Martin Hynes

출생 : , Eugene, Oregon, USA

참여 작품

마술사의 코끼리
오래전 잃어버린 여동생 아델을 찾고 있는 피터가 시장에서 점술가를 만난다. 피터의 마음속에는 단 한 가지 질문밖에 없다. 동생이 아직 살아있을까? 점술가는 그에 대한 답으로 신비한 코끼리와 그 코끼리를 불러낼 마술사를 찾아야 한다고 말한다. 그 후로 불가능해 보이는 세 가지 과제를 완수하기 위해 험난한 여정에 오르는 피터. 이제 마을의 모습은 영원히 바뀌고, 피터에게는 일생일대의 모험이 펼쳐진다.
토이 스토리 4
Original Story
앤디와 작별한 우디는 새로운 주인 보니와의 생활에 적응 중이다. 보니는 처음 간 유치원에서 불안한 마음을 달래고자 포크를 가지고 새 장난감 포키를 만든다. 쓰레기에서 장난감으로 거듭난 포키는 자꾸 쓰레기통으로 도망치려 하지만 우디는 보니를 위해 포키를 돌봐주기로 한다. 어느 날 가족여행으로 함께 떠난 놀이공원에서 포키가 납치되고, 포키를 구하기 위한 모험을 하던 중 우디는 우연히 오래 전 헤어진 친구 보핍을 만난다. 우디는 주인 없이 자유로운 삶을 살고 있는 보핍을 보며 마음이 흔들리기 시작하는데...
The Go-Getter
When his mother dies, a teenager takes a road-trip in a stolen car to find his long-lost brother. Along the way he discovers a profound connection with the car-owner and with himself as well.
The Go-Getter
When his mother dies, a teenager takes a road-trip in a stolen car to find his long-lost brother. Along the way he discovers a profound connection with the car-owner and with himself as well.
스틸링 하바드
약혼녀 엘레인의 아버지가 경영하는 의료기 회사에서 일하는 존. 그들은 앨레인이 모아둔 돈을 찾으면서, 결혼생각에 부풀어 있다. 그녀는 함께 살집을 봐두었며 흥분한다. 존은 결혼 소식을 알리기 위해 하나있는 누나 패티를 찾아가고, 그 때 조카 노린의 하버드대 입학 소식을 듣게된다. 그러자, 존은 노린이 어렸을 때 하버드에 입학하면 학비를 대주겠다고 약속했던 말을 기억해낸다. 엉겁결에 약속을 지키겠다고 말한 존은 집 살 돈과 조카의 학비 중 어느 것을 선택해야 할지 고민에 빠지는데.. 코미디 영화 전문 배우들이 총출동한 영화. 제이슨 리, 톰 그린, 데니스 페리나 등 한국 배우로 치자면 박상면, 손현주 같은 감칠맛 나는 연기를 선보이는 코미디. 캐다나의 유명한 코미디 집단인 'Kids in the Hall'에서 활동하던 브루스 맥쿨로치 감독이 연출한 영화이다.
The Big Split
Writer/director Martin Hynes also stars in this romantic comedy, in which love springs from the ruins of a failed marriage. Frank (Hynes) is a composer who works as a driving instructor to pay his bills. Tracy (Judy Greer) is a New York-born documentary filmmaker who is learning to drive. Soon the two are engaged, much to the astonishment of their friends. At the reception, the marriage gets off to a rocky start when Frank refuses to dance. Later, Tracy's own quirks begin to manifest themselves, such as not sleeping in the same bed as her husband and not wanting to introduce herself as his wife. After three months, they call it quits. But they soon realize that lingering affection remains, and they cautiously try one more time.
The Big Split
Writer/director Martin Hynes also stars in this romantic comedy, in which love springs from the ruins of a failed marriage. Frank (Hynes) is a composer who works as a driving instructor to pay his bills. Tracy (Judy Greer) is a New York-born documentary filmmaker who is learning to drive. Soon the two are engaged, much to the astonishment of their friends. At the reception, the marriage gets off to a rocky start when Frank refuses to dance. Later, Tracy's own quirks begin to manifest themselves, such as not sleeping in the same bed as her husband and not wanting to introduce herself as his wife. After three months, they call it quits. But they soon realize that lingering affection remains, and they cautiously try one more time.
The Big Split
Writer/director Martin Hynes also stars in this romantic comedy, in which love springs from the ruins of a failed marriage. Frank (Hynes) is a composer who works as a driving instructor to pay his bills. Tracy (Judy Greer) is a New York-born documentary filmmaker who is learning to drive. Soon the two are engaged, much to the astonishment of their friends. At the reception, the marriage gets off to a rocky start when Frank refuses to dance. Later, Tracy's own quirks begin to manifest themselves, such as not sleeping in the same bed as her husband and not wanting to introduce herself as his wife. After three months, they call it quits. But they soon realize that lingering affection remains, and they cautiously try one more time.
George Lucas in Love
George Lucas
1967 film student George Lucas has writer's block trying to finish his "Space Wheat" script, until a beautiful fellow student with a familiar hairstyle teaches him that the best stories are in plain sight.
Blue City
Assistant Director
It's morning in Blue City. Amidst a bleak industrial landscape, a boy, a suicidal man, and two car thieves continually cross paths. In the end, the most unlikely candidate emerges unscathed.