Elio Germano
출생 : 1980-09-25, Roma, Italy
Elio Germano is an italian actor. For his role in the movie Mio fratello è figlio unico (2007), he won his first David di Donatello as best actor in a leading role. In 2010, he won the Best Actor Award, ex-aequo with Javier Bardem, at the Cannes Film Festival, for his interpretation in La Nostra Vita. He is also known for Tutta la vita davanti (2008), Diaz - Don't clean up this blood (2012), Il giovane favoloso (2014), Suburra (2015).
Ennio Scribani
작가인 알도 브라이반티는 청년과 관계했다는 이유로 투옥된다. 한편으로 개미 연구가인 그에게, 개미는 함께해야 길을 잃지 않고, 모든 것을 나누며, 서로를 배신하지 않는 존재다.
Massimo Sisti
치과의사 마시모는 이탈리아 라치오주 라티나 지역에 풀장이 딸린 단독 2층 가옥에서 치과를 운영하며 아내와 두 딸과 산다. 그런데 그의 가족이 사는 집이자 그의 치과는 외부와 동떨어져 외롭고 스산해 보인다. 어느 날 잘 가지 않던 집의 지하실에서 이상한 인기척을 느껴 살펴보러 다가간다. 놀랍게도 한 소녀가 지하실의 기둥에 입에 재갈이 물린 채로 묶여있다. 누군지도 알 수 없는 소녀를 누가 데려다 놓았는지 마시모는 혼란스럽다. 이제 그 주변 인물들이 의심스럽다. 그게 자기 친구일까? 아니면 자기의 전부인 사랑스러운 아내와 자기 딸들일까?
A short movie about coming back to the cinema after lockdowns.
A documentary about beloved italian actor Nino Manfredi.
Giorgio Rosa
1968년 이탈리아, 정부에게서 벗어나 자신만의 나라를 세운 남자. 바다 한가운데 직접 지은 인공 섬에서 그는 초소형 공화국의 대통령이 된다. 특별한 이상을 꿈꾸던 한 엔지니어의 이야기.
Bruno Placido
이탈리아 로마 근교 소도시의 여름. 아이들은 마당 풀장에서 물놀이에 여념이 없고 어른들은 함께 저녁식사를 하는 평범한 여름날의 광경이다. 하지만 정체를 알 수 없는 누군가의 목소리와 카메라의 시선은 그 안에 숨겨진 온갖 나쁜 것들(!)을 드러내기 시작한다. 이웃의 아내를 탐하는 아저씨의 시선, 아버지의 스마트폰 속 음란물을 열심히 연구하는 아들, 임신한 청소녀와 그녀에게 사로잡힌 꼬마.
Antonio Ligabue
The film tackles the life journey of Toni Ligabue, visionary naïf painter who used to draw tigers, lions and jaguars while living among the poplar trees of the boundless Po valley. A harsh life that is a fairy tale too, as a lonely and marginalized kid finds redemption in his art, and a way to express himself and be admired by the world.
날 때부터 하늘을 떠다닌 아이. 세상과 담을 쌓은 채 자란 그는 배낭을 멘 덕에 땅에 발을 붙인다. 방송에서 하늘로 떠오르며 스타가 되지만, 여전히 배낭을 못 벗는 남자. 배낭 대신 인연이란 끈으로 지상에 발을 붙일 날은 언제 올까.
During the evaluation of a plot of land, surveyor and distressed single mother Lucia meets a woman who claims to be Mary, the Mother of God.
Voce narrante
To avoid jail, a tax-dodging businessman is sentenced to a year of community service in a homeless shelter.
Nino Manfredi
Biopic on one of the most prominent Italian actors: Nino Manfredi. The movie recall the period between 1939 and 1959, depicting the difficult beginnings, his passion for acting and the encounter with the love of his life, Erminia.
