chemical compound called MW infects an island near Okinawa, the military is sent in to kill all the victims and cover up the incident. A survivor named Michio Yuki (Hiroshi Tamaki) grows up to become a highly-successful banker, but he is slowly being driven mad by the effects of MW. After committing a series of ruthless crimes to get revenge against the people responsible for the cover-up, he decides that the only way to truly get revenge is to unleash MW on the world and exterminate the entire human race. Takayuki Yamada stars as Father Garai, a priest desperately trying to save Michios soul—and possibly his own in the process—but not necessarily doing much to stop the crime spree.
The main character is a man named Takashi Morioka, who has lost his job and his home due to a recession. He ends up falling into a trap set by the diabolical Yuki Michio, who happened to survive by chance an incident on an island 16 years ago where all the inhabitants were killed, and which caused him to become evil.
In order to protect the things important to him, Takashi Morioka (Sato Takeru) is forced to stain his hands in evil.
Comic Book
요괴와 인간이 공존하던 시대, 요괴에게 몸을 빼앗긴 비운의 남자, 48개의 빼앗긴 몸을 되찾기 위해 험난한 여정에 오르다 !! 어느 전란의 시대, 천하통일을 꿈꾸는 난세의 무장 다이고 카게미츠(나카이 키이치)는 48마리의 요괴들에게 힘을 빌리는 대가로 태어난 지 얼마 안 된 아들의 몸을 바친다. 신체의 48개 부분을 빼앗긴 채 버려진 아이는 한 주술사에게 구조돼 잃어버린 팔 대신 장검을 양 어깨에 이식 받고 ‘햐키마루’라고 이름 붙여진다. 요괴를 물리치는 장검을 자유자재로 부리며 무사로 자라난 햐키마루(츠마부키 사토시)는 아버지와 계약한 요괴들을 죽이고 빼앗긴 몸을 되찾기 위해 여행을 떠난다. 그러던 중, 요괴와 싸움을 벌이는 한 주막에서 그의 팔에 박힌 검을 노리는 소매치기 도로로(시바사키 코우)를 만나게 된다. 절망으로 마음이 닫힌 햐키마루도, 남자로 길러진 채 살아온 도로로도 서로에게 의지하면서 머나먼 여정동안 요괴들을 처치하면서 조금씩 몸을 되찾게 된다. 그러던 어느날, 햐키마루는 자신의 출생에 관한 비밀을 알게 되고, 마침내 자신을 요괴에게 던진 아버지를 다시 만나게 된다.
어느 날 빌딩 폭발 사건이 발생한다. 경찰은 과격단체의 소행으로 규정짓고 사고를 조사 중이지만, 실제로 이 모든 사고는 다이다루스 그룹의 회장의 소행이다. 회장은 사탄이라는 세균을 유포시켜 전 세계를 공포에 떨게 만들고 아울러 동시에 백신 사업을 통해 어마어마한 부를 축적하고자 하는 계획하에 이 모든 것을 주도하였다. 하지만 백신을 개발한 동료는 백신과 함께 이 사업의 위험성을 감지하고 죽어 버렸으며 백신을 개발하기 위해 외딴섬에 사람을 들여놓고 임상 실험을 하게 된다. 하지만 회장을 자기의 후원 교수로 알고 백신을 개발하던 로크의 여자친구가 감염이 되어 블랙잭을 납치한 후 여자 친구를 구하고자 하던 중 블랙잭도 이 사건에 휘말리게 되고, 또한 죽음의 의사인 블랙잭 키리코 역시 이 섬에 초대된다. 한편 후원 교수가 다이다루스 그룹의 회장임을 알게 된 로크는 회장 일당과 목숨을 건 사투를 벌이는데...
Original Story
어느 날 빌딩 폭발 사건이 발생한다. 경찰은 과격단체의 소행으로 규정짓고 사고를 조사 중이지만, 실제로 이 모든 사고는 다이다루스 그룹의 회장의 소행이다. 회장은 사탄이라는 세균을 유포시켜 전 세계를 공포에 떨게 만들고 아울러 동시에 백신 사업을 통해 어마어마한 부를 축적하고자 하는 계획하에 이 모든 것을 주도하였다. 하지만 백신을 개발한 동료는 백신과 함께 이 사업의 위험성을 감지하고 죽어 버렸으며 백신을 개발하기 위해 외딴섬에 사람을 들여놓고 임상 실험을 하게 된다. 하지만 회장을 자기의 후원 교수로 알고 백신을 개발하던 로크의 여자친구가 감염이 되어 블랙잭을 납치한 후 여자 친구를 구하고자 하던 중 블랙잭도 이 사건에 휘말리게 되고, 또한 죽음의 의사인 블랙잭 키리코 역시 이 섬에 초대된다. 한편 후원 교수가 다이다루스 그룹의 회장임을 알게 된 로크는 회장 일당과 목숨을 건 사투를 벌이는데...
Self (archive)
Filmed in Japan, this program looks beyond the stereotypes to objectively examine the history of manga, how manga are drawn, and manga's influence on Japanese life as illustrated by cosplay bars, where people dress up as their favorite characters; manga kissa, 24/7 manga cafes; and Comicket, the twice-annual comics market that draws hundreds of thousands of visitors. The program also introduces viewers to a cross-section of mangaka icons: Vagabond creator Takehiko Inoue; Naoki Urasawa, author of The Pushman and Other Stories; Jiro Taniguchi; Yoshihiro Tatsumi; and Kan Takahama.
