Martin Hynes

Рождение : , Eugene, Oregon, USA


The Magician's Elephant
Peter is searching for his long-lost sister when he crosses paths with a fortune teller in the market square. His one one question is: is his sister still alive? The answer, that he must find a mysterious elephant and the magician who will conjure it, sets Peter off on a journey to complete three seemingly impossible tasks that will change the face of his town forever.
История игрушек 4
Original Story
Космический рейнджер Баз Лайтер, ковбой Вуди, собака Спиралька, тиранозавр Рекс и вся команда игрушек снова вместе, и они как никогда готовы к приключениям. С тех пор как Энди поступил в колледж, игрушки поселились в доме своей новой хозяйки Бонни. В свой первый день в школе Бонни смастерила себе из отходов новую игрушку Вилкинса, что положит начало череде событий, в которой найдётся место и путешествиям с погонями, и знакомству с новыми игрушками, и встречам с некоторыми из старых друзей, и даже романтической истории.
The Go-Getter
When his mother dies, a teenager takes a road-trip in a stolen car to find his long-lost brother. Along the way he discovers a profound connection with the car-owner and with himself as well.
The Go-Getter
When his mother dies, a teenager takes a road-trip in a stolen car to find his long-lost brother. Along the way he discovers a profound connection with the car-owner and with himself as well.
Мой криминальный дядюшка
Фильм о двух друзьях Джона и Даффа. Они очень разные по характеру, но их крепкая дружба заставит их совершить самые плохие поступки в жизни.
The Big Split
Writer/director Martin Hynes also stars in this romantic comedy, in which love springs from the ruins of a failed marriage. Frank (Hynes) is a composer who works as a driving instructor to pay his bills. Tracy (Judy Greer) is a New York-born documentary filmmaker who is learning to drive. Soon the two are engaged, much to the astonishment of their friends. At the reception, the marriage gets off to a rocky start when Frank refuses to dance. Later, Tracy's own quirks begin to manifest themselves, such as not sleeping in the same bed as her husband and not wanting to introduce herself as his wife. After three months, they call it quits. But they soon realize that lingering affection remains, and they cautiously try one more time.
The Big Split
Writer/director Martin Hynes also stars in this romantic comedy, in which love springs from the ruins of a failed marriage. Frank (Hynes) is a composer who works as a driving instructor to pay his bills. Tracy (Judy Greer) is a New York-born documentary filmmaker who is learning to drive. Soon the two are engaged, much to the astonishment of their friends. At the reception, the marriage gets off to a rocky start when Frank refuses to dance. Later, Tracy's own quirks begin to manifest themselves, such as not sleeping in the same bed as her husband and not wanting to introduce herself as his wife. After three months, they call it quits. But they soon realize that lingering affection remains, and they cautiously try one more time.
The Big Split
Writer/director Martin Hynes also stars in this romantic comedy, in which love springs from the ruins of a failed marriage. Frank (Hynes) is a composer who works as a driving instructor to pay his bills. Tracy (Judy Greer) is a New York-born documentary filmmaker who is learning to drive. Soon the two are engaged, much to the astonishment of their friends. At the reception, the marriage gets off to a rocky start when Frank refuses to dance. Later, Tracy's own quirks begin to manifest themselves, such as not sleeping in the same bed as her husband and not wanting to introduce herself as his wife. After three months, they call it quits. But they soon realize that lingering affection remains, and they cautiously try one more time.
Влюбленный Джордж Лукас
George Lucas
Джордж Лукас - пока еще не известный никому молодой, талантливый студент. Он ищет вдохновения для создания работы всей его жизни...
Blue City
Assistant Director
It's morning in Blue City. Amidst a bleak industrial landscape, a boy, a suicidal man, and two car thieves continually cross paths. In the end, the most unlikely candidate emerges unscathed.