Aleksey Rozin

Aleksey Rozin

프로필 사진

Aleksey Rozin

참여 작품

What's wrong with me? Why did Mom leave me? Why don't we know each other? And these are not all the questions that seventeen-year-old Dasha is now asking herself and the world. However, they all invariably come down to the figure of the mother. In search of answers, Dasha escapes from the suffocating care of her father and finds herself next to her mother who has forgotten how to love.
Vanya is a salesperson in the Hunter and Fisher shop. Kristina is a ballerina at the Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre. Kristina jokingly calls Vanya a "retro person" for her love of everything old. She herself is a modern person, nostalgia for the romantic past is not characteristic of her. And yet, these two dissimilar people have something in common - the fear of loneliness and the obsession with starting a family.
The plot of the film develops in Moscow in the 1930s. A famous writer on the rise of his career suddenly finds himself at the center of a literary scandal. The play based on his play is removed from the repertoire, colleagues defiantly avoid meeting, in a matter of days he turns into an outcast. Soon after, he meets Margarita, who becomes his lover and muse. Inspired by her love and support, the writer takes on a new novel, where the characters are people from his environment, and the main character is the mysterious Woland, whose prototype is a recent acquaintance foreigner. The writer plunges headlong into the world of his novel and gradually ceases to notice how fiction and reality are intertwined into one whole.
The Lesser Evil
The relationship between the spouses Vika and Max has been cold for a long time, Max is not ready to lose Vika, so he is looking for different ways to return the former intimacy to the relationship with Vika. Max is even ready to have a child, but, unfortunately, he is infertile.
Land of Legends
The history of the confrontation between two worlds: the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Ural Parma, the ancient Perm lands inhabited by pagans. Here heroes and ghosts, princes and shamans, Voguls and Muscovites will clash. At the center of the conflict of civilizations is the fate of the Russian prince Mikhail, who fell in love with the young Tiche, a witch-lamia capable of taking on the form of a lynx. Passion for the pagan and fidelity to forbidden love, a campaign against the Voguls, bloody battles and a short peace, the battle between Muscovy and Parma, the hero will face trials in which it is not so terrible to part with life as to commit treason.
아이스 데몬
크슈샤는 10년 전 엄마와 자신을 버리고 떠난 아빠 마트베이가 산에서 혼수상태로 발견되었다는 연락을 받는다. 10년간 대체 무슨 일이 있었던 건지 혼란스러운 크슈샤와 엄마 타냐. 타냐는 혼수상태에 빠진 마트베이를 집으로 데려와 성심성의껏 보살피고, 그동안 마트베이 대신 타냐 곁을 지켜 온 미샤는 갑작스러운 남자의 등장으로 불안해한다. 타냐는 날이 갈수록 마트베이에게 집착하며 이상 행동을 보이는 와중에 마트베이를 최초로 발견했던 목격자는 악마를 보았다는 말을 남기고 사망하는데…
Женский взгляд
A sensuous anthology of five short stories directed by young female directors with their own unique vision. Each of the stories in its own way examines different aspects of the life of modern women, plunging into their problems and experiences. The novel "Kindred Spirit" tells about a prostitute's love date with a major, and in "Marjanja" the sisters are looking for ways to come to an understanding. The heroes of the novel "Schrodinger's Paradise" are desperately searching for their Self, and the will of chance comes to their aid. In the "Issue", the main character realizes the falsity of her relationship with her best friend and keenly anticipates the passing of youth, and in the "Observer", the characters meet a real soul mate and find true happiness.
The film-spectacle “UFO” is the story told by people from the different countries around the world about their contact with an extra-terrestrial civilization. The play is some kind of therapy, as it touches on the basic structures of human mentality, such as egoism, safety, belief in god, gratitude, the spiritual path, etc. According to statistical research, 6 million people claim that they have had contact with aliens; 2 million of them say that they have been hijacked and spent some time in an unknown space. Only 9 tell about something absolutely unbelievable.