Abandoned as a child, Zuku has become a brigand to survive. One night after committing a robbery, he is approached by a strange little girl who prompts him to visit the pine grove beach nearby. Upon arriving there, Zuku is surprised to discover an unconscious young woman covered in a sparkling veil. Enticed by its splendid material, he snatches the fabric and attempts to flee. But its owner unexpectedly awakens, begging him to return the precious accessory. With no other memory save for the veil's importance, the woman refuses to let Zuku leave without recovering it. Showing no remorse, the bandit violently renounces her plea—but little does he know, this unusual encounter will change his life forever. Inspired by a renowned Japanese legend, this chapter follows the intertwined fates of two individuals who learn to comfort one another amongst their troubles, illustrating the power of compassion and its ability to transform even the most bitter of hearts.
Hi no Tori is a collection of stories that all have something in common. The Phoenix, whose blood is believed to give an eternal life to one who drinks it. Therefore many seek to kill it, but as the Phoenix of the tale, it's reborn from the ashes. Stories take place in future and the past, where humans fight with each other as always, and everyone is afraid to die. But still, every story teaches a lesson: Life is beginning of an eternity, an never-ending cycle.
Black Jack is the "Surgeon with the Hands of God," a mysterious young Japanese doctor who travels the world performing feats of miraculous surgical genius. Though all recognize his skill, Black Jack is widely hated, especially by the medical establishment, because he refuses to conform to rules of any kind, and because he charges outrageous fees for his services. Black Jack's only companion is Pinoko, a child he created out of a special kind of tumor called a teratoma, who insists she is his wife.
Original Story
문명의 극치, 메르토폴리스는 '지구라트'를 완공시키면서 대대적인 축제를 벌인다. 이 도시의 실질적인 지배자나 다름없는 레드 공은 '지구라트' 완공식에서 이제 우리 인류의 문명은 마침내 천상에 이르게 되었다면서 국민적인 지지를 강요한다. 그러나 그는 생체조직을 이용한 인조인간 실험으로 인해 국제적인 현상수배자가 되어 버린 로톤 박사를 이용해 자신의 죽은 딸과 닮은 '티마'라는 완벽한 인조인간을 비밀리에 창조해 내며, 더욱 확고한 세계 지배를 꿈꾼다. 한편, 레드 공의 양아들이자 반 로봇 과격단체인 마르두쿠 당의 열성당원인 로크는 '티마'의 탄생을 반대하며, 로톤 박사의 실험실을 파괴해버린다. 때마침 수배자인 로톤 박사를 쫓던 사설 탐정 반과 조카 켄이치는 화염에 휩싸인 로톤의 실험실에서 완성된 티마를 만나게 된다. 삼촌 반과 헤어지게 된 켄이치는 티마와 함께 영문도 모른채, 로크에게 쫓기게 된다. 켄이치로부터 말과 삶을 배우던 티마는 자신이 로봇인지도 모른채 켄이치로부터 인간적인 정을 느끼게 된다. 자신의 정체성을 찾는 로봇 티마와 인간 케이치의 사랑은 쉽게 이루어질 수 있을까...
Osamu Tezuka is going to a 21st Century new year's party with all the characters he made. One thing leads to another and he ends up missing! It's up to his most popular characters to find out what happened to him and get him back safely before the rest of the guests show up.
Comic Book
World famous surgeon Black Jack meets a family with a strange predicament...their grandma is constantly demanding money. They struggle to deal with this beligerent elderly woman whose motives are shrouded in mystery. But when her medical problems come into play, Black Jack and his adoptive daughter-slash-assistant Pinoko are ready to operate!
This is the fourth original animated piece for the Tezuka Osamu Animation theatre that takes up Tezuka Osamu's message of "Saving our Fragile Earth" as its theme, and together with Unico's adventures commemorates the theatre's first anniversary. Unico, a unicorn's child, has dropped down from heaven. During his journey on the north wind, he meets Tsubasa, a tree boy who can speak. The Earth has become totally ruined to the extent that no creature can live there, because humans have drained it of all resources and destroyed the environment. Unico and Tsubasa go on a journey to find a way to make the Earth inhabitable again. They finally meet the Sphinx and the "time fairy" at the end of their hard journey. They decide to go back to the past and prevent humans from taking the wrong path. However, they can stay in the past for only five minutes. Will they be able to alter the future of the Earth in such short time? Their adventures to restore the Earth begin...
Black Jack is approached by a defecting soldier and his wife with a plea to help their son, who is afflicted with a rare disease. Although it might already be too late for the boy, Black Jack is able to save the child. But at what cost?
Sleeping Bride is the story of a girl, Yumi, who since birth, has never been awake. A boy called Yuuichi finds the girl in the hospital while he is a patient there. A nurse remarks that the girl is 'Sleeping Beauty', and Yuuichi believes that a kiss from a prince will wake her, just like the story. Yuuichi returns to see Yumi every day, says 'Wake up, I'm the prince' and kisses her. Ten years later he restarts his daily ritual to see Yumi, one day she wakes up.
Original Story
Original Story
Short anime adaption of the Osamu Tezuka manga Neo Faust.
Original Story
밀림의 왕 ‘레오’와 부인 ‘라이야’ 사이에서 태어난 아들 ‘르네’와 딸 ‘루키오’의 탄생으로 밀림은 온통 축제 분위기다. 한편, 인간 세상에서는 미지의 에너지를 품고 있는 돌인 ‘월광석’을 찾기 위해 ‘햄 에그’를 중심으로 탐사대를 결성해 월광석이 있다고 알려진 루나산을 찾아 떠난다. 하지만, 햄 에그 일당은 루나산을 찾기 위해 닥치는 대로 밀림을 훼손하고 동물들을 해치는 등 악행을 일삼고, 이로 인해 밀림에는 각종 자연재해와 전염병이 닥치는 등 동물들은 큰 위기에 처한다. 한편, 레오의 아들 ‘르네’는 밀림의 홍수에 떠밀려 인간세상으로 나가게 되고, 서커스단에서 인기 스타로 활약하게 된다. 하지만, 밀림에 전염병이 돈다는 소식이 알려지며 르네는 가족들에게 위기가 닥쳤음을 알게 되는데… 밀림의 동물들을 지키기 위해 목숨을 건 길을 떠나는 레오 인간 세상에서 밀림의 위기를 알게 된 ‘르네’ 과연 이들 부자의 운명은…?