Biopic on one of the most prominent Italian actors: Nino Manfredi. The movie recall the period between 1939 and 1959, depicting the difficult beginnings, his passion for acting and the encounter with the love of his life, Erminia.
“Binxet – Under the border” is a journey between life and death, dignity and pain, struggle and freedom. It takes place along the 911 km of the turkish-Syrian border. On the one hand the ISIS, in the other Erdogan’s Turkey. In the middle the borders and one hope. This hope is called Rojava, only one point on the chart of a troubled region, a region of resistance and an example of grassroots democracy that speaks about gender equality, self-determination of peoples and peaceful coexistence.
Back from the hospital where he has been treated after a heart attack, Lorenzo is on his way upstairs to his top-floor apartment in Naples when he meets Michela. The charming young woman, who has just moved to the facing apartment, has forgotten her keys and finds herself locked out. Cynical and grumpy, the retired lawyer who has been living estranged from the rest of the world, should normally leave her to her fate but he mellows under her spontaneous charm. He helps her, becomes friends not only with her but with her husband Fabio and their two children. For once, the self-declared misanthropist seems to be experiencing the long forgotten feeling of empathy.
Mario Pitagora
Giacomo befriends a con man, believing that he is the reincarnation of his dead father.
1209년 여름, 프란치스코와 ‘작은형제회’는 평등한 인간, 무소유의 삶을 교리로 삼고 교황청에 정식으로 새로운 수도회 설립을 인준해줄 것을 요구하지만 지나치게 이상적인 교리라는 이유로 거절당한다. 그러면서 ‘작은형제회’ 안에서 프란치스코에 반대하는 목소리가 높아지는데…
선량한 양치기 토마소의 마지막 소원을 들어주기 위해 어리석은 하인 풀치넬라가 베수비오 산에서 캄파니아로 파견된다. 그의 임무는 사르키아포네라는 어린 물소를 구하는 것. '불의 땅' 중심부, 토마소가 돌봐온 버려진 부르봉 양식의 저택에서 풀치넬라는 물소를 발견해 북쪽으로 향한다. 둘은 아름다운 이탈리아를 가로질러 긴 여정을 떠나고 그 끝에서 예상치 못했던 것을 찾게 된다.
Nadine is a French young woman. Fausto is an Italian young man trying to make it in Paris as a restaurant waiter. They accidentally meet at a five-star hotel. Both are fragile, alone and obsessed with the idea of an unattainable happiness. Their intense love is challenged by their own individual ambition and desperation.
2011년 11월, 혼돈의 이탈리아. 국회는 최악의 경제난에도 수부라 유흥 지구의 재개발법을 밀어붙이고, 여당의 정치인은 성매매 도중 어린 매춘부가 현장에서 마약쇼크로 죽는 사고가 발생한다. 하지만 사체 유기에 가담한 마피아는 오히려 정치인을 협박해 재개발 사업의 이권을 요구하고 나선다. 그리고 마침내 수부라 지역을 둘러싸고 정치권, 종교계, 마피아간의 거대한 음모가 하나 둘씩 드러나며 걷잡을 수 없는 범죄 전쟁이 시작되는데....