Present Future
Once Upon a Time...
A documentary about the Russian movie "Loveless" by Andrey Zvyagintsev
바바 야가: 숲의 악령
Alexey, father
젊은 가족이 시 외곽의 새 아파트로 이사하며 새로 태어난 아기의 보모를 고용한다. 보모가 집에 들어오면서 이상한 일이 벌어지자 아들 이고르가 부모에게 말하지만 부모는 그 말을 믿지 않는다. 어느 날 집에 돌아온 이고르는 보모와 아기가 사라지고 부모가 이상한 행동을 하며 아기가 있었다는 사실을 기억 못 한다는 사실을 깨닫는다. 친구와 함께 아기를 찾아 나선 이고르는 보모가 바바 야가로 알려진 고대 슬라브 악령이라는 것을 알게 되는데...
Michael Mil
A story about Russian aerospace engineer and scientist, creator of well-known Soviet helicopter Mi-1 and the founder of Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant
Short film created specifically for Auction 2019
Let's Call Her Lisa
With her the husband and her mother Katya lives in a small provincial town and works at the local factory. The mother suddenly falls ill and decides to transfer her property to her son, Katya’s brother. Katya feels this decision to be unjust, and begins to fight for her inheritance. In pursuit of imaginary material well-being Katya decides on a most desperate act.
A regular couple after years of relationship struggles to find the way to their happiness.
이혼을 앞둔 부모가 자신을 서로에게 떠넘기고 있다는 사실을 알게 된 열두 살 소년이 어느 날 갑자기 사라진다. 아이의 실종을 대수롭지 않게 여기던 부부는 며칠이 지나도록 아이가 돌아오지 않자 소년의 행방을 쫓기 시작한다.
작은 바닷가 마을에서 사랑스러운 아내, 아들과 함께 살고 있는 평범한 아버지 콜랴. 부패한 시장이 호화 별장을 짓기 위해 그의 집을 빼앗으려 하면서 콜랴의 삶은 걷잡을 수 없이 흔들리기 시작한다. 콜랴는 유능한 변호사 친구의 도움을 받아 이 상황을 이겨내려 하지만, 법을 뛰어넘는 막강한 권력을 가진 시장은 그를 더욱 궁지로 몰아가는데… 권력이라는 괴물에 맞서는 평범한 아버지의 치열한 생존 싸움이 시작된다!
The Invisibles
Suddenly, on New Year Eve, Yuri becomes invisible. And very surprised after discovering that there is a lot of invisible people like him in Moscow.
Till Night Do Us Part
A genuine satiric comedy, based on real conversations - both amusing and sad - overheard by a journalist in one of the most expensive Moscow restaurants. Hilarious and revealing, this is a film about women who choose between affection and money, film producers that don't really know what they're filming, and weary businessmen who sometimes say screw it, down a shot and leave their mother-in-laws to pay the bill. But most of all, it's about true love that favors noisy kitchen floor over gilded fine-dining halls.
Bullet Collector
A haunting, violent tale of a youth lost in an uncaring world, Bullet Collector is visual, nightmarish masterpiece. A shy 14-year-old boy, disconnected from home life and school, and sent to a hellish reform school, eventually lashes out on the injustices of his life.
프롤레타리안 엘레나(Elena)와 상류 계층의 블라디미르(Vladimir). 둘은 블라디미르가 병원에 입원했을 때 간호사와 환자로 만났다. 늦은 나이에 둘은 부부가 되었다. 엘레나에게는 실업자 아들과 며느리, 손자가 있고, 블라디미르에겐 집 밖을 나도는 천방지축 딸이 있다. 서로의 자식을 바라보는 시각이 곱지 않은 둘. 늘 엄마인 엘레나에게 돈을 요구하는 실업자 아들이 못마땅한 블라디미르는 그녀의 손자가 대학교에 갈 수 있도록 금전적 지원을 해달라는 부탁을 묵살해 버린다.
Bear Hunting
Остросюжетный боевик, где переплетаються большие деньги и большая политика, любовь и предательство, жизнь и смерть. Олег Гринев по прозвищу Медведь (Валерий Николаев) работает на фондовой бирже. Безошибочное финансовое чутье и многолетний опыт брокера позволяют ему задумать большую игру. Начиная ее, он не просто хочет заработать много денег. Главная цель - создать условия для возрождения экономики новой России, но есть и ещё одна, личная - отомстить за смерть отца. Олег даже не подозревает, насколько круто ""большая игра"" изменит его жизнь, и что в финале будет раскрыта тайна, хранимая несколько десятилетий...
Страсти по Матвею
The White List
During a nationwide moral panic caused by a recent spike in teenage suicides two federal investigators are sent to a small Russian town to review a cold case involving a suspicious death of a schoolgirl. Initially seeing their task as a mere PR stunt both gradually start to loose their focus as they venture deeper into the paranoid world of conspiracy theories surrounding the case.