Comic Book
20세기 마지막 올림픽에서 상상을 초월하는 세계 기록이 쏟아지며 초인류 라는 새로운 명칭을 부여 받은 선수들이 탄생하게 된다.그러나 사실은 한 제약회사에서 개발중인 약물을 투여함으로써 초인간적인 힘을 발휘한 것이다.실험에 성공하는 듯 하였으나 이내 이러한 초인류들이 하나 둘씩 병에 걸려 죽어가고, 급기야 이들을 치료하기 위해 블랙잭을 고용하게 된다.블랙잭은 이들의 음모를 하나 둘씩 파헤치기 시작하고, 드디어 전모를 밝혀내지만 사막에서 블잭잭 역시 이 병에 감염되고 마는데..
20세기 마지막 올림픽에서 상상을 초월하는 세계 기록이 쏟아지며 초인류 라는 새로운 명칭을 부여 받은 선수들이 탄생하게 된다.그러나 사실은 한 제약회사에서 개발중인 약물을 투여함으로써 초인간적인 힘을 발휘한 것이다.실험에 성공하는 듯 하였으나 이내 이러한 초인류들이 하나 둘씩 병에 걸려 죽어가고, 급기야 이들을 치료하기 위해 블랙잭을 고용하게 된다.블랙잭은 이들의 음모를 하나 둘씩 파헤치기 시작하고, 드디어 전모를 밝혀내지만 사막에서 블잭잭 역시 이 병에 감염되고 마는데..
Original Story
Blackjack's surgery was to save Dr. Summit, a surgeon infected with a mysterious infectious disease. However, there appears Dr. Kiriko, who demands extraordinary money like Black Jack, but undertakes euthanasia instead of treatment.
Original Story
A difficult request brought to the unlicensed genius surgeon Black Jack. It was supposed to be born as twins, but it was an operation to separate what had been taken into another body. The second in a series depicting the episode of the birth of Pinoko.
Original Story
Tatsumi, a young doctor who works at Teito University Hospital, will be witnessing the operation of Black Jack, who does not have a doctor's license. Osamu Tezuka's comic of the same name was made into a series with an original video.
The animation was produced for the Tezuka Osamu Manga Museum, thus it features scenes from the "life and nature" of Tezuka Osamu's childhood, themes that are central to the museum as a whole, through exchanges between the boy Osamu and the carabid beetle (Osamushi) who provided the origin for the artist's name.
A sinister tree lurks over a village, sheltering the inhabitants for a terrible price. Victims are plagued by voices, then driven to madness and death. When renegade surgeon Black Jack operates on the latest casualty, he discovers a horrifying parasitic plant. Does the tree’s spirit seek to possess a human host? Now the doctor who plays at being god must defy and ancient fury of nature!
Original Story
A fortuneteller tells Hidari Taisho that he must hunt down 1000 foxes in order to conquer the country. So Akuemon, who is disliked by everybody, is hired to do the foxhunting. In response, the foxes send a female fox to Akuemon's house disguised as his wife. A story unfolds between Akuemon, who has never loved anyone, and the female fox, who slowly discovers true love in him even while tormented by sorrow over her comrades' death. This is the 6th work in "The Lion Books" series. It is also the first attempt by visualist Tezuka Makoto, Tezuka's older son, to render an original of his father's into an animated version.
The alien invader Goa plots to conquer the Earth. He first warns the Murakami family (father Atsushi, mother Tomoko, and son Mamoru) of their invasion, and demonstrates his powers by transporting them to a prehistoric jungle and destroying a Giant Dinosaur before their very eyes. But they will not agree to surrender to Goa, so hope comes in the form of Magma, an armored, golden giant with long hair and antennae. He and his human-sized wife Mol, both created by the wizard Earth are sent to defend our world against Goa. They befriend Atsushi and Mamoru, the latter has Magma emotionally touched, as he wanted to have a child with his wife Mol, so Earth creates a duplicate of Mamoru, named Gam Earth gives Mamoru a whistle, with which he can call Gam Mol and Magma in times of crisis. So when Goa unleashes his various daikaiju, chances are, Magma, Mol, and Gam will fly to the rescue.
A science-fiction fantasy based loosely on the classical Japanese Noh theatre drama Adachi-ga Hara about the demon Onibaba, of which lyrical extracts are quoted at intermission-like intervals throughout the film. The plot centres on a journey made by a space pilot named Yūkei who arrives at a planet upon which a murderous "witch" is said to reside.
A science-fiction fantasy based loosely on the classical Japanese Noh theatre drama Adachi-ga Hara about the demon Onibaba, of which lyrical extracts are quoted at intermission-like intervals throughout the film. The plot centres on a journey made by a space pilot named Yūkei who arrives at a planet upon which a murderous "witch" is said to reside.
Character Designer
니혼TV의 명물 엔터테인먼트 방송 “사랑은 지구를 구한다”에 삽입되기 위해서 만들어진 TV용 장편 애니메이션으로, 전체적으로 보면 초기의 손오공 작품과 선을 달리하는 멋을 보여주는데 이것은 역시 시대와 금전의 차이다. 전통성과 가벼운 재미를 보여주는 작품으로 영상부터 사운드까지 상당히 공을 들여 만든 작품이다.
An animated film compiled by David Ehrlich consisting of 27 animators from different countries all explaining themselves through their animation.
This extremely brief film was Osamu Tezuka's answer to a challenge presented to the leaders of the international animation community to create animated self-portraits.