낮에는 능력 있는 비서로 밤에는 보스와 불륜을 즐기며 이중생활을 만끽하고 있는 ‘데니’. 보스의 장기 출장을 계기로 낯선 곳으로의 짧은 일탈을 꿈꾼다. 드라이브를 즐기다 우연히 방문한 시골 마을. ‘데니’가 가는 곳마다 모든 남성의 시선을 독차지하고 온 동네가 술렁이기 시작한다. 사람들의 뜨거운 시선을 즐기던 ‘데니’는 핫바디의 남자와 뜨거운 원나잇을 즐긴다. 자신의 화려한 삶을 만끽하던 ‘데니’는 차 트렁크에서 의문의 남자를 시체로 발견하고 경악한다. 더군다나 자신이 이전에도 이 마을을 방문했었다는 것과 모든 사람이 자신을 너무 잘 알고 있다는 놀라운 사실을 알게 된다. 낯선 동네에서 점점 기묘한 사건에 휘말리게 되며 헤어나올 수 없는 덫에 빠져드는데…
Giacomo Leopardi
서정적인 선율 속에서 뛰어다니는 세 남매를 보여주며 시작되는 이 영화는 19세기 이탈리아의 대표적인 낭만주의 시인 자코모 레오파르디의 삶을 소재로 한다. 엄격한 아버지의 교육 현장을 반영하는 초반부는 시대상을그대로 재현한 그림 같은 샷들로 구성되며, 전체적으로 19세기의 텍스처를 그대로 살린 실내 조명과 색감은 숭고미를 자아낼 정도로 감동적이다. 구속된 삶을 살았던 고향 레카나티에서부터 실연을 겪는 피렌체, 마지막 거처였던 나폴리에 이르기까지 실제 시인의 여정을 따라가다 보면 신체적 결함으로 인해 사랑과 동시에 죽음을 떠올려야만 했던 그의 시 세계에 한 발짝 더 가까이 다가갈 수 있다. 레오파르디 역의 엘리오 제르마노의 연기는 그야말로 타의 추종을 불허하며, 시를 읊으며 대단원을 장식하는 마지막 샷은 형언하기 힘든 감동을 준다. 모든 도서관 장면들은 실제 레오파르디가 작업했던 곳에서 촬영되었다고 한다. (이수원_2014년 제19회 부산국제영화제)
The life of a working-class boy in Rome through the '70s and '80s, choosing his own path with his lifetimes friends and family.
Two construction-workers, the brothers Cosimo and Elia are hired by a famous singer to do some work on his rural mansion, before he's due to make his big career comeback-concert in his home city. It all seems like an easy enough job, but the small town community doesn't like strangers.
Luca Gualtieri
2001년 제노바 G8 정상회담 마지막 날 자정 직전, 300명이 넘는 경찰들이 디아즈 학교를 급습하여 블랙 블록 시위대를 찾고 있었다. 학교 안에는 90명의 활동가들이 있었으며 대게는 유럽에서 온 학생들이었고 몇 명은 해외 기자들이었으며 이들은 그날 저녁 학교 바닥에서 잠 잘 준비를 하고 있었다. 경찰이 들이닥치자 젊은 시위자들은 손을 들고 항복했다. 하지만 시위대의 항복에도 경찰들은 남녀노소 가리지 않고 무차별적인 폭행을 하기 시작하는데…
An aspiring actor discovers that his spacious new apartment comes complete with eight friendly ghosts.
Il Toso
Young laborer Diego lives in the Roman suburbs and is about to marry Cinzia, his lifelong fiancée. His uncertain feelings are put to the test on the eve of the wedding, when, engaged in the renovation of a house in Trastevere, he comes across Viola, his boss's granddaughter, and becomes fascinated by her lifestyle, light-years away from his.
Folco Terzani
When an extraordinary man who has lived through all is approaching his end, he decides to call his son to join him for the last time at his home in Tuscany. His intention is to share some valuable conversations about his life as a press correspondent in Southeast Asia, about the political and social changes which he has seen, and about the spiritual transformation he has experienced in recent years. But for him the most important is to show his son how he is preparing for the last great adventure of a lifetime.
Claudio is a construction worker living in the outskirts of Rome. He's happily married and his wife is pregnant with their third child. However, a dramatic event comes to upset this simple and happy life.