This is the third part of "The Phoenix" series of the Kadokawa Haruki Office Co., Ltd. version. It is an animation version of the original story by Tezuka Osamu that depicts the cruelty of love through the fate of spacemen destined to drift through the universe after losing their mother ship..
Scenario Writer
A tranquil forest and all of its residents must face the destruction of man. A squirrel, born and raised in the forest, fights to defend his home and faces trials and adversities along the way.
A tranquil forest and all of its residents must face the destruction of man. A squirrel, born and raised in the forest, fights to defend his home and faces trials and adversities along the way.
A tranquil forest and all of its residents must face the destruction of man. A squirrel, born and raised in the forest, fights to defend his home and faces trials and adversities along the way.
In a convenient world where vending machines offer just about everything, the hero procures whatever he needs from machines on his journey to see the creator. He tries to make a replacement purchase of the earth. But the creator declines his request, saying simply that there's no such thing as a brand new earth. The simplicity of the story illustrates the depths of Osamu Tezuka's despair at the earth's degradation, forming the gist of this 4-minute work.
A wandering samurai finds a straw dummy with a magical sword, which makes him overwhelmingly powerful but begins to drive him mad.
The story of a young prince and young princess from opposing tribes, as they struggle to deal with their lives and the hardship brought on by their position in their respective families.
This work was submitted in a special animation competition as part of a PR project for a power company, but was unfortunately not adopted. The reason is very clear: the setting of the story is the exhausted earth. There couldn't be a more instructive setting for a power company that uses enormous amounts of the earth's resources. Additionally, a girl robot discovered by the main character can store sunlight and convert it into energy; in other words, the robot does not require a power-generating company. In addition to this, the robot destroys herself to protect the established solar power generation system in space. The unsuccessful outcome of the competition for Tezuka Osamu was only natural, and it is clear that he created this piece, as it was intentionally, as he managed everything from the original story to the screenplay, animation, narration, etc., all the while knowing that the competition was sponsored by a power company.
This work was submitted in a special animation competition as part of a PR project for a power company, but was unfortunately not adopted. The reason is very clear: the setting of the story is the exhausted earth. There couldn't be a more instructive setting for a power company that uses enormous amounts of the earth's resources. Additionally, a girl robot discovered by the main character can store sunlight and convert it into energy; in other words, the robot does not require a power-generating company. In addition to this, the robot destroys herself to protect the established solar power generation system in space. The unsuccessful outcome of the competition for Tezuka Osamu was only natural, and it is clear that he created this piece, as it was intentionally, as he managed everything from the original story to the screenplay, animation, narration, etc., all the while knowing that the competition was sponsored by a power company.
Narrator (voice)
This work was submitted in a special animation competition as part of a PR project for a power company, but was unfortunately not adopted. The reason is very clear: the setting of the story is the exhausted earth. There couldn't be a more instructive setting for a power company that uses enormous amounts of the earth's resources. Additionally, a girl robot discovered by the main character can store sunlight and convert it into energy; in other words, the robot does not require a power-generating company. In addition to this, the robot destroys herself to protect the established solar power generation system in space. The unsuccessful outcome of the competition for Tezuka Osamu was only natural, and it is clear that he created this piece, as it was intentionally, as he managed everything from the original story to the screenplay, animation, narration, etc., all the while knowing that the competition was sponsored by a power company.
The story of two men - sculptor genius Akanemaru, and former bandit Gao. Discover how the lives of the two men cross repeatedly throughout their lives, how they struggle with their own fate, and how they are forced to compete with each other for a great honour, when karma is the only prize.
단편 SF애니메이션 '은하탐사 2100년 보더플래닛(銀河探査2100年 ボーダープラネット)'는 사랑하는 사람을 살리기 위해 죽을 각오로 행성과 행성을 돌아 다니며 백신을 찾아 나선 한 남자의 이야기다.
단편 SF애니메이션 '은하탐사 2100년 보더플래닛(銀河探査2100年 ボーダープラネット)'는 사랑하는 사람을 살리기 위해 죽을 각오로 행성과 행성을 돌아 다니며 백신을 찾아 나선 한 남자의 이야기다.
Comic Book
After losing his parents, a young bear named Yamataro is chained as an attraction of a small kiosk near a train station. There he is encouraged by a C-62 train to runaway from the humans and become free.
After losing his parents, a young bear named Yamataro is chained as an attraction of a small kiosk near a train station. There he is encouraged by a C-62 train to runaway from the humans and become free.
Sharaku and Wato investigate a mysterious old ship, only to find themselves getting involved in a sea voyage around strange islands.
Akira is a lonely middle school boy, ignored by his classmates and bullied by his teacher. He falls in love with the image of a girl on a coffee advertising poster and names her Lunn. Through his "friendship" with Lunn, he gradually finds the strength to pursue his own dreams.
Akira is a lonely middle school boy, ignored by his classmates and bullied by his teacher. He falls in love with the image of a girl on a coffee advertising poster and names her Lunn. Through his "friendship" with Lunn, he gradually finds the strength to pursue his own dreams.
A Japanese TV documentary, NHK Tokushu Tezuka Osamu: Sosaku no Himitsu (Secrets of Creation.), was originally released as a book-mounted DVD, with cooperation from Tezuka Productions. Screened in Japan in 1986, it was filmed as Tezuka prepared for the Hiroshima International Animation Festival in 1985. It shows him working in his private studio and with his team, and gives glimpses of his wife, colleagues and old friends.
무성만화영화에 대한 패러디이면서 동시에 오마주를 담은 작품.
무성만화영화에 대한 패러디이면서 동시에 오마주를 담은 작품.
장소는 남미의 모처. 일본인 사냥꾼 료우는 현지인들이 악마가 깃든 짐승이라며 두려워하는 바기와 일전을 벌이기 위해 오지를 향해 오토바이를 몰았다. 도착한 광장에는 샘물이 있고, 바기는 그곳이 물로 가득 차는 매일 11시 40분에 이곳을 꼭 찾는다고 한다. 현지인 안내 소년 치코의 말을 믿고, 튀어나온 바위 밑에 몸을 숨긴 채 바기의 출현을 기다리고 있는 료우. 현재 시각은 10시 10분. 대결시기를 1시간 반 앞두고, 료우는 치코를 향해 바기의 비밀을 털어놓기 시작한다.
A boy walks down the street and as he goes along his strides increase. Eventually he leaps over towns, forests, and oceans, seeing many things and surprising many people along the way.
A boy walks down the street and as he goes along his strides increase. Eventually he leaps over towns, forests, and oceans, seeing many things and surprising many people along the way.
Comic Book
얼마 전, 슌사쿠 반이 무작위 강도 미수 사건 중 친구의 살인을 목격하고, 그 남자의 갓난 아들 유노의 후견인이 되기로 결심했다. 아이는 곧바로 패거리에게 끌려온 신비한 녹색 고양이와 유대감을 맺었지만, 슌사쿠는 고양이에게 뭔가 사악한 것이 있다고 확신했다.
얼마 전, 슌사쿠 반이 무작위 강도 미수 사건 중 친구의 살인을 목격하고, 그 남자의 갓난 아들 유노의 후견인이 되기로 결심했다. 아이는 곧바로 패거리에게 끌려온 신비한 녹색 고양이와 유대감을 맺었지만, 슌사쿠는 고양이에게 뭔가 사악한 것이 있다고 확신했다.
A lonely kid who lives in the countryside meets a strange boy who has a ragged umbrella over his head and there is always rain pouring over him. The rain boy is dazzled by the other kid's boots and offers three wishes in exchange for them.
A lonely kid who lives in the countryside meets a strange boy who has a ragged umbrella over his head and there is always rain pouring over him. The rain boy is dazzled by the other kid's boots and offers three wishes in exchange for them.
Character Designer
This is a fantasy story about a sword and the magic of a girl warrior, Emiya, in a fictitious world. A strong country, Guroman, attacks and overtakes the country of Kukurit, though the particulars of when and where this happens are not given. As a means of keeping the peace, the two countries exchange their third prince and princess, respectively. Prime Rose, the third princess of Guroman, is placed in the custody of a noble family of Kukurit under the name of Emiya.
Original Story
This is a fantasy story about a sword and the magic of a girl warrior, Emiya, in a fictitious world. A strong country, Guroman, attacks and overtakes the country of Kukurit, though the particulars of when and where this happens are not given. As a means of keeping the peace, the two countries exchange their third prince and princess, respectively. Prime Rose, the third princess of Guroman, is placed in the custody of a noble family of Kukurit under the name of Emiya.
서풍에 의해서, 어떤 섬에 떨어진 유니코.이 마을에서는 인간에게 버림받아 원한을 품은 마법사 쿠쿠루크와 그의 수제자 돌비와 함께 인간들을 돌로 만들어 자신의 섬에서 성을 쌓는 재료로 만들어버리는 복수를 할때, 돌비의 동생 제리와 유니코가 함께 (1부의 꼬마악마도 가세해서) 마법사에게 도전한다.
서풍에 의해서, 어떤 섬에 떨어진 유니코.이 마을에서는 인간에게 버림받아 원한을 품은 마법사 쿠쿠루크와 그의 수제자 돌비와 함께 인간들을 돌로 만들어 자신의 섬에서 성을 쌓는 재료로 만들어버리는 복수를 할때, 돌비의 동생 제리와 유니코가 함께 (1부의 꼬마악마도 가세해서) 마법사에게 도전한다.
Character Designer
The story concerns four animals fighting to expel war from the earth. Though based on the "Band of Bremen (Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten)", Tezuka Osamu's fans could easily associate the story with "The Amazing Three." The cat, dog, donkey, and chicken who transform into human beings with the power of spacemen and fight to save the earth are entirely reminiscent of the three characters in the "Amazing Three" who transform themselves into animals and devote all their energies to saving the earth.
The story concerns four animals fighting to expel war from the earth. Though based on the "Band of Bremen (Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten)", Tezuka Osamu's fans could easily associate the story with "The Amazing Three." The cat, dog, donkey, and chicken who transform into human beings with the power of spacemen and fight to save the earth are entirely reminiscent of the three characters in the "Amazing Three" who transform themselves into animals and devote all their energies to saving the earth.
The story concerns four animals fighting to expel war from the earth. Though based on the "Band of Bremen (Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten)", Tezuka Osamu's fans could easily associate the story with "The Amazing Three." The cat, dog, donkey, and chicken who transform into human beings with the power of spacemen and fight to save the earth are entirely reminiscent of the three characters in the "Amazing Three" who transform themselves into animals and devote all their energies to saving the earth.
The story concerns four animals fighting to expel war from the earth. Though based on the "Band of Bremen (Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten)", Tezuka Osamu's fans could easily associate the story with "The Amazing Three." The cat, dog, donkey, and chicken who transform into human beings with the power of spacemen and fight to save the earth are entirely reminiscent of the three characters in the "Amazing Three" who transform themselves into animals and devote all their energies to saving the earth.
Unico the Unicorn has the amazing power to make anyone he meets happy. Whether it's because of his personality or the powers of his horn, no one knows. However, the gods become jealous of Unico, thinking that only they should be able to decide or allow people to be happy. Unico is banished to the Hill of Oblivion, and the West Wind is ordered to take him there. She can't stand giving this fate to Unico, so Unico's adventures begin, as the West Wind takes him from one place and time to the next, in a neverending journey to escape the wrath of the gods.