희대의 매력남이자, 천재 영화 감독인 ‘귀도’는 자신의 아홉 번째 작품을 준비하던 중 머리를 식히기 위해 홀로 휴양지를 찾는다. 한숨 돌리며 작품을 구상하려 했지만, 아름다운 여배우 ‘클라우디아’와 유일한 안식처인 아내 ‘루이사’, 그리고 치명적인 매력의 요염한 정부 ‘칼라’를 비롯한 일곱 여인들의 아찔한 유혹에 빠지게 된다. 그러나 그녀들로부터 점점 작품에 대한 특별한 영감을 얻게 되고, ‘귀도’는 창작의 욕구가 되살아 나기 시작하는데…
Alfredo and Susanna are two well-off fifty-year-olds who lead a stimulating cultural life. He is an architect and she is a psychologist; they live in Rome but spend their weekends at their country home in Umbria, where they love to spend their days walking in the forests or relaxing poolside with a good book. One day, as she goes into town, Susanna sees a girl prostituting herself in the bushes on the side of the road and decides to save her from her unhappy existence, despite the enormous differences that separate their ways of life.
Quattro Formaggi
A 14-year-old boy and his neo-Nazi dad are both outcasts in their suburban town.
Marco Baldini
Marco Baldini is a young man determined to become the voice of a major radio; he alternates between his job at Radio Deejay and his gambling addiction, that slowly consumes his life, his relationship with his girlfriend and his work skills.
A promising law student from a good family is driven by a cool cardsharper into a downward spiral of criminality, thus discovering an evil part of himself he has never known.
Lucio 2
Now 25, brilliant Marta seems to have her whole life ahead after majoring in philosophy, but she has to face the ugly truth for young graduates in Italy: a complete lack of work opportunities outside of temp jobs. While babysitting for single mother Sonia, she starts to work at the call center of a company selling junk to housewives, quickly rising through its ranks and experiencing first-hand the fanatical and exploitative competition culture pushed on young employees. Around her revolve other people, like delusional supervisor Daniela, her boss Claudio, fragile coworker Lucio, and well-meaning but inconsistent union official Giorgio.
Forty year-old Bruno Ledeux, seen sitting across from the doctor, gives the impression of a man who is no longer young but not yet old.Condemned to remain nothing more than a son, he begins his downward slide, as if a fog had shut him in a cage from which there is no escape. Bruno can never have children .He says nothing about this diagnosis to Anne, his beloved wife. Nor does he tell her about a large debt he has taken out. It is as if Bruno were a man without any qualities or talents. A mediocre man who has lost all pride. Though now everything appears hazy in his memory. Like a river that flows peacefully, showing no signs of the hidden currents at work below. But at times those currents can return to the surface. Without warning.
Accio Benassi
Accio and Manrico are two working-class brothers in 1960s Italy: older Manrico is handsome, charismatic, womanizing, and loved by all, while younger Accio is moody, hotheaded, and lives everything as if it was a war, much to his parents' chagrin. When the former is drawn into left-wing politics, Accio joins the fascists out of spite. His flimsy beliefs are put to test when he meets Manrico's like-minded girlfriend, falling in love with her.
Martino Papucci
Elba island, 1814. Martino is a young teacher, idealist and strongly anti Napoleon, in love with the beautiful and noble Baroness Emily. The young man finds himself serving as librarian to the Great Emperor in exile, whom he deeply hates, yet soon begins recording Napoleon's memoirs, getting to know and learning to value the man behind the myth. Among seductions and affairs, expectations and fears, he will craft a precise portrait that nevertheless will not manage to hide a final, inevitable, disappointment.
Uomo Bambino
An adolescent girl, living with her mother and her grandmother, will have her first sexual experiences in a heavy and excessive way.
Following the shooting of a film on the life of Jesus called This Is My Blood, Marie Palesi, the actress who plays Mary Magdalene, takes refuge in Jerusalem in search of the truth behind the myth. The director of the film, Tony Childress, who also plays Jesus, can think of only one thing: self-promotion. Meanwhile in New York, television journalist Ted Younger presents a programme about the life of Jesus.
After serving prison time for a juvenile offense, Freddo gathers his old buddies Libano and Dandi and embarks on a crime spree that makes the trio the most powerful gangsters in Rome. Libano loves their new status, and seeks to spread their influence throughout the underworld, while the other two pursue more fleshly desires. For decades, their gang perpetrates extravagant crimes, until paranoia threatens to split the friends apart.