Unico the Unicorn has the amazing power to make anyone he meets happy. Whether it's because of his personality or the powers of his horn, no one knows. However, the gods become jealous of Unico, thinking that only they should be able to decide or allow people to be happy. Unico is banished to the Hill of Oblivion, and the West Wind is ordered to take him there. She can't stand giving this fate to Unico, so Unico's adventures begin, as the West Wind takes him from one place and time to the next, in a neverending journey to escape the wrath of the gods.
Nuclear testing has resulted in the abrupt evolution of the Fumoon, a tiny but highly intelligent humanoid race on a small island, who are detected by Dr. Yamadano. Except for a few witnesses including the detective Shinsaku Ban, and the young men Rock and Kenichi and Kenichi’s sister Pichi (Pinoko), no one believes him. The Fumoon are kidnapping animals from around the world to bring with them as they use their space ships to evacuate the earth, because they know Earth is shortly to be destroyed by an enveloping cloud of black gas created by a stellar explosion. The Fumoon intend to abandon mankind, but one Fumoon, Rokoko, who becomes good friends with Kenichi, tries to help Dr. Yamadano and the others to develop a space ship to allow a few humans to escape, with the help of Dr. Ochanomizu and Dr. Frankenstein.
일본의 만화, 애니메이션의 1인자, 데츠카 오사무의 라이프워크로 유명한 만화 시리즈 "불새"를 애니메이션으로 만든 작품이다. 영화용으로 재구성한 오리지널 스토리로, 생명이란 무엇인가라는 인간의 근원적인 테마를 다루고 있다. 무대는 모든 인간의 탄생에서 죽음까지를 관리하는 미래사회. 우주헌터가 될 운명에 놓여진 주인공 고드는 여성과의 사랑이 금지되어 있음에도 불구하고 이를 어기고 만다. 노동캠프로 추방당한 고드는 그곳에서 불새를 연구하는 학자 사루타와 알게 된다. 둘은 전설의 우주새를 찾아서 우주여행을 떠난다. 그러나, 마확인우주물체 넘버 2772로 불리는 우주새는 상상을 초월하는 괴물이었다.
일본의 만화, 애니메이션의 1인자, 데츠카 오사무의 라이프워크로 유명한 만화 시리즈 "불새"를 애니메이션으로 만든 작품이다. 영화용으로 재구성한 오리지널 스토리로, 생명이란 무엇인가라는 인간의 근원적인 테마를 다루고 있다. 무대는 모든 인간의 탄생에서 죽음까지를 관리하는 미래사회. 우주헌터가 될 운명에 놓여진 주인공 고드는 여성과의 사랑이 금지되어 있음에도 불구하고 이를 어기고 만다. 노동캠프로 추방당한 고드는 그곳에서 불새를 연구하는 학자 사루타와 알게 된다. 둘은 전설의 우주새를 찾아서 우주여행을 떠난다. 그러나, 마확인우주물체 넘버 2772로 불리는 우주새는 상상을 초월하는 괴물이었다.
일본의 만화, 애니메이션의 1인자, 데츠카 오사무의 라이프워크로 유명한 만화 시리즈 "불새"를 애니메이션으로 만든 작품이다. 영화용으로 재구성한 오리지널 스토리로, 생명이란 무엇인가라는 인간의 근원적인 테마를 다루고 있다. 무대는 모든 인간의 탄생에서 죽음까지를 관리하는 미래사회. 우주헌터가 될 운명에 놓여진 주인공 고드는 여성과의 사랑이 금지되어 있음에도 불구하고 이를 어기고 만다. 노동캠프로 추방당한 고드는 그곳에서 불새를 연구하는 학자 사루타와 알게 된다. 둘은 전설의 우주새를 찾아서 우주여행을 떠난다. 그러나, 마확인우주물체 넘버 2772로 불리는 우주새는 상상을 초월하는 괴물이었다.
Character Designer
The plot of Marine Express can be described in two parts. The first part focuses on the people boarding the train and the problems they encounter on it. The second part takes place after the train has stopped at its half-way point, an island that used to be home to an ancient civilization millennia ago and has its fair share of secrets.
The plot of Marine Express can be described in two parts. The first part focuses on the people boarding the train and the problems they encounter on it. The second part takes place after the train has stopped at its half-way point, an island that used to be home to an ancient civilization millennia ago and has its fair share of secrets.
Comic Book
5,000 years ago, the Triton Family was living peacefully in Atlantis until the Poseidon Family destroyed them all. Triton, of the Triton Family line, embarks on an adventurous life in the sea fighting the Poseidon Family.
흰 뿔과 사람들을 밝게 행복하게 하는 힘을 갖기 때문에 하나님의 명령으로 서풍에 의해서 망각의 골짜기로 추방된 유니코. 거기에서 외로운 꼬마 악마와 만나 그와 조금씩 마음을 열며 우정을 쌓아간다. 이후 인간의 이기심에 버려지고도 인간을 믿고 인간 소녀가 되고 싶어 하는 허영심 많은 고양이 자오와 친해지는데...
Bander is a 17-year-old boy from Earth who lives on a distant planet, which is populated by human shape-shifters who feed off of vegetables and animal tails. Violence soon breaks out, as invaders launch an attack on Bander's new planet. This was Japan's first 2-hour animated film for television. The program received high ratings when broadcast as part of a set of 24-hour TV programs called "Ai wa Chikyu wo Sukuu" on Nippon Television. After a long gap since his last animated film for television, this work fully reflects Osamu Tezuka's desire to achieve theatrical quality with this production.
Bander is a 17-year-old boy from Earth who lives on a distant planet, which is populated by human shape-shifters who feed off of vegetables and animal tails. Violence soon breaks out, as invaders launch an attack on Bander's new planet. This was Japan's first 2-hour animated film for television. The program received high ratings when broadcast as part of a set of 24-hour TV programs called "Ai wa Chikyu wo Sukuu" on Nippon Television. After a long gap since his last animated film for television, this work fully reflects Osamu Tezuka's desire to achieve theatrical quality with this production.
아주 오랜 옛날 불새(봉황)과 함께 했던 시절, 불새의 피를 마시면 영원히 산다는 전설을 위해 불새를 잡기위해 동분서주 했던 사람들. 더 살기 위해 몸부림쳐야해고 살아남으려 노력했던 이들. 잃지 않기 위해 불새의 피를 원했던 이들의 이야기!
아주 오랜 옛날 불새(봉황)과 함께 했던 시절, 불새의 피를 마시면 영원히 산다는 전설을 위해 불새를 잡기위해 동분서주 했던 사람들. 더 살기 위해 몸부림쳐야해고 살아남으려 노력했던 이들. 잃지 않기 위해 불새의 피를 원했던 이들의 이야기!
Character Designer
A tiny girl, only as long as a man's thumb, is born to a childless woman, abducted by frogs who want her to marry their son, but escaping instead (with the help of a bumblebee) to find a real prince without having to kiss the frog first.
The story surrounds a boy and a cow who have always lived their lives together. One winter, a famine strikes their village. The villagers resolve to the cow, but the boy secretly helped the cow escape. A few years ago, the boy (now grown-up) and the cow meet again...
The story surrounds a boy and a cow who have always lived their lives together. One winter, a famine strikes their village. The villagers resolve to the cow, but the boy secretly helped the cow escape. A few years ago, the boy (now grown-up) and the cow meet again...
Original Story
Komori Tiaki is a budding tennis student, however one day in training her coach hits the ball into her eye accidentally. She is taken to hospital but it advised that she will never regain the sight in her eye. Her coach knows of a mysterious doctor 'Blackjack' who lives in a secluded house, who might be able to help. 'Blackjack' agrees to do the operation, but for a 'substantial reward'! Her sight is regained, but now she starts to see a mysterious man that is invisible to those around her....
A daring low-budget take on Osamu Tezuka's "The Firebird," a monumental work in the history of manga.
The hero of Wansa-kun was Wansa, a husky puppy who is sold for a pittance, then escapes, and spends much time looking for his mother. During his adventures on the street he meets friends, enemies and his beloved girlfriend. This OVA reunites the complete series aired on TV.
영주로부터 겁탈당한 한 여인이 악마의 힘을 빌려 복수하는 내용의 애니메이션 영화
Three people from the future, who travel spiritually to the era of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra VII Philopator and her Roman lovers Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, become their closest friends as they try to unravel the nature of the plan developed in their own time by a sinister enemy.
Three people from the future, who travel spiritually to the era of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra VII Philopator and her Roman lovers Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, become their closest friends as they try to unravel the nature of the plan developed in their own time by a sinister enemy.
Three people from the future, who travel spiritually to the era of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra VII Philopator and her Roman lovers Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, become their closest friends as they try to unravel the nature of the plan developed in their own time by a sinister enemy.
A puppy, Poko, jumps out of a refrigerator and takes a boy, Misuke, to an ice world full of adventure through the refrigerator. In the ice world, there is a girl called Nally who wants warm food. So they try to find some warm food for her, but everything freezes so quickly in the ice world...
A puppy, Poko, jumps out of a refrigerator and takes a boy, Misuke, to an ice world full of adventure through the refrigerator. In the ice world, there is a girl called Nally who wants warm food. So they try to find some warm food for her, but everything freezes so quickly in the ice world...
Executive Producer
This is an animated version of Yanase Takashi's picture book featuring the friendship between a mother dog, Muku-muku, who lost her puppy, and the baby lion Buru-buru, who lost her mother.
Executive Producer
바그다드의 한 마을에 찾아온 청년 물장수 아르딘은 노예시장에서 팔려나갈 뻔한 미녀 밀리엄을 발견하고 대형 토네이도가 마을을 덮쳐 혼잡한 틈을 타 그녀를 데리고 간다. 이 때부터 아르딘의 파란만장한 인생이 시작된다. 밀리엄의 죽음, 40인의 도적, 여자만 사는 섬, 거인이 있는 섬, 마왕의 배. 그리고 보물을 둘러싸고 국왕의 자리를 건 싸움, 밀리엄과 닮은 소녀와의 만남 등 아르딘의 모험은 계속된다.
바그다드의 한 마을에 찾아온 청년 물장수 아르딘은 노예시장에서 팔려나갈 뻔한 미녀 밀리엄을 발견하고 대형 토네이도가 마을을 덮쳐 혼잡한 틈을 타 그녀를 데리고 간다. 이 때부터 아르딘의 파란만장한 인생이 시작된다. 밀리엄의 죽음, 40인의 도적, 여자만 사는 섬, 거인이 있는 섬, 마왕의 배. 그리고 보물을 둘러싸고 국왕의 자리를 건 싸움, 밀리엄과 닮은 소녀와의 만남 등 아르딘의 모험은 계속된다.
This is the story of a friendship between a boy named Taro and the mysterious Wonder-kun, using "the first dream of the New Year" as a motif. Guided by Wonder-kun, Taro departs on a space trip searching for adventure...
The creation of Earth and Mankind. And how God changed his mind.
A boy with supernatural powers is recruited to help Prince Norman in fighting against space invaders from the Planet Guerdan.
A boy with supernatural powers is recruited to help Prince Norman in fighting against space invaders from the Planet Guerdan.