Iuri and Stella are two brothers with a strange relationship.
A private detective investigates her sister's suicide 16 years earlier.
During 2004 alone, 1400 people in Italy died at their workplace. 3,87 per day. This is the story of one of them.
귈리오는 가끔 길 건너편에 사는 여자를 쌍안경으로 훔쳐보는 젊은 영화학도. 종종 엄마와 싸우는 모습을 그녀를 훔쳐보던 그는, 어느 날 그녀의 엄마가 시체로 발견 되자 범인을 추적하기 시작한다. 그 딸이 최근 비디오 가게의 한 남자와 알고 지낸다는 걸 알게 된 귈리오는 두 사람을 의심하기 시작하는데...
Herod is a Neapolitan boss who runs The Last Emperor, an infamous local, and Herodias is his vicious partner. Salomè is a young, immature and beautiful girl, desired by many men including her stepfather Herod. John is a protester held in captivity by the friends of Herod begins to read the sacred texts until he lost his mind becoming "the prophet". Passion and intrigue between different characters build a network of personal dramas and tragedies.
Manfredi Borsellino
In 1980 Paolo Borsellino was appointed with the preliminary investigations and the task of setting up a team which would later become the famous anti-mafia pool, investigating into the criminal activities of various mafia bands, in particular the gang headed up by Totò Riina.
A coming-of-age tale about three 18-year-olds just out of high school who go to a Greek island following one of the boys' older girlfriend.
2001. David, a university student about to graduate, gets involved in the anti-globalization movement after falling for activist Viola in the months preceding the fateful events of the G8 summit in Genoa.
Enzo Ferrari at 18 years
Story of Enzo Ferrari's rise from a successful race driver to one of the most famous entrepreneurs of all time. Being interviewed by a fictitious, intrusive young journalist he recalls his setbacks and personal losses.
Directed by Gian Tavarelli, Liberi (Break Free) centers on the freckle-faced Vince (Elio Germano), whose life in a Roman mountain village is unfulfilling, to say the least. His father Cenzo (Luigi Maria Burruano) lost his job after a local chemical plant closed; shortly afterward, Cenzo's wife Paola (Anita Zagaria) dumped him for a politician. Fed up, Vince travels to the beach town of Pescara and lands a job as a junior cook at a tourist resort. While there, he falls in love with Genny (Nicole Grimaudo), a waitress plagued by a phobia of traveling. Just as the romance begins to take off, Cenzo appears at Vince's doorstep demanding that his son help him get Paola back. ~ Tracie Cooper, Rovi
Pier Luigi
Grazia is a free-spirited mother-of-three married to shy fisherman Pietro and living on the idyllic but isolated island of Lampedusa in the Mediterranean Sea. She shows signs of manic depressive behavior — one moment she's laughing wildly and swimming half-naked in the sea, while the next she's curled in a ball on her bed. Out of her earshot, the adult members of her extended family vaguely discuss sending her to a facility of some sort in Northern Italy.
Paolo Soffiantini
이탈리아 카톨릭교도 움베르토(디에고 아바탄투오노 분)는 이웃의 유태인 레오네(세르지오 카스텔리토 분)에게 손님을 계속 잃자 싸움을 벌인다. 부모들은 견원지간지만 아이들은 누구보다 친한 사이. 꼬마들은 학교 단짝이고 그들의 형과 누나는 연인이다. 1938년 인종법(Race laws)이 공표되자 유태인은 일을 할 수도, 마음대로 사유재산도 가질 수 없게 된다. 두 집안은 남다른 우정과 연대를 보이게 되지만...
A Donatello award nominated short drama feature.
Paolo Da Giovane
An Italian comedy directed by Sergio Martino.
Andrea Cecconi