Before producing a TV series, a pilot film was made to let sponsors and television stations grasp the work's pervasive quality. This is the pilot film for "Dororo" in which the characters are closer to those of the original story compared to the characters in the TV series. The faces and personalities of the characters in the TV series are altered from time to time to gain popularity among its viewers. As a result, sometimes viewers really loved it, but at other times it didn't go over as well. The pilot for "Dororo" was made in color, but the TV series was monochrome due to a tighter budget. The story depicts a journey in which the boy thief named Dororo and a cursed man called Hyakkimaru destroy monsters. Hyakkimaru can be a complete "human" only after he destroys 48 devils.
Before producing a TV series, a pilot film was made to let sponsors and television stations grasp the work's pervasive quality. This is the pilot film for "Dororo" in which the characters are closer to those of the original story compared to the characters in the TV series. The faces and personalities of the characters in the TV series are altered from time to time to gain popularity among its viewers. As a result, sometimes viewers really loved it, but at other times it didn't go over as well. The pilot for "Dororo" was made in color, but the TV series was monochrome due to a tighter budget. The story depicts a journey in which the boy thief named Dororo and a cursed man called Hyakkimaru destroy monsters. Hyakkimaru can be a complete "human" only after he destroys 48 devils.
A series of short animated segments, without dialog, explore major characters of modern society, such as the plastic surgeon, the fashion-obsessed woman, the rumor-monger, and others, leading to a concluding comment on the progress of civilization.
The story of a white lion cub growing to become the king of the jungle. The movie is an edited version of the 1965 Japanese television series of the same name based on the eponymous 1950s manga. The first 2 minutes of this film are taken from the Jungle Emperor Leo (1965) TV series, while the rest is all original. Tezuka was very pleased that this film conveyed his story accurately, something he wasn't able to do with the TV series.
This is a pilot film for an animated TV program based on "Son-goku the Monkey." In order to get an idea of the reaction of children, its main audience, a preview was held at an elementary school. It received complaints that Son-goku was portrayed too nicely.
A sailor is desperate for fresh water to drink while adrift on a raft in the sea.
During another routine day at the farm, a chicken refuses to part with her egg. The supervising rooster resolves the issue in one shot. The other chickens furiously escape with their eggs, but freedom is a luxury.
During another routine day at the farm, a chicken refuses to part with her egg. The supervising rooster resolves the issue in one shot. The other chickens furiously escape with their eggs, but freedom is a luxury.
This was the first episode of Mushi Pro Land, a unique series of 60-minute animated programs. It was also Japan's first 60-minute animated TV program. However, the series never materialized and only this episode was actually aired. The story follows Stevenson's "Treasure Island," featuring characters in the form of animals. For example, the pirate Silver is illustrated as a wolf, where the main character Jim is changed into a rabbit. This has, therefore, nothing to do with the "New Treasure Island," Tezuka's masterpiece Manga.
This was the first episode of Mushi Pro Land, a unique series of 60-minute animated programs. It was also Japan's first 60-minute animated TV program. However, the series never materialized and only this episode was actually aired. The story follows Stevenson's "Treasure Island," featuring characters in the form of animals. For example, the pirate Silver is illustrated as a wolf, where the main character Jim is changed into a rabbit. This has, therefore, nothing to do with the "New Treasure Island," Tezuka's masterpiece Manga.
Wonder 3 pilot episode (entitled The Amazing Three in the United States). In the pilot a few characters looked slightly different. Bokko's appearance was more rabbit-like and less feminine, and she didn't yet have the black tips on her ears, or the tuft of black hair on her head. Pukko didn't have his Beatle haircut. And Koichi looked much the same, but his face was altered slightly for the series. The pilot for the series is largely the same as the first episode – and some footage was reused for the first episode – but differs in a few respects; mostly with regards to how Bokko, Nokko, and Pukko first meet Shinichi. It is also only about 15 minutes long, and ends with Koichi's discovery of a hidden base, which isn't part of the first episode.
Original Concept
A dreamy boy in a distant country saves a fish beached on the shore. When he lets it loose in a pool of water, the fish turns into a beautiful mermaid.
A dreamy boy in a distant country saves a fish beached on the shore. When he lets it loose in a pool of water, the fish turns into a beautiful mermaid.
A dreamy boy in a distant country saves a fish beached on the shore. When he lets it loose in a pool of water, the fish turns into a beautiful mermaid.
A dreamy boy in a distant country saves a fish beached on the shore. When he lets it loose in a pool of water, the fish turns into a beautiful mermaid.
This is a short, privately produced animated film. While elucidating the mystery and fuzziness as well as merits and demerits of memory in idealizing reality, the story develops into a tale of destruction of human beings, turning the existence of the earth into a memory of the universe. The production, only 5 minutes long, greatly helps expand the viewer's imagination, embodying the enchantment of animation.
A man is sitting in a dark room, looking anxious, while his tomcat explains the man why he needs some privacy.
Executive Producer
The sad and happy times of a young girl and her bear doll, a young mouse and his family, a sycamore tree, an old lamp post, a hoodlum moth and an alleyway full of posters coming to life.
A man is sitting in a dark room, looking anxious, while his tomcat explains the man why he needs some privacy.
The sad and happy times of a young girl and her bear doll, a young mouse and his family, a sycamore tree, an old lamp post, a hoodlum moth and an alleyway full of posters coming to life.
Two young aspiring adventurers, Sindbad and Ali, find an old sailor who has washed up on the shore. With his final breath, the sailor tells them a tale of a hidden treasure and hands over the map he had held on to through his trials. And so, the two would-be heroes are off for adventure. But the road to riches is paved with hardships: their travels lead from stowing away on a ship to the sultan's dungeons -- only to escape with the sultan's daughter in tow!
Comic Book
A monkey king who learns the secrets of magic goes on a spree and causes no end of aggravation for the gods, who finally imprison him. In order to make up for all the trouble he's caused, he is sent on a mission to accompany a prince who is the son of the gods on a journey through a land filled with dangers, monsters, cannibals and demons.